Detox diet: benefits and harm to the body, sample menu

Often, after long holidays, the body feels heavy; if you want to get rid of this feeling, then detox is ideal for this. In addition, this type of nutrition can improve metabolism in the body, help with weight loss, and improve skin condition and appearance.

The essence is to competently build a diet by avoiding harmful foods. It is not difficult to carry out at home, the main thing is not to violate contraindications and follow the recommendations of nutritionists.

Indications and contraindications

In order not to cause disruption of the functioning of internal organs and not to feel negative consequences after an incorrectly carried out detox, you need to adhere to certain rules when carrying out it at home.

This fasting technique is suitable for those who experience problems from overeating, want to get rid of excess weight and reduce the load on the kidneys and liver. Also, detox at home can be carried out by those who experience worsening skin conditions.

In this case, contraindications must be taken into account:

  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not resort to detox at home;
  • People over 45 years old need to carry out detox at home under the supervision of a doctor;
  • a growing body (up to 18 years) should also not use therapeutic fasting;
  • This technique, carried out at home, is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from acute or chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • during an exacerbation of a chronic disease or in the presence of an infectious disease, detox is not recommended;
  • For people with diabetes, detox is also strictly prohibited.

green smoothie

Where it all started

If you look at my photo, you will see that even now, at 42, I am quite a large man. But until I was 34, I didn’t notice any problems with my health or my energy level. But somehow, imperceptibly, a change in the facade occurred, well, bags under the eyes, the complexion of the skin darkened, the tummy began to bulge and hang over the trouser belt, lethargy and weakness in the mornings, I began to scratch the back of my head and wonder - why is this? I don’t smoke, I regularly go in for sports, but my work is mostly sedentary, and I’m not used to watching my diet, I live by the principle, “Whatever you have, you can eat...”

detox diet for 10 days menu for every day

In my free time from my main classes, I began to become interested in the topic and began searching for a source of information, where, without any special medical frills and terms, in a form that was understandable and accessible to my brain, they explained how to deal with this, without resorting to the services of narrowly focused specialists.

One of the doctors, using a purely medical term, detoxification, that is, removing toxins and other harmful and debilitating things from the body, introduced a new direction - DETOX diet. It suited me like no other, because during the food restriction I did not have to experience a loss of strength (but I really wanted to eat, to be honest) and did not leave my usual working pace.


Before starting a detox, you need to choose one of the acceptable diet variations, each of which has its own characteristics and involves building a diet using specific foods.

Fasting on plain water

This is the most severe of all types of detox carried out at home. It consists of completely refusing food and drinking liquid, which is represented only by still water. This type can last up to 21 days, but long-term fasting is prohibited for beginners. For those who want to unload their body without fearing for their health, a one-day or three-day water detox is suitable.

water with lemon juice

Vegetable decoction fasting

This type of detox is based on drinking a decoction of vegetables three times a day for 4 days. In addition to broth, you can drink herbal teas without sugar and still water all day long. You can prepare the decoction at home according to the following recipe:

  • vegetables that should be preferred for preparing a decoction for detox are cabbage, celery, onions, carrots. It is forbidden to add starchy vegetables (radish, potatoes, corn). The selected products are cut into large cubes, filled with water and placed on the stove until boiling. After the vegetables have boiled for 10 minutes, remove the broth and strain. You can add healthy herbs and spices to the finished broth - parsley, coriander, ginger. The soup should not be salted and no dressing should be added to it.

vegetable broth

Juice detox

During this detox at home, you are allowed to build your diet on the basis of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Since fruits contain sugar, the proportion of vegetables in fresh juices should be greater.


Smoothie detox

A smoothie is a cocktail made from fresh berries, vegetables and fruits and topped with natural yogurt or freshly squeezed juice. A homemade smoothie detox is a form of juice fasting. Drinks in the form of juices and smoothies can be combined during detox.


Detox on cooked vegetables

At-home steam detox is based on recipes made from steamed vegetables. In addition to vegetables, the list of allowed foods includes lean meats and fish. It is forbidden to eat fried, smoked, sweet and salty foods.

vegetables for detox

Vegan detox

The diet is based only on plant foods. Vegetables, fruits and grains can be boiled, baked, but not allowed to be fried. You can also drink fresh vegetable and fruit juices and herbal teas all day. Baked goods and alcoholic beverages are also prohibited. Since it is easy to find an analogue of animal protein among plant products, the body does not experience a lack of nutrients and you can stick to such a diet for a long time - up to a month.


Diet preparation and rules

A detox program is a shake-up for the body, and you need to prepare for any changes. On average, the diet lasts several days, maximum 5-7. The longer you plan to maintain an unusual diet, the longer the preparation phase should be.

  1. A few days before completely changing your diet, reduce portions of protein foods and replace them with plant foods.
  2. Under no circumstances should you eat to your heart’s content for the purpose of “not wanting to go on a diet.”
  3. Reduce physical activity during the diet, but exercise vigorously before it. During cleansing, the body will experience stress, the immune system will weaken, and muscle mass will decrease.
  4. Eliminate foods from your diet that take a long time or are difficult to digest.
  5. Avoid coffee, sugar, salt and alcohol.
  6. Eat different colored fruits and vegetables as they have different properties. Read more in this article about the colorful diet.
  7. It is better to exclude dairy products as they are difficult to digest. The ideal substitute is soy milk or rice milk.
  8. It is better to maintain a home detox program in the fall or spring.
  9. Keep your diet varied. Fresh fruits and vegetables are best eaten before the main meal.

Rules and recommendations

When carrying out cleansing at home, follow these tips:

  • the optimal time to carry out a detox is the following periods: March-April and September-October;
  • any type of detox does not allow the use of salt and sugar in the menu;
  • Prohibited foods also include flour products, alcoholic beverages and smoked foods;
  • when detoxing, which includes solid food in the diet, it is better to use the principles of fractional nutrition - eat in small portions up to 5 times a day;
  • To improve the effect, it is recommended to combine detox with massage sessions. You can take salt baths and go to the sauna.

Preparing for cleansing at home

If you carry out a detox at home, you should understand that this is a sharp shake-up for the body, so it needs to be prepared so that giving up food does not become a shock and does not result in negative consequences.

It is necessary to start preparing for cleansing the body at home at least a month in advance - gradually eliminating heavy foods (fried, smoked and sweet foods) from consumption. Gradually removing harmful foods from your diet, you need to get closer to the fact that a week before detox, plant foods predominate in the daily menu. You can eat lean fish and meat, but reduce them to a minimum.

When preparing at home, you need to increase the number of servings, but reduce their size. You should also chew your food slowly without drinking water.

When I saw the result

If you follow my recommendations, then, like me, you will see and feel the results after the second ten-day course. And this is in 3 months. My wife didn’t want to wait SO LONG and, along with a 3-day detox diet, she took special dietary supplements 2 times a month. It took a long time to choose dietary supplements and settled on Reduxal weight loss capsules. Because they do not contain a single gram of synthetic vitamins, only plant extracts. My wife’s results became noticeable after a month and a half, she became slimmer and lost 9 kg.

reduxed divorce or not reviews


My result is more impressive - 15 kg, but I also gave myself the maximum detox program. By the way, after the weight dropped, my belly didn’t disappear anywhere... Workouts that weren’t exhausting helped me reduce my trouser size; a 15-minute jog once a day was enough. No, now, instructions.

Sample menu

For 3 days

The entire three-day detox diet should be based on a combination of vegetables, fruits and a small amount of grains.

1stSmoothie made with parsley, green apple and cucumber.Vegetable soup made from carrots, onions and celery.Broccoli and 100 grams of brown riceStill water, herbal tea made from thyme, chamomile or mint.
2ndFreshly squeezed cabbage juice mixed with lemon and cucumber juice.150 grams of boiled chicken breast and vegetable stew of broccoli, onions and carrots.Lentil cutlets and fresh cabbage and carrot salad.
3rdSmoothie made from celery stalk, green apple, cucumber and cilantro.Vegetable soup and spinach and fresh cabbage salad.150 g boiled fish and vegetable stew

For a week

When following a seven-day detox at home, you need to include a new product every day:

Day of the weekAllowed foods and dishes
Monday Liquids consumed in unlimited quantities:
  • still water;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices;
  • herbal teas
Tuesday Some fruits that have soluble fiber can be added to liquids:
  • plum;
  • apricot;
  • peach.
Wednesday The diet includes any greens and green vegetables:
  • pepper;
  • cucumber;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini
Thursday Grains are gradually being introduced into the menu:
  • Brown rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • bulgur

Vegetables can be used to make stews.

FridayAdd a handful of any nuts and dried fruits.
SaturdayFor breakfast you can eat oatmeal or pearl barley porridge, and at night drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
SundayThroughout the day, you can eat 1 piece of lean fish or poultry meat.


For 10 days

For a 10-day detox, you need to carefully prepare for your diet. Also, every morning you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach. A sample menu might look like this:

1stSandwich made from whole grain bread and fresh cucumberVegetable stew and 150 grams of brown riceVegetable soup and hard-boiled eggGreen appleStill water; water with lemon; herbal teas with mint, ginger or oregano; freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices
2ndCucumber and tomato salad with vegetable oilVegetable soup (without potatoes)Stewed vegetables (zucchini, carrots and onions), 2 slices of Adyghe cheese, hard-boiled eggGrapefruit
3rdCottage cheese (without sour cream) with an apple or a handful of raisinsCelery and carrot soupA small piece of boiled fish, cabbage and carrot saladFresh carrots
4thOrange, apple and kiwi saladBorscht without potatoesBoiled chicken breast, vegetable stew of cabbage, carrots and onionsHandful of hazelnuts
5thLow-fat cottage cheese, green applePumpkin soupA piece of fish cooked in the oven and a salad of cucumbers and tomatoesPeach
6thFruit salad of grapefruit, orange and appleBrown rice and vegetable stewCabbage salad, piece of boiled chicken meatA glass of low-fat kefir
7thWhole grain bread sandwich with avocado and tomatoCelery, carrot and onion soupBaked vegetables (broccoli, tomato, greens), sprinkle with grated cheese on topGreen apple
8thFresh carrot salad with lemon juiceSorrel, nettle and green onion soupBoiled cauliflower with onions and garlicGrapefruit
9thCucumber and cabbage salad with herbsBorscht without potatoesSteamed broccoli and a piece of boiled fishCocktail of cucumber, kiwi and parsley juice
10thSandwich made from whole grain bread with cottage cheese and herbsSoup from grated tomatoes with added herbsCabbage and cucumber salad with a piece of boiled chickenA glass of low-fat kefir

Sample menu for a month

When following a diet at home for 20 days or more, you can take a 7-day or 10-day menu as a basis and alternate dishes with each other. The main requirement of the detox diet menu for a month is the largest proportion of raw and boiled vegetables in the diet, the exclusion of salty, flour, fried and sweet dishes. Every morning you need to drink a glass of warm lemon water half an hour before breakfast, and a glass of low-fat kefir at night.


How to start a detox diet day

Any day out of the next ten should start with fruit. Not with tea, coffee, cocoa, they are also prohibited, but with a herbal decoction. There are many different herbs growing in our country and there are real magicians. This is St. John's wort, thyme, mint, fireweed, and many others that you already know.

During the day, you can organize porridge snacks several times, the main thing is a little at a time. Porridges made from the following cereals suited me very well as a snack:

pearl barley,



The main thing is not to sugar the porridge when preparing it, add a little salt, and do not use butter. If it’s too difficult to snack on lean buckwheat, add a spoon (no more) of olive oil to the porridge.

Several times during the course, you must definitely eat lightly sprouted grains. They contain special substances not available from other sources. And they are very, very useful and necessary for our body. Also, several times per course you need to consume low-fat kefir, yogurt, up to 100 grams. cheese, a little chicken fillet, cooked without salt and a few chicken eggs.

Homemade Detox Recipes

In order to prepare different variations of cleansing dishes at home, you can use healthy vegetables and fruits, combine them and make juices, smoothies or cocktails from them.

Cucumber and kiwi smoothie

Take 1 fruit of fresh cucumber and kiwi, add a bunch of parsley. Everything is whipped in a blender until a homogeneous drink is obtained.

Vegetable smoothie

Grind raw vegetables in a blender: beets, carrots, bell peppers and celery. Add a small spoon of lemon juice to them.

Green smoothie

To prepare a cleansing drink at home, you need to mix 3 ingredients in a blender: a green apple, a bunch of spinach and 100 grams of broccoli.

green smoothie

Orange and grapefruit cocktail

1 whole orange and ½ grapefruit are crushed in a blender. This cocktail can be supplemented with the juice of ½ lemon, but remember that it has a high acid content, so you should drink it only after meals.

Vegetable juice

Boil 1 medium beet, 1 carrot and 200 grams of pumpkin. Squeeze juice from vegetables. At home, a juicer or blender is suitable for this; drink 1 glass half an hour after eating.

Chamomile tea

This detox drink at home is prepared at the rate of: 1 large spoon of dried flowers per 250 ml of hot water. Dried flowers are poured with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. After this time, the tea is filtered.

chamomile tea

What foods can you use during a detox diet?

The main cleanser of the body is plant foods, so many consider detox to be one of the types of vegan nutrition. What foods can you eat without restrictions? By the way, “without restrictions” does not mean without measure, listen to your body, it is your best assistant.

detox diet to cleanse the body

Cauliflower, broccoli .
My wife and I immediately refused fresh white cabbage. Neither her nor my stomach is friendly with this vegetable. But we took out a 3-liter jar of sauerkraut and used it as an additive to porridge in the first half of the day. Broccoli and boiled cauliflower turned out to be my favorite vegetables. Beet . A necessary vegetable for proper liver function, it quickly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and saturates the blood with iron.

Asparagus . You can eat asparagus without restrictions and without measure, as well as parsley and dill, if you want. Asparagus is rich in a substance such as coumarin, which normalizes sugar levels, vitamin B6 strengthens the walls of the heart.

Citrus fruits . Anything: oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruit. Personally, I eat citrus fruits only during the ten-day course; on other days my body craves tomatoes more.

Bell pepper . For our family, this is a unique vegetable, in addition to the fact that it is not addictive; during a diet, pepper gives a feeling of vigor, it contains a lot of vitamin C and A.

Bananas, apples, pears . Apples saturate the body with quite rare vitamin P, iron and fructose, which is necessary for brain function. Bananas remain a source of magnesium and potassium.

Artichokes . They have choleretic properties, improve metabolic processes and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sea kale . This is probably the only product that can provide our body with a sufficient amount of iodine. I will not discover America if I say that ALL residents of the metropolis experience iodine starvation, hence all thyroid diseases. Our shield, which serves as a reliable barrier against viruses and is responsible for the production of hormones from a constant iota deficiency, cannot cope and the first thing you feel is a chronic loss of strength.


Iodized salt does not help the situation. Firstly, there is a minimal amount of iodine in such salt, secondly it evaporates naturally, and thirdly, at temperatures above 40 degrees it leaves the salt completely.

Sprouted grain. To obtain sprouts, a sufficiently pure grain of wheat and barley is required. Pour water over the oats and place in a warm place. In a day you will see that the grain is growing; within two days you should eat the sprouts. This is a unique natural dietary supplement that will saturate the body with ALL microelements.

Smoothies and herbal tea are part of the detox diet; on the menu for 10 days I prepare various smoothies 5-7 times a day, in between I snack on porridge and sprouts. My wife eats (or drinks) only smoothies for three days, eats sprouts, and refuses porridge.

detox diet for 10 days menu for every day

All these products are very effective for cleansing the body and have no contraindications, unlike juice therapy, when juices must be taken in strict proportions and strictly according to the regimen.

Exit from detox

Like any diet, detox at home requires the right way out. In order for the body to gradually get used to everyday food, you need to introduce one product at a time. If you follow a water detox, the solution looks like this:

  • on the first day after detox, raw vegetables are added;
  • the next day you can add boiled vegetables and some fruit;
  • then cereals are introduced into the diet;
  • after this fish and lean meat are added in small quantities;
  • Fermented milk products are the last to be included on the menu.

With any type of detox carried out at home, you need to spend at least a week on the way out, adding a little of your usual products. After leaving, you need to try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

water with lemon

Knowing how to conduct a detox at home, taking into account all the nuances of entering and exiting it and using general recommendations, you can cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins within a specific period of time.

Detox diet - prohibited foods

I won’t write much about what you should give up. If you've ever been on a diet, you know that:

  • sugar,
  • salt,
  • smoked-fried,
  • fish-meat,
  • tobacco-alcohol,
  • bread, buns, pastries

is strictly prohibited.

The main products to support the strength of our body will be fruits and vegetables, cereals, fermented milk products, chicken fillets and eggs. This is the base.

Well, then everything depends on you. There is no need to follow someone’s advice that offers ready-made menus planned for ten days. These are their passions. They felt this for themselves, and this does not mean that such a regime will be good for you. The main thing is to listen to your body, what it wants to consume today and right now.

The benefits and harms of detox

In addition to the problem of excess weight, detox relieves a wide range of diseases, such as:

  • allergies;
  • migraine;
  • digestive problems;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • acne;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Interestingly, the list of side effects largely coincides with the list of indications for use. Due to the use of laxatives, which are included in most complexes, diarrhea, nausea, dehydration and, as a result, destruction of intestinal microflora are added to this list. Which, in turn, leads to a decrease in immunity. That is why detoxification should take place under the supervision of specialists in a clinical setting after a full medical examination. In any case, detox days for weight loss are weekend or vacation time.

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