Fish diet for effective and quick weight loss

Do you know what the beauty secret of Victoria Beckham, Eva Longoria and Julia Roberts is? They all stick to a fish diet! Find out the 6 rules for creating a diet, choose one of 11 programs and lose excess weight!

  • Reviews from those who have lost weight

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

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on a fish diet

Fish is included in many weight loss methods, because it is rich in proteins (they account for 25%), valuable amino acids and minerals. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that a diet based on this product was developed. We will talk about its benefits, effectiveness and options right now.

Benefits of a fish diet

Perhaps no one doubts the benefits of seafood, and fish in particular. Fish of any variety is a real storehouse of beneficial substances necessary for the normal functioning of organs and all body systems.

It includes:

  • Vitamins : A, many representatives of group B (B1-B3, B12), vitamin D, which promotes good absorption of phosphorus and calcium;
  • Minerals : calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, lead, manganese, cobalt, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids , the concentration of which is very high: no product can compete with fish in terms of the content of these substances;

However, the benefits of fish do not end there. Perhaps it will be a real discovery for someone that the protein of this seafood is digested much faster and easier than the identical component contained in the same dietary meat: chicken, rabbit, beef, turkey. Any of these varieties are not fully digested, resulting in the onset of rotting processes in the intestines. In contrast to this seemingly most healthy food, fish is 100% absorbed by the human body.

The positive properties of this product include some others:

  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and stroke;
  • Preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques, which cause the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Antitumor effect;
  • Normalization of blood pressure and metabolic processes;
  • Strengthening the immune system.

What should you be careful with?

Despite the fact that fish is a very useful product, its consumption must be approached with the utmost caution. And this is due not only to the fact that it is an allergen and can provoke a severe allergic reaction in people who have an individual intolerance to it, but also for a number of other reasons.

Very often you can find parasites in fish

  1. Very often, parasites can be found in this product. In order to purchase fish that are safe to eat, you need to make a purchase only in well-established stores.
  2. Often, unscrupulous sellers disguise a stale product by freezing it. Do not buy frozen fish; always give preference only to the fresh variety.
  3. Before purchasing, the carcass should be carefully inspected and sniffed. There are some clever tricks to determine the degree of freshness of the product: for example, the absence of a specific fishy smell, clear eyes, pink-red tint of the gills, moisture in the scales, absence of mucus - all these are features that clearly indicate that you have a good product.
  4. You should not eat raw fish, because modern culinary inventions suggest its use in this form - we are talking about sushi and rolls, which, by the way, are prohibited in any dietary diet.
  5. Subject any fish dish to sufficient heat treatment: this will minimize the risk of infection with various diseases caused by individual parasites (if any).
  6. Before cooking, the fish must be thoroughly washed and thoroughly cleaned of scales, fins, and entrails. If parasites are found, the product should be discarded immediately.

Finally, the last rule, following which will protect you from eating the wrong foods, is to avoid smoked fish. In general, any smoked products are quite harmful: be it meat, sausage or delicious salmon. The fact is that a specific attractive aroma is created through the use of liquid smoke, which is simply replete with carcinogens hazardous to health. According to the results of recent studies, it is these substances that can provoke the development of malignant tumors in the human body, to say nothing of harm to the figure.

How to choose the right fish

Quite often, the process of losing weight is associated with giving up your favorite foods. However, this opinion is not suitable for this technique. Let's look at what fish is best to eat for weight loss. It differs from each other in calorie and protein content. So, it is recommended to eat too fatty fish a couple of times a week.

Buying tips:

  • Give preference to fresh or chilled fish.
  • Sea fish is great for weight loss.
  • If you have to purchase a frozen product, it is better to take a whole carcass rather than a fillet or piece.
  • Try not to buy fish that has been frozen several times. This can be seen from its appearance, the carcasses are frozen together, the ice is cracked.

How to cook fish so as not to gain weight? The best cooking options are: stewing, baking in the oven, cooking on the stove and steaming. From fish you can make very tasty fish soup, aspic, meatballs or meatballs. You can prepare dishes from vegetables or cereals as a side dish.

NOTE: Experts recommend using a fish diet once every 60 days.

Low-fat fish for diet ˗ list

Dietary nutrition, the guideline of which is weight loss, is based on the consumption of exclusively low-fat varieties of fish. In supermarket windows and markets in Russia you can find a whole variety of these species, among which you can find exactly the fish whose fillet is most suitable for your taste preferences.

Depending on the degree of fat content, there are skinny, moderately fat and fatty varieties. The latter are of little interest to us, since the meat of such fish (and most often it is red fillet) is very high in calories, and therefore not dietary.

Skinny types include:

  • Cod;
  • Pollock;
  • Pike;
  • Blue whiting;
  • Navaga;
  • Haddock;
  • Lemonema;
  • River perch.

The fat content of these varieties does not exceed 1%.

The list of types of skinny fish with a fat content of no more than 2% includes:

  • Argentinean;
  • Lamprey;
  • Flounder;
  • Burbot;
  • Amur;
  • Belorybitsa;
  • Roach;
  • Grayling;
  • Whitefish;
  • Mullet;
  • Omul;
  • Pristipoma.

Fish with a fat content of 4% is considered moderately fatty. Its presence in the diet is acceptable, but in limited quantities. Representatives of this group are:

Sea bass

  • Herring;
  • Sea bass;
  • Mackerel;
  • Carp;
  • Ice fish;
  • Rudd;
  • Chum salmon;
  • Capelin;
  • Horse mackerel;
  • Salaka;
  • Catfish;
  • Pink salmon;
  • Carp;
  • Catfish;
  • River bream;
  • Capelin;
  • Tuna.

Useful product

The advantage of fish over meat (chicken, beef and pork) is undeniable. For those losing weight, the fact that there is less fat in marine life plays an important role, and it breaks down much faster. However, preference should be given to certain types of fish.

Low fat varieties

This is the kind of fish that everyone who cares about their figure and health should pay attention to:

  • pollock;
  • hake;
  • cod;
  • river perch;
  • flounder;
  • whiting;
  • pike;
  • bream;
  • navaga.

These fish contain only up to 4% fat, which is why pollock and cod are so popular among people watching their figure.

In addition, even some vegetarians note the benefits of seafood. If they exclude meat from the menu completely, they can sometimes afford fish because it contains a large amount of useful substances and minerals.

Fatty varieties

Popular types of oily fish include:

  • mackerel (mackerel);
  • saury;
  • herring;
  • beluga;
  • acne;
  • halibut;
  • sturgeon;
  • silver carp.

During a diet, these types should be excluded, because sometimes they are several times more calorie than pork.

However, you can even afford fatty fish in small portions, since it contains more beneficial elements and omega acids than others.

Medium fat varieties

These types are rich in protein, so they will be equally useful for athletes and people on a diet. While losing weight, you can eat medium-fat fish once a week.

Moderately fatty fish:

  • Sea: salmon, tuna, pink salmon, sea bass, lean herring, sea bream, horse mackerel, herring.
  • River: carp, trout, catfish, carp, crucian carp.

As you can see, seafood is best suited for weight loss. It is good for the body, and if chosen correctly, it does not affect the figure in any way.

Calorie content

This principle is fundamental in the selection of dishes for the diet menu. The daily caloric intake depends on several factors, in particular, gender and age, so this parameter is calculated individually. Nutritionists recommend five meals a day, implying a serving size for an adult from 250 to 300 g. You should organize meals in such a way that together they make up the daily requirement of necessary calories. In addition, a lunch or evening meal, which most often includes fish, must also meet the calorie content: you can combine 100 g of seafood with 200 g of vegetable salad, but be sure to follow the calorie requirements. So, if fish with one percent fat content is used, the calories contained in it will be minimal, therefore, the necessary balance can be obtained with other products that you plan to eat in combination with the fish dish.

The minimum calorie content is in haddock (71), pollock (72) and mussels (77). 100 g of cod and sea bass account for 78 and 79 kcal. The calorie content of pike (82), flounder (83), pike perch (84), hake (86), crucian carp (87), scallops (92), oysters (95) and shrimp (97) is slightly higher. More than 100 kcal is typical for species such as tuna (101), halibut (102), and chum salmon (138).

Fasting days on fish

Nutritionists praise fish fasting days, since in this case you lose not excess fluid, but fat deposits.

Yes, in one day the result will not be very significant, but it is quite possible to expect that you will lose from 500 to 800 g per day.

The volumes will not decrease at one time either, but if you do such fasting days several times a month, then over time you will notice changes in your figure.

All recipes are designed for seafood whose calorie content does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 g. The amount of salt should be as small as possible. On this fasting day, you need to take 5 meals, each of which consists of 200 g of seafood. You also need to drink about 2 liters of water per day. Nutritionists do not recommend training on a fasting fish day, and you should not experience strong intellectual stress. The daily calorie intake should not exceed 1200 kcal.

Explanations for the diet

So, the main product of the fish diet is fish, and it is on this that the main emphasis should be placed. It is advisable to give preference to marine species, since they contain a greater amount of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. An excellent option would be cod, flounder, hake, navaga, pike perch, and tuna.

The correct method of preparation is of no small importance: frying and smoking should be avoided, but baking, stewing or simply boiling are precisely the methods that maintain the concentration of useful substances, and the product is not saturated with toxins formed when vegetable oil is heated during frying.

You can pamper yourself not only with fish - shrimp, squid, algae and mussels will add wonderful variety to your diet.

In order for the benefits to be maximum, you need to know how to combine fish with other products. It is best to combine it with vegetables: carrots, green beans, cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), beets, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini and spinach. You should not eat fish with potatoes, eggplants or mushrooms at the same time: such culinary approaches, as a rule, provoke putrefactive processes in the intestines.

Basic recommendations

Due to its low calorie content, a fish diet can help you get rid of 6-10 kg in just 7-10 days if you adhere to a fairly strict regimen. However, nutritionists warn that this approach poses a great danger to health, since the body begins to experience severe stress, which results in a noticeable deterioration in well-being.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to read important information that provides all the necessary information about safe weight loss with fish and other seafood:

Fish goes well with rice and any vegetables

  • Choose skinny varieties: 100 g of such fish contains less than 100 kcal;
  • Prepare fish correctly: boiling, steaming, baking - all these are surefire ways to get not only a healthy, but also a tasty dish, but it is best to avoid smoking: carcinogens contained in the finished smoked product are far from the best option; Canned fish and pickles are also not welcome;
  • Subject the fish to sufficient heat treatment ˗ this is necessary to destroy all parasites in it;
  • Create reasonable combinations: fish goes well with rice and any vegetables except eggplant, radish and potatoes;
  • Salt is the main enemy of a slim figure and the health of the body as a whole, so give up this substance and replace it with lemon juice;
  • Don’t forget about the drinking regime: 2 liters is exactly the volume that should be drunk daily;
  • An excellent solution is to combine a fish diet with exercise.


Remembering the main positive characteristics of this product, which we have already discussed in detail, we will repeat them in summary order:

  • Low calorie;
  • Easy digestibility;
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for full health;
  • Preventing premature aging;
  • Ensuring lasting results in weight loss.

Fish is especially beneficial for women, as it contains a fairly large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Delicious and healthy recipes

To achieve results in the form of weight normalization, you don’t need to torture yourself with dishes that you know you won’t like. Healthy food should be tasty, then there will be no temptation to eat it with a hamburger or pizza. Experiment with dishes: you can cook casseroles, fish soups, bake cod or salmon in the oven with tomatoes, carrots and cheese, cook steamed cutlets.


There are actually few factors prohibiting following a fish diet. These include:

  • Individual food intolerance to this product;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Various pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

Even if it seems to you that there are no contraindications to the implementation of this technique, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will accurately determine whether such a diet is acceptable for you.

What are the rules?

The fish diet should be carried out taking into account specific rules:

  • It is allowed to use both fresh and frozen seafood;
  • When creating a fish diet menu for weight loss, you should avoid combinations with potatoes and grains. The restriction also applies to beets and carrots;
  • Despite taste preferences, fried fish should be abandoned, preferring boiling, stewing or steaming;
  • the use of seasonings is possible, but within reason;
  • Like any other method of losing weight, a fish diet requires compliance with the drinking regime - at least 2 liters of clean water per day. You can diversify your diet with herbal tea or rosehip decoction. In this case, you need to exclude from the menu drinks containing alcohol, gases, as well as packaged juices;
  • To lose weight, you will have to give up sweets. The same applies to bakery products. You can replace it with dried fruits or certain types of bread;
  • Half an hour before eating, you should drink 1 glass of water at room temperature;
  • Chewing thoroughly will help the stomach digest food evenly and satisfy the feeling of hunger. Therefore, eating “on the run” is unacceptable;
  • You need to eat food strictly according to your schedule - often, but not much, while avoiding snacks. If the feeling of hunger becomes obsessive, you can drink warm tea with a spoon of honey.

A fish diet for weight loss will only help if you strictly follow a certain diet, avoiding the inclusion of prohibited foods in the menu or excessive consumption of food from the permitted list.


Unfortunately, not everyone who wants to lose weight can withstand fairly long diets, including fish ones. The advantage of a diet based on seafood is the variety of many schemes, including both ten-day ones and the shortest ones, designed for only 3 days. Let's look at them.

For 3 days

This is the so-called express diet. It is perfect for those who are not confident in their endurance. Following a fish diet for 3 days results in weight loss of up to 3 kg. According to reviews from those who experienced a similar technique on themselves, at the end of the last day, not only was there a loss of unnecessary weight, but also a feeling of lightness appeared throughout the body.

A visual sample of one day's menu is presented as follows:

  • Boiled egg, several slices of low-fat cheese, 120 ml of Greek yogurt, herbal infusion;
  • 200 g of boiled dietary fish, grapefruit;
  • 250 g of baked fish, salad of cabbage, cucumbers and bell peppers, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil, mineral water;
  • 200 ml low fat kefir;
  • Boiled brown rice, steamed fish cutlet, grated carrots, green tea.

For 4 days

Another version of the fish diet, designed for 4 days, is not so long. Its essence lies in boiling 1.5 kg of lean fish every day and consuming this amount of product in combination with vegetable soup or separately. The specified daily volume must be divided by 5 times, that is, provide the standard fractional meals required for any diet.

With the onset of the final day, the portion of fish must be reduced to half a kilogram, but at the same time, 1.5 kg of vegetables must be introduced into the diet, which can be prepared in any way: by stewing, baking or steaming.

For 7 days

The average duration of fish diet is 7 days. As a rule, during this time, provided you strictly follow all the principles of the diet, you can get rid of 4-5 kilograms of unnecessary weight.

An important recommendation that must be followed when following this version of the fish diet is to drink 250 ml of clean warm water before each meal. Such measures will help activate metabolic processes in the body and create a deceptive feeling of satiety, which, in turn, will allow you to eat even in small portions, and digest food many times faster.

The approximate power supply diagram is presented as follows.

The first day:

Sandwich with caviar

  • Sandwich with caviar, green tea;
  • Vegetable soup, baked fish, a piece of rye bread, compote;
  • Boiled shrimp, sliced ​​vegetables, Borjomi.

Second day:

  • A piece of any dietary steamed fish, lettuce, unsweetened coffee;
  • Fish soup, 2 boiled eggs, stewed cabbage, jelly;
  • Vegetable salad, grilled fish, green tea.

Day three:

  • Boiled cod, cucumber and cabbage salad, a slice of bran bread, unsweetened coffee;
  • Vegetable soup, baked fish, greens, mineral water;
  • Rice with squid, compote.

Day four:

  • Toast with caviar, boiled eggs, green tea;
  • Rassolnik, baked fish, compote;
  • Baked potatoes, lettuce, grilled fish, mineral water.

Day five:

  • A few slices of boiled pollock, fresh cucumber, coffee without sugar;
  • Stewed cabbage, a piece of rye bread, dried fruit compote;
  • Mussels (200 g), vegetable salad with herbs, Borjomi.

Day six:

  • A piece of boiled lean fish, lettuce, green tea;
  • Vegetable soup, boiled eggs, mineral water;
  • Potato casserole with fish, compote.

Day seven:

  • A few toasts with caviar, unsweetened coffee;
  • Fish soup, stewed cabbage, bran bread, mineral water;
  • Rice, boiled shrimp, green tea.

For 10 days

For those who are characterized by endurance and perseverance, there is another option for a fish diet, designed for 10 days. You can organize the menu according to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast : soft-boiled egg, 250 ml of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • First snack : based on the consumption of fruits, mainly citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, tangerines or kiwi);
  • Second snack : a piece of boiled lean fish, a salad of vegetables and herbs, an apple (preferably green varieties), 250 ml of drinking water;
  • Third snack : 500 mo of unsweetened green tea;
  • Lunch : steamed fish (250 g, no more);
  • Afternoon snack : half a liter of low-fat natural yogurt or 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Dinner : stewed vegetables with seafood.

This is only an approximate sample of nutrition; the products and dishes included in it can easily be varied. In order to add variety to the diet, fish can be cooked in different ways: stewed, boiled, steamed or even grilled.

Recipes for dietary fish dishes

Boiled squidBoiled squid with spices and lemon
Squid salad

Boil water, dip the squid for 2-3 minutes, immediately rinse with cold water, peel, and cut into strips. Mix with boiled eggs, pickled onions and 1 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream.

Stewed fish

Clean the fish, gut it, wash it, cut it into pieces. Cut vegetables into small slices. Place in layers in a fireproof dish, add spices to taste. Simmer over low heat for 60-90 minutes.

Baked fish

Prepare foil, spread vegetable oil with a brush, place fillet pieces, pour kefir, onions and tomatoes on top. Add seasonings. Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Diet options for weight loss

There are some other methods based on eating fish in order to achieve a beautiful and slender figure. If none of the above proposed schemes appeals to you or does not suit you for certain reasons, you can resort to other options, which will be discussed below.

Fish and meat

This is an excellent alternative to the fish diet, which combines the consumption of both fish and dietary meat. It is perfect for those people who cannot imagine their life without delicious meat products and cannot limit themselves to just fish.

Nutritionists have developed 2 options for such nutrition.

The first of these is to consume 750 g of various vegetables, 170 g of low-fat fish and 500 ml of unsweetened green tea. This volume of the named products is designed for 5 meals, and the nutritional plan itself is for 14 days.

The second option is more varied. It looks like this:

Several boiled eggs

  • Several boiled eggs, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese (as an alternative, you can drink low-fat natural yogurt), kiwi, a cup of green tea;
  • First snack: a few slices of boiled dietary fish, 250 ml of drinking or mineral water;
  • Second snack: 150 g of steamed fish (for example, pollock), vegetable and herb salad;
  • Half an hour before lunch you need to drink half a liter of water;
  • Lunch: lettuce, baked fish (250 g), 250 ml Greek yogurt;
  • Dinner: fish casserole with potatoes, green tea.

Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a decoction of medicinal herbs.

On canned fish

For those who have absolutely no free time, but still want to lose weight and improve their appearance, there is another type of nutrition that does not require special culinary efforts. It is based on the consumption of canned fish, which can be easily purchased at any grocery store. The only condition is that you only need to buy canned food that contains low-fat dietary fish.

This product is universal, because you can use it to prepare a delicious first course, for example, fish soup, or supplement this canned fish with vegetables, herbs, and lettuce.

Fish and vegetable

Otherwise, this diet is called fish-fiber diet. This is because it consists of eating fish and vegetables, which contain plant fiber in abundant quantities. This is the ideal combination for maintaining not only a slim figure, but also good health and good health. Fish is rich in micro- and macroelements necessary for the human body, and vegetables, due to such components as fiber, neutralize toxins in the intestines, reduce the level of bad cholesterol, improve digestion processes, and, most importantly, maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.

During the first 7 days, you must eat 1.5 kg of fish daily, prepared in one of the acceptable ways: boiling, stewing, steaming or baking. A small part of this volume can be replaced with boiled seafood. It is very important to avoid overeating, so the specified amount must be divided into 5 meals.

Starting from the 8th day, vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, grain bread and olive oil should be gradually introduced into the diet. Particular attention should be paid to the correct drinking regime: the amount of water drunk during the day should not be less than 1.5-2 liters.

By strictly following the rules of this diet for 14 days, you can easily get rid of 5-6 kg of excess weight. However, in order for the result not to become short-term, it is necessary to adhere to a number of principles that will not allow you to gain weight again: limit the consumption of flour products, sweets, fatty foods, and instead, increase the amount of raw vegetables and fresh fruits, do not forget about protein foods, focus on healthy drinks: decoctions, green tea, mineral, as well as regular drinking water.

For diabetics

Due to some features of a disease such as diabetes, following many diets is contraindicated. However, a fish diet undoubtedly wins in this matter, since with diabetes, fish can be consumed in any form: boiled, stewed, baked. In addition, nutritionists do not prohibit eating even canned fish, as well as fish in tomato or its own juice.

Victoria Beckham's berry-fish technique

Victoria Beckham

Keeping yourself in shape and looking 100% is not just a whim for famous women, but a serious necessity. Many American, European and domestic stars make a lot of efforts not only to shine in front of the cameras, but also to look great on ordinary everyday days.

The popular British singer, dancer and model Victoria Beckham is no exception. The main secret of her beautiful figure is following a fish diet based on eating sashimi. The celebrity prefers to combine this product with berries, explaining her choice by obtaining an additional effect: maintaining normal intestinal microflora. According to this scheme, in addition to fish and berries, you can eat beans and seaweed, but in small portions.

The named products should make up a complete breakfast and lunch, but for dinner you should prefer a glass of dry red wine.

When choosing this food option, you should remember that a product such as sashimi, if not fresh, may contain pathogens. For this reason, the purchase must be approached with maximum responsibility and caution.

Eva Longoria's diet

American actress Eva Longoria also follows a fish diet to maintain a slim figure. The scheme that Longoria adheres to is as follows.

During the first week, the actress eats boiled or baked fish in combination with vegetables. The daily volume of such a combination is 150 and 300 g, where the first number is the amount of dietary fish, and the second is the daily portion of raw or stewed vegetables. Longoria prefers to flavor fish dishes with lemon juice, but the actress does not use salt at all when cooking. Within 7 days of following this diet plan, Eva Longoria gets rid of 3-5 kg ​​of unnecessary weight.

To maintain the achieved result, the actress recommends leaving the diet correctly: gradually including fresh fruits, nuts and low-fat protein foods in the diet - this is exactly the condition that will allow you to not gain back the lost kilograms.

Julia Roberts' Salmon Beauty Secret

Julia Roberts shared the secret of a special diet for quick weight loss with her fans. The nutritional plan that the American actress and producer periodically follows was compiled by the famous nutritionist Perricone. The benefits of the diet include not only the ability to lose a few unnecessary pounds, but also maintaining youthful skin, as well as overall health and well-being. The main product on which this diet is based is salmon.

The diet for one day is as follows:

  • 250 ml of regular drinking water should be drunk on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up;
  • Oatmeal cooked in water, a piece of boiled salmon (100 g), green apple;
  • During the break between meals: 250 ml of clean water;
  • Green apple, a piece of boiled chicken fillet, 20 g of raw peanuts;
  • 250 ml of drinking water;
  • Lettuce leaves with olive oil, a portion of boiled salmon (200 g), a glass of water;
  • Dinner includes the same products that were included in the afternoon snack, however, the amount of red fish must be reduced to 100 g;
  • 250 ml water.

This is a very convenient nutrition option, since you do not need to follow it every day: it is enough to alternate the days of the diet with those days on which you are allowed to eat your usual food. That is, you can eat salmon on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On weekends, you are allowed to indulge in dessert, and this is the main advantage of the diet: there is no need to strictly limit yourself and give up treats, which are sometimes quite difficult to resist.

Lost weight results

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the fish diet has no disadvantages, but there are a lot of advantages. According to numerous reviews from those who have lost weight, upon completion of following this diet, not only are the extra pounds lost, but also lightness appears throughout the body, a surge of strength and vigor is felt, well-being improves and the immune system is strengthened.

The excellent results of a fish diet are:

  • Getting rid of 2-3 kg, subject to following a diet for 3 days and 5, or even 8 kg after a 7-10 day diet;
  • Saturation of the body with vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus and other micro- and macroelements necessary for full health;
  • Elimination of waste and toxic substances;
  • Improvement of emotional background.

Many women who do not have the problem of obesity, but who are the “owners” of sides and a small tummy, are especially concerned about the question of whether such phenomena, which spoil the aesthetic appearance of the body and the beautiful line of the female figure, will go away. The answer is obvious: definitely yes, since the fish diet excludes the consumption of flour products, sweets and other foods that contribute to the deposition of fat in problem areas.

It is difficult to say which of the proposed nutritional plans is the most effective fish diet, since this point should be approached individually: if Eva Longoria’s diet is ideal for one, then another will like the classic seven-day option, which will delight you with no less amazing results.

Thanks to a fish diet, you can not only lose weight, but become even more attractive - this is no longer a secret. In addition to improving the functioning of many body systems (nervous, digestive, cardiac), hair and nails are strengthened, and skin tone is evened out. A great mood and a feeling of vivacity is another bonus that cannot but please those who have steadfastly withstood the requirements and restrictions of the fish diet.


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The fish diet works real miracles! It’s easy for me because I love fish very much. I have been on this diet for the last few years, once every six months, sometimes once a year. In 10 days minus 7-8 kg. I think this is very cool! For myself, I made the following scheme: in the morning my favorite boiled eggs, at lunch and dinner fish with vegetables and at night a glass of kefir. I tried boiling fish and didn’t like it. It turns out very bland, somehow completely tasteless. But baking is a great alternative. If you also sprinkle some lemon juice before putting it in the oven, it will do wonders! For those who want to follow my example, I will give advice: be sure to drink plenty of water and exercise. For example, I combined diet with yoga.


And in 10 days on a fish diet I lost 10 kg! For me, this was a real victory over excess weight! After all, after giving birth, I gained weight and could not return to my previous shape. What I did: first of all, I removed all flour, sweets and fatty foods from my diet. No mayonnaise, everyone who wants to lose weight should forget about it once and for all! Then I read a bunch of articles on this topic and, with the help of them, compiled my menu for the week, focusing on vegetables, fruits and fermented milk, but the main product in my diet during the diet, naturally, was fish! I steamed it in a double boiler. The multicooker also has this mode, so you can use this device too. The advantage of this method is that during the cooking process the fish does not lose its beneficial substances: vitamins and those micro- and macroelements in which it is rich. I can say that in 10 days I never felt hungry. Those who think that diet means starving your body are deeply mistaken. There are also people who really want to lose weight and simply begin to starve and refuse food. This is wrong and abnormal! The whole secret is that you just need to remove all junk food from your diet, and put the main emphasis on seafood and fruits and vegetables. Drinking plenty of fluids and exercising are additional components. In general, by combining all this, you will become real slimmer, and in addition, you will improve your body’s health and improve your well-being. I recommend!

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