Diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides for women: menu for the week

The most effective diet for losing weight in the belly and sides for women with a weekly menu, a list of allowed and prohibited foods, as well as a weekly diet and a calorie calculator at your service!
  • Duration
    from 7 to 14 days
  • Efficiency
    2 – 10 kg
  • Difficulty:
  • Diet variety
    is high
  • Rating
  • Cost 7 days
    1000-2000 rubles.

Excess weight is never distributed evenly throughout the body; there are problem areas that accumulate fat. Due to the physiological characteristics of the female body, these problem areas are: the stomach, sides and hips. It is these areas that create a feminine pear-shaped figure, so working on them has the highest priority.

Let's not create illusions and reassure you in vain: it is impossible to burn fat only in certain areas of the body, so do not expect quick results.

However, there are tricks that will help you lose weight as effectively as possible and work on problem areas.

Diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides for women: menu for the week

The most effective methods for losing weight in the abdomen and sides are diet and exercise. But what kind of diet should you use? What exercises should you do to work out problem areas? How to create a balanced diet that will not harm your health?

Principles of losing weight

It is important to remember that the basis of a slim figure is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, we will give you the fundamental principles that must be followed in any diet:

  • Water balance . Depending on your weight, you should drink 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day;
  • Fast carbohydrates . Reduce your consumption of sweets and starchy foods as much as possible;
  • Fatty food . Eliminate or minimize the consumption of fried, salty foods;
  • Alcohol and bad habits . Minimize or eliminate its use. Giving up bad habits will not help you lose weight faster, however, it will improve your health;
  • Fractional meals . Eat small portions of food so that you remain slightly hungry. Overeating leads to health problems and excess weight;
  • Eat breakfast yourself, give dinner to the enemy . Breakfast is one of the most important meals, and ignoring it can lead to health problems. A heavy late dinner is also bad;
  • Stress and poor sleep . They are the main enemies of not only excess weight, but also poor metabolism;
  • BJU and calories . Proteins, carbohydrates and even fats are needed by your body, but only in certain quantities. There are no universal diets for everyone. You can find balance only based on your individual physical parameters;
  • Physical activity . You don't have to go to the gym to lose weight. But any physical exercise accelerates fat burning - that's a fact!

Indications, contraindications, taping rules

With all the advantages of this modern technique, it, like any therapy, has indications and limitations. Before use, consult your doctor, even if the goal is not treatment, but cosmetic correction of the figure.


  • excess weight;
  • displacement of internal organs;
  • varicose veins;
  • abdominal hernias;
  • stretch marks after childbirth;
  • diastasis;
  • swelling;
  • cellulite;
  • loose skin.

In the postpartum period, be sure to discuss the possibility of taping with your gynecologist.


  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombosis, increased blood clotting.
  • skin diseases or injuries;
  • allergy to components.

When using taping schemes for weight loss, follow the rules for wearing tapes:

  • A properly applied strip does not cause discomfort.
  • Start training half an hour after sticking.
  • You can shower and swim in the pool.
  • If the tape begins to peel off at the edges, carefully trim the peelings with scissors.
  • Wearing period is 5 days, 2 days break.
  • The full course of aesthetic correction is 4 weeks with two-day breaks.
  • If pain or skin irritation occurs, remove the tape and consult a doctor.
  • Remove in the direction of hair growth.

Kinesio taping is also indicated for reducing the volume of the hips, arms, and lifting the face and chin. During a monthly course of procedures, weight loss is 3-5 kg.

To get maximum benefit and avoid side effects, choose tapes from manufacturers you are confident in.

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

List of approved products

Let's move on to the diet. Let's make a list of products on which your diet will be based. These include:

  • Cereals : buckwheat, rice (including red and brown rice);
  • Porridge : oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley;
  • Legumes : lentils, peas, beans, etc.;
  • Vegetables, berries, fruits, dried fruits.
  • Poultry : chicken, turkey:
  • Fish : it is allowed to eat oily fish 1-2 times a week;
  • Crackers : instead of bread for soups;
  • Honey : no more than 1 teaspoon per day;
  • Dairy products with minimal fat content: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cheese.

List of prohibited products

Now let's look at the foods that need to be completely excluded from your diet:

  • Smoked and lightly salted products . Salt retains water in the body and leads to swelling;
  • Sweets, flour : this also includes juices, carbonated drinks, baked goods;
  • Fast food : any variations of high-calorie foods;
  • Alcohol is very high in calories, so if you set out to lose weight, you will have to give it up;
  • Fatty meat : pork, lamb, fatty beef;
  • Fresh bread;
  • Coffee : allowed in small quantities;
  • Fruits high in fructose : bananas, grapes.

Calorie calculator

If you were expecting to read about a Tibetan herb or a new miracle pill that will instantly burn fat from your belly and sides, then you have come to the wrong place! As a reasonable adult, you must understand that miracles do not happen, and losing weight is no exception.

If we simplify any diet to simple school-level physics, we get the following picture:

A certain amount of calories enters our body (food), and at the same time our body expends a certain amount of calories (physical activity, brain function). So the difference between these two numbers is a direct indicator of weight gain or loss.

Diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides for women: menu for the week

We have developed a special calorie calculator for you that will help you determine the number of calories you need to consume daily to lose weight quickly. Simply enter your parameters: gender, height, age, weight, physical activity level and calculation formula (we recommend using the Harris-Benedict formula).

Of course, this figure is directly affected by metabolism, age and other characteristics of the body, therefore, as we have already said, it is impossible to create one diet that is suitable for everyone. We can only give a universal example, which you need to adjust taking into account your characteristics and limitations.

Nutritionist advice

Before going on a diet or starting to eat healthy, it is important to consult a nutritionist and take into account all existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other organs. A good nutritionist will definitely familiarize the patient with the following nuances in losing weight:

  1. Avoid relying on diet foods such as unsweetened cola or diabetic supplements. They will not saturate the body and can slow down the metabolism.
  2. Insomnia has a detrimental effect on the body, makes it difficult to lose weight, and the consequences of the syndrome necessarily affect fat sides and a large belly.
  3. You should not overuse salt, which retains fluid in the body and causes edema.
  4. It is important to know when to stop – even with healthy foods.

Considering these recommendations, you can quickly and efficiently lose weight using simple, affordable ingredients.

Menu for the week: removing fat from the belly and sides

We have compiled a weekly menu for you that will help you lose weight and shed extra pounds from problem areas. However, it is worth remembering that without following the basic principles of weight loss indicated by yours, neither the calorie indicator nor this menu will help you lose weight!

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayOatmeal with berries 100-150 g.AppleVegetable soupDried fruitsCottage cheese
TuesdayOmelette of 2 whites and 1 yolkLow-fat yogurtBuckwheat and boiled chicken filletOrangeKefir
WednesdayWheat porridge with 1 tsp. honey Mineral waterLean boiled beef, riceCucumber and tomato saladLow-fat yogurt
ThursdayBarley porridgeSmall handful of nutsLentil soupCurd cheesecakesSmall portion of turkey and salad
Friday2 boiled eggsGrapefruitSteamed fish (baked is allowed) and stewed vegetablesDried fruitsLow-fat cottage cheese
SaturdayOatmeal with fruitKiwiChicken fillet, bulgurAppleKefir
SundaySteam or baked omeletteLow-fat cottage cheeseSteamed fish (fatty type is allowed once a week)OrangeLow-fat yogurt

This menu not only can, but also needs to be adjusted taking into account your financial capabilities, contraindications for health reasons, preferences and individual characteristics of the body.

Diet Design Basics

Diet Design Basics

A diet for losing belly fat involves a complete abstinence from any form of fat in food and limited use of foods that contain complex protein. During the diet, the main products become a variety of vegetables and fruits - green tea without sugar is also allowed. In order for a diet to successfully remove excess pounds, it is divided into three stages:

  • The preliminary stage of the diet is scheduled for seven days - during this period you need to gradually give up foods with a high calorie content and those foods that are absolutely not acceptable for following the chosen diet.
  • The main stage is scheduled for a period of one to three seven days - during this stage all the mechanisms for observing the new nutritional menu fully come into effect. The duration of completion of the main stage is directly dependent on the initial weight status of the person - those who weigh more than 80 kg are offered a gentle diet over three seven-day days. And during this time, the structure of the skin is renewed and its sagging is prevented, as a result of accelerated weight loss.
  • The final stage of using a diet for losing belly fat for women lasts up to six months - during this time you need to gradually bring your diet to a healthy and balanced state.

What to do if you can't lose weight?

Houston, we have problems! Do you know skinny people who eat endlessly? Perhaps everyone has such familiar individuals. These people smash the basis of a calorie deficit to smithereens, you say. But it's not that simple... If you follow all the recommendations, however, the weight does not come off, most likely you have metabolic problems or low physical activity.

Metabolism is very weak to influence, especially if you are over 40, but do not despair. Also, you shouldn’t run to the nearest pharmacy to buy drugs to speed up your metabolism, or waste money on all kinds of placebos from charlatans.

If you follow the weight loss principles listed in the first section, then the effectiveness of any drugs will be so minimal that you won’t even notice it. You also cannot reduce your diet, otherwise you will not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals for the normal functioning of the body.

Diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides for women: menu for the week

There is good news - there is a way out of this situation. The bad news is that it is complex and thorny. All that remains is to increase your physical activity as much as your strength and time allow.

The role of physical activity

Physical exercise is a real accelerator of the weight loss process. Without their use, it is extremely difficult to lose weight for people with slow metabolism, as well as people with fat deposits in problem areas: the stomach, sides and thighs.

The best stimulants for burning fat are cardio exercises: running, cycling, intense work with light weights in the gym, jump rope, elliptical and others. For maximum effectiveness, you need to exercise 2 hours after eating until you feel a heightened sense of hunger. It is in this state that the body experiences stress and begins to waste subcutaneous energy reserves in the form of fat.

The more intense and longer the workout in a state of heightened hunger, the more effective the result will be. However, you should not treat training with fanaticism and bring yourself to the point of losing consciousness. Your health is much more important than your current weight!

Therapeutic taping

For medical purposes, tapes are applied to the abdomen during diastasis and after cesarean section.

Diastasis is the separation of the rectus muscles due to stretching of the tendon (linea alba) that connects them to each other. The defect occurs during pregnancy, when everything is growing rapidly. The tendon experiences stress, stretches, weakens and never returns to its physiological state.

After childbirth, a woman’s belly seems to “fall apart” into two parts, and a depression forms in the middle. Consequences may include hernia of the linea alba, back pain, and poor posture.

You can reduce the consequences of diastasis using taping. The tapes are glued so as to pull the rectus muscles towards each other. During the recovery process, they, with the support of the tape, will take the correct position.

Parallel abdominal taping scheme

It is advisable that a specialist - a doctor, trainer, massage therapist - apply the tape. If you want to perform the procedure yourself, you need to undergo minimal training and get advice from an experienced mentor.

Lie on your back. Secure the beginning under the solar plexus so that the natural direction of the tapes is parallel on both sides of the navel. Stretch the tapes by 50%, gradually removing the protective paper. Iron the strips firmly to remove air.

parallel abdominal taping scheme

Counter taping

Since the muscles with diastasis diverge from the center of the abdomen, bands are applied in such a way as to “pull” them closer to each other. Cut 4-6 cm into two parts, leaving the anchor. Secure the beginning of the tape to the left of the navel. Stick the rays on top and bottom with tension. Do the same on the right. The rays should cross exactly on the white line, fixing it.

After a cesarean section, the muscles above the scar often droop. To support them, you can apply an additional strip in a semicircle under the abdomen, similar to a fabric bandage.

Even if there were no complications during childbirth, the abdominal muscles become stretched and weakened. Taping according to the described schemes is also suitable for a tummy tuck. A lift may also be necessary if you have lost a lot of weight. The application of kinesio tapes is one of the ways to restore tissue elasticity and eliminate sagging.

Counter taping of the abdomen

Reviews and results

We present to you the results of people who used our menu, calorie calculator and Harris-Benedict formula to create their diet.

Below you can share your experience of losing weight, get advice from nutritionists, and read reviews of people who were able to achieve results.

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