What vegetable oil should you drink when losing weight?

Types of oils

Bottled oils
For weight loss purposes, the following types are most often used:

  • Olive . This oil is the most in demand and popular, it was even called “liquid gold”. It is very beneficial for the human body due to the content of large amounts of vitamins, nutrients, and fatty acids.
  • Linen . This environmentally friendly product is an excellent alternative to taking chemically produced laxatives, especially for the purpose of cleansing the body and losing weight. Contraindications to its use are minimal, which allows the widespread use of flax seed oil for weight loss.
  • Castor . Castor oil has been used for treatment for a long time, and nowadays this product is considered an excellent remedy for maintaining beauty and losing weight.
  • Caraway . It is highly valued in Islamic medicine. Due to its specific aroma, it is often used as a spice. Cumin oil was used to maintain beauty and weight by ancient Egyptian beauties. Currently, its popularity is also great.

Olive oil for weight loss

The most accessible after sunflower, but much more useful. Olive oil is soft and does not contain harmful cholesterol. Moreover, cholesterol is not formed even after frying. At least not in such large quantities. What's good about the product?

  1. Contains oleic acid. The component is not unique, but it is relatively rare and incredibly useful. Oleic acid is a substance that coats the intestinal walls and delays the onset of hunger for a long time. With regular consumption of olive oil, appetite decreases and conditions for weight loss appear.
  2. Contains vitamin E. There is a lot of vitamin E in olive oil, and its task is to provide conditions for the highest quality absorption of other vitamins and nutrients. Women who often go on a diet literally need vitamin E; it makes the skin elastic and prevents wrinkles from forming. When losing weight in the absence of this component, folds and sagging are almost inevitable.
  3. Olive oil is a source of components necessary to maintain normal functioning and a healthy state of the nervous system. Prevention of depression is fundamentally important when the body does not receive enough sugar, nutrients, fat and other components harmful to the figure.

Pros and cons of taking oils

Each type of reception has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Olive has a beneficial effect on health.

  • It helps improve liver and kidney function, supports the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. It is actively used for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, nervous system, and cancer.
  • It has a special effect on the female body . It has been noticed that a woman who takes this oil improves her health and mood, her skin becomes soft, velvety and elastic.
  • Excellent effect on hair condition and complexion . This product is also quite effectively used for weight loss and maintenance. The results are excellent.

Weight loss occurs due to the content of oleic acid, which, interacting with the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, helps to trigger the production mechanism of oleulethanolamide. This allows you to quickly signal the brain that you are full of food.

Attention! You should not take olive oil for gastroenterological diseases during their exacerbation.


Flaxseed oil is often used to cleanse the body, which directly affects weight loss.

The benefits are as follows:

  • It helps lower cholesterol levels, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, improves immunity, and prevents the development of cancer.
  • This product must be included in the diet of a pregnant woman, as it promotes the proper development of the baby’s brain and makes pregnancy and childbirth easier. It also improves hormonal levels during menopause and softens premenstrual syndrome.
  • Recommended for consumption by people who follow a vegetarian diet . This component is also useful for those losing weight, since animal fats are replaced with more easily digestible natural flaxseed oil.


Castor oil also has many positive effects on the human body.

  • It has attractive properties, cleansing the liver and improving lipid metabolism. Taking it allows you to eliminate “deposits” of toxins .
  • Castor oil allows you more effectively fight excess weight , as it reduces pain in the limbs and allows you to lead an active lifestyle.
  • It “knows how” to disperse lymph , improve fluid flow, which directly affects the condition of the skin.
  • Actively used in the fight against cellulite . Moreover, it can be taken not only internally, it is also suitable for external use.

It is allowed to take it no more than once a week.


Caraway oil has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • It is used as a natural laxative , improves immunity, prevents cancer, improves the condition of skin, nails, and hair.
  • In relation to weight loss, its effect has also been proven. Taking caraway seeds reduces appetite , reduces cravings for sweets , improves lipid metabolism and normalizes intestinal function , which helps cleanse the body and reduce weight.

Attention! The dosage must be strictly observed. Otherwise, digestive problems and the development of allergic reactions may occur. Do not use if you have irritated stomach or intestinal mucosa.

The benefits of oils for weight loss

Oil for weight loss

Any oil can be used in one way or another in a scheme to get rid of excess weight. Essential ones, for example, are best taken for cosmetic procedures that model the figure. Whereas losing weight with vegetable oil involves its use both internally and externally.

If you regularly consume oils in food according to a certain scheme indicated by nutritionists, they will force the body to work in a completely different mode, which will ultimately lead to weight loss:

  • hunger is dulled, appetite decreases;
  • metabolism accelerates, which means fat deposits are broken down and burned;
  • Digestion improves, intestinal microflora is normalized;
  • the level of stress-causing hormones in the body decreases, which often causes extra pounds;
  • cleanses the body of harmful processed products;
  • liver function is stimulated;
  • the outflow of fluid from the body is activated.

So don’t limit yourself to aroma lamps and culinary recipes for using various oils in your home. Both essential and herbal - they can provide you with invaluable benefits in shaping your figure and losing excess weight.

However, you need to understand that their use must be supplemented, if not by diet, then at least by observing the principles of proper nutrition. And playing sports will only improve the final result. But before that, do not forget to check whether losing weight with the help of oils is contraindicated for you.

How to use?

There are certain rules for taking it for the purpose of weight loss and cleansing. You can use any of the listed types.


To get rid of excess fat deposits, you can use olive oil after consulting your doctor.
Because there are certain contraindications. It is used both in pure form and as an additive to prepared food. To reduce weight, it should be taken on an empty stomach every morning. You need to start with one teaspoon, gradually increasing to a tablespoon twice a day - morning and evening. This will take approximately one week. In this case, you can lose up to 5 kilograms per month.

The peculiarity of this diet is that the lost kilograms do not return immediately, as happens with mono-diets. It is recommended to add a little physical activity to maintain your figure.

Advice! When adding olive oil to your diet, you should adhere to the correct diet. Because snacking during the day and eating in the evenings before bed will not bring the desired results.


It must be taken twice a day, morning and evening. In this case, you should start with one teaspoon of the product, gradually increasing to a tablespoon. Then also gradually reduce consumption. The entire course will last 2-3 months.

The nutritional rules are as follows:

  • After taking it, you should wait a few minutes, and then you can have breakfast. In the evening, take after dinner, after 15-20 minutes.
  • A gentle diet is required . It is necessary to reduce the number of calories consumed, but at the same time the diet should be varied and nutritious.

The flax seed product should only be stored in a cool place! It is not recommended to use it with hot food, as it loses its properties when heated.


The basis of the fight against extra pounds with the help of castor oil is its laxative effect .
However, you should not use this option for a long time. Castor oil is a fast-acting remedy ; the first urge can be noticed within the first 6 hours after administration.

In this case, it is necessary to think about the time of administration; it is best to start such a cleansing on a day off. This will allow you to find out the body’s reaction to taking such a drug, and in the future predict the timing and reaction of the body.

The following method of administration is very popular : 1-1.5 small spoons twice a day for a week. In this case, you should drink plenty of water.

Important! When receiving the first positive result, many blithely increase the dosage to achieve an even better effect. Doing this is strictly prohibited! This can lead to health problems. Do not forget that proper nutrition and physical activity play a big role.


This product is taken orally , a teaspoon before meals. If the specific smell is off-putting, you can use it to dress salads.
Heating is unacceptable, it leads to the destruction of all useful substances.

What vegetable oil should you drink when losing weight?

To drink or not to drink oil for weight loss?

The question of the benefits of consuming oil for weight loss is asked partly because of the calorie content of this product. Vegetable oils have a high calorie content - 1 tablespoon contains from 110 to 130 kcal. But the fact is that vegetable fats cannot serve as a complete source of human fat. Each molecule of vegetable oil entering the gastrointestinal tract breaks down into one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids. And if every glycerol molecule is suitable for the synthesis of human fat, then the situation is completely opposite for fatty acid molecules.

Human fat cannot be synthesized from unsaturated fatty acids, and it is these unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) that make up 90-95% of the volume of vegetable oils. Vegetable fats are absorbed very poorly, 90-95% of them do not even enter the bloodstream, but simply pass through the intestines and are excreted along with feces.

When you drink 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, then only 5-10% of the total volume of fatty acids is absorbed. Those. The calorie content of one tablespoon of oil absorbed by the body will be only 6-12 kcal - it is so low that it can not even be taken into account when calculating.

Benefits of oil for weight loss

Unlike animal fats, some vegetable fats not only do not increase weight, but, on the contrary, help you lose weight. Weight loss occurs by reducing appetite, increasing immunity, restoring the functions of the hormonal system and metabolism. Phospholipids contained in vegetable oils are solvents of subcutaneous fat. Gamma-linolenic acid is involved in lipid metabolism, controls the formation of fat cells and accelerates their breakdown.

Attention! All recommendations on the internal use of vegetable oils apply exclusively to cold-pressed edible oils of the VESEX brand. To avoid undesirable consequences for your health, do not use vegetable oils whose quality you are not sure of.

To understand which oil is healthier to drink for weight loss, you first need to find out the cause of excess weight: poor metabolism, hormonal imbalances, or simple stress eating with sluggish digestion. Each vegetable oil helps you lose weight in its own way, and it would be wiser to alternate the use of these oils in courses of 2 weeks.

Black cumin oil (Nigellae Sativa)

Black cumin oil, which is of high value in general and for weight loss in particular, is pressed from the seeds of the Nigellae plant. The beneficial properties of cumin oil allow you to cope not only with obesity, but also with a number of diseases. It surprisingly quickly helps restore impaired metabolism in the body and activate important functions of internal organs.

It contains more than 100 components, including: amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes, vitamins A, D, E, flavonoids, minerals (phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper). The oil lowers blood sugar levels and is great for controlling appetite.

A spoonful of cumin oil on an empty stomach for weight loss is also extremely useful because it speeds up metabolism, promoting the fastest burning of calories by the body itself. Scientists have long proven that the beneficial substances included in its composition can significantly improve the process of lipid metabolism in the body. This unique property of black cumin oil directly contributes to the natural loss of excess weight.

Its taste is very unusual and few people like to use it just like that, but even if you swallow a spoonful of this oil on an empty stomach and wash it down with kefir or milk, an unpleasant aftertaste can be easily avoided. For weight loss purposes, consuming nigella vegetable oil will be useful both separately and in a mixture with essential oils: lemon, oregano, ginger, cinnamon bark and (or) juniper berries.

Green Coffee Oil (Coffea Arabica)

Today it is no secret to anyone that a drink made from ground green coffee beans is very effective in helping to lose weight. However, vegetable oil from these grains is no less useful for weight loss. When consumed internally, this oil is especially effective in promoting the removal of waste and toxins from the lymphatic system, enhancing the outflow of fluid from tissues, and activating the gastrointestinal tract during sluggish digestion. Just a godsend for those losing weight...

Green coffee oil is a natural source of caffeine, a powerful biological stimulant. This is one of the most effective remedies for eliminating cellulite, which has drainage properties and cleanses the lymph. Thanks to this action, coffee oil noticeably corrects body volume and refines the silhouette.

To lose weight with coffee oil, you need to drink a tablespoon in the morning, instead of breakfast or 15-20 minutes before your first meal. This remedy helps reduce appetite better than others, tones, increases brain activity and increases endurance. When used externally, it is one of the best massage oils for cellulite removal. In both cases, to double the benefits, mix green coffee oil with juniper berry, lemon and/or cinnamon essential oils. The result will not take long to arrive.

Evening primrose oil

Internal use of primrose oil helps women lose excess weight gained during hormonal changes or disturbances in the body. You just need to drink it when losing weight to naturally restore the level of female hormones. This is the most useful and safe natural remedy for solving many women’s problems associated with decreased levels of estrogen, progesterone, etc.

Regularly taking a spoonful of primrose oil on an empty stomach or before bed helps restore the functions of the hormonal system in a safe, natural way and thereby get rid of the real cause of weight gain.

With regular internal use, it can restore hormonal disorders, such as frigidity, infertility, menstrual disorders, menopause, PMS, etc. The more estrogen in a woman’s body, the thinner her waist and the more voluminous her breasts. An unusually useful oil for tightening and enlarging female breasts, restoring the function of the mammary glands after breastfeeding.

In order to achieve a slim figure, you can drink not only vegetable oils, but also essential ones. To double the benefits of consuming vegetable oil, add edible essential oils that promote weight loss to it at the rate of 100 drops of esters (or mixture) per 100 ml of vegetable oil. Use the resulting mixture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day: on an empty stomach, in the middle of the day and before bed, alternating courses for 2 weeks. Over time, you can increase the dosage to 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

You can purchase essential oils that are useful to take internally when losing weight in this section

Essential oils for weight loss

Essential oils can also be used to obtain a lasting weight loss effect.
They have an effect aimed at burning fat and restoring the structure of the skin, allowing it to return youth and elasticity. They can relieve fatigue and increase the tone of blood vessels. The most commonly used types of oils are:

  • Tea tree;
  • Geraniums;
  • Lemon;
  • Muscat;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Bergamot;
  • Guarana.

They are used for massage , creating compresses , for rubbing , and are also added to water for aroma baths . To obtain a weight loss effect, as a rule, 6-7 types of different ingredients are used.

Extracts of dill, ginger, peppermint, sweet and black pepper, cypress and cardamom are considered the most effective in the fight against excess weight .
The basic mixture for massage is prepared on the basis of massage cream (milk) with the addition of aromatic oils.

Weight loss techniques

To ensure that the process of losing weight based on oils proceeds at a rapid pace and pleases you with the treasured numbers on the scales, create a base for it. First, consider a low-calorie diet (for example, kefir and apples) or at least give up unhealthy foods for a while. Secondly, think about how you will burn calories throughout the day.

This could be morning exercises or an evening jog, a walk to work or a pool membership. Playing sports will definitely have a positive effect on your figure, and plant extracts will enhance this effect several times.

Cosmetic procedures

If you think that you do not have much excess weight, but there are problem areas in your figure that need to be corrected urgently, use oils in cosmetic procedures.

They normalize metabolism, accelerate blood flow, visually reduce the waist, remove toxins, and most importantly, tidy up the skin. They are just right to fight cellulite, orange peel and stretch marks after intensive weight loss on the stomach, sides, buttocks, legs and arms.

  • Wraps

Essential and vegetable oils are the most effective for anti-cellulite wraps, as there is a thermal effect on the problem area of ​​the body. Liquids are preheated, mixed or applied neat. Cling film is placed on top and insulation is created in the form of a terry robe or blanket. After this, you need to relax for 30-40 minutes and rinse in the shower. 2-3 similar wraps per week will allow you to lose up to 3 kg per month.

Example recipe. Mix 50 ml of base vegetable oil (almond, cocoa, macadamia, etc.) with 10 drops of esters (2 drops each of bergamot, cinnamon, guarana, tea tree and geranium).

  • Massage

Use massage oil for weight loss, which will work real miracles with your skin and body under your hands. After a 2-week course of massage, there will be no trace left of the orange peel on the buttocks and thighs. And stretch marks will never appear on a thinner belly.

For this purpose, ideal options would be shea (shea), peach, jojoba, and argan. It is better to use them pure or with small additions of esters.

  • Baths

Another very pleasant and relaxing way to lighten your body weight is to use bath oils. To prevent them from spreading on the surface of the water like an oily stain, first mix them with kefir or honey (they also have good cosmetic and fat-burning properties).

Give preference to melon, coconut or rosehip oil. And you will lose kilograms, and your skin will become smooth and elastic. Weight loss course - 1-2 months. Frequency of use: 2 baths per week.


You need to be extremely careful with this method of losing weight. Due to their oily consistency, these liquids are quite unpleasant to drink; most of them have a laxative effect and can cause a feeling of nausea. Therefore, listen carefully to your feelings and do not exhaust your own body if it rejects such drugs.

  1. Mix three drops of ether with a teaspoon of honey. Drink plenty of water. Take orally an hour before breakfast and an hour after lunch. Instead of honey, kefir with butter is sometimes recommended as a more dietary product.
  2. Dress vegetable salads.
  3. Dilute a teaspoon of vegetable oil in a glass of any fat-burning or low-calorie drink (green tea or kefir).
  4. The most extreme recipe for losing weight with oils: drink a teaspoon of vegetable oil without any additives about half an hour before breakfast. However, this method often provokes nausea and softening of the stool.
  5. Many people ask which oil is best to drink on an empty stomach: nutritionists advise starting with flaxseed, corn, pumpkin or olive.

Now it’s time to finally choose which oil is best for weight loss in your case. The assortment is amazing, so focus on the price of the product, its effectiveness, what additional properties it has, study reviews about its use in order to reduce weight.

Interesting fact. Milk thistle oil is one of the few oils recognized by official medicine and used to treat various diseases, especially the liver, the work of which is very important for the process of losing weight.


Oils have certain contraindications for use.

Flaxseed oil is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Together with taking antiviral drugs, hormonal drugs and antidepressants;
  • If you have hepatitis;
  • In the presence of uterine polyps and cysts;
  • Nursing mothers and babies.

Olive is contraindicated for diseases of the gallbladder and cholelithiasis, since it is a powerful choleretic agent. It is recommended to consume no more than 2 tablespoons of the product per day, but if you feel discomfort after eating, it is better to stop taking it. In any case, you should not abuse this product for treatment or weight loss.

Castor oil should not be used

  • pregnant and nursing mothers,
  • for problems with the intestines, for obstruction.

Black seed oil can also be harmful if misused or abused. are contraindications :

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • The presence of transplanted organs (there is a risk of rejection);
  • Taking medications that lower glucose levels. This is fraught with unpleasant consequences such as convulsions, fainting, and increased sweating.

Aromatic baths for weight loss

An aroma bath is the most enjoyable way to lose weight. The bright aromas of natural esters turn the procedure into a luxurious ritual and affect not only the body, but also the emotional sphere. In addition, regular use of such baths will tighten the skin of the body and achieve its elasticity and firmness.

Cream or milk can be used as a mild and effective emulsifier for essential oils used in aromatherapy baths.

Contraindications to taking baths with essential oils:

  • inflammatory diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diagnosed malignant tumors;
  • chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • exacerbation of liver diseases;
  • recent hepatitis;
  • diagnosed thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type.

All aromatic medicinal baths should be taken only one and a half to two hours after meals. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect of losing weight will not be achieved, and digestive problems may occur.

The bath course consists of twenty procedures, which are performed twice a week. The water should have a temperature no higher than 38–40°. If desired, you can increase the number of weekly sessions up to three times.

Important! Be sure to shower with soap or shower gel before taking an aromatic bath. Sweat, dirt and sebaceous secretions secreted by the skin will not allow biologically active substances to be absorbed through the pores. For better cleansing, you can use scrubs, hard loofah sponges and exfoliating brushes with natural bristles.

Before taking a bath, use such a brush with natural bristles to thoroughly walk over problem areas, activating local blood circulation.

Milk bath to stabilize metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer

For this bath, the aromatic mixture is made as follows:

  1. Pour fresh full fat milk (1 liter) into a bowl.
  2. Add oat bran (100 g).
  3. Heat the mixture over low heat to a temperature of 35–36.
  4. Then add five drops of natural essential oils of nutmeg, rosemary and ginger.
  5. Thoroughly mix the esters with milk and pour the mixture into the prepared bath of water.

Oat bran improves the condition of the skin, especially sensitive and prone to inflammation and flaking

This bath takes no more than half an hour and no less than twenty minutes. A slight burning sensation on the skin of the armpits, under the knees and on the wrists is a natural reaction to the substances contained in essential oils. After the specified time has expired, the skin should be blotted with a towel and should not be applied to the body cream or lotion.

Kefir bath to stimulate blood circulation and proper lymphatic drainage

Sea salt goes well with juniper oil, burning subcutaneous fat, and cypress and cinnamon esters reduce appetite.

Kefir is not only an excellent emulsifier for esters, but is also indispensable in the winter season, when the skin is especially dry and needs softening.

A bath that effectively reduces weight is done like this:

  1. Fresh high-fat kefir (1 l) should be mixed with sea salt (5 tbsp).
  2. Stir and add essential oils of cypress, juniper and cinnamon (five drops each) to the mixture.
  3. Pour the kefir-oil mixture into the bath water and stir until the sea salt grains are completely dissolved.

The procedure for taking an aromatic bath lasts 20–25 minutes, after which you need to rinse with cool water without using soap.

Creamy honey bath with ginger, cypress and bergamot esters to normalize fat metabolism

This bath is incredibly fragrant and makes a great home spa treatment. A mixture of essential oils combined with cream and honey literally transforms the skin, while starting the process of burning fat in problem areas.

Honey is a unique product that can enhance the properties of other ingredients, and cream perfectly emulsifies natural esters, releasing their aroma

The mixture for a creamy bath is made as follows:

  1. You need to pour fresh cream (1 liter) into a bowl or small saucepan and put it on low heat.
  2. When the cream is slightly warmed up, add natural flower honey (3 tbsp) and mix the whole mass well.
  3. The heated cream with honey must be removed from the heat and five drops of bergamot, cypress and ginger esters added to it.
  4. The finished aromatic mixture is poured into a bath of warm water.

A creamy bath with essential oils is taken for half an hour, after which you need to pat the skin with a towel and let it dry naturally.


Losing weight in this way can be called the most inexpensive option for losing excess weight. The prices for these products are quite reasonable, and anyone can afford to buy them. It is worth remembering that it is best to buy products from trusted retail outlets and well-known manufacturers, and essential oils can be found in any pharmacy.

Flaxseed oil costs from 35 rubles for a small bottle of 100 ml, but if you buy capsules, the price will be around 170-200 rubles for 500 mg. It may seem expensive compared to other options.

It is superior in cost to a product made from olive , which can currently be purchased at a price of 150 rubles per 150 ml. In pharmacies you can find castor oil from 40 rubles for a small bottle of 40 ml.

A natural product made from black cumin will cost from 650 rubles per 100 ml. It is worth understanding that prices vary depending on the region and outlet.

The cost of essential oils also varies:

  • tea tree extract costs approximately 100 rubles per 10 ml,
  • geranium, lemon - from 250 rubles,
  • cinnamon - from 120 rubles,
  • nutmeg - from 150 rubles,
  • bergamot - from 350 rubles for a similar volume.

Flaxseed oil for weight loss

The popularity of oil made from flax seeds came relatively recently. Reviews began to appear in which they stated losses of 4-5 kg ​​per month by adding this composition to the diet. Why does flaxseed oil attract those who want to lose weight?

  1. Essential fatty acids are contained in huge quantities in oil. For the same unit volume, there are significantly more fatty acids in flaxseed oil than in fish oil. The components are useful in their ability to regulate metabolism. When entering the body in sufficient quantities, fatty acids support the normal rate of metabolism, the absorption of nutrients, and the breakdown of excess fat.
  2. Flaxseed oil literally breaks down fats. True, this applies to fats that come with food: they literally break down into glycerin and water. The components are not absorbed by the body, but are excreted in an unprocessed form. By reducing the intake of fats and slowing down their absorption, you can lose weight well.
  3. The ability of flaxseed oil to suppress the feeling of hunger is also useful. Oil fractions, getting on the walls of the stomach and intestines, significantly reduce appetite.

Flaxseed oil is unusual for the body of compatriots, its use should be careful. And you need to start taking it with minimal test doses. In the first days, you should not take more than a teaspoon at a time. If you feel fine, add a second spoon at a different time of the day on about the third day. And finally, after a week, take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily.

The peculiarity of the product is that it cannot be heated at all. If olive oil still contains beneficial substances after heating, flaxseed oil does not contain them at all.

Coconut oil speeds up metabolism

Coconut oil is unlike any other type of dietary fat. The main difference is that most foods are made up of long chain fatty acids. Coconut oil contains only medium chain fatty acids.

Medium chain triglycerides are absorbed differently by the body than longer chain fatty compounds. Due to their structural features, they pass from the digestive tract directly to the liver. Here they are transformed into ketone bodies or converted into energy.

Coconut fats are recommended for patients with epilepsy on a ketogenic diet. This way you can increase your ketone content by taking a small amount of carbohydrates.

Animal studies have shown that medium-chain dietary fats are not stored as rapidly as other types of fats. In one experiment, rats were divided into two groups. In the first group, animals were overfed with triglyceride fats, and in the second, with other types of fats. It turned out that the rats of the first group gained 20% less weight and 23% less fat. [1]

Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides. These are polyunsaturated acids that are absorbed differently than other dietary fats. The positive effect of coconut oil on the body is explained by the peculiarities of its absorption.

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