Recipe for kefir with cucumber. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Excess weight is currently a pressing problem that worries every woman and girl. After all, representatives of the fairer sex want to have a beautiful and attractive body, regardless of age, but unpleasant cellulite, hanging folds on the stomach, sides, and thighs cancel out all plans and deprive them of a good mood for a long time.

But not everything is so bad, especially since there are a huge number of diets that will help you quickly get yourself in order at home. Good results are achieved by a weight loss method based on kefir and cucumbers. It does not last long, but allows you to instantly lose extra pounds without harm to your health.

What is the kefir-cucumber diet?

The cucumber-kefir diet is considered dietary. The main products are cucumbers and kefir. These products contain a minimal amount of calories, and the combination of these products has a diuretic effect and a mild laxative effect. They contain substances such as magnesium, sodium and potassium, which in turn nourish the body.

Kefir helps improve digestion and supports the microflora of the intestines and stomach. To maintain weight with minimal physical activity, it is recommended that a person consume 1200-1500 calories. By resorting to this diet, calorie consumption becomes minimal. Thanks to this, the desired effect is quickly achieved. Also, a kefir-cucumber diet helps improve overall well-being.

Indications for use

This diet is recommended for effective weight loss in a short time. For example, before an upcoming vacation trip or an important event. In addition, it is used to cleanse the body. Under the influence of the main food components, both the stomach and intestines are cleansed.

Various toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate daily in our body are removed. The kefir-cucumber diet is recommended for people who often have allergic reactions to various types of foods.

What effect can you get?

The combination of two independent mono-diets, kefir and cucumber, gives amazing results. This is one of the most popular and safe diets.

It comes in three types:

  • One-day;
  • Three days;
  • Five-day.

One day diet:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • 1 liter of kefir.

Cucumbers should be eaten finely chopped as a salad. Additionally, you can add various herbs (parsley, dill). The dressing will be lemon juice or kefir. Seasonings such as salt and pepper are under no circumstances recommended. Salt prevents the removal of fluid from the body. Pepper irritates the walls of the stomach, which can lead to unpleasant consequences and discomfort. By following this diet for one day, you lose from 1 to 1.5 kg of excess weight. The whole body is rebooted.

What happens if you eat cucumber with milk? Are these products compatible?

You've all probably heard about separate meals, compatible foods and absolute antagonists.
For example, meat and fried potatoes are a very heavy combination. At the same time, cabbage and meat are perfectly digestible, they complement each other. But there are also more exotic couples.

For example, many people have been tormented since childhood by the question, what will happen if you eat a cucumber with milk? Let's try to find the answer together.

Everything is individual

I would like to immediately note this point. Everyone’s body is different, and so is the sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract. It’s not without reason that it happens that the whole family eats one dish, and one of them starts to have a stomach ache in the evening. No, the food was not poor quality. It’s just that the combination of products turned out to be unsuitable for the body.

Today we decided to discuss what will happen if you eat a cucumber with milk. There are many myths about this. There are many people who claim that they completely calmly washed down crunchy vegetables with milk and felt great. Who is right, let's find out.

Fresh vegetables with milk

In the summer, the abundance of crispy cucumbers leads to the fact that crispy greens become a favorite addition to any dish. And it's also great as a snack.

But what about tea with milk, which ends almost every meal? Often, immediately after drinking tea, a person begins to frantically remember what will happen if he eats a cucumber with milk? Most likely, nothing bad will happen to you in this combination. So calm down and keep up the good work.

Fresh vegetables with sour milk

This question also comes up quite often, so let’s give it a little attention. If thematic forums describe in some detail what will happen if you eat a cucumber with milk, then they are somehow silent about kefir and yogurt.

We remember the usual summer okroshka, which many people fill with whey. Well, some people eat it with kefir. It's delicious and very healthy. And no one complains about the colorfully described stomach upset.

It turns out that the harmful properties of this pair do not work if the milk is replaced with a fermented milk analogue.

Unloading dish

There is a Greek dish that is very popular on hot days when there is no appetite. To prepare, you need to take a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt. Slice the cucumber, add a clove of garlic and some of your favorite herbs. Whisk and eat with a spoon. You can add crackers. An excellent evening meal for those who want to lose weight. It's delicious and contains no calories.


Everything seems clear about the combination of fresh vegetables and dairy products. Opinions are divided, but most of those who have tried them together claim that nothing bad will happen. Usually there is not even increased bloating, especially if you are not prone to it. What happens if you eat a pickled cucumber with milk?

Despite all the warnings, there are many examples where people tolerated this combination of products quite normally. It turns out to be more “explosive” than previous options. But if you don’t have an important meeting tomorrow and you stay at home, you can take a risk. The reaction is individual, so it is impossible to predict it.

For one person, such a set of products will result in severe diarrhea. Another will note excessive flatulence. The third will not notice any deviations in the digestive process. Before you think about what to do if you ate a cucumber with milk, you should observe your feelings a little.

It is quite possible that you will not even feel the unpleasant symptoms that are so frightening.

Why is this duet undesirable?

As we have already said, there are products that are incompatible with each other. Pickled cucumbers with milk belong to this duet. Together they can cause severe poisoning.

Therefore, no matter how much you are drawn to experiments, it is better to refuse them. Pickled cucumbers and milk do not “get along” well with each other. Cucumber increases the acidity of the stomach, and in this case the milk instantly curdles.

That is why with kefir this product is accepted by the body much easier.

Fresh milk is generally quite difficult for an adult to digest, so it should be consumed exclusively as a separate product. It is better to do this in the morning, adding a glass of milk to toast or bread. But sour cream or kefir goes very well with vegetables, we have already talked about this before.

What will happen

We usually think about this after we get up from the table. What happens if you drink a cucumber with milk, we start asking, and some even call the doctor. It is almost impossible to say exactly how your body will react.

But if you are worried about a violent reaction, then try to prevent it. To do this, you can immediately take sorbents. This is "Polysorb" or activated carbon.

The drugs will bind toxins, and the body will more easily tolerate the effects of this “sweet couple”.

Two hours after the sorbents, you can take two Linex capsules to ensure that you avoid unpleasant consequences. And if there is an important meeting or meeting ahead, it is recommended to take a Loperamide capsule. This drug blocks diarrhea and allows you to live peacefully until you return home.

Instead of a conclusion

Both of these products - milk and cucumbers - are healthy and tasty. But it’s not worth taking risks and using them together, especially in large quantities.

If after a salad with cucumber you drink tea with milk, then you can be calm. But crunching pickles and sipping milk is not very wise. It is better to take a break between these products.

Just a few hours break and you can rest easy.


Menu for 7 days diet

BreakfastSalad with cucumber and herbs, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil. 1 glass of kefir with 1% fat content
Lunch2 medium sized cucumbers
Snack1 glass of kefir
DinnerCucumber and herb salad. Kefir dressing. 1 Chicken egg, hard-boiled.
Afternoon snack1 medium cucumber
DinnerCucumber salad dressed with vegetable oil. 1 glass of kefir
Before bedtime1 glass of kefir

The maximum effect can be achieved by using this mono-diet for a week. The body removes harmful substances as much as possible, and the guaranteed result will be a weight loss of at least 7 kg.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors recommend using this diet to quickly cleanse the body and stick to it for a short time. In this case, it is completely safe and does not harm the body.

Long-term dieting results in loss of nutrients, which has a negative impact on overall well-being. Therefore, you will need to take multivitamin complexes to restore balance.

Doctors note that the results of a short diet are based precisely on cleansing the body, and not on burning fat. Therefore, to combat the layer, you will need to increase the period, reduce the amount of cucumbers and kefir, and add low-fat and healthy foods.

Experts do not recommend using this diet for people with severe contraindications. It can lead to exacerbation of diseases and additional problems.

Calorie content of products included in the kefir-cucumber diet

100 grCaloriesSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
Kefir 1%373.11.13.5
Fresh cucumbers150.70.22.5
Chicken egg15012.911.60.8
Vegetable oil8990530
Olive oil8240990

This diet includes a limited number of foods recommended for consumption. You must strictly adhere to this menu. You need to eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions - this will allow you not to feel hungry.

Three day diet

The three-day diet is considered the most effective. During this time, the body achieves better unloading and loses from 3 to 5 kg of extra pounds. During this mono-diet, it is forbidden to eat foreign foods.

The basis of the diet is 1 liter of kefir, 2 kg of cucumbers, it is also permissible to eat 1-2 boiled eggs and 1-2 slices of diet bread. Protein-containing foods should be eaten in the first half of the day.

It is also necessary to drink plenty of water; it is forbidden to drink black or green tea, as well as coffee. An exception may be herbal teas; they have a beneficial effect on digestion and the nervous system.


Strictly following the recommendations of this diet, approximately 5 to 7 excess weight is lost in five days. The whole body is cleansed, various toxic substances and toxins are removed. The diet also includes cucumbers, kefir, various greens, boiled eggs and herbal teas. Fractional meals are the best assistant for losing extra pounds. It is recommended to eat 4-6 times a day.

You can add broccoli to salads

Cucumbers for weight loss

They contain an important element of digestion - fiber, which has a good effect on the digestive process; in addition, cucumbers have the property of absorbing toxins and waste. Few people know, but these green vegetables contain tartronic acid, which blocks the addition of carbohydrates to fats, reducing body fat.

Cucumbers contain vitamins B and C, trace elements - copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and manganese, and the diuretic effect removes some of the salts from the joints, reducing their swelling and inflammation.

Several ways to diversify the menu

  1. It is recommended to add finely chopped Chinese cabbage and radishes to the cucumber salad. Parsley, dill or basil are good greens. As a dressing, a teaspoon of lemon juice, olive or vegetable oil would be an excellent solution.
  2. An excellent option would be kefir-cucumber cocktails. 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers must be grated on a coarse grater and then mixed with 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir. You can add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to one glass of cocktail. The resulting volume must be divided by the number of meals.
  3. Cold soup. A couple of small fresh cucumbers, radishes and various herbs (parsley or dill) need to be finely chopped and filled with 1% kefir.

How to get out of the kefir-cucumber diet correctly

Leaving the diet correctly
When leaving the diet in the first days, you should not eat heavy foods. The ideal option would be fermented baked milk, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. You can also introduce fruits and vegetables into your diet. After a few days, you can add cereals (buckwheat, rice, rolled oats) and boiled potatoes. To record the results obtained from the diet, you need to monitor your diet in the future. Eat as little fatty and difficult-to-digest foods as possible. Eat food as often as possible and in small portions. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Which foods are actually incompatible for human consumption at the same time?

What can't you eat with?

Everyone knows about the fun result that can happen if you eat a pickled cucumber and drink milk. But doctors do not yet know exactly why these products in such a combination contradict each other.

For many, the combination of herring and milk is not a fiery mixture. And they are sure that this taboo is just a habit. We grew up with this knowledge about the incompatibility of products and rational explanations are not needed.

Each nation has its own prohibitions on what foods cannot be mixed.

Some scientists believe that such knowledge came to us from ancient beliefs. Not all nations have the same prohibitions on food combinations. This can be called food culture and compared to the fact that in our country there are a lot of snails and frogs, but they are not used to make signature dishes, as in France, although we have a lot of these animals.

So, here is a list of anticombinations:

  1. starch with acidic foods such as tomato, orange. A chemical reaction will occur. And the products will lose all their beneficial qualities, that is, fruits and vegetables will fall into the stomach as an extra useless load.
  2. An interesting reaction will occur if you first drink sparkling water and then drink milk . A small mini chemical plant will explode in your stomach. You can see in the picture what happens to cola when you mix it with milk.
  3. A not so interesting, but also harmful effect occurs if you eat fruit after a grand meal , as we are used to. First salad, then hot, then sweet and for dessert - fruit. The first hot dishes take much longer to digest, and it will take half an hour before it’s time to get to the fruit. And the fruit begins to rot in the stomach after the first 15 minutes. An unpleasant picture appears before your eyes if you imagine what is happening in your stomach at this moment.
  4. Delicious apples, ripe pears, grapes, juicy plums, apricots and watermelons are not recommended to be eaten after protein foods : meat, fish, mushrooms, eggs. For the same reason as in the previous paragraph - the difference in the speed of digestion.
  5. And who doesn’t like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning and eat rye bread , say, with butter? If you are an amateur, then know that all this was done in vain. Simply filler products without nutrients entered the body. Because caffeine interferes with the absorption of essential elements for the body, in particular calcium.
  6. The next taboo for the stomach is cosmic mixture, a rocket. Lovers of fun parties prefer to fly on this rocket. This is a mix of cola and alcohol - this drink is for those who want to quickly get drunk and have a strong hangover in the morning.
  7. Beer and peanuts are a classic combination. But very destructive. Peanuts do not belong to the nut family, as is commonly thought, but to legumes. And in combination with alcohol, legumes lose all their beneficial properties and simply become a heavy product for the body.
  8. To get a true laxative, eat melon and drink alcohol , and you will run to the toilet like a marathon runner. Or you can drink the melon with cold water, kefir, or yogurt - the effect is the same.
  9. And to get a swollen face and swelling, eat more watermelon, filling it with various salty foods . Then the liquid will be retained in the body, and you will get “beauty” on your face.
  10. And in last place was the classic combination of cucumbers with milk and herring . In fact, everything depends individually on the person. For some, this combination can cause fermentation in the stomach, and sometimes poisoning. Pickled cucumbers or herring that enter the stomach oxidize the milk, and it immediately curdles. Despite this fact, in the food culture there are dishes that combine this mixture. The most common is forshmak (a classic combination of milk and herring).

No matter what experiments are carried out with products. It is important to provide yourself with first aid in a timely and correct manner. If you like to mix soda with milk, then do not deny yourself to have sorbents on hand. It is better to drink, say, activated carbon or polysorb before such experiments.

To get rid of severe intoxication of activated carbon, you need to crush 60 tablets or polysorb, dissolve 2 tablespoons in water, drink these medications until you feel better. And, if after mixing herring and soda and cucumber a “party” has started in your stomach, sorbents will help.

Now, all the secrets of how to “bomb” your stomach are known, and there is even a defensive weapon in this war - an antidote in the form of sorbents. And in conclusion to the information about strange combinations in food, two paragraphs that will definitely change your mind about the “friendship” of foods.

A salad of cucumbers with tomatoes is the most summer and healthy... although, no, only summer, the usefulness in it disappears as soon as tomatoes and cucumbers are combined. Academician Pokrovsky A.A. In the course of his research, he concluded that the combination of cucumbers and tomatoes leads to the destruction of vitamin C in the salad.

But, for example, sorrel soup would be good to eat with milk. The combination, of course, is disgusting, but with such friendship between sorrel and milk, harmful oxalic acids are destroyed.

Well, now everyone enjoy your meal and keep your trusty sorbent on hand!



Any diet is a lot of stress for the body. It is strongly recommended to take vitamins during the diet. Since in addition to harmful substances, beneficial microelements are also washed out of the body.

If you have the following diseases:

  • Gastritis;
  • Stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • Urolithiasis disease.

This diet is strongly not recommended.:

  • Pregnancy period;
  • Breastfeeding period.

It is recommended to resort to this type of nutrition no more than twice a year. The duration of the diet should in no case exceed seven days. If you use the kefir-cucumber diet for longer than the recommended time, unpleasant consequences may appear such as impaired health functions, exhaustion of the body, and exacerbation of any existing diseases. If you follow all the recommendations and follow the correct diet, the desired result will be achieved in a short time and without harm to health.

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