The benefits of burdock for weight loss and how to use it

Burdock can help with weight loss; its benefits have been proven by official medicine. The following plant abilities are especially highlighted:

  • removing excess fluid, toxins and waste from the body. Swelling goes away, the intestines begin to function stably, and all nutrients from foods are absorbed;
  • normalization of metabolic processes, their acceleration. The body begins to actively convert fat deposits into energy;
  • increased performance. Burdock contains a lot of iron, and it is necessary to maintain active body activity on a low-calorie diet.

Decoctions and infusions of burdock reduce appetite and cravings for sweets . After just a few days of using the product, there is a natural decrease in the volume of food consumed; a person begins to feel full even when eating small portions.

The beneficial properties of burdock are determined by its rich composition : inulins and essential oils, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins. The use of this plant increases the body's resistance to stress and allows for slow and gradual weight loss.

Allergy refers to a conditional contraindication to the use of decoctions and infusions. If it is excluded by conducting a simple allergy test, it is possible to carry out a course of weight loss using this method. Contraindications include:

  • chronic diseases of internal organs that occur in severe form;
  • any neurological diseases, including epilepsy;
  • some endocrine diseases, you will need to consult your doctor.

Do not take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Burdock root recipe:

  • take 2 tsp. dry and crushed raw materials;
  • pour 250 ml of hot water into the mixture;
  • Boil in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.

Next, the finished product is cooled and filtered. Take a decoction of burdock root, 50 ml before each meal, 5–10 minutes; there should be at least 4 and no more than 5 uses per day. The taste of the drink is quite specific; it can be improved with a small amount of honey - 1/3 teaspoon per serving.

Burdock root

Multicomponent decoction of burdock root:

  • combine 1.5 tsp in a ceramic or glass bowl. chopped burdock root, 0.5 tsp. dandelion root and the same amount of chicory roots;
  • pour the resulting mixture with 300 ml of hot water;
  • put everything in a water bath and heat for 10 minutes, do not bring to a boil.

Infuse the product for 1 hour, then cool and strain. The resulting amount is distributed over 2 days, take a decoction of 50 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Burdock for weight loss in the form of a decoction should be taken for 30 days , then a break is taken for 10-15 days, the course can be repeated if necessary.

Burdock decoction

The leaves of the plant are not used for weight loss; the stems are taken . Healers say that only young ones that have not yet turned into hollow tubes are suitable. They need to be collected, washed, finely chopped and scalded with boiling water. Next, the green-white mass is enriched with low-fat sour cream and a small amount of lemon juice. This salad will be useful for dinner and breakfast - a light but satisfying dish. You need to eat it without bread, you can eat it in unlimited quantities.

According to the classic recipe, salt is not added to the salad made from young plant stems, but if weight loss has just begun, then a small amount of spice can be added.

Leaves and stems are taken for juice . Fresh raw materials are crushed in a blender or a regular meat grinder, then the green mass is folded into a fabric bag or wrapped in gauze and wrung out. Drink juice in its pure form instead of water. The taste of the drink is quite bitter; in the first days it can be diluted with clean water in a 1:1 ratio; in the future, this ratio should change in favor of increasing the amount of juice.

Burdock juice

It is strictly forbidden to take fresh burdock juice if you have existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract . If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Burdock is not a panacea. Even if you regularly take decoctions, salad and juice from the plant, it is unlikely that you will be able to reduce body weight . Burdock products will speed up the weight loss process by 10% and will support the body, eliminating the appearance of weakness, apathy and irritability when giving up your favorite foods that are harmful to your figure.

Read more in our article about burdock for weight loss.

What does burdock root cure?

Grandfather contains:

  • vitamins: E, C, D, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, niacin, betaine
  • minerals: iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese, magnesium, selenium

Let's see what burdock root cures.

A list of problems that it helps to combat.

Problem (disease) Explanation
Oncological diseases Scientists have found that inulin, which is part of the plant, eliminates harmful accumulations in the body, reduces putrefactive and oxidative processes.

They say that the roots of the May plant bring the greatest benefit. A product made from butter, burdock and chicken eggs is used to lubricate the skin for melanoma. Thus, burdock root is a good remedy against cancer.

Brittle, dull hairAccelerates hair growth and strengthens roots. Deeply moisturizes hair, saturates it with vitamins and prevents split ends and hair loss.
Weak bonesIt contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that keep bones healthy and strong.
SeborrheaRegulates the production of sebaceous glands.
BurnsGrass leaves will help here. They are cut and applied to the affected area. The grandfather disinfects the wound and has an analgesic effect.
Liver disease The chemical elements of the plant eliminate inflammatory processes.

Cirrhosis of the liver is treated by collecting the roots of burdock, chamomile, elecampane, St. John's wort and mint.

Digestive tract diseasesAn infusion of the plant helps the gastrointestinal tract function better. It improves the digestion process, fights gastritis, ulcers and dysbacteriosis.
Low immunityRegular consumption of tea with it protects against viruses and bad bacteria.
Pale, dull skinCleanses and smoothes the skin.
SlaggingThe substances included in its composition perfectly cleanse the body.
DiabetesReduces blood sugar levels.
CariesProtects tooth enamel from destruction. Disinfects the oral cavity.
Allergic reactionsThree times a day, 1 tbsp. take burdock root juice and you will forget about allergies.
Endocrine system diseasesVitamin B6 takes control of hormones, and manganese contributes to the normal functioning of the endocrine gland.
Cardiovascular diseases.It cleanses blood vessels, which helps the heart function.
HeadacheA burdock leaf applied to the head helps relieve pain.
Difficulty defecatingDedovnik is a good laxative and helps in the fight against constipation.
Sick urinary tract It is a good diuretic. Helps eliminate various infections. Take as tea.
CoughInhalation with this herb has an antibacterial effect. And the infusion heals inflamed organs.
ArthritisReduces swelling and has an analgesic effect.

You have learned about the beneficial properties of burdock root, now you should mention the contraindications.

You should not use burdock:

  • Excessively. In this case, there will be an excess of glycogen, which in turn can put a serious burden on the liver and also lead to obesity.
  • If you are intolerant to the components of this product.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • For bulimia nervosa.
  • People with chronic diseases should consult a doctor before use.

Burdock root for weight loss

Interestingly, burdock root is also popular for weight loss. It fights increased appetite, speeds up metabolic processes and acts as a mild laxative.

How to take burdock root for weight loss

There are several effective recipes with this plant. And we will tell you about them.

  • Tincture of burdock, dandelion and chicory

You should mix the roots of burdock (teaspoon), chicory (1/2 tsp) and dandelion (1/2 tsp).

Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the ingredients and cover with a lid. Let it brew for an hour, then strain. Drink 50 ml three times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. Course – 30 days.

  • Burdock decoction

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over two teaspoons of dry roots, then simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Cool the broth and take 50 ml 5 times a day before meals.

  • Dedovnik tincture

3 teaspoons of grandfather powder are poured into 250 ml of cold water, and the mixture is allowed to stand overnight. Then bring to a boil. Take one tablespoon.l. five times a day between snacks.

  • Salad

Young burdock stalks are washed well, hard fibers are removed and cut into small pieces. Season with butter or sour cream. Add spices if necessary.

Now you know how to properly take burdock root and stems for weight loss. We hope these recipes will help you lose those extra pounds.

Reviews of burdock root for weight loss

Nobody wants to be disappointed, and therefore, before trying something new for themselves, people quickly study the experiences of others.

We have studied various reviews about burdock root for weight loss and come to a conclusion: burdock will not magically burn your fat deposits, but it can help with this. Therefore, in order to lose weight, it is necessary not only to take decoctions from this medicinal plant, but also to remove baked goods and sweets from your diet, not to eat before bed, not to overeat, and to give your body at least a little physical activity. In this case, the result will not be long in coming!

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In most cases, home remedies made from burdock have no contraindications.

People with a tendency to allergic reactions should take infusions and decoctions of burdock with caution.

Since burdock has a slight diuretic effect, it should not be consumed by people with severe kidney pathologies.

It is not recommended to take large amounts of burdock during pregnancy at any stage and during breastfeeding.

In order not to harm the body, before starting herbal medicine using burdock, you should consult a doctor.

Burdock root for hair

Our ancestors used it to care for their hair. And not in vain, because burdock fights dandruff well, strengthens hair follicles, copes with hair loss, and gives hair silkiness, strength and shine.

You should use grass that is more than a year old. It is at this time that it accumulates a lot of vitamins and minerals that we need so much.

If you do not have the opportunity to collect the plant, you can purchase it at the pharmacy for a small amount.

How to use burdock root for hair

Let's look at how to use burdock root for hair.


  • Pass the root through a meat grinder
  • Pour one part with three parts oil (olive, coconut, castor or flaxseed)
  • let it brew for two hours

Before use, warm the mixture a little and rub it into the base of the hairs; you can distribute it over the entire length. Keep for an hour. Use the mask 2 times a week


  • 3 tbsp. ground roots
  • 5 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • glass of clean water

Boil burdock in water. Cool. Add sea buckthorn.

Rub the cream into the roots and leave for 40 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.

Also now burdock oil . It is sold in pharmacies as a stand-alone product or with the addition of red pepper, chamomile and nettle. Red pepper will help speed up hair growth, chamomile will soften and moisturize, and nettle will add effectiveness in the fight against dandruff and help strengthen curls. It is recommended to apply the product for several hours or overnight, then wash thoroughly with shampoo more than once, since the product is quite greasy and difficult to wash off.

You may be interested in: Burdock oil - affordable hair care

Burdock root can be used as a regular hair rinse . To do this, take some crushed roots and boil them in mineral water, then let them cool. Rinse your hair with this infusion after washing your hair, do not rinse. However, for some, after such a procedure, their hair quickly becomes oily. We hope this recipe suits you.

Will there be results from decoctions, salads and juice?

You should not perceive folk remedies from burdock as a panacea for obesity. Even if you regularly take decoctions, salads and juice from this plant, it is unlikely that you will be able to reduce body weight.

Doctors and healers warn about the need to adjust the diet and regular physical activity . In this case, burdock products will speed up the process of losing weight and support the body, eliminating the appearance of weakness, apathy and irritability when giving up your favorite foods that are harmful to your figure.

Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that using the plant for weight loss speeds up the process by 10%. This is a lot, especially since doctors insist on slow and gradual weight loss.

And here is more information about diuretic tea for weight loss.

Burdock (burdock) is a means of supporting the body during weight loss and accelerating this process . Medicinal drugs from it are prepared easily and simply, the cost of raw materials is quite adequate, there are no side effects even with long-term use, and there are really few contraindications.

It is not easy to create a diet for losing weight in your legs (especially specific parts - thighs, calves, buttocks) and abdomen. The thing is that the menu will not bring quick weight loss. Exercise and lifestyle changes are needed.

Aloe also helps with weight loss. There are requirements for preparation and administration at home, recipes for juice, drink, extract. You can take aloe vera capsules.

Sea buckthorn is used for weight loss both in raw, frozen form and in oil. The recipe is simple; carrying out the procedures yourself is also not difficult.

Application in oncology

The plant has proven itself in the treatment of oncology. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and antibacterial effects. Capable of stopping tumor growth and development.

rules :

  • leaves are best collected early in the morning in spring
  • roots should be dug in the evening or at night
  • dry in a dark, dry and cool place

How to use burdock root for oncology.

Can be used fresh. To do this, grate it. And eat the resulting mass 30 g five times a day.


  • Pour 500 ml of water over the crushed root
  • Boil

Drink half a glass before meals


  • 50-60 g of crushed raw materials pour 0.5 liters of boiling water
  • Let sit overnight

Drink 150 ml before meals


  • ½ burdock juice
  • 200 ml alcohol
  • 200 ml liquid honey

Mix the ingredients and place in a jar in the refrigerator.

You can make the juice yourself using a juicer or purchase it at the pharmacy. However, while fighting this serious disease, do not neglect medications and doctor’s recommendations. Use grandfather as an aid.


Burdock root contains many bioactive substances. We list the most typical ones:

  • inulin is a polysaccharide that is a probiotic that actively stimulates the growth of intestinal microflora;
  • fatty acids , including polyunsaturated ones; palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic;
  • tannins , which have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • essential oils;
  • many vitamins , including A, B, C, E and P;
  • bitterness;
  • proteins;
  • sitosterol, stigmasterol;
  • microelements , including selenium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, etc.

Reviews about the medicinal properties of burdock root

Oksana, 28 years old: I’ve been using the decoction for my hair for six months now. After pregnancy, my hair began to fall out a lot, but now it has become stronger, acquired shine and almost does not fall out, only a little when washing. The structure of the hair has also improved.

Alena, 27 years old: I’ve heard a lot of positive reviews about the medicinal properties of burdock root. I decided to use it in the treatment of allergies, this is my constant problem in the spring. I drank it once a day and lived through the spring period calmly, the allergy went away. Although all the past years I suffered terribly from it.

Elena, 37 years old: The plant saved me from the second operation. Two months ago I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, and a friend advised me to take burdock infusion 3 times for 21 days. And everything miraculously passed! I hope forever. But sometimes I drink tea with it for prevention.

We told you what medicinal properties and contraindications burdock root has. And we hope that now this wonderful plant will not be left without attention. After all, it can bring you great benefits!

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