Oxygen cocktails - benefits, properties, rules of use

An oxygen cocktail is a special drink for people who are concerned about their health. It is tasty, healthy and contains very few calories. Let's look at what its use can lead to and how to make it at home.

The name speaks for itself. Yes, indeed, oxygen is the basis of this drink, and it is this that affects the body. Moreover, it must meet all the requirements, on an equal basis with other medications, although it itself is not one.

All other components of the drink are minor additives to add taste or change color. In addition, juices from vegetables, berries and fruits, cow's milk, fruit drinks or just water can be used for preparation. But most often such drinks are made based on licorice root or spum mixtures. This is what gives the cocktail its characteristic foam.

Understanding the calorie content of a product, you must know what became its basis. A drink prepared with water has almost no calories, but if it is based on milk or juice, then there will be about 300 Kcal per 100 grams. It contains almost only carbohydrates, so it can be a snack during a diet.

The benefit of an oxygen cocktail, of course, lies in its chemical composition.

Composition and calorie content of oxygen cocktails

Please note that it is not a medicine, but only a dietary supplement.

Regular consumption of the cocktail has the following effects on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones;
  • eliminates hypoxia;
  • relieves fatigue, increases performance;
  • helps burn fat;
  • skin condition improves, sleep normalizes.

In addition, it is recommended to take it for breathing problems and cardiovascular diseases.

An oxygen cocktail for pregnant women is a kind of assistant for pregnant women. After all, it is believed that one glass of drink completely replaces a walk in the forest.

Composition and calorie content of oxygen cocktails

The effect caused by a lack of oxygen should not be underestimated. It can lead to hypoxia, which, in turn, will cause fetal death. To prevent this, pregnant women should definitely nourish their body with oxygen cocktails.

In addition, such a drink will help avoid circulatory disorders in the placenta, maintain normal hemoglobin levels, relieve insomnia and help normalize metabolic processes.

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Among those who took an oxygen cocktail while pregnant, the following changes were noted:

  • the level of fatigue has become lower;
  • dizziness disappeared;
  • colds occurred much less frequently;
  • general health has become much better;
  • complete absence of deviations in the development of the unborn baby.

Such a cocktail is no less useful for children, because everyone knows that the composition of city air is far from ideal. Many children's institutions have already included the drink in the permanent menu, and that's all because it charges with energy, which children so require during the period of active growth, relieves fatigue, has a positive effect on the nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

How much and when can you drink

An oxygen cocktail is beneficial if you do not use it more often than experts recommend. Standards have been developed for children and adults. Children under 2 years old should not drink oxygen drinks.

Norms of daily dose of cocktail:

  • children from 3 to 6 years old up to 150 ml.;
  • children from 6 to 11 years old from 150 to 200 ml.;
  • children from 11 to 14 years old from 200 to 250 ml.;
  • teenagers from 14 years old and adults from 250 to 300 ml.

It is recommended to consume oxygen foam with a spoon. Drinking through a straw irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus and even leads to a burn to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drink is consumed 1 hour after meals.

What can happen with an “overdose”

Excessive consumption can lead to the following pathologies:

  1. Accelerate the movement of stones in the kidneys or bladder, which in turn will lead to inflammation.
  2. Provoke the rapid growth of stomach ulcers, as well as aggravate the symptoms of gastritis with high acidity.
  3. If there is inflammation in your body, then frequent consumption of the drink will lead to rapid spread to nearby organs and tissues.

Remember, any product can have benefits and harm, including an oxygen cocktail. Regular and moderate consumption will give strength and health to the body, but if you overdo it a little, the drink will have the opposite effect.

Rules for safe use

If you use the cocktail correctly, it brings only benefits to the body. Before taking it, be sure to check the quality of the composition.

Rules for safe use:

  • Drink slowly or eat with a special spoon.

    Oxygen cocktail. Benefits and harms for children, during pregnancy, apparatus, composition, kits, how to make at home
    The oxygen cocktail should be drunk slowly or eaten with a spoon.

  • Consume the drink within 5 minutes after preparation.
  • Do not consume more than the recommended daily dose.
  • Do not take for more than 15 days without specialist advice.
  • Do not drink on an empty stomach.
  • Do not drink for children under 2 years of age.

Oxygen cocktail is useful for adults and children. It enriches the body with energy by distributing oxygen throughout the cells. The course of application is prescribed as an additional therapy to the main treatment.

After daily use for 2 weeks, the immune system is strengthened, mood improves, and the skin is rejuvenated. In some cases, excess weight is reduced due to the normalization of the metabolic process.

Author of the article: Kozlova Irina Vladimirovna

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

In kindergarten

Today, oxygen cocktails have become especially popular in preschool institutions (preschool institutions). Typically, such drinks are prescribed several times a year as health-improving courses during the period when the time for walking in the fresh air is limited due to seasonal vagaries of the weather.

The main requirement for oxygen cocktails in kindergartens is a guarantee of safety for the child. In order not to cause harm to the growing body, preparation should be carried out by specially trained medical personnel who are responsible for the quality of all components in the drink.

Before starting health procedures, parents should be familiarized with the recipe in order to exclude an allergic reaction in children.

Useful properties of the cocktail

After numerous tests, experts found that the gastrointestinal tract absorbs oxygen well. Upon entering the body, it quickly penetrates the bloodstream through the gastric mucosa. This happens much more quickly than during inhalations. Oxygen is distributed throughout the body, throughout all tissues and reaches the organs, saturating them with important microelements. Symptoms of oxygen starvation disappear almost instantly.

Beneficial properties of oxygen cocktail

The benefits are significant:

  • Its constant use has a good effect on the functioning of the brain. After use, mental activity is normalized, concentration and memory are strengthened.
  • The drink is low in calories, so it is actively included in the diet when following a diet. Despite its low calorie content, it helps overcome hunger.
  • Useful for people living in places with environmental problems. The healing composition will help overcome oxygen starvation.
  • Neurotic insomnia. In this pathological condition, a course of oxygen drink is indicated.
  • The use of the cocktail enhances the oxygen transport function of the blood and arterial blood saturation indicators.
  • If you want to quit smoking, then an oxygen drink will help with this. A healing cocktail will help quickly remove accumulated toxic substances from the respiratory tract.
  • It is much easier for an organism that does not suffer from hypoxia to cope with infectious and viral diseases.
  • Taking the drug allows you to fight excessive impotence and constant weakness. It is recommended to include an oxygen drink as part of the complex treatment of patients experiencing asthenic syndrome.
  • Oxygen from the cocktail forms the walls of the capillaries of the smallest blood vessels and promotes the production of collagen. When drinking the drink, the tone of the dermis increases. The skin becomes more elastic and fresh.

After drinking a healing oxygen drink, the functioning of the digestive tract, kidneys, and pancreas improves. Their intake is an auxiliary method in the treatment of various digestive diseases.

An oxygen drink is also indispensable for pregnant women, as it helps to cope with severe toxicosis. It may also be indicated to combat oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Due to oxygen, there is an increased absorption of vitamins, so it should be taken on an ongoing basis by children to strengthen the immune system. The baby will be able to cope with mental stress much easier and will also become more resistant to stress.

History of creation

Such a cocktail was invented in the 60s of the 20th century while scientists were studying the effects of pure 99% oxygen (medical) on the gastrointestinal tract. So, the procedure consisted of introducing foam-like oxygen (about 2 liters) through a probe to the person. And the results were good. A significant improvement in the patients' condition was recorded.

Since the procedure, despite the effect, is extremely unpleasant, N.N. Sirotinin invented the oxygen cocktail. It gained wide popularity in sanatoriums of the Soviet Union, but was very expensive, which is why the opportunity to try the effect of the drink was available only to wealthy patients.

Technical progress increased the availability of the cocktail just 10 years later, but its popularity fell sharply and the drink was unfairly forgotten. Today, its demand has increased again.

Therapeutic effect

The effect of taking a cocktail is most often positive. Enriching the body with oxygen prevents the development of hypoxia in adults and children. To prevent oxygen starvation in the fetus and the expectant mother, doctors recommend taking a portion of the treat daily.

Therapists prescribe a cocktail course if:

  • vascular diseases of acute or chronic form;
  • diseases of the respiratory system and lungs;
  • depression or difficult psychological period;
  • the woman is pregnant;
  • sleep is disturbed, anxiety and insomnia appear;
  • memory and thinking have noticeably deteriorated;
  • there is no opportunity to walk outdoors in a forest or park for at least 2 hours;
  • reduced immunity;
  • a person studies, plays sports professionally;
  • Chronic fatigue and headache appeared.

The drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Oxygen improves the structure of the skin, increases its elasticity, and promotes rejuvenation. After a course of treatment, activity increases, fatigue and fatigue decrease. An oxygen cocktail activates the brain, so memory and thinking improve.

Oxygen cocktail. Benefits and harms for children, during pregnancy, apparatus, composition, kits, how to make at home

Pediatricians recommend drinking the drink for children from 3 years of age in order to prevent colds and increase resistance to viruses.

What kind of oxy cocktails can you make?

Recipe for a restorative oxygen cocktail. Brew 10 g in 1-1.5 liters of water. immortelle herb and 50 gr. rosehip. Let it brew for 5-6 hours. Next, filter the infusion and add 100 ml of licorice root. Add berry or fruit syrup to the resulting mixture at your discretion, for example, strawberry. Pour into an oxygen cocktail and prepare according to the instructions for the device.

oxygen cocktail recipe
Anti-inflammatory cocktail. For 1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of calendula infusion and 1 tablespoon of chamomile infusion. Let it sit for 30-40 minutes, then prepare the drink in a cocktail glass.

Fruit and milk oxy-drink “Apple Pie”. Take 60 milliliters of apple juice, 130 milliliters of milk and add 7 grams of vanilla oxygen mixture. You can also add a small pinch of cinnamon if desired. The resulting mixture needs to be saturated with oxygen and the cocktail is ready.

Contraindications for use

Despite the large number of positive effects provided by this dietary supplement, it also has some contraindications. You should definitely pay attention to them so as not to harm your health.

Composition and calorie content of oxygen cocktails

  1. It is forbidden to drink an oxygen cocktail for people suffering from asthma and susceptible to bronchial attacks. Especially during the period of exacerbation of the disease.
  2. It is not recommended to take the drink for people diagnosed with hyperthymia, as well as for adhesive disease and stage 2-3 gallstones.
  3. You can harm your body if you drink a cocktail when you are poisoned or have urolithiasis.
  4. It is completely contraindicated to use cocktails for people with damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, colitis and ulcers.

When buying a ready-made mixture for making a drink, be sure to study its composition. It may contain a potential allergen (dye, flavor, etc.). When preparing a cocktail for young children, it is better not to use sweet juices and herbal infusions.

How to use

Experts often correct their patients: they do not drink oxygen foam, but consume it. This should be done slowly, using a teaspoon. There is no need to prolong the pleasure either; 2-4 minutes will be enough. If these conditions are met, oxygen absorption occurs evenly, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the drink. It is better to avoid drinking a cocktail with a straw, as this may cause bloating.

Proper use of foam implies compliance with the following rules:

  • consumption 1-1.5 hours before meals;
  • Do not exceed the specified daily dosage of the drink;
  • the duration of treatment should not be more than four weeks;
  • It is better to use foam in the morning or evening (before the first or after the last meal).

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Daily consumption of an oxygen cocktail will diversify the diet of lovers of a healthy diet or those who occasionally spend fasting days.

Indications and contraindications

The oxygen cocktail is indicated for use by residents of large cities, workers in hazardous industries, office workers, as well as those who spend most of the day indoors. In addition, the drink has valuable properties that have a beneficial effect on pregnant women: it alleviates toxicosis and, in some cases, can be recommended to eliminate fetal hypoxia.

It is also indicated for older people to stimulate and activate vital functions. An oxygen cocktail after training returns expended energy, restoring strength in athletes. Prescribed as a tonic after competitions and training.

But, in addition to its indications, the oxygen cocktail also has contraindications, like any other drug that can have a strong effect on the human body. First of all, nutritionists and doctors do not recommend this drink to patients suffering from hypertension, bronchial asthma, body intoxication, cholelithiasis, respiratory failure, and ulcers. In addition, for people prone to various allergic reactions, an oxygen cocktail can do more harm than good.

Security measures

  • If you decide to use an oxygen concentrator or air cans when preparing your favorite delicacy, it is useful to ensure that the entire process is carried out as far as possible from open flames or heating panels.
  • When creating an airy masterpiece, you cannot use gas-containing drinks or alcohol as a liquid base.
  • The oxygen cocktail should be consumed immediately after preparation; it cannot be stored or frozen.
  • There is no need to drink the product in one gulp or in too frequent sips - this will not allow the product to be properly absorbed and will harm digestion. For the same reason, avoid consuming oxygen composition on an empty stomach or while eating.
  • If you have a food allergy, protein intolerance or other substance, you must make sure that there are no dangerous components among the ingredients of the oxygen treat. You should carefully study the composition if you purchased a standard set in a store or pharmacy, the ingredients of which were not selected individually.

Using a blender

When you really need to prepare an oxygen cocktail, but there is no special equipment, an ordinary household blender will do. The finished drink will be no less healthy and tasty. The main thing is to purchase the necessary ingredients: base, foam former and oxygen.

Execution order:

  • Pour 100 ml into any container. herbal tea, milk, fruit drink or juice;
  • add licorice root or other foaming agent;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • for 5 - 7 seconds. enrich the mixture with oxygen or use the “O2 supply” function on the blender;
  • turn on the beating function at medium speed for 10 - 15 seconds;
  • drink a healthy drink.

Using a homemade cocktail

You can make a device for preparing an oxygen cocktail at home. To do this you will need: a glass jar, a nylon lid, two tubes of different diameters, a plastic bottle, a device for aerating water in the aquarium (air baking powder).

Ingredients for the drink: base, foam former. In

ingredients for the reaction: hot water, manganese crystals and hydroperite tablets (antiseptic).

The order of execution of the device:

  1. Make two holes in the nylon cover for passing the tubes.
  2. Close the jar with a lid.
  3. Insert a thin tube so that it rocks the bottom of the container.
  4. Insert a thick tube so that it extends 2 cm below the lid.
  5. Secure the entrance of the tubes with glue.
  6. Make a hole in the cap of a plastic bottle for the entrance of a thin tube.
  7. Seal the entrance.
  8. Connect the end of a thin tube in the jar to a device for loosening air.
  9. Mix all ingredients in a jar: juice and foam former.
  10. Mix 290 - 310 ml in a bottle. hot water, 2 - 3 manganese crystals, 4 antiseptic tablets.
  11. The reaction in the bottle will begin to supply oxygen foam into the jar.
  12. The end of the wide tube should be placed in a glass.
  13. After 30 sec. the drink is ready.

Oxygen cocktail. Benefits and harms for children, during pregnancy, apparatus, composition, kits, how to make at home

The homemade device is not convenient to use and store; it is recommended for a single course of use.

Who is it prescribed to?

Although almost all children are allowed to drink an oxygen cocktail, this drink is recommended primarily for some categories:

  • for young athletes to improve blood circulation and recover faster after exercise;
  • first graders to cope with new information, eliminate fatigue and improve memory;
  • children who are often sick for a long time in order to increase nonspecific immune defense;
  • overweight children, since cocktails with oxygen activate metabolic processes and stimulate the breakdown of fat;
  • for kids who live in an industrial area to minimize the harm of a lack of oxygen in the air;
  • children with reduced hemoglobin levels, previous respiratory tract diseases and kidney diseases.
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