Meat diet: for men and women. Diet for every day

Today we’ll talk about why a meat diet is wonderful, who it is useful for and what results it can give. Is it suitable for weight loss? How ideal is it, will it harm the body, for whom will its use be more effective: for men or for women? All these and many other questions are below in this article.

Hello friends! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Among the northern peoples, 99% of whose food is animal products, there are no fewer obese people than anywhere else. Someone will say: “Here’s a meat diet for you!” Don't rush to conclusions! There is one factor that must be taken into account: they love fat! For example, they caught a seal, opened its belly, and sat around the carcass, eating the internal fat while it was warm.

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Please also keep in mind that where it is very cold, people eat too much for future use and the fat layer for them is not a burden, but a necessity. But let’s leave the Chukchi and Eskimos their gastronomic preferences and talk about how a meat diet can make us, people of the temperate zone, slimmer and lighter.

Are you ready to listen? Then let's go!

Benefits of a meat diet

The key principle of the diet is to consume about 0.5 kg of meat per day. This is effective because:

  • meat creates a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • the product saturates the body with tryptophan, so the body receives emotional satisfaction;
  • since there are no carbohydrate products in the diet, the body spends more energy processing food;
  • Due to the small volume of portions, the stomach does not stretch, and less food is needed to feel full.

Before using a meat diet, you need to consult a specialist so as not to lead the body to a serious disruption in the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Pros and cons of a meat diet

Among the advantages of the diet are:

  • lack of hunger;
  • quick relief from swelling;
  • stabilization of blood sugar levels;
  • minimal loss of muscle tissue when losing weight.

The disadvantages of a meat diet are:

  • constant weakness, drowsiness;
  • bad breath;
  • psychological discomfort.

Meat diet

Negative aspects of the diet

While following a special diet, it is strictly forbidden to eat carbohydrates - the main source of energy. This explains why such a diet cannot be followed for more than 10 days.

Contraindications for using the diet:

  • irregular bowel movements and problems with the functioning of the stomach;
  • age under 18 years;
  • kidney disease;
  • chronic and congenital diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Please note: due to the minimum volume of carbon, headaches, apathy and weakness may occur.


Meat is considered roughage and takes a long time to digest. That is why there is a risk of problems with the stomach and stool (constipation often occurs with such a diet). A minimal intake of carbohydrates with such a diet often provokes headaches, feelings of fatigue, and apathy.

The diet is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women and the elderly. If you have chronic diseases, it is also advisable to abandon the idea of ​​losing weight on a protein diet.

It is not recommended to practice the program for longer than 10 days, as this can lead to deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

In any case, before changing your usual menu, you need to consult a specialist!

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How to eat healthy

The most effective results are achieved only by following the recommendations of nutritionists:

  1. Any type of lean meat is allowed, weighing up to 500 g per day.
  2. The total daily calorie content of dishes and drinks is 1600-1700 kcal.
  3. To complement the meat, use stewed or fresh vegetables, with the exception of potatoes.
  4. Before cooking, remove the skin, film and fat layer from the meat.
  5. The amount of salt per day is 3g.
  6. There should be a break of about 30 minutes between eating and drinking.
  7. The diet can be diluted with chicken or quail eggs and cottage cheese with minimal fat content (three times a week).
  8. Take 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil every day to prevent hair loss and dry skin.
  9. Drink 100-200 ml of 0% fat kefir every day, two days old. It is mixed with bran and eaten to support intestinal function.
  10. Dinner is allowed no later than 20.00.

Salt is allowed in the diet. Unsalted spices are allowed. Physical activity will help enhance the weight loss effect.

Exercise while dieting

A meat-vegetable diet combats excess fatty tissue on the abdomen, sides and thighs well, but for the best effect it is recommended to exercise daily. Dosed exercises can enhance the effectiveness of the diet and, by the end of a two-week diet, make some areas of the body elastic and sculpted. You can also attend massage sessions while losing weight. A targeted effect on the skin allows you to get rid of not only excess fat, but also cellulite and improve skin tone. Swimming or aerobics will help tighten sagging skin in various parts of the body and strengthen the muscle corset.

Permitted and prohibited products

Among the products that can be used during a meat diet are:

  • white and red meat;
  • vegetables with a low percentage of starch;
  • low-fat fish and seafood;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • olive oil;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • lemon juice for salads;
  • coffee without sugar, rosehip infusion, green tea or water.

The following cannot be included in the menu:

  • White rice;
  • bread and any pastries;
  • cereals (except buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • potatoes and other starchy vegetables;
  • alcohol;
  • mayonnaise, sour cream and fatty cheeses.

What to prefer: beef or veal

Dietary dishes made from beef and veal are popular when dieting, as they contain little fat, saturate the body with useful substances, and have a pleasant taste. However, each type of meat has both its pros and cons.

Beef contains little bad cholesterol and a lot of gelatin, which accelerates blood clotting. For the diet, you should select a lean part of the carcass (tenderloin, rump). The disadvantage of this meat is that it often turns out tough. To prevent this from happening, various components are added to the base during preparation or it is simmered with water. You need to cook dietary beef dishes for a long time, then they will be soft.


Beef is useful for anemia and visual impairment, it helps to recover faster from injuries or serious illnesses.

Dietary dishes made from veal are easily digestible and contain valuable amino acids and minerals. The cholesterol level in the product is much lower than in beef or lamb. Calf meat is rich in gelatin, which accelerates blood clotting, so it should be eaten by people with cardiovascular pathologies. And thanks to extractive substances, this meat normalizes digestion. Veal contains little fat and has a delicate taste and aroma.

This is interesting! Beef is digestible by 75%, and veal by 90%. However, cow meat contains less fat, so it can be used to create more low-calorie options.

Types of meat diets

Experts divide the protein type of diet into categories based on the set of ingredients, type of meat and duration. It is allowed to adhere to it for 3 – 10 days.

By meat type

Classic nutrition recommends alternating several meat varieties. You can choose the following diet:

  • beef – tenderloin or sirloin (boiled and stewed);

  • on rabbit meat - this type of meat is recommended to be combined with herbs, fruits and spices;

  • chicken - use exclusively breast;

  • on turkey - the volume of meat per day should not exceed 400 g, since it contains a large percentage of cobalt and phosphorus.

By diet time

The duration of the diet is determined based on the amount of excess weight:

  • 3 days - involves using a minimum amount of meat. Supplements may include: egg whites, cucumbers, fresh cabbage, green tea or unsweetened coffee. At the end of the diet, you can actually lose 2-3 kg of weight;
  • 5 days – nutrition involves eating 0.5 kg of meat with vegetables. Nutritionists allow one unsweetened fruit per day and 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese. Weight loss of up to 5 kg is expected;

7 days – the diet is based on vegetables and lean meat dishes. Twice a week you are allowed to eat seafood and fish, as well as unsweetened varieties of fruit. You can lose weight by 6 kg;

  • 10 days – the diet is similar to the previous one, but additionally you need to take vitamins. As a result, up to 7 kg of weight is lost.

For additional products

A group of ingredients will help improve the nutritional value of meat:

  • rice – steamed brown or long-grain variety;
  • vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, eggplants and zucchini;
  • fermented milk products – 0% kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt;
  • fruits - watermelon, pomegranates, green apples, citrus fruits.

Important! Greens are also considered plant foods. The most useful are spinach, parsley, salad varieties and asparagus. They weaken appetite and fill the body with vitamins.

Meat is an easily digestible product

Whoever tells you that meat is roughage and is difficult to digest - don’t believe it! This is slander! Why rude? Because the Neanderthals ate it, and they were rude people? But F. Engels, unloved by all of us, said that a person only became capable of mental activity when he began to eat meat. As long as he ate grass and roots, he remained a monkey.

Roughage is something that contains a large amount of fiber and indigestible dietary fiber. It is difficult to digest porridge or bread, which the stomach is not able to cope with, so after suffering for a while, it pushes it into the intestines. Perhaps there, gradually moving forward, all these slow carbohydrates, starch and fiber will begin to break down into their component parts. What doesn’t break down will crawl to the large intestine, where a host of bacteria will get to work.

The fact that meat stays in the stomach for a long time is a plus, not a minus. Imagine: pleasant food, the walls don’t irritate you. It can be easily influenced by digestive juices - the stomach is in no hurry to part with it until it is broken down into amino acids. And then it will pass forward for further suction.

eat meat

Meat gives:

  • most vitamins;
  • all the necessary microelements;
  • a complete set of amino acids, exactly in the balance that the body needs;
  • a feeling of real and lasting satiety.

It has a number of beneficial dietary properties:

  • is not stored in fat;
  • can replace the lack of glucose and provide energy (due to this, predators do not need foods containing sugar);
  • does not irritate the intestines;
  • with a lack of intestinal microflora, when most plant foods cannot be digested, meat is still well digested;
  • practically does not cause allergic reactions.

All this determines the use of dietary types of beef, veal or poultry in the process of losing weight in model diets, the Dukan diet and others.

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Sample diet menu

The meat program is suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly and effectively. Since the daily meals are not strict, health problems should not arise.


There are two dietary options for 3 days:

  1. The daily diet is 250 g of stewed chicken, lean pork or turkey. You can supplement them with a salad of eggs and tomatoes in olive oil and lemon juice. You should drink rosehip decoction. It is consumed through a straw and then rinsed in the mouth, since rosehip substances destroy the enamel. You should also drink 1.5 liters of still water per day.

  2. During the day you need to eat 400 g of boiled lean pork without salt. This serving volume is divided into 5 doses. It is allowed to use boiled beets or cabbage as a side dish. Nutritionists advise drinking a lot of herbal or green tea. Drinks complete the meal.

General rules

A diet for quick weight loss of 15 kg is an innovative technique that includes elements of a healthy diet, cleansing the body and restructuring your eating regimen. It promises stunning results, up to 20 kg in 20 days, which is especially pleasing for people with a large amount of excess weight. Allows you to lose weight by at least 5-10 kg per week, and, as a rule, contrary to popular belief about fast diets , it does not cause global problems and deterioration of health.

We are accustomed to the general assertion that too sudden weight loss can lead to irreversible consequences, so classic diets for quick weight loss are usually carried out for a maximum period of 3-7 days. Having tried a fairly strict diet for 3 days, you will have the opportunity to “understand” your body, debug problems with appetite , study the reaction and determine individual preferences for choosing a longer diet.

Quick diets for losing weight by 20 kg require compliance with 2 rules


It is advisable to completely refuse one of the meals: in the first 4 days, for example, from breakfast, in the next 4 days - from lunch, and then from dinner, and so on. No matter how you alternate, the important thing is that you can reduce the amount of food you consume per day, learn to control your appetite, and be able to reduce the volume of distended stomach walls by about 20%.

Minimum calories consumed, including “harmful” ones

vitamins for 20 days , which will normalize metabolism and provide sufficient energy reserves for the whole day.

Recipes for the diet menu

Chicken sausages

  • 4 legs and drumsticks each;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 1 breast;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • pepper, salt and paprika.


  1. The meat must be separated from the bones, the garlic must be peeled and crushed through a press.
  2. Pour milk over the prepared fillet and add garlic.
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours.
  4. Grind the mixture with a blender at maximum speed, and then pass it through a meat grinder several times.
  5. Add spices to the minced meat and mix.
  6. Place some minced meat on film and form a sausage, tie the edges.
  7. Store the product in the refrigerator, and before serving, boil it in boiling water for 20 minutes without removing the film.

Baked trout

  • 1 trout carcass;
  • 1 lemon;
  • spices and herbs.


  1. Clean the fish and rub with spices, sprinkle with lemon.
  2. Stuff the carcass with any herbs and place in foil.
  3. Make an envelope shape from foil and place it in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Vegetable soup

  • 1 potato and carrot each;
  • a head of cauliflower;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • bulb;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • a little salt and herbs.


  1. Boil water and add potato cubes.
  2. Divide the cabbage into florets, chop the onion and grate the carrots.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.
  4. Throw all the remaining vegetables into the pan with the potatoes when the water boils again.
  5. Add spices and cook the soup until done.
  6. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Rabbit casserole

  • 400 g rabbit fillet;
  • 5 tablespoons of bran;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • peppercorns, favorite herbs and seasonings.


  1. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  2. Chop vegetables.
  3. Pass everything in a meat grinder, mix with bran, herbs and seasonings.
  4. Mix everything well, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven.

Rose hip decoction

  • 1 lemon;
  • 100 g rose hips;
  • 1 liter of water.


  1. Prepare boiling water and throw in the berries.
  2. Cover the pan and turn the heat to low.
  3. Cook for about 10 minutes, strain and squeeze out the citrus juice.

Which meat is better: steamed, boiled, stewed, baked, charcoal-grilled?

In order for dietary beef dishes to be tasty and healthy, you need to choose the right method for preparing them. The classic method of heat treatment is cooking.

To prepare a thick, flavorful broth, cover the meat with cool water and cook over high heat. To get delicious cooked beef, place it in boiling water. After boiling, the heat must be reduced, and do not forget to remove the foam.

If you decide to boil meat, then you need to correctly determine the heat treatment time. For young meat, 40-60 minutes is enough, for old meat – 2-2.5 hours.

Add salt at the end of cooking (10-15 minutes). If you are using a frozen product, defrost it as usual, without microwave.


Beef dishes cooked in a slow cooker are soft and tender. This type of food is easier to prepare and contains minimal calories and fat. Culinary experts advise beating meat before cooking or marinating it in lemon juice. The acid breaks down coarse fibers and enhances the flavor of the beef.

Steam the meat for 10 minutes, then add water and cook for another 1.5-2.5 hours. You can also immediately install the “Extinguishing” program.

Dietary beef dishes fried in a frying pan in hot oil are contraindicated for weight loss and proper nutrition (PN). It is enough to fry the pieces in a non-stick pan without vegetable oil or any other fat. After a short heat treatment (10-15 minutes), the dietary beef is poured with water or broth and simmered over low heat for 1.5-2.5 hours. Stewed meat retains some of its beneficial properties, it is juicy and soft.

Advice! To make soft diet beef in the oven, you need to wrap them in foil or cook them in a sleeve. Make sure that there is no hole in the shell, otherwise the fillet will become dry and tough. To increase juiciness, use watery vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage), which are placed under or on the meat. The optimal temperature for cooking is from 190 to 220 degrees. Approximate heat treatment time is from 75 to 90 minutes.

Diet beef can be grilled; to do this, it needs to be marinated for 5 hours or more. Lemon juice is often used as the main ingredient in the marinade. A piece of meat can be wrapped in foil so that the juice does not leak out, however, it needs to be unwrapped 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.

Operating principle

It seems strange to some that a diet that involves eating enough fatty, high-calorie and nutritious foods can ultimately lead to weight loss. In fact, everything is explained as simply as possible. Any meat takes a very long time to digest: only one stomach has to “work” with it for about 4 hours. This kills two birds with one stone: a lot of energy is spent and prolonged saturation is felt.

Meat diet for weight loss

Accordingly, no matter how long and severe the hunger strike, it is quite possible to hold out between main meals and not break into a snack. So this is a great chance to get rid of belly fat at home.

There are many options for this diet. Some allow you to eat any meat, others only allow dietary meat. For all these diet plans, there are quite long lists of prohibited foods. So don’t delude yourself that everything will be too easy.

This diet is especially recommended for men who find it difficult to maintain normal muscle mass and actively engage in sports without meat.

About the harm

Recently, evidence has been increasingly published that meat is harmful to the human body. When digested in the stomach, it releases decay products that have poisonous properties.

There is an assumption that meat-eating is the same bad habit as alcohol or smoking, which is very difficult to give up. They say that red meat shortens your life span. Much has been written about the parasites that live in it. One way or another, before going on a diet, it is worth studying the issue comprehensively.

Meat products are heavy food, and therefore they can disrupt the functioning of some internal organs. Especially if they are already functioning incorrectly. Therefore, nutritionists name a number of contraindications for such weight loss:

  • oncology;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver or kidney problems;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • young and old age;
  • any chronic diseases.

Having health problems, think about whether you can even lose weight with such data. If there is no categorical prohibition, it is worth finding out how eating large amounts of meat for a long time will affect your body.

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