Oat decoction: benefits and harm to the body, medicinal properties

Useful for problemsHarm
Old constipationLow pressure
High cholesterol and atherosclerosisKidney diseases
Chronic gastritis, hepatitis and pancreatitisLow sugar
Liver stones
Stomach ulcer
Aging of the body
Reduced immune response
Pulmonary diseases and bronchitis

Benefits for human health

The benefits of oat decoction are compared directly with the beneficial qualities of oat grains. This cannot be called the correct approach, since the degree of preparation, heat treatment mode and other conditions differ. Each of the mentioned drinks, when prepared from one grain product, is expected to have different qualities and properties.

The properties of any products based on the processing of oat grains are healing for the body. In this case, certain recipes are used to treat specific diseases. A good example is a decoction of oats with milk. After preparation, you get a beautiful golden drink with a pleasant taste, which is especially good for helping with coughs. It is recommended for colds in young children. These properties are no longer as pronounced for oatmeal broth in water. Let's look at the most famous recipes separately.

The drink contains harmful phytin

Phytin is a health hazard in oats. It is an oat inhibitor, that is, it delays or suppresses grain germination under unfavorable conditions. Contents: phytic acid and phytate salts. Main sources: bran, nuts, legumes and seeds.

Phytic acid for the body

  • Its task is to bind and remove microelements from the body. Excess phytic acid in the body can cause mineral deficiency.
  • It inhibits or completely stops the processing of protein enzymes, pepsin and trypsin.
  • Stops the absorption of phosphorus, necessary for bone growth and repair.

Phytic acid is plant phosphorus. To obtain it in humans, phytic acid must be treated with the enzyme phytase. To activate this enzyme in oats, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  • Soak;
  • Fry;
  • Germinate.

Need to remember!

After the oats have been brewed for several hours (according to the recipe), the liquid must be drained and the grain rinsed well. For further actions, fill with clean water.

Oat decoction with milk

Let's start analyzing the possibilities with the mentioned example of preparing a milk decoction of oats. For these purposes, 0.5 cups of oat grains are poured with two liters of milk. Then the mixture simmers in the oven for 2–4 hours. This is a common baked oat milk recipe that has a wonderful color and taste. Unlike oat decoction prepared by boiling, this drink absorbs all the beneficial substances without loss.

According to reviews, baked milk with oats helps get rid of old coughs. It has long been used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and tuberculosis. This is one of the best remedies. When boiling whole grains, the liquid was often drained and then taken as a medicinal drink. The product helps well with any decrease in immunity.

The benefits of oatmeal broth

The biochemical composition of this cereal crop determines its beneficial properties for the body:

  • Regular use of the decoction optimizes the functioning of the digestive system. The functions of the pancreas and liver are restored (oatmeal broth is indicated for pancreatitis and cirrhosis), ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines heal. The latter property is used to treat gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  • B-group vitamins , which oats are rich in, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system . The tone of the body increases, sleep normalizes.
  • The decoction also contains a lot of magnesium , which ensures stable heart function . The product is effective both for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the composition of the blood is optimized, cholesterol is eliminated and even sugar levels are reduced.
  • Oatmeal broth is also useful for colds , especially if you drink it warm. To enhance the healing properties, it is recommended to add honey or onion juice.
  • Oats are one of the best dietary foods. The ratio of nutrients and vitamins in the decoction of this cereal allows you to activate the metabolic process and get rid of excess fat.

Another amazing property of oats is the reduction of nicotine addiction. Drinking a decoction will help even the most heavy smoker get rid of the addiction.

Classic oat decoction

For cooking use 2 tbsp. unpeeled oats, pour 5-6 tbsp. boiling water and cook over low heat for 2 minutes. This recipe is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp for 1 month. 2-3 times a day.

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This decoction is used to treat:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • erosion and stomach ulcers;
  • with stones in the liver.

A general strengthening jelly made from oats is also practiced. For these purposes, 2 tbsp. The grains are filled with water, the mixture is infused for 12 hours, then simmered over low heat for 1.5 hours. The water is drained, and the boiled grains are crushed with a blender. The mass is combined with the broth and boiled over low heat until thickened.

This jelly can be called a real energy drink. It is very useful for children - it quickly returns them to normal life after illness. Kissel is a complete nutrition for people suffering from hepatitis and pancreatitis. 500 g of jelly contain:

  • 100% daily protein intake;
  • vitamins and microelements in the required quantities.

Jelly decoction is used to eliminate problems associated with insufficient diet in adults and children.


I never thought that oats were so healthy. I've been on oat decoction for a month now. I don’t seem to be laughing yet, but I feel more strength and energy. In fact, you can drink it for a long time - there will be no harm. I just want to share with you so that you know what oats are and that you need to at least eat oatmeal in the morning.

So, ODE TO OWSU))) The Latin name of this plant is avena, which literally means “to be healthy.” And your appearance depends on how healthy you are. Oats are one of the healthiest foods. It is a powerful prophylactic that strengthens the immune system. It is in oats that an enzyme has been found that helps digest fat in the intestines. This cereal contains bioactive components, i.e. biologically active compounds that have a beneficial effect on the pancreas and also enhance muscle contraction. Oats are an exceptionally valuable nutritional product, rich in complex carbohydrates, high-quality proteins and fiber. The secret of oats is that beta-glucan forms a viscous protective film on the intestinal walls. It is also important that fiber has low energy value and reduces the calorie content of the products in which it is included. Another advantage of oats is that the starch of this cereal is slowly digested and absorbed just as slowly. Therefore, after eating, for example, oatmeal, a person remains full for a long time and has enough energy for several hours. Oats are the richest grain in fat (up to 6-9%). It also contains a lot of proteins (10-18%), containing essential amino acids such as tryptphan, lysine, and methionine. Oats are rich in macro- and microelements, they contain more iron than other cereals (4.2 mg per 100 g of oats), a lot of sulfur, silicon, phosphorus, potassium, contain magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, manganese, zinc, nickel, fluorine, iodine, etc. Oats are also rich in vitamins: B1, B2, B6, carotene, vitamin K, vitamin E, nicotinic and pantothenic acids. Oats gained the greatest popularity as a miraculous elixir of longevity thanks to the famous French doctor Jean de S. Catherine. He consumed oatmeal as a remedy 3 times a year for 2 weeks: in spring, summer and autumn, drinking 2 glasses on an empty stomach, 2 glasses 2 hours before lunch and 2 glasses 3 hours after lunch - and lived 120 years. Oats contain scopoletin, a coumarin derivative. Scopoletin is biologically very active and has a psychopharmacological effect on the body. This is expressed primarily in a decrease in dependence on alcohol and various drugs, incl. tobacco Therefore, medicinal extracts from oats (decoctions, steams, jelly) are often used in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism. How I make the decoction: I take two glasses of oats. I buy oats at the market in the pet section. (By the way, they also sell bran and wheat, which can be sprouted, but that will come later) I fill it with 1 liter of water. You need to leave for about 12 hours. I usually do this at night.

Then in the morning before work, I bring the broth to a boil over low heat and cook in a tightly sealed container for about an hour and a half. You need to watch the water and add it if necessary.

Then insist and strain. The remaining swollen oats can be ground halfway with the broth in a blender. Then boil the resulting liquid again for half an hour. It will turn out like jelly. A little decoction is obtained from two glasses of oats. Only enough for one day. I store it in the refrigerator. I drink a glass every day 3 times a day. The taste is pleasant. You just need to remember to drink, because... the next day the broth quickly deteriorates. The main medicinal properties of oats

Oats are a general strengthening and rejuvenating agent for the body. Oats quickly restore and increase muscle strength, energy deficiency due to physical fatigue and fatigue. Oats renew the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. Oats normalize metabolism, the activity of the cardiovascular system, and are effective for diabetes and high cholesterol levels in the blood. Oats are a diaphoretic and diuretic. Oats have a calming property - they are used for exhaustion, mental fatigue, neurasthenia, and insomnia. Oats have an anti-sclerotic effect. Oats improve the body's immunity. Oats improve the activity of the thyroid gland and are used in the treatment of goiter (a decoction of the grain with honey). Oats are used for gallstones and liver diseases, jaundice (oatmeal broth or jelly), suppresses mucus and bile in the body. Oats are good for the lungs; in case of tuberculosis, oat dishes are used as a source of silicon, calcium and phosphorus for treatment and recovery after illness; it is recommended for bronchitis, pneumonia and shortness of breath. Oats have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, it is recommended for intestinal atony, flatulence, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis; decoction of oatmeal - for disorders of the digestive tract, diarrhea. Oats are good for the large intestine, enhance peristalsis, act as a weak laxative (porridge with butter), and are used as a tonic (decoction) for children with diarrhea. Oats remove toxic substances from the body. Oats normalize fat metabolism and promote weight loss. Oats have an anti-inflammatory effect and are effective for rheumatic inflammation of the joints (decoction of green stems and unripe grains). Oats improve the condition of the skin and hair (when taken orally in decoctions or when applying oatmeal masks to aging skin), and helps with scab. An aqueous infusion of green oats or straw is used as an antipyretic, diuretic and carminative for dropsy and kidney diseases. An alcohol tincture made from green oats is used to strengthen the body, raise tone in case of overwork, insomnia, lethargy, and lack of appetite. A decoction of green oat plants is also used as an external remedy in the form of washes and baths in the treatment of scrofula, rheumatism, polyarthritis, as well as lichen, eczema and other skin diseases. Oats have many medicinal properties. Tibetan medicine treated him with great respect; It is widely used in homeopathy. Oats have a general strengthening effect, so they have long been used in the treatment of tuberculosis, nursing patients after pulmonary diseases, operations, etc. Oat decoction is used for cholelithiasis and liver diseases; for allergic diseases - relieves itching, improves overall well-being. Scientists have found that oats have an optimal percentage of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and B complex vitamins. This explains the restoration of the rhythm of cardiac activity when oats are included in the diet. B vitamins (especially B1) play an important role in the functioning of the nervous system.

The secret of longevity is oat tea according to Hippocrates

If you can use coffee beans to make coffee, why can't you use oats for brewing? Can. This is exactly the kind of tea they drank in Rus'; Hippocrates also recommended his recipe. For preparation, we used chopped oats (1 tsp), which were poured with boiling water. This drink perfectly tones and restores strength; it is recommended for diabetics to reduce sugar. Hippocrates recommended using oat tea instead of water.

It is prepared as follows:

  • ½ kg of oats is poured with 3 liters of water;
  • bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 1 hour;
  • filter and accept.

The doctor Jean de Saint-Catherine is well known for his recommendations for oat tea. He lived 120 years, according to him, he owed this to oatmeal broth. Katerina’s recommendations include the following dosage regimen:

  • 2 tbsp. on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • 2 tbsp. 2 hours before lunch;
  • 2 tbsp. 3 hours after lunch.

Method of using the drink

Preparing the decoction correctly is not a victory. For certain diseases, different systems for drinking the drink can be developed. It is recommended to drink 100 ml before meals on an empty stomach. If you do not adhere to it, then drink the medicine as tea or instead of tea, as a preventive measure.

Oat tincture is useful to give to children; it helps cope with colds, treats allergies and diathesis.

A special scheme has even been developed for older children:

6–12 months1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening
1–2 years1 tbsp. l. in the morning and in the evening
2–5 years40 ml morning and evening
5–10 years80 ml morning and evening

Natural decoctions and drinks do not cause addiction. It is recommended to reduce or stop drinking black coffee and tea during treatment. They interfere with the absorption of many substances from the drink.

It makes no sense to consume oat decoction and alcoholic beverages at the same time. There will be no point in cleaning when there is a continuous load. Treatment and prevention using oat decoction automatically eliminates the use of alcoholic and strong drinks.

The decoction is taken warm or at room temperature. The drink is perishable; prepare it for two days and store it in the refrigerator.

Hippocrates tea regimen

The dosage regimen was made public by Dr. Lichver and was unknown for a long time. It is associated with the circadian rhythms of the body's organs. The principle is related to the daily activity of organs:

  • The first dose of oatmeal decoction according to Kanterin was taken at 5–7 o’clock in the morning, at this time the maximum activity of the colon is observed;
  • the second dose was taken at a time when the heart was active, and the dose was also sufficient to support the small intestine, which is most active during lunch;
  • the last technique is when the pericard is active.

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The intake can be changed depending on existing diseases in order to provide the body with everything necessary for work.

The described oat decoction helps with the following diseases and conditions:

  • heart failure;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • unstable psyche;
  • to raise tone;
  • to normalize sleep;
  • to improve appetite.

Hippocrates tea is especially recommended for people suffering from cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. This drink relieves discomfort and restores good spirits.

Cooking recipes

oat decoction

To make oatmeal broth truly healthy, you need to carefully follow the preparation technology and select the ingredients. The grain must be of high quality, since seeds that are rotten or treated with toxic compounds can cause serious harm to the body. Unpeeled oats are especially .

The benefits of the final product also depend on the quality of the water used to prepare the decoction. It is advisable to take filtered water purified from impurities , since tap water contains a large amount of chlorine and other reagents. If it is possible to make an oatmeal decoction using pure spring water , the drink will turn out to be truly healing.

Option 1

unshelled oats

prepare classic oatmeal broth with either water or milk. Per liter of liquid you will need at least 200 grams of oat grains, pre-washed. Pour milk or water , bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for about 2 minutes over low heat. After removing the container with the broth from the stove, close it with a lid and let it brew for at least half an hour .

After this time, strain the drink and take it daily before each meal (1 glass 3 times a day). The optimal course of treatment with this oatmeal decoction is 2 months , after which you need to take a four-week break.

Option 2

Pour washed oat grains (1 cup) with a liter of cold water and leave for about 12 hours. After this, boil the mixture and simmer over low heat for at least half an hour. Let it brew again, properly wrapping the container with the broth or pouring it into a thermos (also for 12 hours). the strained drink with boiled water, bringing the volume to a liter, and take half a glass daily before breakfast, lunch and dinner . It is recommended to drink this decoction for at least a year , alternating two months of use with monthly breaks.

Option 3

woman looking in the mirror

Cosmetologists advise using oats to cleanse the skin , and cosmetics manufacturers offer many products containing this grain. Oatmeal broth really has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin due to its high content of valuable nutrients. You can prepare this healthy product yourself to be completely confident in its naturalness and quality.

Place 3 tablespoons of washed grains in a container and add two glasses of water . Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for about 3 minutes. After cooling and straining, use the infusion for washing and as a tonic . The product perfectly moisturizes the skin, effectively smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles and giving the face a natural glow .


To get a decoction that makes it easier to quit smoking , you need to mix oats with millet, rye and barley . Pour a glass of the mixture into two glasses of water, boil over low heat for about 5 minutes and then leave in a thermos for 12 hours. You need to take the product three times a day before meals, 100 ml per dose.

The effect of taking Hippocrates tea

It is worth paying more attention to the effect of taking Hippocrates tea:

  • taking it helps fight any viral infections: from acute respiratory viral infections to the herpes virus;
  • with long-term use, the immune system is restored;
  • relieves the condition of severe colds, if the decoction is prepared in combination with onions, phlegm is quickly removed;
  • when taken hot, a diaphoretic effect is observed;
  • allows you to quickly cleanse the liver in case of chronic infectious lesions and poisoning;
  • lowers blood sugar;
  • due to the content of B vitamins and magnesium, it helps to normalize the mental state;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels due to the content of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and vitamin PP;
  • normalizes bone synthesis and maintains healthy joints through balanced collagen synthesis;
  • improves digestion;
  • used for weight loss due to a feeling of satiety when taken;
  • recommended during pregnancy to support normal condition.

Hippocrates tea made from oatmeal helps to quit smoking by influencing certain points in the brain.

Oat milk

Another popular recipe is oat milk. The passion for this drink is associated with the fight against cholesterol and the need to abandon cow's milk in favor of plant-based products. The main advantage of making oat milk is the virtual absence of heat treatment. The liquid is slightly heated with flour to obtain the desired consistency and whipped. This allows you to get the maximum squeeze of all nutrients from oats.

In appearance, such milk is practically no different from cow's milk. Very healthy and tastes good. To prepare you will need:

  1. Mix 500 g of flakes, 0.5 liters of water and leave to brew for 10 hours. The procedure can be replaced by light heating to 40 degrees C.
  2. Beat the swollen flakes with a blender and combine with the liquid.
  3. Whisk everything together and strain.

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Makes 2 tbsp. high-value plant milk.

Drink properties:

  • reduces cholesterol;
  • is a powerful energy booster;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • supports bone health;
  • restores female hormonal balance;
  • supplies the body with a protein vitamin-mineral complex.

Oat milk is highly valued due to the lack of heat treatment. It has a pleasant sweetish taste. Good for making summer refreshing drinks and smoothies. It is recommended as a component of dietary nutrition. It is very useful for children, ensures an optimal supply of vitamins and microelements to the body, and supplements budget nutrition to normal levels at low costs.

The healing properties of oats for weight loss

Oatmeal is considered a healthy dietary product. It is no coincidence that it is included in children’s diets and in the diet of patients. Due to the high content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial substances, oats have many beneficial properties:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • improves digestion;
  • promotes the outflow of bile;
  • improves liver function;
  • cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • removes excess fluid, preventing the formation of edema;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • reduces sugar levels.

This cereal saturates the body with essential vitamins and minerals, contains fiber to improve digestion, and satisfies well. Therefore, many people successfully use oats for weight loss. After all, it improves metabolic processes, accelerating the burning of fat deposits, and thanks to the low glycemic index, prevents their accumulation.

Oats allow you not to feel hungry for a long time - they are low in calories, but nutritious. Saturating the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, this cereal allows you to withstand even a strict diet. A person who is losing weight does not experience malaise and weakness, and his performance does not decrease.

And the most important advantage of oats for weight loss is that it promotes weight loss by cleansing and rejuvenating the body. It does not cause harm to health; it can be consumed even with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


It is believed that natural products have no contraindications. This is wrong. The positive effect of oats on the body can sometimes turn into a problem. It is not recommended to abuse oatmeal broth and milk:

  • hypotensive patients;
  • people with low blood sugar;
  • if there are stones in the gall bladder (in this case, it is recommended to take oatmeal jelly with acids that dissolve the stones).

In these cases, dosages should be limited. As an alternative, you can offer decoctions from other cereals and seeds, as well as plant-based milks from sesame, soy, coconut and almonds. These drinks are prepared in a similar way, grinding and steaming the pulp of the seeds. Mixing with water ensures a finely dispersed state of all incoming nutrients and improved absorption.

Precautionary measures

There are no contraindications or side effects. It is necessary to drink the drink with caution if you have certain diseases, for example:

  • Gallbladder stones;
  • Absence of the gallbladder;
  • Impaired heart function;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Increased stomach acidity;
  • Liver disease.

It is better to get an individual consultation with a herbalist or gastroenterologist. You should not risk your own health by self-medicating.

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