Eggs are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and proteins. However, they contain cholesterol, which can have a bad effect on your health and figure. To benefit from this product, you need to know how to prepare and use it correctly.
One of the most popular egg dishes for weight loss is omelet. It's a delicious, nutritious meal that's easy to prepare. But despite its beneficial properties, it should not be abused.
- Are eggs considered a dietary product?
- Is it possible to have scrambled eggs and other egg dishes when losing weight on a diet?
- Low-calorie omelet recipes for proper nutrition
- With vegetables
- With Chiken
- With cottage cheese
- With cheese, beans and tomato
- Oat
- Buckwheat
- With apples
- Features of steaming, microwave, multicooker and frying pan
- Can I have eggs for dinner?
- Useful video
- Main conclusions
Composition of substances
- Cholesterol. Egg yolk contains a large amount of cholesterol. However, dietary cholesterol is harmless to the body and is “neutralized” with the help of phospholipids, and lecithin breaks down the plaque layer on the walls of blood vessels.
- Niacin. This microelement is necessary for the stable functioning of the nervous, muscular and digestive systems, and normalizes the level of sex hormones in the human body.
- Choline. With its help, the human body is cleansed of harmful substances.
- Lutein. This yellow pigment helps improve vision.
- Calcium. Strengthens the bone and cardiovascular system.
- protein. Gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, eliminating the desire to constantly snack.
In order for the adult body to function properly, it is necessary to consume 2 eggs daily. This will in no way affect your weight, but this amount is enough to replenish all the missing microelements. But complete abandonment of this product is not recommended without medical indications, since the loss of vitamins contained in a chicken egg contributes to the deterioration of the body’s condition.
Can you get better from eggs? What cooking methods should I exclude?
So is it possible to give your child an egg every day? Theoretically, a baby can eat an egg daily and remain within the classic recommended limit of mg cholesterol per day. But, most likely, he gets enough cholesterol from other foods during the day: milk, cheeses, yoghurts, meat products.
In this case, giving your baby eggs on a daily basis may not be a good idea. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend not making scrambled eggs and omelettes a daily habit. It is best if they appear on the table once a week. If one egg is not enough for a child, you can add one or two more whites instead of whole eggs. Another important fact: eggs are a common food allergen for children. All of the above can be summed up by the fact that eggs usually do much more good than harm.
To keep your cholesterol levels under control, it is best to limit your intake of sweets, exercise daily and maintain a healthy weight, eat more vegetables and quit smoking. Of course, you shouldn't try to eat a dozen eggs every day, but a few a day is quite normal for healthy adults. The calorie content of chicken eggs is approximately kcal per gram of product.
Considering that the average weight of one egg is one gram, we can conclude that their energy value is about 70 kcal. This is a low indicator and therefore this product is suitable for a diet, it does not make you fat. Duck eggs are the heaviest. There are kcal per gram of product, and they contain a high content of fats and proteins.
Due to their high nutritional properties, duck eggs are not recommended for weight loss, or only for breakfast for weight loss. The calorie content of quail eggs is kcal per gram; the average weight of one piece is 11-13 grams. They are distinguished by their hypoallergenic composition; if you follow a diet, they can be included in the diet, and even eaten at night.
With a relatively low calorie content, improper consumption of eggs can lead to excess weight. When losing weight, the product can be included in the diet, but only if certain rules are followed:
The most high-calorie part of the product is the yolk. In addition to useful substances, it also contains fats, so nutritionists say that frequent consumption of it, especially for dinner, makes you fat. Egg white is a valuable protein that promotes weight loss. You can eat it without restrictions, but it is better to limit the consumption of yolk to 2-3 pieces per week.
Some people are absolutely sure that eggs make you fat. Moreover, for quite a long time it was believed that they were harmful to health, as they contained large amounts of cholesterol. However, both of these statements are not entirely true. Indeed, this product contains a lot of cholesterol, and to be precise, it is contained in the yolk.
Therefore, if you want to lose weight with eggs, eat them boiled, and only the whites for dinner. Why is protein so valuable? It is well absorbed by the body, and it is a building material for muscle tissue, which itself burns fat.
If the amount of protein in the diet exceeds the amount of fat, then the process of losing weight in the body will be launched at the biological level. Raw eggs are often used by athletes for weight loss.
For this reason, today it has become fashionable to include raw eggs in the diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but this is not necessary.
Eggs increase blood cholesterol levels
And there are a number of reasons for this:. If you decide to use raw eggs in your diet, then choose chicken or quail eggs rather than duck eggs. It is advisable that the product be homemade. Pre-treat the egg with an aqueous solution of soda to prevent pathogens from entering the body.
Never eat duck eggs raw. They must be boiled for at least 10 minutes, i.e. When eating raw food, food is not subjected to heat treatment, so in this case they use raw eggs, not boiled ones.
In this case, you should also follow all precautions, and if necessary, if you have a history of chronic diseases, consult your doctor. Not everyone is ready to give up their favorite dish during the period of weight loss, and this is not at all necessary. If you have a frying pan with a special coating that allows you to cook without oil, use it without restrictions. Scrambled eggs with added fat when losing weight are allowed no more than once every 7-10 days.
It is better not to fry duck eggs at all, even if you decide to eat them for breakfast. You can eat a boiled egg for a late dinner, but not more than one and not every day. If in doubt, leave only the protein for dinner, adding fresh herbs to it.
Is it possible to eat raw eggs?
Here the opinion is divided and it will not be so easy to give an exact answer. On the one hand, the amount of useful microelements in a raw product is much higher than in one that has undergone a heat treatment process. Namely:
- vitamin A, D, E, H and group B;
- phosphorus;
- potassium;
- calcium;
- sodium;
- iron;
- copper;
- magnesium;
- fluorine;
- iodine;
- selenium;
- manganese.
On the other hand, there is a risk of salmonella. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to eat only fresh eggs and not drink liquid from the shell.
Eggs - good or bad?
At the beginning of this century, University of Surrey nutrition and metabolism professor Bruce Griffin and his team analyzed 30 studies on eggs conducted around the world over the previous 30 years.
The data obtained led to the conclusion that eggs do not have a clinically significant effect on blood cholesterol levels. A study last year by scientists at the University of Alberta found that egg yolks contain the important amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, and one egg has more antioxidants than a large apple. Heat treatment of eggs reduces the level of antioxidants by 2 times. Thanks to changes in the structure of chicken feed, eggs have become more nutritionally valuable than they were a quarter of a century ago.
As is known, low levels of these two components in the diet are associated with a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer, as well as infertility. The modern healthcare system believes that there should be no restrictions on the number of eggs eaten. There is no chance of increasing cholesterol levels with this approach.
Although a Canadian study suggests that after 40 years it is advisable not to include eggs in the diet, as cholesterol levels begin to rise, the scientists did not take into account factors such as lifestyle, nutrition and physical activity observed in their work. In another study, obese women ate a choice of a bagel or eggs while maintaining the same breakfast calories. Normalization of metabolic processes through a balanced diet and feasible physical activity. No hunger.
For healthy people, many nutritionists recommend limiting cholesterol intake to mg per day. Those with heart disease or high cholesterol should stick to the mg limit. What products to get them from is a matter of personal choice. Interestingly, Japanese citizens, who are big fans of chicken eggs, averaging one per person per year, are much less likely to suffer from high cholesterol and heart disease compared to citizens of other developed countries.
This is probably because the Japanese diet in general is low in saturated fat. Until recently, there was a maximum daily intake of cholesterol recommended by doctors - those same mg per day. However, today, based on the latest research, health organizations in many countries do not recommend limiting cholesterol intake.
For example, dietary guidelines released in January in the United States do not specify an upper limit for dietary cholesterol. Is it possible to eat eggs every day? What do scientific researchers say about this? For many decades, there has been a belief that the consumption of eggs, or at least the egg yolk white contains much less cholesterol, should be limited to a week.
However, there is no scientific evidence to justify such a rule.
Are eggs cholesterol or not?
On the contrary, there is extensive evidence of the beneficial effects of chicken eggs on health: Can anyone eat boiled eggs every day? In fact, the reaction to daily consumption of eggs depends on the individual characteristics of the body. However, according to statistics, this is not a cause for concern. For example, an extensive study conducted by the University of Connecticut this year found no link between egg consumption and the risk of heart disease.
Another study by the US Food and Drug Administration, which adjusted for health, lifestyle and dietary factors, found that frequent egg consumption was not associated with increased mortality from cardiac causes.
Can diabetics eat eggs every day? Studies have shown that eating eggs as part of a low-carb diet improves markers of cardiovascular disease in people with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding the risk of developing diabetes: some statistics show the benefit of eggs in pre-diabetic states, while others find a link between cholesterol and the risk of diabetes.
Some people prefer raw eggs to boiled ones and explain their choice by the fact that they retain more nutrients. This is true, but there is a downside to this choice.
Eggs that have not undergone heat treatment may contain harmful bacteria - salmonella. It causes an acute infectious disease, which often leads to serious complications and even death. Of course, the probability of encountering a bacterium is small, but it still exists. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse raw eggs.
Can children eat eggs every day? This is a valuable product that must be present in a child’s diet, but do not forget about a sense of proportion.
Composition and beneficial properties
A unique source of nutrients
The main benefit of chicken eggs is related to their enormous nutritional value. One large boiled broth contains:
6 grams of protein (13% of the daily intake), which contains all the essential amino acids in the ratio in which the human body needs it;
- 5 g fat;
- vitamin A – 6% (daily dose);
- folate – 5%;
- vitamin B5 – 7%;
- vitamin B12 – 9%;
- vitamin B2 – 15%;
- phosphorus – 9%;
- selenium – 22%.
In smaller quantities, there are:
- vitamin D;
- vitamin E;
- vitamin K;
- vitamin B6;
- calcium;
- zinc.
The calorie content of one large egg is 77 kcal.
High antioxidant content
Eggs are rich in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which penetrate the retina of the eye, protecting it from harmful sunlight. These molecules significantly reduce the risk of diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
It has been found that 1.3 yolks per day for 4.5 weeks increases the level of lutein in the blood by 28–50%, zeaxanthin by 114–142%.
Safety for the heart and blood vessels
Importance of cholesterol
For quite a long time there has been a myth about the particular harm of eggs, both boiled and fried, for the heart and blood vessels. And all because one large thing contains 212 mg of this substance - more than any other food product of this volume and weight.
In the minds of many people, there is an equal sign between the term “cholesterol” and the concepts of “health hazard”, “atherosclerosis”, “death from heart attack”.
And because the compound is so important for normal functioning, the body does not rely entirely on the supply of this molecule from the outside.
If there is little cholesterol in food, the liver begins to synthesize it on its own. If there is enough food, the liver stops its production work. At the same time, the total amount in the body remains practically unchanged. It’s just that this substance either comes from outside or is produced internally.
And it’s not cholesterol that’s dangerous to your health, but the small, dense, sticky particles of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) that it’s part of.
In addition to small, dense LDL particles, there are also large, light LDL particles.
Not long ago, both the small dense and large light LDL particles were called “bad” cholesterol. It has now been proven that this is not the case, and that only small dense particles are “bad” (more details).
Improved lipid profile
For decades, it has been argued that eating more than 6 eggs a week is literally life-threatening. This statement was so popular that it seemed like something self-evident. And this despite the fact that it did not have and does not have any scientific evidence.
But in recent years, many scientific studies have been conducted that have proven that with regular consumption of chicken eggs:
- the amount of “good” cholesterol – high-density lipoproteins – increases;
- the level of triglycerides, substances associated with atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels, decreases;
- The level of some antioxidants, for example, lutein, increases significantly (important not only for the eyes, but also for the prevention of atherosclerosis).
Therefore, despite the fact that eggs can increase blood in general.
Abundance of choline
choline molecule
The chemical composition of eggs is rich in choline. One piece contains more than 100 mg.
Not everyone knows about the existence of choline. However, it plays a huge role in the functioning of the human body.
Without choline, cell membranes cannot be built, and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine cannot be produced. Lack of the compound leads to liver, heart and vascular diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Choline is especially important for pregnant women. Its deficiency during pregnancy leads to serious abnormalities in fetal development.
And choline is often not enough. Even in developed countries. It was shown that 23% of Canadian women expecting a child are deficient in this important compound.
Contraindications and side effects
- Strict contraindication – allergies and intolerances. Many people who think they have an egg allergy are actually intolerant to the food. Symptoms of intolerance are nausea, diarrhea, bloating. Intolerance differs from allergies in that the immune system is not responsible for the development of symptoms of illness. The body does not produce enzymes that are necessary for the absorption of the product. But he does not react allergically to this food.
- Egg white consumption should be limited to people with kidney disease.
- The yolk can be difficult to digest for people who have digestive problems such as chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and pancreatitis.
- If you have gout, you can eat eggs as they contain few purines.
- The product is approved for type 2 diabetes, because it does not contain carbohydrates and does not change blood sugar levels in any way. However, diabetics need to minimize the amount of yolk. Therefore, they are allowed to eat no more than 3 whole chicken eggs per week. But there is no need to strictly control the amount of incoming egg white.
Can I have eggs for dinner?
A boiled egg or diet omelette can be eaten at night. But you should not eat more than one yolk. It’s better to leave only whites for dinner.
Attention! You need to eat a dietary omelet 2-3 hours before going to bed. A dish in a frying pan is more familiar to everyone, but it is better to steam it overnight, in a slow cooker or oven.
If after dinner you do not plan to go to bed for another 4-5 hours, then have a snack with low-fat cottage cheese or an omelet made from 1-3 proteins. You can cook according to any of the recipes described above, the main thing is to use low-calorie foods.