What will happen to the body if you eat only vegetables and fruits?

You will be deficient in important macronutrients

Fruits and vegetables will provide you with fiber and carbohydrates, but they won't give you the fat and protein you need. And they are vital for the body. Fats are for brain health, sufficient energy and metabolism, proteins are for strong muscles and a strong immune system.

“If you eat only fruits and vegetables, you will lose muscle mass and strength,” says nutritionist Amy Shapiro. “A plant-based diet can provide protein, but it needs to include grains.”

So what will happen to the body in the end?

If you do everything correctly and gradually, without haste or emotions, without stress, listening to your body, nothing negative will happen to you. Moreover, you have:

  • The condition of blood vessels and blood will improve,
  • the level of bad cholesterol will decrease,
  • blood pressure will return to normal,
  • reduce the level of inflammatory processes in the body,
  • stop getting sick from acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections
  • get rid of allergies
  • the condition of the skin, hair and even teeth will improve
  • get rid of excess weight and fat
  • get rid of unpleasant body odor (sweat)
  • metabolism is normalized

This is something I can say with 100% and even 200% confidence. If you do everything abruptly and spontaneously, then you will get, in addition to the existing problems, a lot of others. For example, a deficiency of microelements, a decrease in energy (without sports), a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, gas formation and bloating, inflammatory processes, activation of “old sores”.

What will happen to the body if you eat only vegetables and fruits? Personal experience and invaluable advice
on vegetables and fruits

Your inflammation levels will decrease

Inflammation occurs when the body tries to defend against viruses and bacteria or repair damaged tissue. But some foods—among them meat, cheese, and processed foods—enhance Dietary pattern analysis and biomarkers of low-grade inflammation: a systematic literature review. inflammatory processes.

This negatively affects the body: chronic inflammation is associated with the development of atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and autoimmune diseases. .

A plant-based diet, on the contrary, reduces inflammation due to the high content of fiber and antioxidants in the diet. In addition, this diet is significantly lower in inflammatory triggers, including saturated fat and endotoxins (these substances are released when bacterial cells break down).

According to scientists, in people who switched to a plant-based diet, the level of C-reactive protein, an indicator of inflammation, sharply decreases.

From weight gain to fruitarianism

It all started in 2015, when it was time to go to university and move to Moscow. Due to the unusual pace of life and stress, Nastya soon gained a noticeable ten kilograms.

Naturally, at some point I began to lose weight and try different diets: Dukan, protein... To lose weight, you need proteins - this was the only information I had. Then something bad happened to my health. I understand that this happened due to the fact that I chose the wrong diet and calorie intake. I ate catastrophically little: the limit was 1000-1200 kcal per day. And so on for three months.”

Thanks to the exhausting diet, the girl managed to lose even more than she initially gained. But this left an imprint on her health: her menstrual cycle was disrupted, her skin problems worsened, and a depressive mood began to prevail. Therefore, Nastya began to study literature that would help not to lose weight, but to choose the optimal nutrition system without harm to health. The book that gave the student the idea of ​​veganism was The China Study. Professor of the Department of Food Biochemistry at Cornell University Colin Campbell and his son Thomas, a doctor by profession, worked on the publication of the work.

Nastya's first experience of vegan life was mixed. She lasted three months. During this time, improvements in my general condition became noticeable: health complaints disappeared, facial skin problems disappeared, and I had the strength to get up easily in the morning without an alarm clock.

“All this invigorated and supported me. But then, as time passed and the effect settled, I began to allow myself to eat things that did not fit into the vegan diet. So I switched to vegetarianism. It is imperative to distinguish that veganism is, rather, about ethical issues: against the killing of animals for any purpose and their exploitation. Back then I was probably more of a vegetarian who simply doesn’t eat meat, dairy products or eggs. Only then did I begin to delve into the ideology of veganism after watching the documentary “Earthlings.” It touches on topics such as the dairy and meat industries and animal abuse. I began to understand that the world I live in is far from ideal. And if you want to change something in him, you need to start with yourself.”

The next step in food experiments was a raw food diet, which involves the consumption of thermally unprocessed foods. Nastya for some time considered this diet ideal for herself, until she learned about fruitarianism in a large flow of information.

You will become less energetic

On average, a man with a moderately active lifestyle needs Calculating how many calories are burned in a day 2,400–2,800 calories per day, and a woman needs 1,800–2,200. But if you do not eat grains, seeds, nuts and vegetable oils, it is extremely It's hard to get that many calories. To give you an idea, 2,200 calories is about 100 cups of chopped cabbage or 23 apples.

Of course, there are higher calorie vegetables, such as avocados. But even if you diversify your plant foods as much as possible, you will still have to eat a lot. At the same time, you will not get the type of carbohydrates that provide energy and help you concentrate.

Interesting facts about fiber

Fiber contains much-needed antioxidants for the body. Thanks to them, the aging process slows down, immunity increases, and cells are renewed.

In addition, if the required amount of this element is supplied with food, then carbohydrates and fats are slowly absorbed, which leads to a rapid appearance of satiety and a decrease in sugar levels. That is why nutritionists advise not to forget about a portion of vegetables at every meal.

You will be left without important vitamins and minerals

"A diet where fruits and vegetables are the only source of energy will be deficient in key nutrients," says nutritionist Stephanie Di Figlia-Peck. While many popular diets, including the Mediterranean diet, are high in fruits and vegetables, they also include other types of foods in a balanced manner.

An exclusively plant-based diet will not provide the body with vitamins B12 and D and will provide little iron. And although spinach and other dark leafy greens are rich in iron, they also contain phytates, which block Mineral Absorption from absorbing this trace mineral.

Lose weight on fruits: basic products

During weight loss, the following fruits may be included in your diet:

  • citrus. Such products help improve metabolism. Citrus fruits have a low glycemic index. Grapefruits are especially suitable for weight loss. Oranges, in turn, help improve the functions of the digestive tract. Such fruits contain dietary fiber in abundance;
  • pineapples. Such fruits activate the fat burning process. They help fight cellulite due to the presence of the bromelain enzyme in pineapple;
  • apples. Fruits are low-calorie fruits. They contain many vitamins. Apples are one of the ingredients in many diets. When losing weight, it is recommended to consume fruits baked or steamed. Fresh apples can stimulate the appetite, which is undesirable while on a diet;
  • bananas. Fruits are considered by many nutritionists to be an unacceptable menu ingredient due to their high calorie content. But one banana can replace a full meal. Fruits can be on the breakfast menu. This is due to the fact that the energy the body receives from food is consumed during the day;
  • peaches. They have a beneficial effect on digestion. Fruits help improve intestinal motility.

What about vitamins?

Undoubtedly, vegetables contain a large number of various vitamins. Thus, carrots, parsley and spinach contain a lot of vitamin A, garlic, sweet peppers and broccoli contain vitamin C, and cauliflower and white cabbage contain vitamin B. In addition, vegetables are rich in water, organic acids and minerals, which helps maintain water balance and helps remove swelling.

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Reducing cholesterol levels

When a person switches to vegetables, the level of bad cholesterol drops by 35%. This is comparable to drug treatment. Therefore, anyone who wants to do without medications can go on a plant-based diet (consultation with a doctor is required). After all, to lower cholesterol, it is important to avoid processed sugar and fats. Namely, they are not found in vegetables. However, the menu should be compiled by a competent nutritionist so as not to cause irreparable harm to yourself.

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Nervous system

Article on the topic

All about the raw food diet: what to cook, what to add salt to. When switching to a raw food diet, the nervous system may also suffer.
Anna Ivashkevich notes that some of her patients who became raw foodists experienced problems with sleep and mood.
“There are studies that indicate that a high-carbohydrate and high-fat diet can impair concentration in children,” said Olga Malinovskaya , “we also remember that brain activity is very dependent on the level of vitamin B12, the deficiency of which is natural when animal products are excluded” .

Low protein, lack of vitamins

The first obvious problem is the lack of protein products. An even bigger problem is that “the diet is poor in vitamins B2, B12, D, and reduced absorption of calcium, iron, and zinc from plant foods,” said nutritionist Anna Ivashkevich.

A lack of vitamin B12 - this is the problem most often cited by nutritionists when talking about switching to a plant-based diet - is most often experienced by experienced vegans, after a year of eliminating animal foods. This vitamin is not synthesized by the human body, but comes from meat, milk, and cheese. “The first symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency may manifest as decreased concentration and decreased mental performance, and later anemia may develop,” warns Olga Malinovskaya, clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor, medical director of Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories, “anemia may also be caused by iron deficiency, absorption which most fully comes from animal products.”

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No fish, no meat. How to properly create a vegetarian diet Therefore, all doctors recommend that when switching to a vegetarian diet, especially its strict forms, you must consult with specialists who will help you correctly create a diet and select nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes.

Proper nutrition. A complete list of all products for proper nutrition

Proper nutrition. A complete list of all products for proper nutrition

Who doesn't want to stay healthy, energetic and slim? And as the experience of thousands of people shows, nothing has yet been invented better than proper nutrition in combination with sports. For a beginner in the field of PP, it is very important not only to be theoretically savvy and catch the wave of a decisive attitude, but also to prepare in practice. And here a complete and detailed list of products for proper nutrition and weight loss will be very helpful.

How and where to start

It is clear that not a single list of the best products for proper nutrition and healthy weight loss can be called universal - each body is special, and we all have individual preferences. Therefore, I recommend proceeding according to this scheme:

— studying the theory;

— we make our own list of what to buy;

— we conduct an audit of household supplies, mercilessly throwing away everything prohibited (you can donate to charitable organizations if you don’t dare throw away food);

— we save our grocery list (you can even print it out and hang it on the refrigerator);

— we head to the store and start shopping for the week.

It’s easy to create a personal list: write down from our article those products that you love, as well as those that are available in your region; cross out what you absolutely do not like or is not suitable for your health (allergies, intolerance); check to see if anything prohibited has been included.

After that, feel free to go shopping - now there will definitely be no harmful things or temptations in your refrigerator and on the shelves.

List of foods for proper nutrition

Proper, healthy food is primarily a source of energy, which is divided into 4 groups:

1. complex carbohydrates;

2.vegetable and animal proteins;

3. fats;


Proper nutrition. A complete list of all products for proper nutrition

This also includes water, but everything is simple with it - drink only high-quality, purified water and without any additives. Let's take a closer look at the products.

Complex carbohydrates

What you probably know is that these are carbohydrates, when digested, the body receives high-quality energy (without spikes in insulin levels).

In general, carbohydrates are found in almost all foods, but the easiest way to get them is from grains (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, bulgur, brown rice, millet), legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas) and pasta made from whole grain flour or flour durum wheat varieties. Table with data here.

Protein (protein)

For athletes and simply active people, protein is no less important - it helps build muscle mass and feel young and vigorous. Therefore, any list of foods - for a week, month or even a day - must necessarily include a variety of protein-rich foods.

We already know which foods contain a lot of protein. The best sources of protein are eggs, fermented milk products with a minimum amount of fat (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt from a slow cooker with low-fat milk), lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal), seafood and fish. By-products - liver, hearts - will also not hurt. Table with data here.


When deciding what to eat for weight loss, often those individuals who want to lose weight, at best, cut down on fats, and at worst, ignore them altogether. This is fundamentally wrong, and with a long-term exclusion of fats, you can not only see how the condition of your hair, nails, and skin deteriorates, but also significantly undermine your health. Especially for women - without fat, the female hormonal system cannot function normally.

Proper nutrition. A complete list of all products for proper nutrition

Nutritionists advise getting high-quality fats from unrefined vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, and fatty sea fish. Table with data here.


The role of fiber is important both in a healthy lifestyle and when losing weight - it promotes long-term satiety, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and does a lot more so that we can enjoy life to the fullest.

The best sources of fiber are fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, herbs, dried fruits.

Remember! Your daily list of foods for proper nutrition must include all groups!

Vegetables and herbs, fruits, berries and dried fruits. Table with data here.

Weight fluctuations

When switching to a new diet, you may begin to lose weight dramatically. A beginner raw foodist can lose from 3 to 8 kilograms per month. But if for those who have this excess weight, such a loss will be desirable, then those people whose body mass index is within the normal range can also lose weight. And, let us remind you that for women, body weight less than 45 kilograms threatens menstrual cycle and hormonal imbalances.

In addition, a raw food diet in itself does not guarantee weight loss. You can even gain weight if you eat a lot of high-calorie nuts and sweet fruits.

Digestive problems

The new diet will also hit the digestive system. The fact is that plant foods contain a lot of plant fiber and other hard-to-digest components. Often these difficulties are expressed by dyspepsia with pain, bloating, nausea and diarrhea. To avoid these problems, vegans often make smoothies and pureed soups in a blender: “Humans, unlike ruminants, do not have a mechanism for stepwise processing of plant foods, so grinding food is important to facilitate digestion. – said Olga Malinovskaya , “animals are called “ruminants” because they repeatedly chew food for a long time, which returns from the first part of the stomach - the rumen - after initial processing under the influence of bacteria living there.”

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