26 little tricks for burning fat

Workouts to burn fat

1 Run 10 times 100 meters and burn 500 calories.

2 Throw on a sweatshirt before training. Warm muscles burn more calories.

3 Do power yoga. One session burns 344 calories.

4 Train once a week on an empty stomach. This will keep your adrenaline levels high and your sugar levels low.

5 Do interval running. The combination of jogging and sprinting is great for burning fat.

Bodymaster.ru recommends Training Plans:

6 Train with your significant other. Couples who exercise together are 34% more likely to continue exercising for a long time.

7 Visit the swimming pool. By the way, running in water is an excellent exercise (the important thing is to reach the bottom with your feet).

8 Choose elliptical trainers with handles. This will help you work your arm muscles while burning more calories.

fat burning

9 Surprise your body. Change your training program every 4-6 months.

10 While exercising on the treadmill, do not look at the display. Focus on working hard.

Sports supplements

Fat burners and other sports supplements for burning fat should be used only when a nutrition plan has already been fully established and a training schedule has been drawn up. Otherwise, they will not bring you any results, fat burners themselves do not burn fat, they deprive you of stimulating you to work. If you sit on the couch, you won’t even burn 100 grams of fat.

Prices for fat burners

Drink plenty of water

Be sure to drink plenty of water. When you go on a diet, you usually increase your protein levels, which somehow puts extra strain on your kidneys. Water will help avoid this additional load; it also speeds up metabolic processes in the body. At the same time, be sure to exclude any sugary drinks, as they will interfere with weight loss.

So, in this material the basic principles of nutrition and training for fat burning were discussed. We hope that each of you has found something useful specifically for yourself and is now able to burn your fat more effectively.

Related video: Effective fat burning:

Bodymaster.ru recommends Fitness Trainers:

11 Squat with heavy weight. With proper technique, more muscles are used. The stronger the muscles, the more effective fat burning occurs.

12 Pump up your abs with heavy weights. Instead of the usual few reps, try doing a couple of sets with maximum weight.

13 Combine cardio and strength training. Jump rope between sets, or incorporate some exercises into your circuit training.

15-minute weight loss workout

Squats with dumbbells

  • 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

  • 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Barbell

Push ups

  • 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: No

Alternating dumbbell curls while standing

  • 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Pelvic lifts lying on a fitball with a dumbbell

  • 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Body part: Buttocks Equipment: Fitball

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23 Train with a friend, especially if he is stronger than you. This will motivate you to develop.

24 Train like wrestlers. The training mix of various martial arts has no analogues. Add plyometrics and supersets to this, reducing rest periods.

25 Pull yourself up!

26 Know all your parameters. Monitor everything from calories to body weight and body fat percentage.

27 While you're waiting for the treadmill to open, don't just stand there, but do a few sets of box jumps or mountain climbers to warm up.

28 During strength exercises, cut your rest time in half. The muscles and cardiovascular system must work harder to burn more fat.

29 Don't get hung up. Guys on cardio machines who spend most of their time at the power rack don't have enough endurance. And this is no coincidence.

30 Work with an elastic band on days when you can’t go to the gym.

The process of losing weight and burning fat

There is no universal secret or higher knowledge. The process of losing weight is subject to a number of natural physiological dependencies. Conventionally, all activities aimed at the so-called drying and burning of fat can be divided into two large blocks: training and nutrition. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


Let's start, of course, with nutrition. Why? Exclusively because it is the diet that has a decisive influence on the success of the entire event. Training in this sense is secondary: it can help achieve a goal, but does not determine the result in itself.

Let's look at the problem from a scientific point of view: what is weight loss? This is a process caused by a lack (or deficit) of calories in the body. A simplified example looks like this: if a person consumes 2000 kcal in food per day and spends 2500 kcal, he begins to lose weight. He loses weight until his daily diet and daily caloric expenditure are balanced.

Caloric content of food

To understand what daily caloric content is below the level of energy expenditure, it is necessary to reduce the daily caloric content of the diet by 200-400 kcal once every 1-2 weeks and, looking at the scales, assess whether the process of losing weight has begun. If it hasn’t started, reduce your caloric intake further. Started - stop at the current caloric intake until the weight loss process stops, and then reduce the caloric intake again.

Thus, there is nothing easier than influencing the processes of losing weight and gaining weight through your diet. If you decide to get rid of excess weight, then the first thing you should take care of is proper and healthy nutrition.

Until now, we have only talked about the total caloric content of the daily diet, but when it comes to losing weight, we cannot help but talk about the very type of food that a person consumes.

Quality of food consumed

So, not only the volume, but also the quality of the food consumed is important. For example, while losing weight, you should exclude from your diet everything that contains a large amount of fat and fast carbohydrates. What are fast carbohydrates? These are carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (GI) - detailed tables of foods indicating their GI can be found on the Internet.

As a rule, it's all sweet and floury. Anything that contains glucose or sucrose should automatically be considered a fast carbohydrate and thus excluded from the diet. The fact is that fast carbohydrates have biological priority for deposition in the fat layer of the body. At the same time, regular (slow) carbohydrates are safe and even healthy. The diet must contain slow carbohydrates, which can be found in foods such as porridge, rice, buckwheat and durum wheat pasta.

A person who is consciously restricting daily calories for the purpose of losing weight should pay special attention to consuming foods rich in protein to prevent the rapid breakdown of muscle tissue. In conditions of calorie deficit, the entire body loses weight, not just the fat layer. Protein helps protect muscles from destruction - stopping the process of catabolism. Most sports experts recommend consuming 1 to 2 grams of protein for every kg of body weight of a person on a fat-burning diet.

However, nutrition is not the only way to influence the body's energy balance. Let's remember: to lose weight, we must consume less energy through food than we expend. But this rule can be formulated in another way:

To lose weight, we must expend more energy than we consume through food.

That's the secret: nutrition and training are two parts of the same equation. By maintaining the diet at the same level, we can increase daily energy expenditure through intense training and thus start the process of losing weight.


Are there any special features to training aimed at reducing body weight? Undoubtedly! Such workouts have little in common with classic gym workouts aimed at increasing muscle mass and weight gain. The secret to successful fat-burning workouts is high intensity and a large volume of work done in the gym.

For example, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, you will likely do small amounts of heavy compound exercises (bench press, barbell squats, etc.) with significant rest between sets.

If your goal is to lose weight, the strategy should be completely different. First, you need to add a large (no, really large!) amount of cardio - a treadmill, an exercise bike - the choice of modern devices is large. A good cardio session is 40-60 minutes before or after strength training.

The strength training itself should be high-volume and intense - for example, the number of repetitions in each approach should be increased to 15-25, and the rest time between approaches can be reduced to 40-60 seconds. As a result, for each workout you should do a large amount of not too hard work. A good indicator is your sweat. If the T-shirt can be wrung out by hand after class, you did a great job!

Per week you should do 3 to 6 full-fledged cardio sessions and 3-4 high-intensity strength training. Remember: the main thing in this matter is consistency and stability. A worthy result can only be obtained in the long term if you flawlessly follow the principles outlined above. An athletic body is not achieved through a few trips to the fitness center: it is the result of long, grueling, but pleasant work for results.

Nutrition for burning fat

fat burning workouts

31 Eat small meals 6 times a day, this promotes faster metabolism and, as a result, fat burning. Meals every 3-4.

32 Wait 20 minutes before eating your second course.

33 Change the plate to a smaller one.

34 Eat from a blue plate. Studies have shown that this color suppresses appetite (unlike red and yellow).

35 Replace mayonnaise and sour cream with homemade yogurt and save 700 and 100 calories per half cup.

36 Eat peanuts without skins. By peeling nuts, you will eat 50% less.

37 After eating, chew mint gum without sugar. Mint sends signals to the brain that it is time to stop eating.

38 If you want a snack, eat a few pistachios instead of a sandwich.

39 Replace your usual breakfast with a bowl of oatmeal and protein-rich eggs.

40 Eat at the kitchen table, not on the sofa.

41 Drink more water. Thirst is often confused with hunger. Water also helps burn fat.

42 Try to eat eggs, poultry and fish boiled rather than fried.

43 For your morning cup of coffee: By replacing the cream and sugar with skim milk, you'll save 105 calories.

ways to lose weight
44 When cooking meat or fish, roll them in breadcrumbs instead of eggs and flour. This will cut calories and cook skinless chicken.

45 Add strawberries to your protein shake. These berries are rich in fiber, which fills your stomach.

46 Eat more avocados. They are high in essential fats.

47 Control the amount of potatoes and pasta. A serving of starchy foods per week should not be larger than a football.

48 On restaurant menus, look for the following keywords: fried, baked, braised, steamed, roasted, broiled, marinated and with vegetable sauce. Choose steamed foods.

49 Drink tea. It contains antioxidants that burn fat.

50 Eat less sugar. Reduce its amount to 72 grams per day.

51 Snack on the right foods. Small bags of popcorn instead of corn chips will save 60 calories.

52 Eat beans. Rich in fiber and protein, beans help burn fat. Puree them, stew them, or toss them with oil and vinegar and eat them as a side dish.

53 Plan every meal carefully. If you strictly adhered to the program all week, and then suddenly ate, it will nullify all your efforts.

54 In a restaurant, instead of chicken wings, order chicken fingers. They have no skin, which means they have more protein and significantly less fat, salt and calories.

55 Don’t suddenly give up your favorite foods. This increases the risk of failure.

56 While cooking, taste food on the back of a spoon. Every time you try something, you'll eat far fewer calories.

57 Consume more fiber. Lentils, beans, green soybeans and pears are fat-burning foods.

58 Choose dark chocolate (instead of milk chocolate). It contains less sugar and more energy-boosting antioxidants.

59 Don't drown the salad in fat. Instead of various sauces, add balsamic vinegar, which saves 300 calories.

60 Avoid burgers and save 300 calories.

61 Write down everything you eat. Eliminate 250 calories a day and you can lose up to one kg per month.

fat burning food

62 Don't skip breakfast. A nutrient-rich breakfast, surprisingly, is a great way to lose weight. Within an hour of waking up, eat a healthy breakfast of 400-600 calories.

63 Eat wisely in cafes and restaurants. Ask the waiter to bring you only half of the portion and take the rest with you.

64 Put candies away so that they are not conspicuous.

65 Are you having a party? Bring leftover chips, cookies and cake to work instead of leaving it at home. Let your employees finish everything for you.

66 Do you want something sweet? Instead of chocolate ice cream for dessert, eat low-fat chocolate and save more than 200 calories.

67 Forget about food delivery to your home. Cook yourself and you will always know exactly what you are eating.

68 When frying, use a special cooking spray instead of butter. One "spray" contains only 10 calories and 1 gram of fat (down from 102 calories and 12 g). Isn't it true that the secret to nutrition for burning fat lies in the little things?

69 Buy only one serving of your favorite snack. It's better to order a second helping later than to force yourself to finish it out of greed.

70 Add spices. Fiery spices (and hot peppers) speed up your metabolism. They will make you eat more slowly.

71 Make peanut butter healthier. One tablespoon of butter contains about 100 calories. You can reduce the amount by mixing equal parts peanut butter with cooked carrots or sweet potatoes until smooth. Cool to desired temperature.

72 Avoid processed foods that contain industrial and trans fats. Remember - trans fats not only will not help you burn fat, but can cause serious harm to your health.

73 By skipping a serving of mac and cheese, you'll save 200 calories. Instead, combine half a cup of cauliflower-pumpkin puree with half a cup of shredded cheese.

74 Chew slowly while eating. Seriously. Research shows that this will help you eat much less.

75 Try turkey meat. It is much more dietary than beef.

simple ways to lose weight

76 Eat rice with low-calorie vegetables such as broccoli. You'll save 250 calories per serving. Save on calories - burn fat.

77 In a restaurant, ask for the sauce separately. This way you will eat less.

78 Be careful with zero calorie foods. Cunning manufacturers label all products containing less than five calories as zero calorie.

79 Give preference to low-fat cottage cheese. This excellent source of calcium contains only 163 calories per cup.

80Drink responsibly. Stay away from mixed drinks. A light beer or glass of wine is enough. Or, as a last resort, a low-calorie cocktail of soda and tonic.


Fractional meals

fractional meals

Meals should be as fractional as possible, this will speed up your digestive processes and speed up your metabolism. It would also be a good idea to do periodic carbohydrate loading, which also speeds up your metabolism and allows you to psychologically tolerate the diet better.

Don't use fast carbohydrates

During the diet, you should not use fast carbohydrates for loading or during the day. What are fast carbohydrates? These are carbohydrates with a high glycemic index or with a high insulin response, that is, these carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly by the body and quickly increase insulin levels in the blood. They should not be consumed, because after the rapid digestion of such carbohydrates, the feeling of hunger will come very quickly. These carbohydrates include any sweet or starchy foods.

Eat more vegetables

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables contain fiber. Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate, that is, carbohydrate with a negative calorie content. Our body cannot absorb it, but at the same time it spends energy on processing it. Fiber also has the ability, in combination with other carbohydrates, to lower the glycemic index of other foods.

Proteins don't make you fat

Protein sources

Eat more meat, fish and seafood, cottage cheese, this will make it impossible to gain extra pounds, and our body is not able to effectively use proteins as energy, it will only waste energy on processing, which will be beneficial if the percentage of subcutaneous fat is reduced.

Eat protein foods before training. Come to training with a minimum amount of glycogen, this will make the training more effective, since from the first minutes your body will be forced to use fat reserves to replenish energy costs, rather than taking energy from the liver at the expense of glycogen or from muscles. In other words, before training you need to eat protein foods, not carbohydrates.

Fats are good for you

Good fats, bad fats

Fats must be present in your diet. Your hormonal system needs them, cholesterol is also needed and should be present in your diet, because it is cement for your cells, so you should not throw away the yolk from eggs.

Salt, spices and dairy products

People often remove them from their diet. This is wrong, your body needs salt, otherwise you are guaranteed to have seizures and, God forbid, a heart attack. Spices speed up metabolism and, conversely, promote fat burning. As for dairy products, the water retention that can be caused by their consumption is not so critical.

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