Succinic acid for weight loss: instructions for use and opinions about the product

When the functioning of the body is disrupted, the amount of succinic acid, which is an essential component of metabolic processes, decreases. And to replenish the reserves of this substance, many overweight people use succinic acid for weight loss , sold as dietary supplements in pharmacies. Losing weight for many people is a complex and difficult task. Difficulties arise due to metabolic disorders.

Excess weight creates a large additional load on the body, and the result is a weakening of its functions and the cessation of full-fledged work. Such negative phenomena cause the accumulation of excess body weight, and numerous attempts to get rid of at least 2 kg do not bring a positive result. Succinic acid is a special component that helps people maintain their slim figure by getting rid of excess fat deposits. Thanks to it, energy metabolism in the cells of the body is normalized, and physical activity is maintained. This natural substance stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and liver, thereby effectively cleansing the body of toxins. Getting rid of extra pounds occurs intensively, dynamically and without the use of dietary restrictions. How feasible and effective is this method, and does it harm human health? Read more about this in our article.

Beneficial features

Succinic acid is a substance that is found in the human body in small quantities. In its pure form, this organic compound cannot be found in nature. Basically, it can be obtained from natural amber. This substance itself is a white powder that tastes similar to citric acid. In the body, it affects the functioning of all human life processes.

The unique property of this organic compound is its effect on the body. It only affects problem areas. Healthy tissues and cells are not exposed to active components. Thanks to this, there is a targeted action necessary for quality correction of the figure when losing weight.

Succinic acid has many beneficial properties:

  1. It contains a large number of antioxidants. They promote cell restoration and rejuvenation. The condition of the skin improves, nails stop splitting, and hair becomes stronger.
  2. Strengthens the immune system.
  3. Physical and mental activity increases. Thanks to this, while consuming succinic acid, you can engage in strenuous sports, drive a car, and engage in heavy physical work.
  4. Activates the production of gastric juice.
  5. Fills muscles with tone, promotes their speedy recovery after physical activity.
  6. Copes with sleep problems.
  7. Improves memory, improves mood.
  8. Reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
  9. Helps saturate cells with oxygen.
  10. Removes harmful substances from processed food from the body.
  11. Relieves nervous tension and increases stress resistance.
  12. Improves blood circulation.
  13. Normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system.
  14. Restores the condition of the skin in case of various diseases and rashes.

Indications and how to take

The main source of succinic acid is natural amber: the substance is obtained in the form of a white crystalline powder by processing natural stone. The areas of use of this substance are multifaceted: medicine, chemistry, food industry.

A small amount of acid can be obtained from fermented milk products, seafood, some fruits (grapes, gooseberries), barley and sunflower seeds.

The body “produces” only about 200 grams. substances per day. At the same time, due to metabolic processes, excess acid accumulation does not occur.

Main indications for use in adults:

  • Headaches of various origins;
  • Ischemia;
  • Vascular spasms;
  • Sclerotic changes;
  • Atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the lower extremities;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Overwork, both physical and emotional;
  • Alcohol poisoning;
  • Meteor dependence;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Sleep disturbances, decreased immunity;
  • To keep older people active;
  • Fatty liver degeneration;
  • Overweight;
  • Prevention of infections;
  • Recovery in the postpartum period, improvement of lactation;
  • Contracture of muscle tissue.

Interesting fact: in the Soviet Union, the study of the properties of succinic acid was carried out classified as “secret”. The results were stunning: it not only stimulates energy production in tissues, but also works on “breakdowns” in the body, restoring functions that were lost due to age or illness.

  1. The substance is actively used in beauty products: anti-cellulite creams and scrubs, hair masks, various vitamins aimed at maintaining women’s health, and added to fish oil.
  2. Effectively combined with lacto and bifido bacteria. This combination helps reduce internal intoxication.
  3. Succinic acid for weight loss goes well with other medications. Reduces the effect of antibiotics, antituberculosis, anthelmintics and anti-inflammatory drugs, which should be remembered when undergoing such a course of treatment.
  4. She even gets relief from her hangover. The removal of acetaldehyde from the liver, which is formed due to alcohol consumption, is accelerated. It is enough to take the drug the day before the feast (2 hours before) and after it.

Watch the video on how to make drinks correctly:

The medicine is ready for use in its pure form. You should not take the drug before bed: the invigorating effect will interfere with rest. It tastes like lemon and has no smell. You should drink succinic acid according to one of the schemes proposed below.

On an empty stomach

In the morning, immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before. before the first meal. 4 tablets are dissolved in 250 ml. water. Use for 30 days, then take a break for 2 months. After drinking, you can rinse your mouth with running water.

A one-time “impact” application is perfect for restoring the body from grueling physical activity (it is worth taking 3000 mg of the drug once).

After meal

According to this scheme, you can drink three times a day. Single dose – 1 tablet (dosage 0.25 g). The duration of the course is 1-2 months, based on the body’s reaction. The break between courses is identical when taken on an empty stomach - 2 months. It is important to do this without fail to prevent a decrease in the effect.


This scheme emphasizes non-addiction. The maximum dosage is up to 4 times a day after meals, a break for one day every third day. On the “day off” it is recommended to refrain from intense exercise and reduce stress levels to a minimum. The weight loss course lasts up to 45 days, after which a break of one month is required.

What does the tablet contain?

The drug is available in several forms: capsules, tablets, powder (must be dissolved in water before use), injections. Each of the subspecies has features of use. By the way, injections are quite rare; only one type is available.

The tablet contains up to 50 mg of succinic acid, as well as: sugar, potato starch, talc, calcium stearate, aerosil.

Preparations may also contain succinic acid compounds, which, after entering the body, are synthesized into the acid itself. The advantage of this drug is its low cost.

The price depends on the form of release, as well as the level of concentration. The cost varies between 15-45 rubles per tablet, 100 – 2000 rubles per powder. Finding succinic acid for weight loss in pharmacies is quite difficult, but you can order it through an online pharmacy.

Effect on weight loss

After familiarizing yourself with the general beneficial properties, it is necessary to understand in depth the benefits of succinic acid for weight loss. In this case, it has the following effects:

  1. Accelerates metabolic processes and helps activate the fat-burning functions of the body itself.
  2. Affects the rate of fat breakdown.
  3. Improves skin condition, promotes weight loss without the formation of stretch marks, eliminates cellulite.
  4. Increases the number of calories burned.
  5. It is completely eliminated from the body and accumulates in its tissues and cells.
  6. Gives energy to the body, which is important when playing sports and following strict techniques.
  7. The acid independently finds problem areas and immediately begins to act on them. At the same time, it targets healthy areas of the body.

To achieve such an effect of succinic acid on the body, two conditions must be met. Firstly, when consuming this organic compound, body tone increases, muscles recover faster, and a person feels full of strength. It is important to start playing sports, doing morning workouts or evening jogging. Secondly, it is necessary to adhere to a low-calorie diet. There is no need to be afraid of hunger and weakness of the body. Succinic acid provides the body with the necessary amount of energy to overcome these deficiencies. Weight loss occurs smoothly, without the feeling of hunger and muscle weakness.

Linoleic acid for weight loss

Linoleic acid for weight loss

This substance is a set of fatty acids and is scientifically called “conjugated linoleic acid” (CLA). Due to the properties of this acid, which promote the breakdown of fats and help build muscle mass, it is used to prepare various sports nutrition, which is very popular among athletes. Nowadays, many nutritionists recommend its use in comprehensive weight loss programs, since against the backdrop of sports, CLA promotes:

  • reducing the fat layer, especially in the abdominal area, and acid makes it possible not only to eliminate such accumulations, but also to maintain slimness after various diets, since it does not allow fat to accumulate,
  • activating the growth of muscle mass, namely, with regular training, it favors the burning of subcutaneous fat and the manifestation of muscle relief, and the fatty acids included in its composition help build muscles without harm to health,
  • preventing new inflammatory processes and reducing chronic ones, which often occur against the background of obesity,
  • removing waste and toxins from the body.

The only contraindication for the use of CLA is individual intolerance to this substance.

In order to build muscle mass or lose weight, it is enough to consume only 3 g of acid per day. It’s good when linoleic acid enters the body with food, and it is found in such products as

  • beef, lamb, turkey,
  • Swiss cheese, low fat yogurt, milk,
  • vegetable oils, especially flaxseed and sunflower,
  • mushrooms.

But the thing is that in recent years, due to the unfavorable environmental situation and new industrial methods of food processing, its content in them is decreasing or simply disappearing. That is why food supplements based on CLA have now become very popular, using which you can get the optimal daily intake of this substance.

Methods of application

When everything is clear about the beneficial properties and effects on weight loss processes, you need to figure out how to take succinic acid for weight loss. This biological food supplement is available in the form of powder or capsules. This organic compound can also be found in many vitamin complexes.

If you choose a powder for use, it must be dissolved in clean water. To properly prepare the drink, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. For 1 gram of succinic acid (in powder) there should be one glass of clean water. Clean it through a filter or boil it and let it cool.
  2. You can drink the resulting drink half an hour before breakfast.
  3. Succinic acid diluted with water has a negative effect on tooth enamel. Because of this, it is necessary to rinse your mouth after drinking the drink. This way you can reduce the destructive effect of the powder.

This method is not suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. If you choose capsules, you can use them in two ways:

  1. For the first three days, take 4 capsules per day. Each of them can be drunk half an hour before meals. The fourth day should be a fasting day, without large amounts of food and succinic acid.
  2. The second method is to take 3 capsules per day for 30-60 days. Each capsule can be drunk strictly half an hour before meals.

Before you start using this drug, carefully read the contraindications to avoid side effects.

The benefits and harms of succinic acid

Succinic acid is a component that is produced in the body of all people in the required quantities. If a person is not overweight and does not need to lose weight, then he should not take succinic acid. An excess of this component will negatively affect the functioning of organs and systems, which will provoke health problems. At the same time, a lack of succinic acid slows down the process of losing weight, since metabolism is disrupted and the so-called freezing occurs. Taking medications and foods rich in it will help activate your metabolism. In combination with physical activity, a varied and balanced diet, this accelerates weight loss and helps to quickly return to a slim figure.


Even with such a large list of beneficial properties, the use of succinic acid is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components of the biological additive.
  2. Kidney and liver problems.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy and lactation, you should consult your doctor before using this drug.

Cost of dietary supplement

Cost of dietary supplement

“Succinic acid” is available in different forms. Consider different concentration levels and specific pharmacy markup.

Tablet weight: 50 mg and 100 mg. Price: from 15 to 50 rubles. Powder weight: 10 g and 500 g. Price: from 100 to 2000 rubles.

Note. If you need a powdered substance, and you only have tablets, grind them into the dose you need.

Experts' opinion

Sergey Lyudov, 43 years old (Ekaterinburg), nutritionist, 15 years of experience:

In my experience, there were many patients who could not lose excess weight even with hard training and following a mono-diet. In such situations, the body lacks any components or is heavily polluted. For a long time I was looking for a drug that could effectively help in such a situation. I found a solution in the group of biological additives. After a thorough study of the composition and properties of individual components, I chose succinic acid. And she showed herself perfectly in practice.

Andrey Gorbov 46 years old (Novosibirsk), nutritionist, 19 years of experience:

Sometimes dietary supplements become an indispensable addition to various weight loss methods. A person does not always lose excess weight the way he wants. Of all the biological additives, I would like to highlight succinic acid. This is one of the few drugs that themselves find the problem area and concentrate their effect only on it. And additional beneficial effects significantly improve the functioning of the entire body.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

I learned about succinic acid from a friend. It was recommended to me as a biological supplement that is beneficial for the whole body. I started taking 3 tablets a day with meals. After a week, I noticed that the skin on my face began to look more vibrant and smooth, the swelling and swelling went away. After the intensive course, my health and mood improved. I lost 2 kg. Later I read that the pills help with weight loss. I think this is a universal remedy at a cheap price.

Marina, 29 years old

I was looking on the Internet for a good method that would improve my metabolism and not harm my health. I came across succinic acid, which has many positive reviews. I decided to test the miracle pills on myself. At first I drank 3 pieces, but after a week I switched to 4. I will say this - there is indeed a result, but not strong. I drank it for a month and identified several advantages. The tablets give a fresh look to the face. Unfortunately, there was no noticeable increase in vigor, but my metabolism improved, and I lost 4 kg.

Christina, 27 years old

I've heard rave reviews about succinic acid. Those who took this drug were satisfied. I also decided to try the product for weight loss. I drank it for 3 weeks. I didn’t notice any visible results. I think it's due to an unbalanced diet. At work, you have to have a snack at the nearest eatery... Apparently, this is what brings all efforts to zero.

Marta, 32 years old

On my mother’s advice, I bought succinic acid. It is inexpensive, only 15 rubles. per pack of 10 pcs. Reviews and instructions say that acid is beneficial for humans, and also helps to lose weight. However, I didn’t lose much weight, nor did I feel any global changes. I didn’t gain any strength or energy, I didn’t lose weight. Maybe I need to take it in a larger dosage - I was afraid to take 3 tablets at once.

Margarita, 29 years old
Succinic acid has great benefits for the human body if taken correctly. This is a unique remedy that has general strengthening properties, improves tone and improves well-being. Acid is also an assistant for women and men in losing weight. However, do not forget about proper nutrition and exercise. A well-designed diet with amber substance will bring you results in the form of slimness and improved health.

Glutamic acid for weight loss

Glutamic acid for weight loss

This substance is one of the essential amino acids that are found in proteins and are building materials for cells. Glutamic acid is necessary for normal brain function; it is also part of the blood plasma, stimulates metabolic and oxidative processes, is responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrate compounds, and optimizes recovery processes.

Glutamic acid helps those who prefer to burn calories in the gym to lose weight. It increases the body's endurance during training, increases the rate of removal of waste products from cells, accelerates the growth of muscle tissue, and reduces the risk of overload.

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