What foods contain succinic acid?

It is believed that memory impairment and inability to concentrate, as well as feelings of weakness, speak more about a lack of succinic acid in the body than about premature aging.

A short explanation: Succinic acid is a vital element of plants and living organisms; it is a dibasic saturated carboxylic acid.

And this element is synthesized by the human body, but sometimes it is not enough and then the body malfunctions.

By distilling amber, people learned to extract succinic acid. It is a white powder with an acidity similar to citric acid.

In living organisms, the substance is found in the form of anions and salts called succinates. The human body produces over 200 g of succinates or succinic acid per day.

What foods contain succinic acid?

First, let's find out which products contain succinic acid. Its sources are:

  • Cheese contains succinic acid

    black bread;

  • dairy products;
  • light grapes;
  • aged wines;
  • beer (brewer's yeast);
  • seafood (in particular, shellfish);
  • sauerkraut;
  • cheeses;
  • gooseberry;
  • turnip;
  • barley and sunflower seeds.

Under normal conditions, the synthesis of succinic acid in the body completely covers its needs. But with some diseases, increased physical activity, poor diet, premature aging processes and other stresses, a deficiency of this substance may occur.

Excess and deficiency

Succinic acid can be taken orally according to one of the two schemes proposed below.

The first scheme is as follows: drink a solution prepared from 1 g of succinic acid and 200 ml of water half an hour before meals. It is better to carry out the process through a straw so as not to damage the protective layer of the teeth. Repeat daily for a month.

succinic acid

According to the second scheme, the healing biotic must be consumed, adhering to the 3/1 schedule. That is, for three days in a row you should take 4 tablets per day, on the fourth day take a break while simultaneously reducing physical activity. This course lasts 28 days.

To be fair, it should be noted that both schemes are relevant for eliminating succinic acid deficiency in the human body. When the shortage is eliminated, the daily dose of the compound must be reduced to the 200 mg already mentioned above, which is the recommended average daily intake.

If the dosage regimens and norms for succinic acid are not followed, an excess or deficiency of it is likely to develop. You will recognize the first by such signs as poor brain function, a feeling of discomfort in the kidneys, and digestive problems. A deficiency of succinic acid is diagnosed by persistent fatigue and weakness, skin rashes, decreased immunity and the appearance of extra pounds.

What are the benefits of succinic acid for the body?

The body of a healthy person produces up to 300 grams of succinic acid per day. A significant amount of it comes from outside with vegetables and fruits, dairy products. What is succinic acid used for? It is involved in many metabolic processes associated with the consumption of oxygen by tissues and the production of intracellular energy. It also neutralizes free radicals formed in the body, which are factors of aging.

where does succinic acid come from

By normalizing metabolism, the drug increases the rate of breakdown of many toxic substances, has an antioxidant and antihypoxic effect, and protects cells from harmful decay products.

Succinic acid for humans is one of the means of improving metabolism, which in practice leads to the following beneficial effects:

  • stimulation of the liver and kidneys, their effective counteraction to toxins;
  • improved energy supply to the heart and, as a result, better blood supply to tissues;
  • increasing immunity;
  • additional supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Modern researchers come to the conclusion that succinic acid is a good remedy for the prevention of cancer. Due to its effect on intracellular energy structures - mitochondria, the drug leads to a decrease in the growth of cancer cells. Also, many scientists believe that this substance is capable of restoring damaged cells and thereby rejuvenating them. In older people, taking the drug for 20 days improves well-being, normalizes blood pressure and heart function, and relieves insomnia.

Succinic acid in its pure form is a white powder with a lemon taste, highly soluble in water. It is produced in the form of tablets and is included in many medications in combination with other organic acids or enzymes. Salts of succinic acid are called succinates.

Products rich in succinic acid:

General characteristics of succinic acid

Succinic acid belongs to the class of organic acids. Under favorable conditions, it is produced by the body independently and in the required quantity. Succinic acid is a transparent, whitish powder that tastes like citric acid.

Succinic acid is found naturally in many foods. At enterprises, acid is produced from natural amber. The hypothalamus and adrenal glands have a special influence on the functioning of succinic acid in the body. In the body, succinic acid is presented in the form of succinates - salts of succinic acid.

Daily requirement for succinic acid

In order to determine the required amount of acid that should be consumed daily, you need to use the following formula: 0.03 g. * body weight of the person for whom the calculation is being carried out. The resulting product will be called the daily norm of succinic acid.

The need for succinic acid increases:

  • with weakened immunity;
  • overweight;
  • skin problem (inflammation, acne);
  • with a decrease in brain activity;
  • for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS);
  • in old age, when the body’s ability to replenish the level of succinic acid on its own decreases;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

The need for succinic acid is reduced:

  • with individual intolerance to acid associated with allergic reactions;
  • hypertension;
  • urolithiasis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure);
  • coronary heart disease.

Digestibility of succinic acid

Succinic acid is well absorbed by the body without accumulating in organs and tissues. In addition, it is not addictive and tastes good. The most complete absorption of succinic acid by the body is achieved by organizing the correct daily routine, proper nutrition and optimal physical activity. It is the complex effect of such factors on the body that leads to maximum absorption of acid.

Indications for use of succinic acid

The use of succinic acid in medicine is quite widespread. Here are the indications for taking the pure substance in tablets.

  1. Complex therapy for external and internal poisoning of various causes.
  2. Complex treatment of infectious diseases.
  3. Reducing the negative effects of drugs on the liver and kidneys during long-term use of drugs (antibiotics and others).

For these purposes, it is prescribed to be taken after meals, 1 tablet three times a day.

The drug is also used in other situations.

  1. Increased physical activity.
  2. Alcohol poisoning of the body.
  3. Heart failure.
  4. Allergy.
  5. Brain stimulation.
  6. Stressful conditions that cause fatigue or drowsiness.

How to take succinic acid for a hangover: an hour before the feast, 100 mg, after 2-3 hours another 100 mg. Next, take tablets every hour, but not more than 600 mg (6 tablets) per day. If you need to relieve a morning hangover, then drink 2-3 tablets at once, then two hours later another one, and then every hour until the symptoms disappear.

Traditional methods of treatment:

Unpolished amber is more beneficial for health and treatment than processed amber, according to traditional medicine. If you have unpolished amber beads, wear them more often, amber gives an energy boost, relieves headaches, gives the body calm and peace of mind.

To keep your teeth strong and white, and your gums not to bleed, add a little succinic acid to your tooth powder or paste. According to folk tales, if a woman puts amber under her pillow at night, she will retain her youth and beauty...

How to prepare amber water:

Amber dissolves in water and ethyl alcohol. I read on Wikipedia that the solubility of amber in water (per 100 g) at 20°C is 6.8, when the liquid is heated to 100 degrees, this figure increases to 121. If you put unpolished amber in the liquid, the same beads, and hold for some time at room temperature, you can get amber water.

You can drink it or add it to food when cooking, you can wash your face, wash your hair, water plants, as amber water stimulates plant growth. Amber water can be used everywhere...

Can pregnant women take the drug?

Taking succinic acid during pregnancy promotes proper restructuring of the body and improves immunity to infectious diseases. The drug has a beneficial effect on the developing fetus, improves blood supply, eliminates oxygen starvation and protects the baby and mother from various toxins.

Studies have shown that taking the drug during pregnancy reduces the risk of developing gestosis, minimizes complications during childbirth, promotes rapid recovery of the mother and increases the amount of milk.

Possible harm

Succinic acid, despite the abundance of beneficial properties, has some contraindications for oral use. Thus, people with individual intolerance to the drug, eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, etc.), hypertension, stomach and duodenal ulcers, kidney stones and angina pectoris should not take the biotic. Any form of succinic acid has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, so the healing compound should be taken in the morning. It is also undesirable to consume the sun gem derivative on an empty stomach. It can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ - the word “acid” speaks for itself.

Succinic acid in cosmetology

The regenerating and rejuvenating properties of succinic acid are used in cosmetology. It is widely used in procedures such as peeling, masks and massage. Use pure substance in powder form. Face masks with succinic acid have a rejuvenating effect, cleanse the skin and never cause allergies. This drug is also included in various creams and cosmetic milk.

For hair, succinic acid is used in the form of masks or shampoo. The mask softens curls, gives them elasticity and firmness. You need to keep it on your hair for two hours. To get amber shampoo, simply add a few acid crystals to your regular shampoo and wash your hair. Regular use of such products improves hair growth and restores dull, damaged curls.


Food industry

Due to its pronounced antioxidant effect and the ability to increase the nutritional value of the product by almost five times, succinic acid is popular among food manufacturers.

Additive E 363 often acts as a substitute for citric acid as a milder acidity regulator that is gentle on tooth enamel.

It can be found in a number of products:

antioxidants in marmalade

  • dry confectionery semi-finished products;
  • bouillon cubes and soup concentrates;
  • powders for making drinks yourself;
  • marmalade;
  • fish.

Succinic acid neutralizes the negative effects of ethyl alcohol and prevents hangover. Additive E 363 is one of the components of elite vodka (100 mg/l).


The antioxidant has proven itself positively in cosmetology. It is part of many anti-aging, cleansing, nourishing skin care products. Due to its strong antioxidant effect, succinic acid:

  • saturates the skin with oxygen by nourishing cells and improving blood circulation;
  • lightens age spots;
  • successfully fights acne;
  • increases firmness, elasticity, removes fine wrinkles;
  • controls the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Antioxidant E 363 is one of the best products for nourishing and strengthening the hair follicle and improving hair condition.


The pharmaceutical industry produces succinic acid in the form of powder or tablets. The range of application of the additive is wide:

antioxidant production

  • treatment of diabetes mellitus (normalization of metabolism, stimulation of insulin production);
  • solving the problem of obesity, normalizing weight;
  • sports nutrition (restores strength, neutralizes lactic acid, relieves pain,
  • saturates cells with oxygen, strengthens the nervous system);
  • slowing down senile changes in the body;
  • treatment of joint diseases, restoration of sensitivity in the limbs;
  • fight against viral infections;
  • production of medicines (quinolitine).

Many years of research by scientists at the Institute of Biophysics under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation have proven that succinic acid significantly slows down the growth of cancer cells, eliminates toxicosis, and triples the chance of complete healing.

Other areas

Other applications:

  • agriculture to increase productivity (stimulates the development and growth of plants);
  • livestock (general health supplement that reduces morbidity and mortality)
  • chemical industry (production of synthetic resins and plastics);
  • analytical chemistry (high purity reagent).

Food additive E 363 is approved for use in all countries.

Succinic acid for weight loss

Succinic acid itself does not have a fat-burning effect. But reviews from those who are on a diet indicate that taking the drug significantly facilitates and accelerates the process of losing weight. Here are several reasons to use succinic acid during this difficult period for every woman:

  • the drug relieves fatigue;
  • improves kidney function, has a mild diuretic effect and reduces swelling;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients and their processing into energy rather than fat;
  • promotes good brain function and relieves nervous tension.

For those who have already lost weight, succinic acid will be useful if added to body cream. This balm increases skin firmness and elasticity and helps reduce stretch marks.

There are several schemes for taking succinic acid for weight loss.

  1. For two weeks, three tablets three times a day. Then take a week break and repeat the course.
  2. Monthly course. For a month, drink a solution of succinic acid daily - 1 gram of the drug per glass of water. You should drink the mixture through a straw so as not to destroy tooth enamel, and rinse your mouth after taking it.
  3. Long-term use. For a month they take three tablets a day, in cycles of 3/1 - they take the drug for three days, then a day off.

With long-term use, you need to focus on your feelings and adjust the dosage as necessary.

Benefits and harms of succinic acid:

But with increased emotional, mental and physical stress, and with diseases, the body requires more succinic acid and sometimes, the amount that is produced is not enough, an imbalance occurs...

☀ Succinates of succinic acid have a unique ability; they are always where the oxidation of lipids and DNA molecules is brewing, bypassing healthy cells and tissues.

  • And oxidative stress, read more, causes serious diseases.

☀ An excellent antioxidant, it blocks free radicals that are formed during oxidation-reduction reactions and destroy the body. And the oxidation of radicals in the body, as you remember, is the main factor in aging, and besides, by introducing an imbalance in life processes, free radicals contribute to the occurrence of cancer.

☀ Rejuvenates the body if used together with mumiyo. According to scientists, with regular use it can significantly delay old age.

  • Many plants can delay old age, read about the Tibetan recipe: How to prolong life using medicinal bath.

☀ Mitigates or eliminates the side effects of other medications used.

☀ The source of cell energy, with its participation many biological processes take place, including cellular respiration.

☀ Increases the body's resistance to all unfavorable factors, fights stress, easing its course, accelerates the processes of cell and tissue regeneration, acts as a restorative and general strengthening agent.

☀ Amber acid is especially important for brain cells that need uninterrupted delivery of nutrients and oxygen. To prolong the youth of brain cells, as well as to prevent brain pathologies that often appear in adulthood, doctors prescribe succinic acid preparations.

☀ Necessary for maintaining the nervous system and cardiovascular system, which need a constant supply of energy, liver and kidneys, stimulating these organs, succinates of succinic acid help cleanse the body of harmful substances.

☀ Strengthens immunity, reducing symptoms of inflammatory and allergic reactions.

Beneficial effect on diabetes mellitus

The substance stimulates and restores metabolism, activates the production of insulin secretion in the body, therefore it can be used for preventive purposes and for the treatment of diabetes.

Amber beads and thyroid diseases

It has a healing effect on the condition of people with inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland. An effective method of treatment is to rub amber oil into the area of ​​the gland, which is obtained by melting amber. Many people wear amber beads for this purpose, while simultaneously taking succinic acid preparations, since the oil has an unpleasant odor.

For alcoholism

It is an indispensable remedy for alcoholism and hangover relief. When drinking alcohol, the concentration of ethanol in a person’s blood increases, which disrupts the redox balance in the body; as a result, a number of non-oxidized substances settle in the body, causing intoxication or a hangover. Succinates of succinic acid cleanse the blood and remove toxins from the body. Acid is often used in the treatment of alcoholism.

Against malignant tumors

The substance is used for the purpose of prevention, as an effective remedy against the effects of various carcinogens, which lead to the development of malignant tumors.

Studies have shown that succinic acid significantly improves the well-being of cancer patients, increasing their ability to work. It accumulates in malignant cells and inhibits their reproduction, softens the effect of chemotherapy drugs, restores loss of strength and relieves depression.

Effect on the body

The natural origin of this substance helps it to be present in living organisms and participate in cellular respiration of the human body. Succinic acid helps the body produce adenosine triphosphate, which supplies a person with energy.

Thus, this organic substance has a high level of restorative power, is able to destroy free radicals and act as an antioxidant.

Among other, no less important effects on the human body of this substance, it is necessary to mention the ability to improve the functioning of the heart, brain, liver, dissolve kidney stones, prevent the occurrence of cancer, strengthen the immune system, reduce rising blood sugar, inhibit inflammatory processes, normalize work central nervous system and neutralize numerous poisons entering the body. The latter quality is very helpful in cases of alcohol poisoning and intoxication as an ambulance.

To maintain body tone during sports training and competitions, it is also recommended to use the E363 nutritional supplement.

In addition, it also has anti-radiation properties and can be used to reduce the effect of radiation on the body.

It is important to remember that skin contact with succinic acid may cause irritation. But this is perhaps its only negative trace in human nature. In all countries of the world, succinic acid is recognized as absolutely safe for human consumption.


Tens of thousands of tons of product with index E 363 are used in various industries. But the main consumer of succinic acid as a food additive at the present time is still the food industry. Its properties are mainly used as an acidity regulator and, of course, a preservative. In this regard, E 363 is added to dry mixtures, for example, soups, drinks, desserts. The additive is also included in ready-made drinks. The additive is especially popular in the alcoholic beverage industry. Manufacturers of jelly-like desserts, caramels, and chewing gums also add succinic acid to their products.

Product E 363 is in demand in analytical chemistry and is used in the production of resins and plastics. Succinic acid is also used in pharmacology. It is not only included in certain medications, but is also available in the form of dietary supplements. In addition, it is very popular in cosmetology.

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