Aminophylline, nicotinic acid, mummy, heparin ointment for cellulite - reviews

Cellulite can appear not only in those who are overweight. This problem also occurs in slender girls and those who play sports. The appearance of cellulite is caused by various factors: hormonal imbalances in the body, bad habits, poor environment, sedentary work, poor diet, stress.

Getting rid of the “orange peel” is extremely difficult, and if you start the fight at an advanced stage, it is often not possible to completely remove cellulite. Sometimes the anti-cellulite program uses drugs that are originally produced for the treatment of completely different diseases. An example of such a drug is aminophylline.

How does aminophylline work?

Creams containing the product in question have the following properties:

  • accelerate blood circulation;
  • relax muscle fibers;
  • normalize the water balance in the skin.

Thanks to these properties of the drug, when using it in the fight against cellulite, you can expect the following results:

  • disappearance of swelling - the skin will become more elastic and toned;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen by improving the quality of red blood cells and normalizing/stabilizing blood microcirculation;
  • activation of the process of fat breakdown;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • increased lymphatic drainage.

If you use creams with aminophylline regularly and according to the correct scheme, then such an aggressive effect on the skin will not remain without the effect of the disappearance of the “orange peel”.

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Impact on the body

Aminophylline is used to eliminate cellulite in many countries. Cosmetologists are still debating how possible it is to use this drug in the fight against this problem.

One of the main causes of cellulite is poor circulation. Cells are not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, and toxins and wastes are retained in the body. Because of this, the whole body begins to swell, and fat cells group together and become covered with a membrane. This leads to the appearance of cellulite. In order for the skin to become smooth again, it is necessary to separate the fat cells from each other, eliminating the dense membrane. For this, various medications are used, one of which is aminophylline.

Initially, this drug is aimed at treating bronchial asthma. Once on the skin, aminophylline begins to warm it, causing a burning sensation. Thus, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improves. Excess fluid is removed from the body faster, and along with it various contaminants. Thanks to this, swelling disappears. The skin becomes smooth and elastic, the volume of the hips decreases.

If you want to get rid of the “orange peel”, aminophylline can be used in several variations. In pharmacies, cosmetic departments and on the Internet, creams, gels, and serums with the addition of this drug are available for sale.

Aminophylline in ampoules against cellulite
Aminophylline in ampoules against cellulite

If it is not possible to purchase expensive cosmetics, prepare your own anti-cellulite product based on aminophylline. Wraps and massages using this drug also give positive results.

Contraindications for use

Aminophylline is a serious drug that can have not only a positive effect on the functioning of the body. Therefore, you need to know what contraindications there are for creams:

  • arrhythmia, angina and other problems in the heart;
  • any infectious diseases occurring in acute form;
  • severe renal failure, characterized by frequent relapses;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • gynecological diseases, regardless of the nature and characteristics of the course;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalances, including menstrual irregularities;
  • ulcerative formations on the mucous membranes of internal organs.

Since aminophylline cream is applied to the skin, any dermatological disease with a pronounced manifestation in the areas of intended treatment will be a contraindication.

The drug in question can cause an allergic reaction, and its presence in the anamnesis automatically prohibits the use of creams with aminophylline against cellulite.

Why does cellulite appear?

Cellulite is a pathological change in the structure of subcutaneous fat. Fat under the skin is deposited unevenly, causing the appearance of pronounced bumps and pits. This cosmetic effect is characteristic only of the fair sex, as it occurs under the influence of female sex hormones.

The main causes of cellulite are:

  • Obesity, overweight;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy, thyroid dysfunction and hormonal imbalance;
  • Poor blood circulation and lymph stagnation;
  • Eating fatty, floury, sweet and smoked foods;
  • Bad habits (addiction to alcohol, smoking);
  • Lack of physical activity, low mobility;
  • Violation of water-salt metabolism and metabolism.

Women are genetically predisposed to the deposition of fat reserves in the thighs, sides and abdomen. This is intended by nature in case of pregnancy and childbearing.

Possible complications

Before starting a course of procedures against “orange peel”, you need to conduct a small allergy test. This involves applying a small amount of the selected cream to the skin of the inside of the elbow and waiting for 15 minutes. During this time, either nothing extraordinary will happen, or redness and burning will appear - signs of an allergic reaction.

Even if there are no contraindications to the use of such drugs, the following complications may arise:

  • unmotivated, sudden increase in blood pressure;
  • dizziness accompanied by temporary darkening of the eyes;
  • periodic noise and ringing in the ears;
  • severe general weakness.

Such signs indicate that you should stop anti-cellulite procedures and seek qualified medical help.

Side effects of aminophylline

Negative side effects occur when the drug is administered under the skin as an injection. It can be:

  • Redness in the injection area on the skin, pain and discomfort;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Heartburn.

To avoid complications, limit your intake of caffeine-containing medications during therapy. It is important to follow the rules for sanitizing the skin at the injection site, take into account contraindications, and observe the duration of treatment and dosage.

Ready-made anti-cellulite creams

Anti-orange peel products containing aminophylline are produced by several different companies. You should choose a specific one not only by price and brand, but also by skin type. For example, if the skin is dry, then creams are optimal for it, but for oily skin - gels. The most popular anti-cellulite products with aminophylline include:

  • Evalar Turboslim . The cream is quite aggressive, causes a strong burning sensation when applied and therefore it can be diluted with a regular moisturizing or nourishing cream. Procedures with this product can hardly be called pleasant, but the result is impressive - after literally 5 applications, an increase in the elasticity of the skin and its smoothing are noted.
  • Topical Aminophylline Gel . This remedy is most often used for applications that are placed specifically on problem areas of the body. The gel normalizes lipid metabolism, accelerating the breakdown of adipose tissue.
  • Amilean . Available in gel form, it has maximum skin smoothing properties. According to testimonies from consumers and cosmetologists, this product can even get rid of stretch marks. There is only one significant drawback - the cost of the gel is very high and ranges from 3000 rubles (600 - 700 UAH) for a small tube.

Will aminophylline help you lose weight in any way, or will you need complex therapy?

Despite good reviews about products with aminophylline, most users are inclined to believe that one gel or cream will not be able to remove cellulite. All cosmetics help only with mild cellulite manifestations.

But even in this case, they need support in the form of physical activity and changes in diet. Cellulite is more common in women who lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse sweets and fast food.

Complex therapy includes:

  • giving up bad habits - excessive consumption of flour products, carbonated sweet drinks, smoking, etc.;
  • daily intensive walking or cycling;
  • transition to a balanced diet;
  • sports, fitness.

If you follow these rules, the effect of any anti-cellulite product will be more noticeable.

Aminophylline from the pharmacy

This drug can be purchased at pharmacies and you can prepare anti-cellulite cream from it yourself. The product is sold in various pharmacological forms; some manufacturers call it Eufillin.


Some people take them orally for the purpose of losing weight, since the drug has quite powerful diuretic (diuretic) properties. But doctors warn that taking Aminophylline tablets orally without special indications is strictly prohibited! This can lead to problems with breathing and heart function.

But the tablets can be used to prepare anti-cellulite cream.


It can be used in its pure form - by rubbing it into the skin on problem areas of the body, the anti-cellulite effect will be fully achieved. But cosmetologists recommend mixing this drug with vegetable oil in equal proportions, this will ensure complete penetration of aminophylline into the deep layers of the skin.

It is advisable to combine the procedure with active walking or physical exercise.


Everything is simple here too - the product is used to prepare the cream. Another option is to mix 2 ampoules of Aminophylline with medical Vaseline in a 2:1 ratio. This composition can be applied to any part of the body with cellulite, but the desired effect will be provided only if the “orange peel” has just begun to form and there are no extra pounds.

Mixture with Dimexide

When making cream at home, you can and should add Dimexide to the mixture. This drug has the following properties:

  • analgesic – discomfort when aminophylline comes into contact with the skin will be less intense;
  • improving penetration of the main component into the dermis;
  • anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial.

Usually, 1 ampoule of the drug in question is mixed with 2 mg of Dimexide, and the resulting mixture is applied to problem areas of the body.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the smell from such a “cream” is very specific and unpleasant, so the procedure should be carried out in the evening, before bed.

Causes and stages of cellulite

Cellulite is a pathological change in the subcutaneous fat layer, accompanied by disruption of lymph flow in the vessels and fluid retention in the tissues. Cellulite most often appears on the thighs and buttocks in women and the fat pad on the abdomen in men. The causes of cellulite are varied. Among them are: hereditary factor, lack of daily routine and physical activity, unhealthy diet, hormonal imbalance, chronic diseases.

It is customary to distinguish four categories of cellulite:

  • Edema (first) stage. The changes are almost not visualized, they are observed only when squeezing the problem area with your hands, and slight sagging of the skin is noted.
  • The appearance of compactions. The orange peel effect becomes noticeable without pressure, reducing skin sensitivity.
  • Liposclerosis. The changes are more pronounced (the skin has an uneven structure, bumps and pits, nodules). There is a violation of sensitivity, lack of skin reaction to changes in temperature.
  • Indurative stage. Cellulite becomes a pathology, its symptoms have reached their maximum (nodes and potholes, bluish skin, soreness).

Stages of cellulite 1 - edematous stage; 2 - stage of formation of compactions; 3- liposclerosis; 4 - indurative stage

Making your own anti-cellulite cream

Since aminophylline quickly breaks down when placed in a space at room temperature, the cream should be prepared in small quantities and stored only in the refrigerator. The prepared mixture should be used daily; the best option is to rub it into the skin immediately before playing sports.

Recipe for preparing an anti-cellulite product based on aminophylline:

  • base – any cream: moisturizing, children’s – 50 g;
  • drug – 10 tablets or 4 ampoules;
  • essential oil (any) – 5 drops.

The tablets must first be crushed into powder, and if a solution of the drug is used, then 2 ml will be needed. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then the finished mixture is applied to the desired areas of the body.

Cream with Dimexide also has an excellent effect, for the preparation of which you need to mix 10 ml of a solution of the main drug with the same amount of the drug and 50 mg of any anti-cellulite cream (it is advisable to choose one with caffeine in the composition). The last ingredient can be replaced with regular baby cream and 1 ampoule of caffeine.

To learn how to prepare a cream based on aminophylline (Euphylline) at home, watch this video:

Anti-orange peel wraps

They will be more effective than regular cream application. The procedure is performed as follows:

  • the skin should be well steamed under a hot shower or in the bath;
  • It is not necessary to dry the skin; you can immediately apply the cream with aminophylline - a thin layer, without active/aggressive rubbing;
  • wrap the treated area with cling film so tightly that air does not penetrate the skin, but without pulling the body.

The procedure takes 15-20 minutes; if the sensitivity threshold is high, then this period can be increased to 30-40 minutes. It is advisable to do wraps immediately before playing sports.

After completing the procedure, you need to rinse the product from the skin with warm water, then lubricate it with any moisturizer. It is recommended to carry out such wraps 2 - 3 times a week.

Cost of the drug

The price of aminophylline in pharmacies is affordable: from 10 rubles per pack of 10 tablets. A package with 10 10 ml ampoules will cost a little more - from 50 to 100 rubles, depending on the region. A bottle with 100 ml of dimexide costs from 30 rubles.

You can buy a cellulite remedy with aminophylline at the pharmacy. Cream from the manufacturer “Turboslim” will cost about 250 rubles per tube. A more expensive analogue “Amilean” will cost from 1000 rubles. Creams with a similar composition can be found in inexpensive shops on the Chinese goods website and can be purchased at a price of 150 rubles.

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Massage with aminophylline

To carry out this procedure, you need to mix olive oil and aminophylline solution in equal proportions. You can also use ready-made anti-cellulite cream, but you should take it in minimal quantities.

The massage lasts 15-20 minutes, after which you should not wash off the product from the skin, but it is recommended to wrap your body, cover yourself with a blanket or put on warm clothes. The procedure for performing the procedure is no more than 3 times a week.

It is strictly contraindicated to perform a massage with aminophylline when the body temperature rises (even against the background of a common cold), during menstruation and in the presence of any damage to the skin.

Doctors' opinion

Expert opinions regarding the advisability of using aminophylline to combat cellulite vary. Some doctors confirm the effectiveness of the use of the drug in the treatment of “orange peel” manifestations, while others express doubts about the effectiveness of the use of this drug.

However, they all agree on one thing: before starting to use this drug for cosmetic purposes, you should definitely consult a doctor. This remedy has many contraindications and side effects, and therefore can lead to serious complications.

In addition, many doctors note the fact that it is impossible to cope with cellulite without correcting nutrition and exercising. Therefore, any cosmetic procedures play a supporting role in eliminating this problem.

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Useful properties of Eufillin in the fight against cellulite

Among the factors leading to the formation of cellulite, poor blood flow and impaired lymph circulation play an important role. Moreover, with the appearance of deposits, blood vessels compressed by fat cells begin to work even worse. The fat layer affected by cellulite stagnates, small edema and areas of loose tissue form.

As cellulite appears, blood circulation in the affected areas slows down.

To successfully treat cellulite, it is first necessary to maximize blood circulation in problem areas. Eufillin is one of the drugs that perform this function. It should be noted that it is primarily a bronchodilator and is intended for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Eufillin dilates large and small vessels of the respiratory system, removing excess fluid and relaxing smooth muscles. In a similar way, it acts on cellulite deposits, providing a vasodilating, warming and relaxing effect no less effective than many specialized anti-cellulite agents:

  • capillaries are restored, which leads to normalization of blood circulation;
  • lymph flow increases;
  • swelling disappears;
  • tissue regeneration occurs;
  • skin cells are renewed, making it more elastic.

Separately about pregnant women

Despite the fact that pregnancy is not on the list of contraindications to the use of aminophylline, the use of this substance during pregnancy should be carried out with great caution.

Any cosmetic procedures at this time should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

Only this will prevent negative consequences for a woman’s health and avoid the negative impact of medications on the development of the child.

Eufillin is considered a very effective drug that helps to cope with fatty deposits under the skin, make the epithelium smoother and more elastic, and eliminate the appearance of cellulite. At the same time, doctors strongly advise against self-medication, since this remedy can cause serious harm to health.

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