How to slow down your metabolism and gain weight, foods that slow down your metabolism

Hello! Do you find it difficult to gain weight? Is there such a problem? If yes, then don’t be too upset - everything can be solved. Have you tried slowing down your metabolism? Most people complain about a slow metabolism, which prevents them from losing excess weight, and on the contrary, they want to increase it, but there are also the opposite situations.

Very often, the cause of weight loss is an accelerated metabolism. In this article, you will learn how to slow down your metabolism and gain weight.

How to gain weight for a very thin person?

Most likely, the fact is that your metabolism is too fast. This is a very common phenomenon and occurs in many people.

If your body synthesizes energy at an accelerated rate, it can be very difficult to maintain your weight, let alone gain additional weight.

Don't be upset, there is a way out of this situation. You just have to outsmart your body. How to slow down your metabolism and gain weight? Read and you will find out everything.

  • First, you can increase your total calories
  • secondly, you are quite capable of slowing down your metabolism a little

If you want to gain weight and slow down your metabolism, this article is definitely for you!

Strict diets

Scientists have proven that the amount of calories consumed cannot always regulate metabolic processes. Some people go on strict diets and do not get the desired result, while the body does not receive the substances it requires in sufficient quantities, which causes harm to it.

When food enters the body, it receives not only calories, but also other substances that are needed to ensure the functioning of the systems. If you limit the amount of food, this will also affect the reduction in consumption of other substances.

The body will burn little fat, as it will assess the situation as hunger. At the same time, he will begin to save himself and slow down the exchange process.

The body does not care why it does not receive the necessary substances in sufficient quantities. At the same time, his defensive reaction turns on and he begins to accumulate fat and save on all processes, which can negatively affect his health.

How can I gain weight if I have a fast metabolism?

Actually, it's very cool! Many people just dream about it, but you have a different goal. I also have a high metabolism and am familiar with this situation first hand. Gaining weight is very difficult for me. We will find out how to gain weight with a fast metabolism. The first thing I did was develop a plan.

In this article, we will look at three important areas related to weight gain with a fast metabolism. First, let's talk about proper nutrition, which will help us get better, and discuss how we can increase the calorie content of food. Then I'll give you some helpful tips on how to slow down your metabolism effectively but safely. And finally, I’ll tell you how important the regime and its adherence are.

Well, let's move on to nutrition, shall we?

Nutrition for weight gain


Some medications, in addition to the main chemical effect, slow down metabolic processes:

  • tablets that reduce stomach acidity cause a slowdown in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients;
  • drugs containing estrogen - a female sex hormone that stimulates the growth of fat deposits;
  • medications that increase the secretion of insulin, a hormone that normalizes blood glucose levels.

It is not recommended to use any medicine from these groups without consulting a doctor, so as not to cause harm to health, following the desire to gain weight.

Proper nutrition for weight gain is very important

Most likely, you've heard this so often that you're pretty tired of it. But I’ll repeat it again: to gain weight, you need to eat. And there are a LOT.

For the average person, 3,500 calories per day are required, assuming an intake of 500 grams per week. That's 3,500 calories over weight maintenance! In addition, for every 3,500 calories, if you are underweight, you are guaranteed to lose 500 grams of weight.

That is, to gain 500 grams, you will need 500 additional calories per day. Not so hard, right?

But take your time! If you have a fast metabolism, these 500 calories will not be enough. You'll need even more extra calories.

This is why calculating the nutritional value of food is so important when gaining weight with a high metabolism - you simply cannot gain weight if you don't have enough calories.

Below are 5 main ways to increase your caloric intake:

Gainer for weight gain

Use sports nutrition for weight gain, a gainer supplement

One of the simplest, but incredibly effective ways to gain weight is to add a protein-carbohydrate supplement to your diet - a gainer.

You can easily add those 500 extra calories because the calories in each spoonful of the mixture are carefully calculated.

This is the best option, combining pleasant taste and benefits for the body.

The main disadvantage of such protein supplements is, perhaps, the high price. They cost more than any food. Here everything depends on you, your desires and material capabilities: will you buy only food, or only supplements, or maybe both.

The biggest benefit of using a mass gainer? Convenience!

Cooking takes a lot of time. We often skip breakfast or lunch, simply due to lack of free minutes. With Mass Gainer you won't have to, all you have to do is add water, stir and drink your protein shake.

If you are interested in reading about other protein supplements, please visit the following link

Try to eat as much as possible

Wherever possible, try to add extra calories.

  • If you eat pasta, for example, then add 2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil to it. You probably won't even feel the difference.
  • If you eat cereal or porridge for breakfast, try adding a banana and a spoonful of peanut butter to the finished dish.
  • Before eating, drink not a glass of water, but milk.
  • If you eat salad, make sure it is dressed. You can add some soft goat cheese.

Consume high-calorie foods to gain weight

I have an article where I talked about inexpensive foods that help you gain weight quickly and are great for slowing down your metabolism. By eating these foods, you can gain weight, but, of course, not immediately. Your main task is to ensure that the basis of your diet is high-calorie.

Every meal you eat should contain carbohydrates. They are often overlooked (especially avoided by people suffering from excess weight), but believe me, carbohydrates are your true friend!

Make sure you eat several pieces of bread, pasta, rice or other grains per day. Fast carbohydrates are what you need!

Increase your appetite

To gain weight at any metabolic level, you must comply with the condition - consume more than you expend. That is, you need to eat more than you did before. Increasing your food intake can be very difficult, especially if your stomach has become smaller from constant dieting.

An active lifestyle and regular physical activity will help you normalize your appetite, but often this is not enough.

There are artificial appetite stimulants that increase hunger.

The best reminder that it's time to snack is a growling stomach!

When you are constantly hungry, you eat more and more food and, as a result, your weight goes up.

It should be noted that Apetamin is not suitable for everyone: it causes drowsiness, especially at the beginning of use.

In addition, this dietary supplement contains gluten and is therefore contraindicated for patients with celiac disease.

But most people tolerate Apetamin well, so it makes sense to consider taking it if low appetite and fast metabolism are preventing you from gaining weight.

Count calories

This will allow you to plan your diet. In addition, it is very convenient to coordinate your workouts and the number of calories you have already received.

You see, it’s quite easy to fall into the misconception “I’m full, which means I’m eating enough.”

Counting calories is easy. The Internet is full of various online calculators, or you can simply type the desired product into the search bar.

For example, let’s put “avocado calories” into the search. We will receive a huge amount of information regarding the nutritional value of this fruit.

When you count calories, it is easier for you to find out how many more calories you need to consume in order to gain weight.

how to slow down your metabolism and gain weight

Symptoms of a Slow Metabolism

Before looking at the causes of slow metabolism, let's discuss the main symptoms of this condition.

Among them we should mention:

  • tendency to gain weight and difficulty losing it
  • asthenia (feeling tired)
  • low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • sensitivity to cold
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
  • lazy bowels (leading to bloating, constipation, abdominal and pelvic pain)
  • dry skin and hair

How to slow down your metabolism to gain weight

This is a more serious question, and I do not give a 100% guarantee that my technique will help you, because everyone is different. But you can still try some methods; they will not cause harm. In any case, first you need to adjust your diet. After all, if you eat little, if you have a calorie deficit, no slowdown in metabolism will help you.

Here are some tips to slow down your overactive metabolism:

Increase your portions

You may think that if you chew something constantly, you will definitely gain weight. Of course this is true, but there is one catch. The fact is that frequent meals can have the unwanted effect of speeding up your metabolism. That's why many weight loss programs recommend eating little but often.

To successfully slow down your metabolism, you must make sure that your breakfast, lunch and dinner are very filling and satisfying.

I’m not at all advocating that you give up snacks altogether—the extra calories will always come in handy. But don't forget about this effect of frequent snacking. At the very least, try to turn them into full meals.

Did you know that Japanese sumo wrestlers eat only 2 times a day? But how! Their portions are truly gigantic!

Skip the cardio - you need strength training with weights

Many slim people enjoy running or cycling. It's great, it's healthy, but it just makes your metabolism work harder and burn fat.

Running and cycling burn calories like no other sport. This is a kind of training for the cardiovascular system.

The main secret of the effectiveness of this method is to change the area of ​​physical activity, the body receives a powerful shake-up. As you know, powerlifting builds muscles, so I recommend suddenly changing cardio training to strength training. Together with proper protein nutrition, weight lifting can increase your body weight.

Don't worry: you can keep your heart in good shape by taking long walks or even jogging from time to time.

Don't get hung up

I encourage you to focus on proper nutrition, don’t focus on your metabolism and constantly wonder how to slow it down.

Remember one thing: you got this metabolism from birth, which means it was intended by nature. Joking with genetics is dangerous: the slightest deviation, and the situation will be out of your control.

The most important thing is FOOD.

how to gain weight with a fast metabolism

Eat before bed

From the point of view of those who seek to maintain or lose weight, this sounds blasphemous. But scientists from the University of Florida discovered The Effect of Casein Protein Prior to Sleep on Fat Metabolism in Obese Men: a light snack before bed can improve nighttime metabolism, in particular, activate fat processing.

The study was conducted on obese men and, of course, needs to be re-tested on more average people, but still its results are worth taking into account. Yes! A light snack in this context is a serving of no more than 150 kcal with a predominance of protein

Yes! A light snack in this context is a serving of no more than 150 kcal with a predominance of protein.

Make a plan to overcome your fast metabolism and gain weight

Making an action plan will help you a lot. It will help you stay on target and will clearly show you what mistakes you are making, such as skipping meals.

Let's look at the benefits of planning.

Write down everything you eat

It's quite difficult and boring, but you should write down everything you eat during the day. Don’t forget to write down the calorie content of each product. Of course, you can give averages, but try to keep the numbers realistic.

I suggest dividing your schedule into morning, noon and evening (or breakfast, lunch and dinner).

The principle of operation is the same as with a diet: you create and keep a food diary.

Mass gain

Calculate how many calories you need

It is very important. There are average values ​​depending on a number of reasons: age, lifestyle. But these are just statistical data, they are quite arbitrary.

I recommend that you calculate how many calories you need per day based on your age and activity level, but then add a few hundred calories to account for your fast metabolism. Fix this number in your schedule and then stick to it.

But don't forget about our extra 500 calories - they need to be counted too! At first glance, this is difficult, but believe me, you will soon get used to counting calories.

Additional tips on how to slow down your metabolism and gain weight

I recommend sharing your goal with friends, family, or a mentor. This way they can control you and you will feel responsible. You will find that your successes and failures worry your loved ones, they are constantly asking how you are doing, what you had for lunch. It motivates!

My personal weight gain program even has its own name: “Operation Fat.” Sounds quite ironic and memorable!

Gaining weight with a fast metabolism is a difficult process, but it is possible. Eat more, stick to your schedule, and you will succeed!

Thanks for your attention, and please feel free to leave your comments.

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