Fist and 10 minutes for jowl correction and cheek lift!

Types of facial slimming massage:

  • Classical. Involves pleasant stroking and rubbing of the skin on the face. With regular use, the skin smoothes out and looks younger. Additionally, nourishing creams and aromatic oils are used, which saturate the epidermis, increasing the positive effect of the procedure. This massage is a kind of base in care and has a preventive purpose.
  • Plastic. Indicated if there is noticeable swelling on the skin, signs of fatigue and pigmentation. Excess fat, which tends to accumulate even on the face, can be removed using rubbing, circular and pressing movements. Plastic massage is also carried out with cream or oils; it must be done strictly along the massage lines.
  • Pinch (Jacquet technique). The procedure involves very energetic and strong pinching of the face with your fingers. Kneading the skin has a beneficial effect on it, while simultaneously removing excess fat deposits in the cheek area. The plucking technique can cause harm. It is better to entrust the procedure to a professional cosmetologist.

    Jacquet massage

  • Asahi technique. Yukuko Tanaka, a stylist and beauty expert from Japan, has come up with a unique massage technique to sculpt the contour of the face. It improves lymph circulation, relieves swelling of the face, making the appearance youthful and rested. It is necessary to massage your face in smooth lines and circles. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin with peeling or scrub. It is important not to touch the locations of the lymph nodes.
  • It is worth remembering: improper massage can disrupt the movement of lymph, which can lead to acne and other troubles.

Simple techniques for losing weight on your face at home:

  • Massage with a towel. Will help for slimming the face and cheeks. It is necessary to cleanse the skin of impurities and cosmetics using micellar water or cleanser in combination with a soft scrub. Take a decoction of any plant that suits your skin type. It can be chamomile, calendula, string, sage and others.
  • Dip a small terry towel into the broth, wring it out, take it by the edges and sharply, but not very forcefully, pat yourself on the cheeks, chin and forehead. Can be done several times a week.
  • Morning facial massage. To give your skin a rested and fresh look after sleep and lose weight in the facial area, you can do massaging movements in the morning every day. To do this, you need to wash your face, after which, using stroking movements in the direction from the center to the temples and from bottom to top, carry out a kind of exercise: pat your forehead, cheeks, chin, and also the area around the eyes with your fingertips.
  • Rub your nose from the tip to your cheeks, and then lightly pinch your cheeks and chin.
  • Procedure in the evening. The massage should tone your facial skin. The procedure will relax the skin, and creams and oils will nourish it with strength. You need to cleanse your face of makeup and impurities, and then use soft and smooth strokes to relax your facial muscles. After this, you can apply the cream with tapping movements and let it absorb.

Ordinary massaging from the inside and outside can help remove the cheeks. It should be done as often as possible with the tongue and fingertips. You can also pinch your cheeks after washing your face in the morning, this will help remove excess fat.

A double chin can be eliminated using massage movements . You need to open your mouth, as if drawing your lips inside it, and lightly press the skin with your fingers, moving in the direction from the chin to the forehead. When you feel a tingling sensation in your facial muscles, stretch your lips and inhale and exhale.

Facial massage for double chin


  • various inflammatory processes, such as acne, acne, boils;
  • large moles that can be accidentally injured;
  • injured facial skin or healing wounds;
  • warts, herpes infection;
  • various diseases of the circulatory system.

Before and after a course of facial massage
Useful tips for losing weight on your face:

  • Following a diet will speed up your metabolism and help you lose extra pounds, which will have a beneficial effect on your face.
  • Proper fit and support of posture will not allow you to be in a static hunched position, in which the double chin seems to be fixed.
  • A well-chosen haircut and the right makeup will refresh the image and focus on the freshness and brightness of the girl, and not on her cheeks and chin.
  • A high sleeping pillow contributes to the appearance of a double chin and swelling.

Read more in our article about massage for facial weight loss.

What is facial massage for weight loss

In the modern world, there are many ways to lose weight and at the same time get rid of chubby cheeks and double chin. Unfortunately, you cannot order the body to lose weight in a certain part of the body, but a facial slimming massage will help remove excess fat. A better result can be achieved if you approach the problem comprehensively: balance your diet, optimize your rest regime, use masks for care, regularly walk in the fresh air and play sports. Sometimes it’s not just excess weight that creates obesity. Facial puffiness is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle.

Signs and causes of sagging cheeks

Experts identify six main causes of sagging cheeks:

  1. Age-related changes are the main reason in most cases.
  2. Heredity, genetic predisposition. The structure of the oval face is passed on from parents and relatives.
  3. Ultraviolet exposure contributes to premature sagging.
  4. Having excess weight. Poor nutrition and hormonal imbalances provoke the appearance of extra pounds on the body and face.
  5. Poor circulation. Impaired circulation impairs cell nutrition, nutrients are not supplied, and the skin begins to sag.
  6. Bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs. The complexion deteriorates, stretch marks appear, and the oval of the face loses its elasticity. Chubby cheeks and puffiness are a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle.

The need for a facial massage arises when the following symptoms appear:

  • Loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • Drooping of the corners of the mouth;
  • Swelling of the cheeks.

Types of facial massage

There are a huge number of massage techniques today. They are carried out by applying the fingers to biologically active areas and desired areas. The procedure is performed by gently pressing the fingers for no more than 7 seconds per area. The most popular massage for facial weight loss is classic acupressure. It improves blood circulation in the dermis, restores its elasticity, promotes improved metabolism, and evens out skin color. Various types of this procedure can be done both in salons and at home.

In cosmetology

All practiced types of massage procedures in cosmetology are divided into three groups:

  1. Preventive (hygienic). This is a classic technique that combines all the main techniques and rules of traditional massaging. A procedure is recommended to improve the appearance of the skin and maintain its tone. The preventive procedure eliminates sagging epidermis, promotes weight loss in problematic parts of the face, and delays the manifestation of signs of aging.
  2. Medicinal. Recommended for those with skin diseases. This procedure is especially effective for comedones, acne, thick epidermis, oily seborrhea, and neuralgia. The “pinching” technique or Jacquet massage is often practiced.
  3. Plastic. Designed for aging, thin skin. Effective in reducing muscle tone, age spots, deep wrinkles and folds. The technique involves intense impact on the epidermis using rhythmic, pressing movements, during which a deep impact is carried out on the subcutaneous tissue and facial muscles.

At home

To properly massage your skin and facial muscles, you don’t have to turn to expensive professionals. You can also learn how to perform a tonic procedure on your own. Any woman, if she has the desire and time, can do it at home. Unlike professional techniques, cosmetic massage is part of mandatory facial care after 30 years. There are many methods for performing the procedure, but they are all done according to the basic rules:

  • hair is tucked under a cap, hands are washed thoroughly;
  • first the skin is cleansed with water, then the muscles are warmed with a hot terry towel;
  • then apply cream or oil (olive, coconut, almond, etc.);
  • after the procedure, the skin is moisturized;
  • The course at home should be carried out from 10 to 20 sessions 2-3 times a year.

Basic recommendations for implementation

You can master the ability to properly massage your face. There are instructional videos available for this. The best option is to do 1-2 sessions in a salon with a professional. Then you can do the massage yourself. This way, you can understand the technique of performing the procedure.

Just remember, Tsogan procedures are not a one-time session. Regularity is required to achieve the rejuvenation effect.

The main rule is that all manipulations with the face must be carried out exactly according to the location of the lymphatic pathways

This massage is therapeutic in nature. To gradually get rid of wrinkles, just a little effort when pressing on the face is enough.

  • Cleanse your face first. To do this, use your favorite cleanser: micellar water, foam or gel. Remove any remaining moisture with a paper napkin. It is good to do the procedure in the morning.
  • Before starting, apply a special oil-based massage product. Can be replaced with moisturizer or cosmetic milk. But I still recommend buying an oil base.
  • Carefully study the video instructions in this article. You must clearly know which areas of the face to press on.
  • at the end, be sure to remove the remaining oil base (cream) with a napkin and wash with warm water.

What is the effect of facial massage

Depending on the chosen massage technique, different effects can be achieved. For example, excess fatty tissue on the cheeks is well removed after non-surgical lifting, which affects the facial muscles and lymphatic system. The vacuum cupping procedure smooths out fine wrinkles, removes puffiness under the eyes, and improves the color and general condition of the skin.

Oval lift

The most effective tightening massage is done using the lifting technique. Only professional craftsmen perform it correctly. Why does skin lose elasticity? Muscle tissue weakens. When the facial muscles are regularly impacted, even deep wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval shape is tightened, dark circles under the eyes are eliminated, even shallow scars are smoothed out. After a correctly performed procedure, a woman will have a natural blush.

Slimming cheeks

Why do my cheeks sag? The reason for the changed oval is not only excess weight or age. The problem may arise due to excessive slouching or bad habits, for example, due to constantly walking with your chin down or reading while lying down. Before performing a cheek massage, it is advisable to consult a doctor and find the cause, and then perform cosmetic or therapeutic procedures. Professional massage techniques, together with diet and daily facial exercises, will help strengthen the cheek muscles and get rid of nasolabial folds.

Getting rid of a double chin

An effective massage for tightening the facial muscles, especially the lower part, is performed using the pinch technique. A double chin occurs at any age, regardless of gender and body type. An additional fold of fat greatly spoils the appearance, so it is advisable to get rid of it immediately. Massaging the double chin along with the use of compresses with herbal decoctions, special masks and bandages will improve blood circulation in this area and speed up the process of breaking down fat cells.

Massage techniques

Numerous massage techniques are performed after deep cleansing of the skin. It is recommended to use the procedure as an alternative to surgery, because properly performed skin massage affects the deep layers of the dermis and muscle frame, where the synthesis of elastin and collagen occurs. Massaging will not only help cope with swelling, improve blood flow and correct the oval, but will also improve the overall immune parameters of the body.

Japanese lymphatic drainage Asahi

Cosmetologists claim that this massage technique is very effective. Since a professional during the procedure acts not only on soft tissues, but also on bones, if necessary, he can return them to their correct position. Japanese massage is done very delicately, especially in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. It is performed not with the pads of the fingers, but with the entire palm in the direction of the lymph flow. Massaging is carried out with greater intensity than in traditional techniques in the location of the lymph nodes:

  • anterior cervical;
  • angle of the lower jaw;
  • occipital
  • mandibular;
  • sublingual;
  • behind the ear;
  • parotid


The technique of performing traditional massaging is performed using the following techniques:

  1. Stroking. There is a mechanical effect on the skin with pressure not exceeding the weight of the hand.
  2. Trituration. Movements are carried out at the level of the upper threshold of pain sensitivity.
  3. Kneading. It is performed in a spiral manner with rhythmic pressure from light to the pain threshold level.
  4. Vibration and shock techniques. Oscillatory movements with a constantly changing rhythm. Performed transversely and longitudinally with the edge or surface of the palm.
  5. Stroking. There is a mechanical effect on the skin with pressure not exceeding the weight of the hand.


This technique is a deep-tissue sculptural effect on the oval of the face. With its help, muscle spasms are relieved, facial muscles are worked out, and the hydration of the epidermis and dermis increases. Due to its complex effect on the skin, this type of procedure is an alternative to surgical methods of weight loss. The impact is carried out with the pads of the fingers from the neck to the back of the head, then along the upper trajectory the entire contour is worked out: chin, cheeks, cheekbones, forehead.

Spanish modeling

The uniqueness of this technique is determined by its multifaceted focus - biovascular, lymphatic drainage and microstructural. This technique models the oval of the facial zone, affecting the muscles, freeing the skin from toxins, accelerating blood and lymph flow, as a result of which the cells are saturated with oxygen, rejuvenation and weight loss of problem areas occur. The technique consists of circular movements of the fingers and the backs of the hands. The massage therapist applies light pressure to the skin, applying a creative approach to each client.


The innovative rejuvenation technique is carried out using a device invented at the end of the last century by the Frenchman Louis Paul Guitet. The LPG manipulator is two rollers that rotate simultaneously and capture the layer of skin being massaged. In addition to the mechanical effect on the fold, vacuum also acts. For each patient, the cosmetologist selects an individual program that gives sustainable results in a minimum period of time:

  • removes excess fluid from tissues;
  • accelerates the metabolic process;
  • eliminates wrinkles and sagging skin;
  • removes fat deposits on the chin and cheeks.

Massage for facial weight loss at home

It is easier to perform a pinch massage on your own. It is carried out with your fingertips by tapping on certain points of the forehead, brow area, bridge of the nose and nasolabial folds. Thanks to regular procedures, fat cells are quickly deformed, and breakdown products are eliminated through improved metabolism. Cosmetologists recommend this procedure for people with accumulation of fat on the face and unsatisfactory skin condition.

How to do it correctly

When doing self-massage, it is important to remember that all finger movements are performed strictly along the massage lines, that is, move from bottom to top. It is also necessary to take into account that touches should be confident, but not strong. A light massage for weight loss is performed with sliding movements. To facilitate gliding, you must additionally use aromatic oil or any nourishing cream. Excessive pressure and strong friction of the skin are unacceptable! The duration of one procedure for losing weight in problem areas should not exceed 30 minutes.

When to do it - morning or evening

The optimal time to carry out the procedure at home is morning and evening. In the morning, it is advisable to massage the skin briefly before applying makeup. This will help restore tone to the dermis after rest, add energy to still sleeping muscles, and eliminate night swelling. In the evening, you should have a longer effect aimed at losing weight in problem areas. Light pressure will help relieve unpleasant muscle fatigue and increase skin turgor.

In the evening, you can use a mechanical, vacuum or electric facial massager, which are also very effective for slimming the cheeks, cleansing the pores, and tightening the oval. You can start preventive procedures at any age, but the frequency of using special devices should not exceed 1-2 times a week. The time for a home procedure for losing weight with a massager is 5 minutes.

Indications for use

  • Having a double chin and chubby cheeks
  • The presence of small facial wrinkles and deep, including nasolabial folds
  • Presence of edema
  • Flabby, sagging skin after losing weight on the face. It is not uncommon for women to experience wrinkled faces and sagging skin after overall body and face weight loss. Massage will tighten it, make it elastic and firm.
  • After a course of massage, the double chin completely disappears and the fat layer on the face decreases. The face becomes noticeably thinner.


A massage procedure is a local effect, but it affects the condition of the entire body, so it must be carried out with caution. You should not massage the skin if there is a tendency to high or low intracranial pressure . Other contraindications:

  • acute dermatitis that disrupts the structure of the facial skin;
  • allergy;
  • the presence of viral pathologies;
  • acute or severe illnesses;
  • the presence of ulcers on the massaged area;
  • active phase of rosacea.
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