Motivation for losing weight - the right attitude and goals

The best motivation is a realistic short-term goal

We set goals regularly. Even when we go to the store, we give ourselves the task: “buy bread.” You put on a jacket and then set the goal “not to freeze.” If you are tidying up the house before guests arrive, you again set the goal “to be a good housewife, to make a good impression.”

Every action we take is aimed at obtaining results. We always move through life in the direction that we consciously or unconsciously desire for ourselves. If we set the right goals, we will always go in the right direction.

Short-term goals are in most cases more important than medium- and long-term goals. They are aimed at meeting daily needs. They are easier to achieve.

Long-term goals are never achieved in most cases. They are a vital landmark, like a lighthouse, showing the direction. The motto of an alcoholic: “It’s impossible to drink all the vodka on earth, but you need to strive for it.” A big goal, just a dream! It is unlikely that he will implement it. But why not strive for it?

Likewise, a woman who wants to lose weight has a goal in her head, which may remain an unattainable dream. But there is a way out! Set short-term goals.

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The great thing about daily goals is that they are easy to achieve. This way, your motivation to lose weight will not disappear after a couple of weeks. To keep your enthusiasm alive, follow these recommendations:

  1. Keep a motivational diary;
  2. On the cover write your main goal “I want to lose weight”;
  3. In the evening, make a plan for the next day. Write specifically: what you will eat (meal plan), how long you will exercise, how many steps you commit to take tomorrow, what healthy foods you will buy for yourself.
  4. The next day, carry out your plan.
  5. In the evening, thank yourself for successfully completing all the points and make a plan for the next day.

Motivation for losing weight

Motivation No. 1 - losing weight for health

Globally, 30% of the population suffers from overweight and obesity. Most of them want to lose weight. For what? Of course, every person understands that “extra pounds” are a burden on internal organs. Look how difficult it is for a fat man to move, and how easily a slender woman moves.

The most powerful motivation for losing weight is taking care of your own health. Even after getting rid of a couple of kilograms, the body feels better and the soul is filled with joy. You will feel a tremendous effect when you get rid of even 5% of excess weight.

Thoughts for motivation to lose weight:

  • Even a little weight loss is incredibly beneficial for your health and well-being;
  • Excess weight leads not only to obesity, but also to the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The likelihood of stroke and the development of cancer cells is reduced.
  • The lower the percentage of internal fat, the better the internal organs work, and there is no pain in the joints.
  • Excess weight provokes the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Psychologists often draw a parallel and close relationship between obesity and depression.
  • People of normal weight live longer.

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Scientific studies provide the following statistics:

Every 5 kg of excess weight increases the risk of developing 10 types of cancer, including leukemia, cervical, kidney and thyroid cancer.

Obese people are 18% more likely to die from stroke and cardiovascular disease.

In the United States, 75% of medical expenses are spent on treating diseases caused by excess weight.

Motivation for weight loss to action

Get a dog

Dogs are the best companions for people who are losing weight. Especially dogs of those breeds that need active movement and frequent long walks.

It has been statistically noted that owners of such four-legged friends move more than those who do not have pets. Moreover, they move not only out of necessity - they need to walk the dog. But also because they are charged with its active energy.

The very movement of the pet, its restlessness and cheerfulness are a good motivation for losing weight every day for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Motivation No. 2 - personal life

The chances of finding a life partner for a slender woman are much higher than for a lady of XXXL size. Few men like fat women.

At an uncomfortable weight, a woman does not feel liberated and lacks grace. This gives rise to complexes, self-esteem falls, and with it the confidence to find a soul mate.

Extra pounds can become an obstacle to fulfilling sexual relationships. They limit partners in the variety of physiological satisfaction.

Obesity associated with hormonal imbalances affects the libido of both men and women. There is a rejection of your body.

A woman stops dressing brightly so as not to attract attention to herself. Lack of motivation to take care of yourself. Therefore, when a man begins to show signs of attention to a woman, she perceives them with caution. There is a fear that the man just wants to joke with her.

A plus size woman looks much older than her years. Excess weight in 100% of cases leads to poor health. What kind of sexual desire is there?

A woman dissatisfied with her appearance becomes irritable and sometimes hysterical.

Getting rid of extra pounds of fat will become a strong motivation for losing weight for a woman who wants to improve her personal life and find a worthy life partner.

Examples of Hollywood stars

Hollywood beauties and handsome men are excellent role models. Believe me, they have less free time to lose weight than you, but they have the will to cope with excess weight. Here are examples of achievements in wrestling, where the main prize is not an Oscar, but a thin waist:

  • Jennifer Aniston. This actress looks amazing at her age. Her figure has no flaws. She does yoga and has given up carbohydrate-containing foods.
  • Eva Mendes. The beauty with Cuban appearance and chic curves was recognized as one of the most attractive and sexy women in the world. A vegetable diet for weight loss helps her with this.
  • Charlize Theron. A fragile blonde with an angelic appearance is a popular actress. She prefers protein foods and eats only sour fruits, which helped her lose 15 kg in two months.

Charlize Theron

Motivation No. 3 - dream job

Employees of recruitment agencies confirm that overweight women have problems finding work. Of course, we do not discriminate based on the age, gender or appearance of the employee. But, as soon as an obese person starts looking for a good job, he will probably face rejection from employers.

You can forget about your dream job. Therefore, motivation to lose weight for people looking for work will be the strongest incentive to find a decent job with high pay.

The range of professions for slender women is greatly narrowing. There are professions, such as flight attendant or flight attendant, where there are weight standards. A few extra pounds can put you out of work.

You won’t meet a fat woman in a store or boutique selling branded clothing or perfumes; they simply won’t take her there in the first place. But in a regular store, where the salary is an order of magnitude lower, there are plenty of them.

Unfortunately, employers have biases imposed on them from the field of fitness, beauty and health. There is a stereotype that a curvy woman is not agile enough, is slow, has health problems and does not look presentable.

Motivation for losing weight

Make a public statement

Remember the jokes about “Business Youth”? Well, these guys who bombarded all social networks with promises to earn wild billions? The organizers, by the way, made money, but the same cannot be said about the followers. But they did a lot of vigorous activity. It's the same with losing weight. A public statement will not allow you to “go off topic”, even if you are very tired and bored. Just don’t post on social networks. But in reality, make a public statement in front of people who are personally dear to you. What does it matter to you if your subscribers consider you not very honest? But if it’s a girlfriend or wife, that’s already a problem.

Motivation #4 - Self-confidence

Low self-esteem and self-doubt are a common companion for overweight people. The inability to lose weight and bring your body back to normal becomes a psychological problem. This condition can greatly affect your mood and even develop into depression.

Overweight people often feel guilty. It seems to them that they cannot lose weight due to weak willpower and laziness. They lose confidence. Their opinion of themselves and their capabilities decreases.

My attempts to lose weight were unsuccessful, which means I have a weak character. This is how most fat people think about themselves. Self-esteem decreases, and along with it the desire to understand the problem disappears. Obese people withdraw into themselves and suffer greatly from this.

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Many people believe that when they lose weight, they will be happier. This is not entirely true. It all depends on the individual, the person’s internal attitudes. Therefore, it is important not only to engage in the process of losing weight, but also to engage in self-development, personal and spiritual growth.

Gaining self-confidence, becoming happier and improving the quality of your life will be a good motivation for people who are thinking about their future life.

Stress relief

Tense situations “incite” a person to various temptations in the form of alcoholic drinks, fatty foods and sweets. It is important to keep your emotions under control, because nervous breakdowns are the worst enemies of a slim figure and health in general.

To stop eating stress, it is recommended to use the following techniques:

  • dancing and daily walks in the fresh air;
  • a cool shower to recharge your batteries;
  • communication on various topics with friends or on forums;
  • consultation with a psychologist;
  • habit of smiling more often;
  • loud singing.

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It is worth mastering relaxation techniques. Kundalini yoga is considered especially effective. It relieves fatigue, improves mental state and triggers biological processes in the body, which also contribute to weight loss. Yoga will appeal to those who lack the energy and time for active sports. All exercises are performed at a slow pace and are ideal for practicing at home.

Affirmation for weight loss

There are special combinations of words that help you break down your psychological barriers and gain confidence to achieve your dream of a beautiful figure.

Affirmations are positive statements that help motivate yourself to certain attitudes. Their repeated repetition can work wonders. Faith and motivation are powerful things!

It is important to begin each statement with the word “I” or “To me” and speak in the present tense.

Affirmations are not prayer. You can say them in any order and add your own statements. It is important to conduct auto-training daily.

  1. I only eat when I'm hungry;
  2. I'm losing weight every day;
  3. I am following my meal plan;
  4. I control how much I eat;
  5. It's easy for me to lose weight;
  6. Every day I become slimmer;
  7. I am happy that the weight is decreasing every day;
  8. I feel healthy;
  9. I create a body that I will admire;
  10. I have a flat stomach;
  11. I love my figure;
  12. I like to take care of my body;
  13. I only eat healthy food;
  14. I am food independent;
  15. I got rid of food addiction;
  16. I believe in myself.

Related article: Why is it so difficult to lose weight

Tips and tricks

Stop trying your best. If you feel that your motivation to lose weight is fading, then allow yourself a short break for 1-2 days. At this time, do not burden yourself with training and allow yourself to enjoy some delicious food.

Before going on a diet or reducing the amount of food you eat, get your hormones tested and talk to your doctor about your health.

Stop sitting all the time! 65% of people sit for 20 hours a day, which negatively affects their figure. Get into good habits: talk on the phone while standing, never sit on public transport. Get up from your desk to walk more often.

Join Overeaters Anonymous. There you will gain a lot of experience, new friends and like-minded people. This is a free community of people who use the 12 step program. They have "live groups" in most major cities. For the rest - groups on Skype, chats for communication and mutual assistance.

Find exercises you enjoy

Yes, you shouldn’t even start thinking that training is just some kind of holiday for a beginner. First you have to “work in.” And then - if the excitement of achievement comes - everything will go easily. It’s much easier for those who care about weight gain to stay in the gym than for those who work out for the beach. Summer is ending, but the glory of the strongest man in the rocking chair is eternal. So train for the sport. First, find your sport. Technically, almost any activity is good for losing weight. So if you like yoga or some weird dances, that's okay. It’s better to do it regularly than to suffer from disgust in the gym.

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