Motivation to lose weight. Very motivating TV series and films about weight loss.

Most people lose the fight against extra pounds because they have little motivation. They are not able to clearly formulate the ultimate goal and do not always understand why they really need it. Despite health problems, in my career and personal life, I don’t want to leave my comfort zone and give up my favorite sweets and fast food...

One way to help win this battle and force yourself to go on a diet and go to the gym is to watch motivational films about losing weight. Many of them carry such a powerful message that you will want to start a new life tomorrow. We bring to your attention the TOP, which includes the best feature and documentary films on the topic of excess weight.

Motivation to lose weight. Very motivating TV series and films about weight loss.

Must you watch? Take it to your wall? Time to lose weight: 15 years (5 episodes, TV show), ? Taste of life (12 episodes (1st channel, TV show), ? Dieting passions (TV show), ? Double portion (TV show), ? Deadly food (TV show), ? What to eat to lose weight (TV show), ? Caution: food! (TV show), ?Rules of life.Food

"Ideal figure"

A young athlete decides to go on a diet, believing that her excess weight is preventing her from winning. This motivation forces her to increase physical activity and deny herself food.

The film talks not only about anorexia, but also about the problems of bulimia. Allows you to find out what a sick person is thinking about, how a disastrous outcome results from a random remark from a stranger. In getting the ideal figure, you shouldn’t get too carried away.

Almost all films about weight loss end in tragic consequences. Therefore, watch your weight without fanaticism, love yourself and be healthy!

Motivation for losing weight. Psychology. Finding motivation to lose weight

Psychological weight loss is based on understanding the reasons that led to weight gain. The main one is to obtain positive emotions by consuming large amounts of junk food. This diet provokes dependence on useless carbohydrates, flavor enhancers, and additives, which naturally “pollutes” the body. Slagging slows down metabolic processes, complicates digestion, and promotes the deposition of fat mass - weight gain. Awareness of the harmful effects of “fast” food is the best motivation for losing weight.

How to find your incentive

The mindset for losing weight should be a solid, static platform. The psychology of proper weight loss helps a person understand what can make him lose weight. Children usually come first. Any parent wants to actively participate in the life of their child; if they are overweight, this becomes difficult to do. Changing for the sake of your child’s well-being is a strong motivation for losing weight.

For people who do not have children, their family and friends help them get ready to lose weight. In the case when the influence of another person does not work, you have to resort to the instincts of survival and self-preservation. Often, excess weight prevents you from achieving career and personal growth, in this regard, the ridicule of others can be a great impetus for internal and external changes. Psychological help with weight loss plays an important role during the entire weight loss process: it gives a person the strength to overcome difficulties along the way.

Motivational books

Nowadays, many people are faced with the problem of excess body weight and celebrities are no exception. On the shelves of bookstores you can find many works of famous personalities who have written about their experience of losing weight. Each book deserves attention, here the subjective attitude of the person losing weight to the author is of great importance. Try to choose methods of combating excess weight from people whose life and work are interesting to you.

Psychological trainings

The technique of social interaction in group therapy for the problem of excess weight is aimed at acquiring skills and attitudes for this purpose. The training implies the active participation of its subject in the entire process of group awareness of the causes of overeating. A psychologist is always present in the classes, acting as an inconspicuous navigator of the conversation. With its help, those losing weight learn to destroy stereotypes and overcome complexes.

Photos before and after

Another tool for finding motivation is the results of other people. Looking at the photos before and after the transformation of the “donuts”, many are eager to follow their example. This is a very good factor that inspires faith in the reality of transformation. You can often see overweight people admiring their figure in old photographs, nostalgically recalling previous “thin” years. You shouldn’t consign your former forms to oblivion – beauty can be restored.

My Mom's New Boyfriend (2008)

Attractive Martha is surrounded by admirers, but none of them take her seriously. And then she falls in love with the world famous art thief - Tommy. The only problem is that Martha is the mother of FBI agent Henry, who one day is tasked with finding this most notorious criminal.

Antonio Banderas and Meg Ryan: a wonderful acting duet. FBI agent Henry leaves home for three years and goes on an important mission. His fat and lonely mother Martha remains in splendid isolation. The next time he sees her, his son will see gorgeous blonde Marty, living life to the fullest.

Day nine. We reflect on love and understanding, and their impact on the inches around the waist.

Strong motivation to lose weight. Motivation techniques at the initial stage

The reasons make up the goals: what do you want to achieve as a final result?

The simple “female” desire to prepare the body for the beach season often turns out to be an insufficient incentive for every day. You need to look for the really important reasons for diet and exercise.

You may have to admit to yourself unpleasant circumstances and facts. But this will only be beneficial and will strengthen the desire to work on yourself.

The following reasons usually serve as the correct motivation for losing weight.

Changing yourself and your life

This is a very powerful incentive and it does not only concern appearance.

Dissatisfaction with your own life, frequent stress, and depression can be treated not only with psychological conversations, but also with sports.

Be smart)))

Changing the world and life begins with the person himself, so it’s worth reconsidering your diet and physical condition and starting to change for the better.

Health promotion

Diet and exercise are needed not only for the beach season, but also to prevent various diseases associated with the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.

If you notice problems with digestion, shortness of breath, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent irritability, then you should think about changing your lifestyle.

Self-affirmation in your appearance

All women have different body types, but beauty standards dictate their own rules and force you to experience complexes.

Uncertainty about your appearance and embarrassment can be used for good and make your body attractive and beautiful. Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but changing shortcomings (getting rid of the belly, tightening the butt, strengthening the leg muscles) is quite possible.

Cultivating willpower

Sometimes for ambitious women, a simple challenge “can you do it?” is enough to start taking action. Working on yourself strengthens willpower well, and with the end result, pride in yourself appears: I did it, I was able to, I succeeded.

The fear of disappointment in one's abilities awakens passion, which will become an excellent incentive.

Important to remember! Losing weight is a long process that requires dedication and a lot of work on yourself. You should not expect that one emotional decision (“I will lose weight, no matter what”) will magically transform your figure in a month or even in 2 weeks.

Whatever the reasons, you cannot lose confidence in your abilities, you need to believe in yourself to the end.

If a woman goes on a diet, exercises, but does not quite understand why she needs it, and is not sure that she will last even a week, then it is not difficult to guess what result awaits her. This is why goals must be ambitious.

Not just a short goal “I need to lose a couple of kilos” or “I want to fit into clothes a couple sizes smaller in a month”, but the desire to become better, more beautiful, more attractive and, finally, happier.

The Nutty Professor (1996)

Professor Sherman Klump is a kind and intelligent person, but terribly insecure due to his excess weight. He is so desperate that he is even ready to experiment. So, he created a serum, thanks to which he turned from a fat man into a slender and fit Badi. But the effect of the serum does not last long...

That's all for us, but if you know other motivational films about losing weight for girls or guys, write in the comments. Let's make a selection of films together about fat girls who have lost weight.

Motivation for losing weight list. Identify the reasons why you want to lose weight

Clearly. And be sure to write them down on a piece of paper with a pen. Then re-read it daily.

When compiling a list of reasons, it is important to remember the following.

Whether a person will go towards the goal he has set or abandon it depends on how much this goal is able to compensate him for the physical and mental discomfort that he must endure in order to achieve this goal. If the goal is desired, but not so desirable that you would have to sacrifice anything for it, you won’t be able to go towards it, and you won’t be able to maintain high motivation either.

Therefore, when coming up with reasons for losing weight, you must choose ones for which you are willing to literally do anything. You are willing to suffer to make your dreams come true. And it doesn't matter how much.

So, if your goal is to “fit into old jeans,” then most likely you will only be able to quickly lose 5 kg in a week. Fast, but not for long. And there can be no talk of any sustainable weight loss.

Be realistic. If you don't have truly meaningful reasons to bring your body weight back to normal, then you won't achieve it. And no amount of “outside” motivation will help you.


An unknown high school basketball team gets a new coach who suffers from alcoholism and depression. But thanks to the strength of his spirit, he overcomes his problems and begins to train the team.

The film shows, using a real example, how you can gain faith in yourself and your strengths, and achieve great results in your life. Everything applies to your problem too!

Strong motivation to lose weight. Adviсe

  • Modern smartphone apps have come a long way, creating a powerful platform for motivation. You can install anything depending on your personal requirements; fortunately, there are many applications of various types: social networks where you can communicate with like-minded people, connect to the services of an online trainer, program a special reminder that announces the need to train every time, etc.;
  • during training, you need to carefully select in advance musical accompaniment that lifts the spirit and maintains the mood;
  • You can hang a constant reminder of your aspiration and final result in all prominent places in the apartment and, passing by a motivating picture or inscription, take from the refrigerator not chocolate, but an apple. Visual motivation installed on a computer or phone screen works the same way;
  • Encouragement can be an excellent incentive to lose weight. Ideally, it will not be related to food. You can buy a new dress or go to the theater as a reward for losing excess weight;
  • stronger motivation to lose weight may be related to health. If you realize the harm that excess weight brings to the body, then it will be easier to start training and follow the principles of proper nutrition. To do this, you can watch scientific programs or read articles;
  • Any woman at a certain stage of weight gain wonders how attractive she remains in the eyes of men. Decreased attention from the opposite sex can also spur weight loss;
  • Psychologists advise resorting to strict motivation only in extreme cases and in the presence of a stable psyche. These methods include criticism from others and complete control of the diet by a nutritionist.

"Hunger" (2001)

The main thing in losing weight is not to overdo it, otherwise you may end up with serious health problems. The film “Hunger” talks about how you shouldn’t lose weight and what the obsession with a slim figure leads to.

Photo: UGC

The main character Marsha is too concerned about her weight: she counts every gram of what she eats and regularly measures the volume. And all this would not be so sad if the obsession of the main character had not transferred to her two daughters: she literally terrorizes the children, forcing them to go on strict diets. This tactic leads to sad consequences...

Motivation for weight loss quotes. 10 best motivational weight loss quotes

Losing weight is a complex process that requires patience and willpower.

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya

Practicing nutritionist

On the way to an ideal body, it is very easy to lose faith in yourself, give up training and forget about healthy eating.

Motivational quotes will help you regain inspiration and regain lost enthusiasm, which is so necessary in the fight against extra pounds.

1. Give your body the best

Julius Erving: “If you're not giving your body the best, you're robbing yourself.” This is one of the best motivational quotes I have ever heard. Indeed, if you don’t take care of your body, you rob yourself of health, strength of spirit, beauty and, ultimately, worsen your quality of life.

2. There is no word “can’t”

Unknown Author: “Instead of looking for reasons why I can’t do something, I look for reasons why I can.” It’s a pity that I couldn’t find the author of this quote, because it helps me in many life situations, including in the process of losing weight. Eliminate the words “I can’t” from your vocabulary.

3. Don't give up

Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never, never give up.” Churchill was one of the best orators in history. There is enormous motivating power in the simplicity of this expression. It's really very simple - never give up on the path to a perfect body!

4. Always visualize

David Wiscott: “Start imagining yourself as the person you would like to see yourself as.” Truly a fair statement. Visualization is often the key to losing weight. Imagine who you want to become, how healthy you want to be, and even imagine the body you want to have.

5. Through thorns to the stars

Marvin Phillips: “There is no triumph without hard work.”

This is one of the most action-motivating quotes because it shows how important it is to be decisive and persistent in your actions. You have to work hard to lose weight, but the results are worth it!

6. Create a Foundation for Happiness

Leigh Hunt: “Health is the foundation of happiness.” And this is the absolute truth! When a person feels great, he is happy. When losing weight, staying healthy should be your top priority because it will help you achieve your desired results.

7. Take action now

Carl Sandburg: “Take action now. It’s never too late to do something.” We put things off until tomorrow so easily. However, this “tomorrow”, as a rule, never comes, and our plans remain unrealized. If you're having trouble starting to work on your body, take this quote to heart. Think about the fact that now is the best time to take action.

8. Show grit

Roger Bannister: “The man who can force himself to move forward even when the effort causes him pain is the man who is sure to win.” Another great quote to keep in mind. Ultimately, you are always competing with yourself. Losing excess weight through regular exercise and diet is hard work. But when you don’t lose your presence of mind, don’t give in to difficulties and show patience in any situation, you will definitely achieve brilliant results.

9. Don't feel inferior

Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” I've been a fan of this woman since I wrote an essay about Franklin Delano Roosevelt in third grade. She has many wonderful sayings, but I think this is one of the best. It has a powerful motivational charge. Excess weight can become a kind of stigma, but you should not humiliate yourself about this, because no one but you... However,

“200 Pounds of Beauty”, 2006, South Korea, melodrama

Kang Han Na is talented, but at the same time suffers from excess weight. Producer Sang Joon is a handsome guy and her dream. One day the girl heard him talking behind her back. This upset her so much that she decided to change once and for all. For this she is even ready to go under the knife.

The main character is a fat girl who is in love with a producer. Due to excess weight, all her life she works as a backing vocalist for a voiceless and talentless singer, but one day the girl decides to change and lose weight, because she so dreams of the first solo concert in her life.

The film makes you think about whether external beauty always takes precedence and is valued more than internal beauty. Even when you seem to be surrounded by the closest people. Of course, you will see everything differently. And, undoubtedly, you are aware of the fact that when breaking up, they can tell you something like “We are too different” as an excuse, but they will never say that the reason is excess weight. By the way, Koreans, it turns out, know how to do good things movie.

Fifth evening. We remember that our surroundings are also far from ideal.

Motivation for sports. Reasons for motivation in sports

Probably, motivation for playing sports is an even more complex issue than the training process itself. And these are not empty words. The sport of great achievements is, first of all, not talent or even skill. This is character and willpower. Not a single great athlete would have achieved his sporting achievements without perseverance and iron willpower: when the word “want” is replaced by the word “need” and no excuses work here. And even if the great Brazilian football player Romario once said that training is for the weak, and the strong don’t need it, then these words should be regarded only as a joke and nothing more. To achieve something in sports, it doesn’t matter, or to get Olympic medals or simply achieve the goal of losing weight, you must first of all be able to leave your usual comfort zone. There is no way without this, these are the harsh realities. What goes around comes around.

But where to look for motivation for sports? There are so-called motivating factors, which include:

  • Achieving success. Success in any sport brings great pleasure to the athlete, makes him feel the result of his own work and diligence, and the more difficult and thorny this path was, the greater the degree of satisfaction will be.
  • Recognition from other people, which fuels self-esteem and self-respect. The person feels at least no worse than others.
  • An opportunity for growth and development that gives a person confidence in the future.
  • The very content of sports activity, stimulating the development of an athlete. Any training process should be varied, which will have the best effect on sports results.

Breaking Away

Breaking Away was nominated for 4 Academy Awards and was included in the list of America's most inspiring films.

Motivation to lose weight. Useful motivators

  • The second great motivator is the results of other people. If you search for “before and after” on the Internet, the search engine will give you thousands, or even more, photos and articles with real people’s results. Look at these photos, print them, hang them on the refrigerator, on the walls - absolutely everywhere. Better yet, find living people who were able to overcome excess weight and communicate with them. Ask, get advice, get motivated. Live communication will be a definite plus for motivation for results.
  • An effective motivation for losing weight is a beautiful thing bought in a store. You go and buy yourself exactly the outfit that you like, that you fall in love with at first sight. But don’t try to pull it on your plump “ahem-ahem” in the fitting room, but feel free to take one size, or better yet, two smaller. You hang it not in the far corner of the closet, but right on the wall in front of your eyes and periodically try to fit into it. Admire it, imagine how its lightning easily converges on your back, how comfortable you feel in it. Train, get motivated, take action.
  • One of the main reasons for losing weight is health. Overweight people suffer from heart and vascular diseases, diabetes, infertility and many others. Being healthy and living a long, happy life is everyone’s desire, which is why this factor is often fundamental when losing weight.

Ong Bak / Ong-bak

A must-see for all fans of dynamic martial arts films!

Motivation is the best for losing weight. The main motives for losing weight

  1. Health status . Especially if you have chronic problems. Excess weight causes shortness of breath, leg pain, and heart problems. Often, losing weight is the only way to maintain health and prolong life.
  2. The desire to have a child. Excess weight becomes an obstacle to mastering a new role. In this case, its reduction is a strong motivation for losing weight.
  3. Attractiveness. A woman at any age wants to remain attractive. Beauty creates the opportunity to enjoy your body.
  4. Opposite sex. The desire to find a soul mate is a powerful motive for a woman. Excess weight is an obstacle to normal intimate life, causing embarrassment and complexes.
  5. Entourage . Colleagues or classmates will help you look at yourself from the outside. Extra pounds are a great topic for discussion during a work lunch or morning tea.
  6. True pleasures. The joys of life can be obtained during a regular walk in the park without shortness of breath and the desire to sit on a bench.
  7. Economic costs. Another reason for the desire to lose weight is material costs, in particular for large-sized clothes. Situations arise when buying a holiday dress poses a problem.

Without Limits

An inspiring film about the famous runner Steve Prefontaine. The story follows his amazing sports career, from his earliest youth victories to his preparation for the 1972 Munich Olympics and his tragic death in a car accident at the age of 24.

The film, first of all, energizes and inspires for any transformation in life. The main character has great passion and energy that can charge you too!

About food

“Double Portion”, USA, 2004

Perhaps the very first thing you need to watch if it’s difficult to force yourself not to eat fast food. The documentary clearly demonstrates what happens to a person who eats junk food too often and too much. The documentarian experiments on himself and eats at McDonald's several times a day for a month, violating the caloric intake daily.

for 30 days , tracking changes in the body.

The results are frightening: the documentarian gained 11 kilograms in just 30 days (which he then lost for more than a year), had a liver failure and began to experience problems in the male part. Women tend to gain weight faster.

Be sure to watch “Double Help” to forever discourage going to fast food restaurants.

"Food Corporation", USA, 2008

Sometimes a shocking video about the conditions under which our food is produced. Here many myths about the usefulness of our usual products collapse. Modern methods of growing and processing foods often kill everything useful that they contain, leaving essentially slag on the shelves. I warn you, after this you will most likely give up a number of familiar things in the refrigerator.

Many companies sued the director after the release of the documentary. There were also many critics trying to prove exaggerations. The movie is controversial, but definitely worth watching!

“Our Daily Bread”, Germany, 2005

A great example when in 1.5 hours you can radically change the perception of the world around you. The creators of “bread” were documenting how the meat that ends up on the table is actually produced. You will see cruel treatment of animals, appalling conditions of their detention and care. It is difficult to remain indifferent.

Many people decided to give up meat after what they saw. Still would! The footage may not be for the faint of heart.

The mirror has two faces

(The Mirror Has Two Faces, 1996, IMDb: 6.50)

: Barbra Streisand


Stars: Barbra Streisand, Jeff Bridges, Lauren Bacon, George Segal

A good example of how a strong desire to change can transform a person beyond recognition in a short period of time. The story is about the “ugly duckling” Rose, a university teacher who was not very beautiful, but at one point wanted to turn her life upside down. We advise you to see what came of it and what results a woman who sincerely wants to change herself achieved.

November 16 is International Day Against Anorexia, designed to draw public attention to the disease and the potential danger it poses. Although anorexia nervosa is a treatable condition, it is serious and potentially fatal. According to research by the US National Institute of Mental Health (the largest research organization in the world specializing in the study of mental disorders), if you do not seek medical and psychological help in time, in at least 10% of cases anorexia leads to irreversible degeneration of internal organs and death. It is the third most common chronic illness in adolescence in the world.

There are geographic and cultural differences in the prevalence of anorexia nervosa. Western countries have a higher percentage of reported cases than eastern countries. But this figure is growing and, given these dynamics, will soon correspond to Western indicators, from 0.1% to 5%.

We have selected 7 films about eating disorders that show as honestly as possible how potentially life-threatening the desire to achieve an imaginary ideal can be.

“The Best Little Girl in the World”, 1981

The 1981 TV movie may be one of the first films to tackle the issue of eating disorders. The film is based on the 1978 novel of the same name and tells the story of a young girl who tries her best to be good and correct in every way, but feels ignored and neglected by her family, whose attention is constantly focused on her older sister. Her personality strives for perfection in everything, including appearance, and she seeks control in her diet.

Fun fact: Actress Jennifer Jason Leigh lost up to 39 kilograms to play the role of an anorexic girl.

“For the Love of Nancy”, 1994

After graduating from school, 18-year-old Nancy is at a loss: independence and the future scare her. She becomes obsessed with her weight, refusing to eat and working out constantly. Her parents ignore Nancy's changes until they realize she has gone too far, but Nancy resists attempts to help her. The father sues to gain medical custody and force his daughter to undergo treatment. Recommended for anyone who wants to see a realistic film about eating disorders.

Fun fact: The film is based on a true story, and lead actress Tracey Gold recovered from anorexia while filming the film and used her experience to portray Nancy.

“Perfect Body”, 1997

Fifteen-year-old Andy is an aspiring gymnast who has the opportunity to compete in the Olympics. But one remark, “Eat fewer calories,” develops into an obsession - to lose weight. The girl is obsessed with the idea of ​​having a “perfect” body, believing that this will lead her to victory and she will be able to keep everything under control.

I just felt like I wanted to be perfect

The mood and feelings of the main character are perfectly shown. She has such a strong desire to win that despite dizziness and pain, she continues training, motivating that the medal is worth it.

“Hunger” (Hunger Point), 2003

The power and projection of the mother’s own youthful complexes is expressed in the pursuit of control over the weight and life of her daughters. This leads to disastrous results for Shelley and Franny - anorexia and food addiction. The family reacts differently to the problem of one of the sisters' anorexia: the mother immerses herself in work, the father falls into denial, and the younger sister becomes depressed. The stages of family acceptance of a problem are perfectly shown: despair, denial and accusations are replaced by acceptance and awareness.

“Anorexia” (Thin), 2006

A documentary centered around four girls suffering from anorexia and bulimia and undergoing rehabilitation at the Renfrew Center. Shelley, 25, who had been fed through a tube for the past 5 years, sought help after her 10th hospitalization; Polly, 29, came to the center after attempting suicide; she has been counting calories since she was 11; 15-year-old Brittany has suffered from an eating disorder since she was 8 years old, lost weight from 83 to 44 kg in a year and was admitted to the center with a weak pulse and a liver disease; 30-year-old Alice, who has suffered from an eating disorder since she was 16, was hospitalized five times in 3 months due to dehydration. This film gives a clear insight into the behavior of eating disorder sufferers, particularly in treatment settings, and why they fail.

Fun fact: The film was nominated for Best Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival and the Primetime Emmy Awards.

“Example for weight loss” (Thinspiration/Starving in Suburbia), 2014

One day, seventeen-year-old Hannah ends up on the Thinspiration website, where anorexia is declared as a life choice, and soon becomes a follower of the community.

"Do not listen to anyone. Find happiness in control"

Exploring one girl's obsession, the film shows the dangers of "pro-anorexia" websites and the promotion of anorexia as a lifestyle. Demonstrates the substitution of concepts where the only way to become happy is to be thin. The film also perfectly depicts the stereotype that only girls suffer from anorexia: “He can’t be anorexic. He is a boy! He is a sportsman!"

“To the Bone”, 2017

Released last year, the Netflix film follows 20-year-old artist Ellen, who has been unsuccessfully battling anorexia for several years. In the midst of family problems and her own fears, she is accepted into a group where an unusual doctor works. Thanks to the people she meets, she follows the path of self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

Fun fact: Lily Collins and director Marti Noxon suffered from eating disorders and the film is based on Marti's own struggle with anorexia. For filming, Lily Collins lost 10 kg.

Author: Nika Egorova

Author of the article:

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