Water for weight loss: when, how much and what kind of water to drink

Back in our school years, we were told that the human body is 70% water. If only 20% of fluid is lost, a person can die. A chronic lack of water is absolutely dangerous for the body, because dehydration is a catalyst for the occurrence of many diseases. In almost every modern diet you will find a line about how much plain water you need to drink per day, because in order to lose excess weight, you first need to increase your metabolism, which is what the life-giving liquid helps with. Maintaining water balance is also important during a normal lifestyle to maintain tone and performance.

Why is it so important to drink water?

Nutritionists and doctors from all over the world say that every person should consume a certain dose of pure water every day. However, some people may have a very valid question: why? Drinking water is essential simply because it is the most important source of energy for the human body.

The lack of moisture significantly reduces enzymatic activity, which leads to decreased performance and lethargy of the body. The second factor is oxygen and nutrients. Since water circulates with the blood, it allows a person to absorb all minerals, vitamins and salts. Another factor is the removal of toxins. Most harmful substances leave the body through urine and sweat.

So why do people need to drink a lot?

Most people are accustomed to replacing plain water with coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and so on. Very in vain! With a lack of moisture in the body, serious problems with the skin, nails, and hair can begin, chronic diseases worsen, and metabolic processes are disrupted. Even the smell of sweat can change if there is a lack of fluid due to the fact that toxins begin to predominate in the body. Here are some reasons why you should drink plenty of water every day:

  • Chronic dehydration increases the risk of developing various infections and diseases, since lack of moisture primarily reduces the functioning of the immune system.
  • The life-giving liquid takes part in the digestive processes and prevents the stagnation of toxins.
  • Our joint fluid, which plays the role of a lubricant during the functioning of joints and muscles, contains a lot of water molecules.
  • A person who drinks 5 glasses of water a day reduces the risk of pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system by 50%.
  • Water, in addition to quenching thirst, moisturizes the skin from the inside, thereby increasing its elasticity and preventing dryness, which, in turn, leads to rejuvenation of the epidermis.

Then why is it so important to drink plenty of fluids in order to lose weight?

All nutritionists in the world say that sufficient drinking water plays a huge role in any diet. Constant adherence to the drinking regime helps improve metabolism; water removes waste products from the body and eliminates constipation.
A person who decides to lose weight is required to drink a lot of fluid in order to normalize digestion processes, which can be disrupted due to a change in diet. According to those losing weight, just 1 glass of life-giving moisture can significantly reduce the feeling of hunger and block appetite for a long time.

The science behind the benefits of water

A very interesting fact that many people do not know about. If you're already exercising to lose weight, drinking water can increase the number of calories you burn. And for this you don’t need to do even more physical exercise. It is enough to do everything the same, but drink more. Within 10 minutes after drinking two glasses of water, the body's metabolism increases by 30%, the effect lasts about forty minutes.

Water and exercise for weight loss
Exercise and drinking regimen is a way to lose weight without risk to health

This is explained simply. Every time we eat or drink, the body spends a certain amount of calories digesting it. Water is that magical product with a negative calorie content, for the absorption of which the body needs to spend more energy than it receives from it in the end.

Water will help you lose weight
The numbers on the scale are the first indicator that it’s time to drink water regularly

By drinking more water, you definitely speed up your metabolism and fight calories more successfully. Provided, of course, that this is not the only method of losing weight that you use. When cold or even ice water is ingested, the body must warm it up before it can be absorbed. And it is on this process that he spends additional calories.

Water is good for more than just weight loss
Take your children as an example - they will never refuse to drink water

Benefits of drinking for weight loss

With insufficient moisture in the body, our lymph and blood thicken very quickly, circulation slows down greatly, and substances cannot rise from the extremities through the vessels. Because of this, most people experience discomfort in their legs, swelling occurs, and cellulite appears in women. It is also worth remembering that along with blood, every cell of our body receives the substances it needs. At the stage of dehydration, a person experiences apathy and extreme fatigue, giving up his usual workouts, which, as we know, are great for helping to lose excess weight.

Plain water, unlike food, does not contain calories, so you will not be able to gain an ounce of excess weight, even if you drink liters of it. The chemical compound H2O is involved not only in the breakdown of fat, but also in all processes in our body. Losing weight with plain or mineral water will be quite simple, because drinking it is a natural need of the body. A water diet also helps normalize fluid balance in the body.

The role of water in weight loss

Losing weight with water will help you get rid of extra pounds and forget about fatigue and drowsiness. The more a person drinks, the more urine is excreted by the kidneys. As a result, the amount of metabolic products that are excreted from the body increases. Water is the best natural diuretic.

At the initial stage of losing weight, the bulk of the weight “goes away” due to fluid loss. Drink plenty to prevent dehydration. Dehydration is one of the reasons why fat burning slows down.

Proper nutrition and proper drinking balance will remove extra pounds and help get rid of cellulite. Entering the tissues, including cellulite, clean water comes out of them, washing away salt and “waste” from vital activity. At the same time, pure protein is burned. This process helps in the fight against cellulite in the most problematic areas: thighs and buttocks.

Maintaining the correct drinking balance in the body is difficult. People often don’t understand why they drink and that “not drinking” water is a bad habit. Start breaking bad habits today! To begin, place a container of water on your desk (or in a place where you spend more time) and drink small sips throughout the day. Soon the body itself will require fluid and the habit of “drinking” will form by itself.

Calculation of the amount of fluid for weight loss

Drinking during a diet should be calculated using the following formula: 30-40 ml/1 kg of weight. Liquid for weight loss is very important, but exceeding the daily intake is not recommended . The average amount of life-giving moisture for daily use is 1.5-2.5 liters per day. The water diet is a special diet that completely excludes sweet and caffeinated drinks. Those who are losing weight are allowed to be given medicinal, distilled and boiled water without gases, with various useful additives: lemon, mint (no need to grate), cinnamon and honey. How much water can you drink with average activity per day?

  • people up to 60 kg - two liters;
  • from 60 to 70 kg - 2.30 l;
  • from 70 to 80 kg - 2.95 l;
  • from 80 to 90 kg - 3.30 l;
  • from 90 kg and above - 3.60 l.

However, this is only an approximate amount and does not take into account moisture loss during training. Your dietitian can create a more detailed schedule.

Is it really possible to lose weight with this regimen?

According to nutritionists, it is very important that water when losing weight is only clean. Even freshly squeezed lemon juice turns life-giving moisture into another drink that changes metabolism and disrupts water balance. The same can be heard from doctors about liquid food. You can lose weight with plain water only if it does not contain any impurities. It is also important that the alkali content is kept low and the pH scale (acid) remains in the neutral sector. The best way to lose weight is to use water:

  • filtered;
  • bottled;
  • melting;
  • from a natural source.

Fasting days on the water

Fasting days are considered one of the most effective ways to lose weight and cleanse your body. Don't worry about becoming exhausted as a result of a one-day fast. On the contrary, this procedure helps to improve the processes that are responsible for the body’s absorption of nutrients, because of this, cells begin to grow more actively, and tissues are renewed very quickly. This unloading will also have a positive effect on the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles, blackheads and pimples. Your complexion will noticeably improve.

In one fasting day, it is quite possible to get rid of 1-2 kilograms of excess weight. However, the main advantage of this procedure is considered to be cleansing the body of toxins, waste and other harmful components that negatively affect the functioning of most systems and internal organs. Fasting days are also different.

Classic unloading

With this procedure, the benefits of liquid for weight loss will be very obvious. It is worth preparing 3-4 liters of clean water in advance. Ideally, it should be from a well or spring - this way the body will receive a particularly powerful charge of health. The amount of liquid must be divided into portions. A glass of liquid should be consumed every 30-40 minutes. You should not drink more than 0.5 liters of liquid at a time, otherwise you risk stretching your stomach. Although you will drink a lot during this procedure, you may still feel very thirsty - this is completely normal. The feeling of thirst is considered a signal that the body has begun to cleanse itself.

On water with lemon

Water with the addition of lemon juice is considered a very effective means for losing weight, because citrus quite significantly speeds up the process that is responsible for the breakdown of fats in the body. You can prepare a liquid for weight loss very simply: add a few milliliters of fresh lemon juice (to taste) to a glass of filtered water.

There is an opinion that it is much easier to endure a hunger strike in this way than with a classic fasting, because lemon juice still contains a certain amount of nutritional components, and therefore calories. However, citric acid promotes the production of gastric juice, which increases appetite. But if you can hold on to this fast for a whole day, you will lose more weight than with plain water.

An easy way to lose weight: water and more water

In the fight for beauty and lightness in the body, all means are good: sports, healthy sleep, low-calorie foods, an active lifestyle and even sex. But all this is ineffective if you don’t take into account how much water you drink. Drinking plenty of fluids can help burn more calories, flush out toxins from the body and reduce appetite. And that’s what’s important! To start drinking water correctly, you don’t need any extra body movements a la “buying a subscription” or “going to the market.” Just pour water into a glass and drink! Yes, exactly water, and not the usual sweet drink. But how much exactly?

Drink and lose weight
Lemon will help you drink as much water as you need

Scientific research has long proven that a person needs to drink about two liters of liquid per day. But we are all very different. And everyone’s lifestyle is also significantly different: some sit in the office all day, while others roam around the city on a bicycle. This means that this issue should be approached individually.

How much water to drink to lose weight?
A nutritionist will tell you exactly how much water to drink.

The easiest way to determine how much water to drink to lose weight is to use special hydration calculators or refer to the table. In addition, you should pay attention to your health status. For example, the color of urine. If it is dark, then you should definitely drink more often.

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