20 foods every woman needs to add to her diet

Fish for hormones

Fatty fish increases the production of the hormone estrogen, which is extremely important for women after 30 years of age

Fatty fish top our ranking, and the reason for this is omega-3 acids. They stimulate brain activity and strengthen blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. They also have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy. In addition, fatty fish increases the production of the hormone estrogen, which is extremely important for women after 30 years of age. It is best to eat salmon, salmon or pink salmon at least twice a week.

Broccoli against cancer

Broccoli is rich in valuable fiber, folic acid, vegetable protein, potassium, iron

Broccoli is very beneficial for the female body. The combination of nutrients in this cabbage has been scientifically proven to prevent the development of breast cancer. In addition, broccoli is rich in valuable fiber, folic acid, vegetable protein, potassium, iron, vitamins A and C. And all this wealth is preserved in full during any type of heat treatment. Nutritionists recommend eating broccoli 3-4 times a week.


Wheat, barley, buckwheat, rice, oats, corn, rye are grain crops that are very beneficial for women. The main condition for preserving the beneficial properties is minimal processing, that is, you need to eat not wheat flour, but wheat bran or whole grain bread. Cereals are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals, making them healthy foods for women. All this contributes to good digestion, physical activity, strengthening nerves, cancer prevention, and slowing down the aging of a woman’s body. Grains are an excellent scrub for the body thanks to the fiber contained in large quantities in each grain.

fish with vegetables

Beans for slimness

Legumes actively fight stress and replenish iron reserves in the body

Legumes should be a must in a woman's diet. Natural soy actively fights the symptoms of menopause and relieves nervous tension. Red beans stabilize blood sugar levels. Lentils replenish iron reserves in the body, preventing the development of anemia. And they all contribute to proper weight loss. Three servings of beans in any form over the course of a week will allow you to feel this effect very soon.

Oats for energy

Oats contain a lot of magnesium and silicon, which improve the condition of hair, skin and nails

Oats are an important product for women's health. Firstly, it normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Secondly, it keeps you feeling full for a long time, making it easier to fight extra pounds. Thirdly, oats contain a lot of magnesium and silicon, which improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. And thanks to its vegetable fats, vitamin D and carotene are better absorbed. So oatmeal for breakfast is the best way to always stay in good shape.

Useful metals

Some products contain a mandatory “set” of easily digestible metals that contribute to:

  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • formation and correction of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • enriching the bone structures of the musculoskeletal system, which is especially important during pregnancy and menopause.

In order to normalize the functioning of the body’s internal systems, it is necessary to regularly consume:

  • pomegranate and its juice;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts: walnuts, almonds and others;
  • wheat bran;
  • cocoa;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • apples;
  • raspberries, strawberries, red plums.

The more variety of vegetables and fruits in your diet, the higher the likelihood of saturating your body with useful substances. This applies to any age. It is especially important to do this during pregnancy, when the female body is “responsible for two.”

Avocado for procreation

Scientists claim that with regular consumption of avocados, it improves the functioning of the reproductive system.

Among the healthy foods for women is avocado. This South American fruit is considered the most high-calorie fruit on the planet. However, its monounsaturated fats are extremely healthy. Not only do they not accumulate in the form of depressing centimeters at the waist, but they also actively destroy existing fat. Scientists claim that when consumed regularly, avocado improves the functioning of the reproductive system. They recommend eating half of this wonderful fruit per day.

Liquid quantity

Dietary guidelines recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day. This amount frightens consumers at first. However, if you get accustomed to such a procedure, then youth and beauty are guaranteed.

The whole secret is that water helps:

  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • remove decay products formed as a result of digestion of food;
  • saturate the cells, maintaining turgor;
  • strengthen immunity:
  • speed up metabolism.

Freshly squeezed juices, first courses, drinks - all this is not included in the total volume. People with the following problems should adhere to this technique with caution:

  • tendency to hypertension;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • violation of the absorption of substances.

Otherwise, drinking plenty of fluids is vital.

Beauty oil

The active substances of olive oil nourish the skin and hair, making them more beautiful and well-groomed.

It is no coincidence that olive oil is called the elixir of health. Polyunsaturated fatty acids activate metabolism and improve intestinal function, and antioxidants slow down the aging process. Vitamin E stimulates the production of hormones and serves as a prevention of mastopathy. In addition, the active substances of olive oil nourish the skin and hair, making them more beautiful and well-groomed. Therefore, not only salads, but also cosmetic masks become useful with it.

Yogurt for digestion

The live bacteria contained in yogurt strengthen the body’s immune defense and form favorable microflora

Dairy products are one of the key elements of women's nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to natural bio-yogurts. The live bacteria they contain strengthen the body's immune defense and form a favorable microflora. In addition, they help with irritable bowel syndrome, which, according to doctors, is much more common in women. You can and should eat small portions of yogurt every day.

Cranberry for youth

Cranberries contain a lot of antioxidants that destroy free radicals, maintaining youthful cells throughout the body.

Among the abundance of berries, cranberries are the most important for women's health. It contains special compounds that prevent the development of infections in the bladder. Cranberry juices and fruit drinks serve as an effective diuretic. And the infusion of this berry is used to treat hypertension. Cranberries contain a lot of antioxidants that destroy free radicals, maintaining the youth of cells throughout the body. A handful of fresh berries or a glass of natural juice every day is excellent vitamin therapy.


The “king” of products for women’s health is meat. But not just anything, but veal, rabbit and chicken. Women need chicken meat to remove waste and toxins from the body, as well as to maintain immunity, especially in winter. Rabbit meat is very dietary, which allows you to maintain your figure and perfectly satisfy your hunger. Veal is rich in iron and many microelements, which is great for women who care about their health and figure.

lemon water

Nuts for the mind

Walnuts fight high stomach acidity, liver problems and diabetes

Walnuts contain everything essential for the female body. Gynecologists recommend them as a preventive measure for breast cancer and infertility. For these purposes, you need to eat 25 g of ground nuts with honey after meals. Walnuts also combat high stomach acidity, liver problems and diabetes. Just 2-3 kernels of these nuts per day will improve thought processes and normalize heart function.

Nutrition for reproductive health

Today we will talk about how nutrition affects the female reproductive system, whether girls can go on diets, and whether vegetarianism is recommended for expectant mothers. Our expert is a dietitian-nutritionist of the highest category at the Isis Women's Health Clinic, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Food Hygiene of NMU named after. A.A. Bogomolets Natalia Velikaya.

Natalya Vladimirovna, are the nutritional needs of women and men different?

They are different. Women's and men's bodies function differently, they have different hormonal levels, so, of course, their needs are different. But only in details, but basically they are identical. Both male and female bodies definitely need complete animal proteins - meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. Men's need for meat is higher than women's, because it contains substances that promote the reproductive functions of the male reproductive system. Dairy products and fish are healthier for women than meat. These products support the female reproductive system. Although women also need meat, but to a lesser extent than men. Vegetables, fruits, berries, greens are beneficial to everyone - they contain substances that specifically affect the male and female organisms.

What lifestyle factors negatively affect the health of the female reproductive system?

First of all, stress. Emotionally intense work, difficult living conditions, conflict situations - all this leads to the release of adrenal hormones, which hit different systems, but most of all - the cardiovascular, hormonal-endocrine and especially the female reproductive system. In stressful situations, liver function is disrupted, which contributes to an imbalance of reproductive hormones. The second factor is poor nutrition, which can also lead to an imbalance in hormonal status and reproductive health problems. Poor eating habits include insufficient consumption of iodine-containing foods, because severe iodine deficiency can even lead to infertility. Also an unfavorable factor is the refusal of seafood, sea fish in particular. Fish is not only a source of protein and microelements, fish is a source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which play a very important role in the pregnancy process. And of course, smoking and alcohol are incredibly harmful to the female body and are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy or planning it.

What effect does diet have on a woman’s reproductive system?

Nowadays it is very fashionable to try on yourself various diets read on the Internet. Girls do not realize that by abandoning their usual diet, they disrupt their enzyme reactions and normal biorhythms. The body is accustomed to eating certain foods at certain times, it is trained that nutrition is balanced and provides all its needs, and if we switch to a limited diet, we immediately cause stress in the body. Therefore, you can change your usual diet only after consulting with doctors and passing the necessary tests confirming the need for this diet. But girls should not take responsibility for the consequences of making such independent decisions. An imbalance in nutrition can shift metabolic processes in the body, and it will no longer be possible to return to normal nutrition without difficulties; rapid weight gain may begin. As a professional, I have repeatedly encountered the fact that a woman had a weight slightly above the ideal weight, and wanted to get to the most ideal, but when she finished her program, the weight began to creep up much faster than before. Therefore, the diet should be justified by the state of health, or by some task, but only under the supervision of a specialist. It is important that someone is responsible for the consequences, and this should be a professional with medical education.

You should also not take teas and other weight loss products uncontrollably. For example, a very serious drug for this purpose, which was widely advertised, was Lida slimming tea. After taking this tea, people not only gain excess weight - they develop mental disorders! Therefore, you should not conduct experiments on your body, it is wrong and dangerous.

It turns out that the point is not that the diet is bad, but in general it is impossible to change the diet without the advice of a doctor?

Exactly. You can’t make serious changes in diet just like that, by your own decision. You need to consult, get tested, see what is happening in the body, get recommendations on whether it is possible and necessary to change your diet, how exactly, when to start, and also how to monitor the effectiveness of this diet specifically for you.

How does a vegetarian diet affect women's health?

Vegetarianism comes in different forms. If we are talking about veganism, that is, a food system in which all products of animal origin are completely abandoned, then this is contraindicated for the female body during reproductive age. Over thousands of years, we have developed a digestive system that contains enzymes that break down animal proteins. Plant proteins are not broken down so well, and in addition, they do not contain a full composition of essential amino acids, which are necessary for many vital processes in the body. A complete rejection of animal products also does not contribute to the onset of pregnancy and its normal course, because the female body does not receive such important substances as hematopoietic microelements, accessible forms of iron, copper, zinc, found mainly in meat. If we talk about vegetarians who do not eat meat, but eat fish, dairy products and eggs, this food option may be acceptable. Meat in this diet is replaced by a combination of fish and plant foods. Iron and other microelements are well absorbed with protein, so if we eat fish, we need to add, say, apples, pomegranates or other plant sources of iron that is beneficial for women, and not forget about leafy vegetables - accessible sources of folic acid, necessary for hematopoiesis and the prevention of problems future pregnancy.

What women should avoid

Natalya Vladimirovna, what drinks do you not recommend girls and women drink?

Two types of drinks are absolutely contraindicated for women: alcoholic and energy drinks. The latter contains substances that are very harmful not only to the reproductive system, but also to the entire body - caffeine, guarana, etc. Moreover, these substances are contained in such drinks in quantities that in some cases exceed therapeutic levels, i.e. medicinal. These substances cause stress in the body, hyperstimulation of the brain, nervous system and blood circulation, increased blood pressure, increased agitation, inadequate reactions, lead to an incorrect assessment of one’s physical capabilities and, ultimately, to exhaustion of the body. It should be noted that energy drinks, like alcohol, are addictive.

Is it true that worms can cause problems with women’s health?

Worm infestations are a very serious problem that can interfere with the course of pregnancy and cause disturbances in the fetus. According to WHO, helminth infection covers 90% of the world's population, and the remaining 10% are those who have recently become free of this problem. Anthelmintic drugs are advertised to us on TV screens. For example, Vormil. This is a serious chemical that is very hard on the liver. As a naturopathic specialist, I am convinced that prevention of worms with chemical means should under no circumstances be done. There are a lot of herbal complexes, mixtures, and herbal teas that are sold in pharmacies. Such drugs not only free the body from the types of helminths common in Ukraine and ensure its detoxification, but also regulate intestinal function, support the liver and urination. This is a great alternative to chemicals. The only drawback of natural drugs is that you will have to take them for 18 - 20 days, and not 3 days, like Vormil. But without harm to health, and this is the most important thing. Of course, this does not apply to the identified worms such as Toxocara, various tropical and exotic forms. To get rid of these types of helminths, an infectious disease doctor will prescribe specific treatment.

It is almost impossible not to become infected with worms, so it is very advisable to prevent helminthiases twice a year in order to prevent them from accumulating and causing harm to the body. This is an element of a healthy lifestyle. Taking tests to look for worms is not always advisable: even the most advanced methods for identifying worms are only 40% effective, analysis of excrement finds only 3 - 5% of worm eggs, and 97% will not be detected, even if they are present. Therefore, for the health of the family, it is important to carry out preventive deworming twice a year using natural remedies .

What else can negatively affect reproductive function?

Intestinal microflora is very important for women's health. If there is dysbacteriosis in the intestines, immunity decreases, thrush may appear, so it is very important to maintain the intestinal microflora. This is done using live cultures of microorganisms found in healthy fermented milk drinks. For example, the Simbivit drink is very useful; it consists of natural milk and a beneficial group of microorganisms.

Alcohol and nicotine cause irreparable harm to women; they lead directly to genetic deformities of the fetus - to the development of various pathologies, disorders of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and even intrauterine fetal death. There is a lot of scientific data confirming this information, which, unfortunately, is not published, because enormous amounts of money are made from these products. Women who are planning motherhood absolutely need to give up these habits; it is a disaster for the fetus.

Well, the last factor that negatively affects the reproductive function of women is a sedentary lifestyle. It contributes to the accumulation of excess body weight and disruption of blood microcirculation, including in the pelvic organs. As a result of insufficient blood supply, the uterus, ovaries and other pelvic organs lack the substances necessary for their normal functioning. Therefore, if a woman has a sedentary job, it is extremely important to take a break every hour to warm up . In addition, you definitely need to intensify your lifestyle by going to the pool, fitness, and water aerobics. Movement in water helps prevent the accumulation of excess body weight and promote good functioning of the pelvic organs. These are general recommendations for all women to ensure the proper functioning of the female reproductive system.

Are there types of sports activities that are contraindicated for women?

Yes, men's sports that dry out muscles and remove fat tissue, such as barbells, bodybuilding, etc., are contraindicated for women. They contribute to the accumulation of male steroid hormones in the female body. Some athletes even lose their periods. Very strong weight loss is also contraindicated for women; it also causes menstruation to disappear. This is very harmful to the female reproductive system.

Are there any other specific recommendations?

The human body is designed in such a way that it follows certain biorhythms. All processes in it occur at a certain time. So, in order for calcium to be well absorbed, foods rich in calcium should be consumed from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. It is better to eat meat products from 13 to 17 hours, because iron and other hematopoietic microelements are better absorbed during this period of time. Fish is best consumed after 18:00 because the body needs omega-3 fatty acids mainly at night. You can combine fish in the evening with a light salad, cheese, pumpkin dishes with cottage cheese, and complex carbohydrates. If you follow all of these recommendations, you will keep your reproductive system in the best condition and maximize your chances of bearing and giving birth to strong, healthy children.


Chocolate for love

Chocolate improves memory and increases resistance to stress

Dark chocolate in a woman’s diet is needed not only for joy, but also for benefit. According to recent studies, it alleviates premenstrual syndrome. In addition, chocolate is a very effective aphrodisiac. Magnesium improves memory and increases stress resistance. And tryptophan gives you the feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. The main thing is to eat no more than 25 g of chocolate per day, and then an excellent mood and a slim figure are guaranteed.

Of course, our health rating doesn’t end there. You can add your own ideas and tips, and at the same time tell us which products that are healthy for women are your favorite.

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