Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet - a healing nutrition system

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Arnold Ehret is a German professor, researcher and writer on conservation and human health. At the age of 31, Arnold Ehret was diagnosed with chronic nephritis, which 24 renowned doctors in Europe called incurable. Arnold Ehret began to practice a raw food diet, vegetarianism and fruit diets, which healed himself. Eret subsequently outlined his discoveries and research in the book “The Healing System of a Mucusless Diet.”

Arnold Ehret and his book

Arnold Ehret is a German educator who wrote several books on nutrition. In our country, it is better known thanks to the author’s nutritional method called the “mucusless diet.” What gave the author the idea that mucus is the cause of disease, and how did he understand which foods were safe and even healing? The answer to this question lies in his biography.

By the age of 30, Arnold Ehret's health had deteriorated greatly. He had a whole bunch of diseases - chronic nephritis, heart neurosis, constant colds and bronchitis. He constantly had to undergo treatment. He spent a fortune on medicine, but there was no result.

Having learned about naturopathy, Eret went to a special sanatorium for treatment and felt long-awaited relief. After that, he visited sanatoriums specializing in naturopathy several more times. At the same time, he studied the treatment methods that were used on him.

Research helped Ehret understand the nature of diseases. It turned out that eating certain foods leads to the formation of large amounts of mucus in the body. It clogs the blood vessels, decomposes and ferments there. Mucus derivatives become pus and uric acid, which poison the blood.

Eret came to the realization that the main cause of his illness was an improper diet. Accordingly, the right foods can become medicine. Another of Ehret's findings was that vegetarians eating a plant-based diet were not completely healthy, and meat eaters were not much inferior.

When his nutrition system was fully formed, Ehret wrote a book in 1953, outlining in it the evidence of the correctness of his theory, the main postulates of his system and methods for switching to proper “living” nutrition.


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“I was overweight, constantly felt tired and lived with frequent headaches. I suspected that this was due to slagging in the body. I decided to turn to my friend, who works as a nutritionist, for help. She told me about the mucusless diet. But at first I didn’t dare to sit on it, because I was afraid that I simply wouldn’t be able to stand it, because there are such serious restrictions... And then I decided to try it anyway, because you need to get into it gradually and I hoped that I could get used to it. You know, everything worked out for me. The first two weeks were the most difficult. At this time, even the illnesses seemed to worsen, my health became worse, but then everything returned to normal. The headaches disappeared, vigor appeared and the pounds began to fall off. I’ve been on this diet for three months now, and I’ll continue for now.”


“Not long ago I became interested in different nutrition systems. I really wanted to improve my condition. I came across the mucusless diet. I tried it. Impressed with the results! My condition has improved significantly, all my existing health problems have disappeared, and even my weight has dropped, although losing weight was not my goal when I went on a diet. However, it was not at all easy to withstand it. For the first month, all I did was get used to a not very varied diet. But it was certainly worth it."

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The essence of the mucusless diet


Arnold Ehret, in his book, claims that unnatural food causes a person to become addicted, similar to a drug. Most people are foodaholics. Moreover, the more waste and toxins accumulated in the body, the stronger the appetite. A person needs more food to feel full. And the more it absorbs, the more the cleaning process slows down. Accordingly, he has no “withdrawal”. Moreover, food addiction is much stronger than alcohol or drug addiction.

Due to poor nutrition and poor ecology, toxins, waste and other toxic substances accumulate in the human body for years. Over time, they turn into mucus. In the body, in which a lot of mucus has accumulated, metabolic processes are disrupted, digestion worsens, and salts are deposited. A person constantly feels tired and depressed. Mucus also leads to problems with the spine, obesity, and disruptions in the functioning of all organs and systems. But the main danger is the development of malignant neoplasms.

Mucusless nutrition allows you to get rid of mucus and toxins, cleanse the blood, lymph, cells and tissues. But before resorting to this technique, you need to consider 2 factors:

  1. How polluted is the body? In case of severe slagging, the transition to “live” nutrition must be carried out smoothly. Otherwise, too many toxins will enter the bloodstream, which will cause acute poisoning.
  2. Amount of chemicals used. Like waste, they accumulate in the body, and with a sharp transition to a mucusless system, there will be a sharp release of chemical compounds into the blood.

The mucus removal diet requires avoiding the following food groups:

  • meat;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • white flour products;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • cereals;
  • legumes

Before using this technique, you should consult a doctor and get tested.


The professor himself ate mucusless foods for the rest of his life. And this nutrition system has long had many adherents who, having once tried it, were impressed by the results obtained. As for leaving the diet, Eret did not consider it obligatory.

But modern nutritionists do not agree with him. They are sure that the diet must certainly be balanced. And they refute Eret’s words about the unnecessaryness of additional proteins, fats and carbohydrates for the normal existence of a person. According to nutritionists, a lack of nutrients in the body will certainly lead to its depletion. But they approve of the mucusless nutrition system as a complement to a balanced diet, but only if there are no contraindications.

Leaving the diet is similar to entering it, that is, first you need to return dairy products to the diet, then porridge, eggs and, finally, meat, observing a two-week interval.

Ehret's Diet Rules

The main tenets of the Ehret diet sound like this:

  1. Never eat forcefully, but only when you feel hungry. Otherwise, there is a high probability of eating a lot. Then the excess food will not be processed, but will become a source of waste and toxins.
  2. Eat vegetables and fruits raw, unprocessed, as cooked foods already contain mucus. Eret believes that only fresh berries, vegetables and fruits do not contain mucus, but they contain useful substances. When cooked, vitamins and minerals are destroyed and mucus is formed.
  3. Be sure to arrange fasting days on the water. Despite the meager diet, unloading is necessary so that the stomach can rest from digesting food.
  4. Eat each product separately, without mixing, and do not drink them. This way food is better absorbed and completely digested.

Basically, the mucusless diet contains foods of plant origin. The author insists on eating plenty of green leafy vegetables such as:

  1. White cabbage;
  2. parsley;
  3. leaf salad;
  4. green beans;
  5. broccoli;
  6. spinach;
  7. arugula;
  8. Brussels sprouts;
  9. basil;
  10. asparagus;
  11. green peas;
  12. Swiss chard.

These are low-calorie foods containing a minimum of fat. In addition, their consumption reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease and cancer.

Healthy vegetables


However, no matter how healing the mucusless diet system may be, it also has its contraindications. In particular, these include:

  • pregnancy and lactation period,
  • age up to 18 years,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart,
  • kidney and joint diseases,
  • endocrine diseases and diabetes mellitus.

But remember: in any case and when switching to any diet, you must first always get advice and recommendations from, at a minimum, your therapist or endocrinologist.

How to switch to dietary nutrition?

It is necessary to switch to a diet gradually, replacing some foods with others. At the initial stage, legumes should be consumed together with fish, meat and eggs. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten baked or canned. Crackers and dried fruits are allowed. The transition period may last more than one month. It is necessary to prepare the body.

Preparation is divided into stages. At stage I, lasting 1-2 weeks, the menu looks like this:

  1. Breakfast is excluded.
  2. For lunch - grated carrots or a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and celery. As an option, you can choose a salad of spinach and Chinese cabbage, or stewed pumpkin with cabbage. If you still feel hungry, you can eat baked potatoes with a slice of bran bread.
  3. For dinner - dried fruits and banana.

At stage II, lasting 3-4 weeks, the menu is as follows:

  1. There is no breakfast.
  2. For lunch - applesauce. After a quarter of an hour, you can eat a vegetable salad consisting of cucumbers and cabbage with herbs. It is best to cook it without dressing. The salad comes with a slice of whole grain bread.
  3. For dinner - baked vegetables and a salad of boiled beets and arugula.

Stage III lasts 5-6 weeks:

  1. For lunch - any seasonal fruit and broccoli salad without bread. Nuts without salt are allowed. It is necessary to eat in small portions, avoiding overeating.
  2. For dinner - baked pumpkin with olive oil and fresh cabbage salad.

Duration of stage IV 7-8 weeks:

  1. For lunch - any fruit.
  2. For dinner - baked vegetables and fruits.

During the transition period, side effects such as headache, weakness and abdominal discomfort are possible. Chronic diseases may worsen. Feeling hungry is inevitable.

This diet improves immunity. The body is gradually freed from waste and toxins, the size of the stomach becomes smaller. As a result, a person eats up one cucumber or an apple. To speed up the restructuring of the body, you can arrange fasting days.

Mucusless diet menu

Arnold Ehret is sure that a hearty breakfast is unnatural and even harmful. After all, after waking up, you don’t feel like eating at all. Therefore, by giving up breakfast, you can speed up your recovery.

The mucusless diet, according to the menu, looks like this:

  1. For breakfast, eat fresh vegetable or fruit.
  2. For lunch, eat 1-2 seasonal fruits.
  3. For dinner - a salad of white cabbage, watercress and other leafy vegetables.

If the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable, you can eat a slice of dried whole grain bread.

You need to drink separately from food. It is best if it is clean water in small quantities.

How to get out of a diet correctly?

You need to exit the diet as slowly as you entered it. Otherwise, the results achieved may go down the drain. Gradually, you can introduce foods that form mucus into the menu. You need to eat in small portions and drink plenty of water.

You need to go off the diet for at least 9 days.

The menu from days 1 to 3 looks like this:

  1. For breakfast, drink 200 ml of fresh orange juice.
  2. For lunch - fruit puree.
  3. An afternoon snack may consist of nuts, always unsalted.
  4. For dinner there will be a salad of cucumbers, Chinese cabbage and tomatoes, as well as a smoothie made from herbs and vegetables.

Menu from days 4 to 6:

  1. For breakfast, eat a boiled egg with fresh fruit juice.
  2. For lunch, prepare a fruit salad with the addition of natural yogurt.
  3. Take 1 fresh grapefruit for a snack.
  4. Dinner is stewed cabbage and a salad of green leafy vegetables. The drink used is a smoothie made from kiwi and cucumber.

From the 7th to the 9th day the menu is as follows:

  1. Have breakfast with a small portion of oatmeal with prunes or dried apricots. You can also eat 1 boiled egg and drink 200 ml of fresh juice.
  2. For lunch - steamed vegetables and a piece of boiled fish.
  3. For an afternoon snack - natural yogurt.
  4. For dinner - steamed vegetables and low-fat baked fish.

Then you can smoothly switch to your usual diet. Meals should be regular, without long breaks.

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