What is the human nutrition system: rules, methods

Women are constantly in search of the ideal diet that would allow them to quickly lose weight and at the same time maintain their slim figure for a long time. There are three options that can bring you closer to your dream of a chiseled figure:
  • Mini-diets designed for one or two weeks;
  • Long-term nutrition programs developed by various nutritionists. Each system has a unique method of organizing the diet, which is somewhat like a combination of many mini-diets;
  • A balanced diet recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Its main principle is calculating the daily calorie content of the menu and the correct ratio of BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) in the daily diet.

In order to make a choice of nutritional system for weight loss , you should understand their basic principles . Having understood the basic issues, it will be easier for you to decide on the program and create a menu.

General principles of the power system

The basis of any nutritional system is to prevent hunger and overeating. In both cases, fat deposits appear. In the first, the body perceives the lack of food as the onset of hunger, which means it tries to make reserves to support life in the future. When you overeat, food, on the contrary, does not have time to be processed, its excess turns into fats.

Since the nutritional system is a normalization of the digestive system, it implies the intake of food into the body in small quantities at 2-3 hour intervals. In order for the body to process food in time, you need to eat 5-6 times a day.

Fractional nutrition (see) prevents the appearance of fat, does not overload the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the occurrence of many diseases.

Another important area in the system is water consumption. If there is not enough of it, toxins and wastes will not be removed from the body; when they accumulate, they disrupt the functioning of all organs and provoke serious malfunctions. If you drink a lot of liquid, this will lead to swelling of the tissues and also causes negative consequences.

All nutritional methods contain recommendations to drink 2-2.5 liters of still water (this includes broths, tea, etc.) daily.

When following long-term diets, it is important to take “fasting” days from them in order to avoid breakdowns. That is, once a week you are allowed to eat foods from the prohibited list. For example, if a person is on a low-carbohydrate diet (more details -), you can eat fried potatoes with pork, cake, drink a glass of lemonade - the main thing is that everything is in moderation. The next day, return to your diet. This helps maintain it for a long time without the risk of failure.

However, you cannot stick to this diet for a long time. The body requires all components - both fats and carbohydrates. They should come daily, but little by little. Another important rule is to maintain short intervals between diets. If it is monthly, it is better to repeat it at least after 60-90 days, weekly - after 30-45 days. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs.

The nutrition system also includes fasting days (read -), when a person is not on a diet, but eats as usual, but once a week he consumes only one product (usually kefir or apples, but they can be replaced with other dietary options). This gives rest to the digestive system and stabilizes the overall functioning of the body. At the same time, the extra pounds accumulated over the week disappear.

At the same time, nutritionists categorically do not recommend holding fasting days more than 2 times in a seven-day period.

It is important to reduce the amount of salt. No more than 15 g per day is recommended. It is taken into account that salt is also contained in many products. This factor is especially important for hypertensive patients and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Dishes should only be steamed, stewed or baked. And preferably without the use of oil.

Basic rules for preparing a diet

People wonder what their diet should be in order for it to be beneficial and allow them to maintain normal well-being and physical fitness. It is compiled in accordance with the daily routine, habits, characteristics of the body, availability of goods, and financial capabilities. Nutrition should be balanced and varied.

You need to prepare food yourself, use healthy products:

  • fish, seafood;
  • lean meat (veal, chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit);
  • fermented milk products, skim milk;
  • cereals;
  • durum pasta;
  • vegetables (limit potatoes, beets);
  • fruits (limit plums, grapes);
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

To choose a diet, you need to give up the frying process, give preference to boiled food, steaming, baking in the oven, and drink enough water. You should not eat harmful foods:

  • fat meat;
  • White bread;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks.

What kind of power systems can there be?

In addition to the above, certain areas of the nutrition system include diets. Each has its pros and cons and is aimed at weight correction. Power systems can be divided into small groups:

  1. Medicinal. The cause of most diseases is poor nutrition, as a result of which metabolic processes are disrupted, the immune system weakens, which provokes serious disruptions in the functioning of the body. Therapeutic nutrition not only helps improve digestion, but is also used to prevent disease. The diet is selected individually, depending on the existing pathology.
  2. Christian. It involves observing all fasts with a certain diet.
  3. By blood type. This method has appeared recently. European scientists have found that for each blood group there are recommended and prohibited foods. Physical activity is also shared. Separate nutritional methods have been developed for each blood group.
  4. Vegetarian. It implies a complete abstinence from animal foods (including fats). Nutrition is based only on plant components. However, meat is also important for the body, so the vegetarian direction should be used carefully so as not to create a deficiency of important microelements. If the menu is balanced and there is no lack of vitamins, the technique promotes rapid weight loss.
  5. Healing fasting. It is used to treat arthritis, diabetes, some gastrointestinal pathologies, allergies, hypertension, etc. With this system, a person completely refuses food and sits only on water for a certain time. However, fasting can be healing only with the correct entry and exit. At the same time, you cannot go without food for more than a week.
  6. Energy. It is based on calorie counting. The diet is made up of any products, but so that the maximum amount of kcal is not exceeded. This leads to weight stabilization, cleanses the body, and helps cope with certain diseases.
  7. Raw food diet. It has gained popularity recently. People eat mostly raw food. It is believed that such nutrition benefits the body. However, this can be hazardous to health, so you need to adhere to the system with caution. For example, wild animals are often carriers of rabies; along with raw meat, many different types of parasites enter the body, which is eliminated during heat treatment.
  8. Individual. It implies a complete rejection of specific products. The cause may be allergies, intolerances or other factors.
  9. Separate meals. It is based on eating food without mixing it. The bottom line is that when incompatible foods enter the body, they are poorly digested and absorbed. As a result, waste and toxins appear, some of which are deposited in fats. It is allowed to mix only products of the same category (for example, vegetable products, and eat meat separately).
  10. Seasonal. This is the eastern system, according to which the year is traditionally divided into 4 parts, but with an off-season. For each season and in the intervals between them, a certain nutritional plan is recommended, depending on the needs of the body.
  11. Functional. She focuses not so much on the nutritional value and composition of products, but on their biological importance. This diet includes rare components.
  12. Protein-carbohydrate. The essence is alternating nutrition with a predominance of foods of one type, and then another. With the help of such a diet, weight loss occurs slowly but steadily.

When following any diet, you need to remember about the correct way out of it. This means including one product from the prohibited list per day. The correct exit lasts at least a week, on average – a month.

Weight loss - the first tip

Decide how many kilograms you want to lose

- Most people begin to take the first steps towards weight loss by determining how many extra pounds they have. This is an unhealthy method or technique for losing weight. Calculate your desired weight based on your height using reliable methods such as body mass indexing, and set a goal that is healthy for you. After this, we can consider that we have already passed halfway.

Power systems by author

The nutrition system is not a diet (this is only one direction). The goal is to create a balanced menu that you can stick to for a long time. As a result, weight is corrected, metabolic processes and organ function are normalized. Power systems can be divided according to their creators:

  1. According to Montignac. In this case, you need to calculate the glycemic index of foods and choose the one with the lowest value for the menu. Fast carbohydrates provoke a sharp jump in blood sugar and should be avoided. The Montignac technique is easily tolerated by anyone.
  2. According to Atkins. People have been using this technique for more than half a century. The basis is to create a diet of foods containing as few carbohydrates as possible (but does not imply a complete rejection of them). The menu should be dominated by vegetables and protein foods. The technique consists of three phases, the last of which can be maintained throughout life. The development of Atkins became the basis of many diets (for example, the Kremlin diet).
  3. According to Mirimanova. This is a new technique consisting of a specific diet, exercise and psychological tests.
  4. By Herbert Shelton. It is based on the principles of separate nutrition. At the same time, you do not need to give up some products. The process of losing weight occurs quickly, and dietary habits are easily tolerated.

Before choosing a specific system, it is better to consult a nutritionist so as not to cause harm to your health. For example, with some diseases, even short-term fasting is impossible - this can only worsen the condition. In a number of pathologies, this, on the contrary, helps eliminate the disease and restore the functioning of the body.

Nutritionist, healthy lifestyle trainer Elena Bogdanova

How to choose the best option?

The choice of nutrition system for weight loss should be based on your needs. The basic principles are as follows:

  • The program should be low-calorie (1000-1500 kcal - it all depends on your degree of obesity);
  • You should not have problems with digestion, cardiovascular system or kidneys, since most nutritional systems have a lot of contraindications;
  • You must evaluate how suitable the menu is for you, whether you can last a long time on such a diet without “breakdowns”.

Despite the positive feedback about various weight loss programs, the best option is a balanced, balanced diet. One example of such a system is Grow Food ready-made food, prepared taking into account calorie content and nutritional value. The menu is thought out to the smallest detail and fully corresponds to a healthy diet. It has no contraindications and is recommended even for pregnant and nursing mothers. But the most important thing is that you can adhere to such a balanced diet on an ongoing basis. You will eat delicious and satisfying food, but at the same time stay slim for many years!

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