Meditation for weight loss: rules, various techniques, reviews

“Space diet” by Sergei Sivokho: without denying himself anything, the comedian lost 42 kg in 3 months

Meditation is nothing more than self-conviction. In this case, you will have to convince yourself to lose weight. Meditation, like many other unusual techniques, requires a positive attitude and extremely positive emotions.

Many of you remember that thoughts are material. Therefore, before you “seek help” from meditation, set yourself up correctly for losing weight. It is very important to take this spiritual exercise seriously. Yes, it is no coincidence that we called the above method of losing weight exercise. After all, during the period of meditation you train your willpower, your spirit for further changes in a positive direction.

What is meditation for weight loss

According to the American weight loss specialist R. Schwartz, a fat person will come up with a thousand reasons for another snack: difficulties with signing the next contract, rudeness of a neighbor, successful sale of a car, etc. But a slender person will take up an apple or nuts when he feels real hunger.

During the process of meditation, a person concentrates not on external (imaginary) stimuli, but on real internal sensations. As a result, you can distinguish false hunger from real hunger, learn better about the needs of your own body, etc.

There are many meditation techniques. They should be chosen based on individual preferences. Meditation will be a useful addition to any sports training or diet.

Meditation for weight loss: rules, various techniques, reviews - tips and recommendations from

Special meditative exercises will help you get rid of excess weight and improve your well-being

The meditation program consists of several exercises aimed at:

  • general relaxation;
  • maximum concentration on the condition and needs of the body.

In simple terms, this is a confidential dialogue with your inner self. It was invented back in ancient times, but the technique still does not lose its relevance. It is used not only for weight loss, but also for medicinal purposes (for getting rid of alcohol or drug addiction, etc.).

While doing meditation, convincing yourself that a piece of cake contains only 5 kcal will not succeed, nor will you be able to lose 25 kg in a month. But losing a couple of centimeters in the waist or hips after 30–40 days or noticing a deviation of the scale needle to a lower number is quite possible.

How does meditation help you lose weight?

From a weight loss perspective, mindfulness meditation is considered the most effective. It helps curb emotional and stress-related eating. By increasing your level of awareness in thoughts and emotions, you will clearly distinguish when you are really hungry, and when you need to “eat” stress or a bad mood.

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Mindfulness meditation is also a good way to prevent yourself from falling into the diet-relapse-guilt cycle. She encourages you to forgive yourself for mistakes. For example, for eating chocolate. Once you learn to forgive yourself, you are less likely to start eating everything. On the contrary, you will learn to eat responsibly.

How meditation works

Repeated listening to a program affects a person on a subconscious level. Information is stored in memory without encountering psychological resistance. Meanwhile, introducing restrictions on your diet or going to the gym sometimes requires some effort, and overpowering yourself means breaking you. It is not surprising that sometimes daily “withdrawals” cause a real riot in the body, and a person breaks down: he refuses to train or begins to actively eat junk food.

Meditation practices are gentle but effective, so a person’s habits and behavior change . This manifests itself individually for everyone, you can:

  • unexpectedly sign up for water aerobics or start running in the morning;
  • give up chocolate without any regrets (although before that, a bar per day was a mandatory norm).

In combination with reasonable physical activity and a relaxed diet, meditation exercises will give faster and more noticeable results. The goal of working with the subconscious is to get rid of laziness, the main enemy of a slim figure.

The Scientific Power of Meditation - Video

Cheerful parting words

box final11

As you can see, everything is simple. Now you are “savvy”, you can compose your own texts and share them with the surrounding Internet world. But if, nevertheless, doubts overcome you, or common sense prevails, try to change your life in a more reliable way.

I have good news about this! You can not exhaust yourself with diets and not drive yourself crazy by muttering to music, and at the same time significantly improve your quality of life, become slimmer and increase your health!

My “Active Weight Loss Course” is already available anywhere in our vast homeland, and our blue planet Earth. Everywhere the Internet can reach! I will share how you can lose weight without starvation diets, without the depressing feeling that “nothing will work out and the kilograms will come back.” Guaranteed, safe and enjoyable.

That's all for today. Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog. And let's move on!

Practice results

To really lose weight, you will have to practice meditation for a long time and purposefully (at least 2-3 months). Daily sessions for a week will have a positive effect on your well-being. However, it is impossible to get rid of extra centimeters at the waist in such a short period of time.

Meditation for weight loss: rules, various techniques, reviews - tips and recommendations from

Meditation will not only help you lose weight, but also increase your self-esteem

The results of meditation are:

  • the mood to lose weight will reach all tissues and cells of the body;
  • the body will gradually begin to tighten, the back will straighten, the head will rise, the stoop will go away;
  • energy will be restored, the supply of vitality will increase, and efficiency will increase;
  • those who previously felt tired by lunchtime will remain cheerful after class for the rest of the day;
  • appetite will decrease, and unhealthy hamburger or pizza will no longer be as desirable as before;
  • The overall psychological mood will improve, stress and depression will become a thing of the past.

As a result, you gradually lose weight, and easily, without forcing yourself.

Useful tips

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Tips for Meditation:

  • for better results listen to mantras. They are publicly available audio recordings;
  • say to yourself what weight you have now and what you would like to have in the end;
  • You can say a prayer over the water, which will stand nearby throughout the meditation, and drink it at the end.

Basic rules for meditation for weight loss

The conditions for the session should be comfortable. A noisy atmosphere is unacceptable; it is better to get out into nature or sit alone at home: sit on the sofa or on the floor, laying down a rug.

A prerequisite for effective meditation is conscientious daily practice.

Meditation for weight loss: rules, various techniques, reviews - tips and recommendations from

During meditation, you can inhale vapors of essential oils, for example, the smell of citrus fruits reduces appetite

If possible, sessions are arranged in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening - to relieve tension and fatigue.

The average duration of one session is short - from 15 to 20 minutes. The lying position is comfortable, but it is easier to fall asleep in it than in the sitting position. It is not necessary to take the famous lotus position, the main thing is to keep your spine straight. All muscles of the body should be as relaxed as possible. Attention is focused on:

  • during preparation - on breathing (taking deep breaths and exhalations);
  • in the process of meditation - by reading a mantra and visualization.

Reproaches, self-blame, and regret are unacceptable for meditation. You need to learn to love and respect your own body, no matter how unattractive it may be yet. The main thing is to persistently pursue the goal, that is, to health and slimness.

In the first sessions, it will be difficult to concentrate your attention within yourself. Many beginners note that uninvited extraneous thoughts creep into their heads, which are difficult to get rid of. But with each subsequent session it will become easier and easier.

You can use mantras from the author’s video and audio lessons or compose them yourself. The background will be calm, relaxing music.

How to listen to mantras correctly - video

Clothing for meditation is chosen to be loose, not restricting movement, ideally made from natural fabrics, not synthetics.

The room where the sessions are planned is ventilated in advance.

Experts recommend doing exercises on an empty stomach or several hours after eating. Before and after meditation it is forbidden to consume:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • cigarettes;
  • medicines.

It is allowed to use aroma lamps, burn incense or incense sticks during classes.

How to meditate correctly - video

The essence and features of some techniques

There are several effective proprietary meditation techniques.

Meditation for weight loss “Perfection” (Alexandra Langaeva)

This technique is considered one of the most common. The highest results are 0.4 kg of weight lost in 1 day.

Meditation is done like this:

  • take a comfortable position sitting or lying down, both arms are placed along the body, palms are turned upward;
  • relax all the muscles of the body;
  • close their eyes;
  • take a deep, slow breath through the nose (the lungs should be filled with air as much as possible);
  • then exhale sharply (through the mouth);
  • Together with exhalation, they try to remove all negative thoughts and concentrate only on breathing.

Meditation for weight loss: rules, various techniques, reviews - tips and recommendations from

To relax and enter a meditative state, you can look at a candle flame

Visualization begins by imagining a warm cloud enveloping the body from below. Gradually it is understood upward, all the way to the head. All cells of the body are filled with bright light. You may feel a slight tingling sensation or a feeling of coolness - these are completely normal phenomena, meaning that the meditation is proceeding correctly.

Imaginary heat passes through the tissue, gradually “melting” fat deposits. Excess weight goes away and never comes back.

Video: meditation for weight loss “Perfection”

Meditation on weight loss Olga Gomon

Olga Gomon is a recognized practitioner in the development and implementation of meditation techniques. According to her, everyone can practice meditation. Unlike active sports, there are no contraindications or restrictions for concentration of consciousness.

The author suggests performing only 4 exercises daily. After 90–100 days, your appearance and well-being improve. After a year, your sleep time will decrease, but your energy will increase. At the same time, there is a reduction in the calorie content of the daily diet (by 400–500 kcal).

Meditation for weight loss: rules, various techniques, reviews - tips and recommendations from

It is believed that incense helps in meditation and cleansing human energy.

Olga claims that such meditation on weight loss is beneficial for the body. The position is chosen individually, it is important that it is comfortable:

  • hands are placed palms up, feet pressed to the surface of the floor or ground;
  • the spine is straightened (Qi energy will pass through it, as well as the transmission of impulses to the brain);
  • the shoulder muscle girdle is relaxed;
  • the chin is lowered, slightly pressed towards the chest.

The session lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. First, they expel extraneous thoughts that interfere with concentration. Then you need to focus on the processes occurring inside the body, remove unnecessary emotions and illusions. In this way, contact with the subconscious is established.

As a result of regular meditation, the following happens:

  • damaged cells and tissues of the body are restored;
  • metabolic processes are started, excess fluid is removed;
  • hidden internal resources are used.

In addition to getting rid of excess weight and improving appearance, people who practice O. Gomon’s method note relief from various diseases.

Video: session to reduce appetite and body weight

Meditation for weight loss “60 kg”

The “60 kg” weight loss method is now especially popular among young girls who strive to be slim, but cannot deny themselves something tasty. Its main tasks are:

  • soft correction of the emotional background;
  • eliminating food addiction.

Both video and audio clips are suitable for conducting sessions. The minimum course is 40 days in a row without a break, the best time for classes is before bed. The result becomes noticeable after 2–3 months.

Video: setting for weight correction “60 kg”

Meditation before bed for weight loss

Almost half of those losing weight find it more comfortable to engage in meditative practices not in the morning, but in the evening. Sessions before bed should be structured like this:

  • complete all current chores around the house, turn down the volume on the phone (so as not to be distracted during meditation);
  • when tuning in to communicate with yourself, it is important to give the body a “carrot” - to remember all the positive events over the past 24 hours, and to praise yourself for individual achievements (even if they were insignificant);
  • when reading the mantra, give the body a powerful installation that will work until the morning.

What is the result? The brain rests during sleep, and tissue cells have time to “tune in” to losing weight.

Video: calm music for meditation before bed

We eat right

nutrition and meditation for weight loss
A lot of weight gain depends on food, which is why many meditation techniques are based on proper food intake. As an example, we can cite a fairly popular meditation technique from Natalia Pravdina. It is aimed at perceiving food as a divine gift sent from above.

After mastering this meditation, the need for food will noticeably decrease. This method requires preliminary preparation: you need to beautifully set and set the table, and then place a plate with your favorite food on it.

Nothing should distract from eating - neither TV, nor telephone, nor conversation. Next, you should sit down at the table, close your eyes and rub your hands together.

Then slowly inhale the aroma of food, fill your being with it and feel inspired by the upcoming ritual of eating. You should try to throw away unnecessary and unnecessary thoughts. Next you need to start eating, but in small pieces. It is important to try to savor every bite you eat, to feel the maximum taste.

At the same time, you should imagine how the body is filled with a huge amount of energy. And after just a few spoons of eating, you will feel full, despite the fact that there is still a lot of food left on the plate. It is enough to eat this way every day so that excess weight begins to slowly but surely decrease.

Reviews of those losing weight

At first I thought it was all nonsense. BUT I decided to try it anyway, it doesn’t seem to take much time. I started meditating daily (I make myself comfortable, reclining, take a laptop, connect stereo headphones and enjoy for 10 minutes). Soon I realized that it really helps. Plus before going to bed, giving myself different settings, and then, if during the day some temptation appears, as if the subconscious is telling me: do you remember what you said yesterday. It became much easier to diet.


The main thing in losing weight is believing in what you are doing. Any method will work if there is self-hypnosis. You can even continue to eat as usual, but if you constantly think about the goal, it will work. The main thing is to be determined to achieve results. Besides, while you are meditating, you will already eat less!


Meditation is a great way to slim your figure, improve your well-being and increase your attractiveness. It is impossible to burn kilograms with the power of thought alone. According to experts, talking with the subconscious helps improve mental health, as well as mentally prepare for weight loss.

Meditation for weight loss: rules, various techniques, reviews - tips and recommendations for your figure on

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Creating the perfect image

Many people know the catchphrase “Thoughts are material!” By adhering to this principle in meditation, you can very successfully lose weight.

ideal figure thanks to meditation
You just need to create an image of an ideal figure in your subconscious, and then begin to strive for it through the following simple steps:

  • you need to undress to your underwear and stand in front of a full-length mirror;
  • you need to compare your figure in your head with an ideal image and loudly voice all the detected flaws;
  • take a blank sheet of paper and on one half list the disadvantages of your own figure, and on the second - the advantages of the ideal figure from your head;
  • you need to try to remember the inner feeling of pleasure from contemplating an ideal image and hold them in your head for 15-20 minutes.

By repeating this meditation technique for a month, you will be able to program your body to lose weight. And gradually he will begin to lose unnecessary pounds.

The main thing to remember: if we are losing weight with the help of visualization, we don’t need to lie to ourselves. It is important to honestly note and write down the flaws that will be visible in the mirror. You shouldn’t be embarrassed or upset, you should love your body in any way. And very soon the excess weight will begin to disappear.

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