Cheat meal - what is it in weight loss, how to organize it correctly

What is a cheat meal

A cheat meal is a planned violation of a strict diet, a planned “vacation” from a strict diet that you have followed for the previous six days (or more, depending on what boundaries you set for yourself).

This event was conceived both with the goal of speeding up the metabolism, making the digestive system work more actively, and from the point of view of the psychology of human nature: when a pleasant event awaits you (consuming foods that are prohibited in normal times), following the diet becomes not so difficult.

It has been proven that such a relaxation of the diet does not particularly affect the final result, but nevertheless, different standards have been established for different people. If a person has a lot of excess weight, it is better to have a cheat meal once every two to three weeks, but if the percentage of fat is low, then you can pamper yourself once a week.

A cheat meal consists of only one meal, but during this time you are allowed to eat all your favorite foods that are prohibited during the diet. It doesn’t matter what the choice falls on: pasta, pizza, chocolate, fast food or something else. The main thing is that the cheat meal brings benefits to the physical and mental health of the person losing weight. The number of treats is not taken into account; eat as much as you can handle.

Why do you need a cheat meal?

Of course, you have the right to decide that you don’t need a cheat meal. “It’s better to train willpower, I’ll achieve results sooner,” you might think. This is also true, but do not underestimate the importance of such unloading.

Psychological relief can be considered the most important point. Because During a diet you become angry and nervous.

Cheat meals have many benefits:

  1. Activates the activity of the thyroid gland, which responds by increasing thermogenesis, that is, the production of heat, which affects all processes occurring in our body.
  2. Improves the functioning of the digestive system. It's easy to explain. The fact is that a diet as part of a sports lifestyle (and a cheat meal still refers more to sports) involves consuming a large amount of animal protein, which has a positive effect on our muscles, but often harms the pancreas and liver. It is unlikely that you will be heavily consuming protein shakes during your cheat meal. Most likely, you will “surprise” your liver with such infrequent fats and simple carbohydrates, giving it a break from heavy amino acids.
  3. Do great good for your psyche and moral health, tormented by frequent low-carb and low-fat diets. Cheat meals have a powerful effect in this regard, because after eating chocolate and chips one day, the next day you will dine on chicken breast with much more pleasure than if you had held on without this breakdown.

Benefits of cheat meals

There is a big question mark about the benefits of cheat meals. Some argue that they should never be included in the diet because they are taking in “bad” calories. Others argue that an occasional and especially well- planned cheat meal can provide several benefits. What are the facts about including cheat meals in your diet?

Regulates appetite hormones

Two hormones - ghrelin and leptin - play a huge role in how strong and often we feel hungry . Leptin is known as an appetite suppressant , and ghrelin stimulates hunger. [10] [17]

Studies have shown significant changes in leptin and ghrelin levels within 24-72 hours of following a healthy diet. If you are on a calorie-restricted diet, this may cause leptin levels to decrease and gelin levels to increase. After eating a healthy, smaller portion your appetite will increase and you will not feel full. [8]

By temporarily increasing calorie intake —through a cheat meal—the body can regulate the levels of these hormones, causing the body to control our appetite . One study found that leptin production can increase by almost 30% within 24 hours of eating a carbohydrate-rich cheat meal. By including these foods in your diet, you can suppress hunger and increase your feeling of fullness. [10]

Increases the production of thyroid hormones

When you consume few calories , your body produces less T3 and T4 . These are iodinated amino acids that regulate gene expression in the body through mechanisms similar to steroid hormones. They are also necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. It is cheat meals that are used to partially increase the level of these hormones. [20]

Doesn't interfere with weight loss

Regular high-calorie diet and weight loss cannot be used at the same time. What about cheat meals? In one study, researchers divided 36 participants into two groups. One group was allowed to eat cheat meals , while the other was not. Those who were allowed cheat meals said they were better able to maintain their motivation and self-control when eating than those who followed a strict diet every day. Surprisingly, both groups lost almost the same amount of weight. [21]

Suitable for athletes

During exercise, the polysaccharide glycogen , which is located in the liver and muscles, is removed from the body. This is important for controlling blood sugar levels and providing the muscles with the energy . The easiest way to deplete glycogen stores is through exercise. To maximize muscle glycogen levels, you need to consume carbohydrates. [7] In many cases, sufficient carbohydrates are found in foods such as hamburgers or pizza. Consuming them can help restore glycogen levels in the body.

Additionally, exercise is also a great motivator in dieting as it increases the amount of endorphins that promote well-being. celebrate reaching a specific fitness goal with . Incentives like these can keep you from feeling hungry and allow you to have a more positive attitude towards losing weight. [21]

How to do a cheat meal correctly

It should be noted right away that cheat meals are not organized every couple of days, unfortunately. When planning such days, take into account your physical fitness. If you feel or know that the level of fat in your body exceeds 20%, then you should pamper yourself once every two to three weeks, not more often. Well, if you are already an accomplished athlete or just train well and take care of your body, you can also read it once a week, for example, on Sundays. Don't be afraid for your form. The only thing that can happen the next day is that the muscles are more saturated (the amount of salt and simple carbohydrates is to blame for this).

By the way, carbohydrates even improve the appearance of muscles (remember that bodybuilders always eat something sweet before going on stage to make their muscles look fuller and more powerful).

It will be most useful and correct to arrange a cheat meal as part of a low-carbohydrate or completely no-carbohydrate diet, when taking a certain dose of sweets will only be beneficial.

To properly organize your departure from the diet, you need to remember simple rules:

  • You should not have a cheat meal throughout the whole day, but dedicate one of your meals to it, and the rest of the time you should eat as you are already used to;
  • Don’t have a cheat meal for breakfast, so that you don’t have a criminal desire to spend the whole day like this;
  • The best time is 4-5 pm;
  • If you have digestive problems, it would be a good idea to buy enzyme preparations in advance;
  • Do not limit the calorie content of the next meal, it should be the same as it usually is.

Read on for some more tips on how to use cheat meals correctly.

  • Don't overeat.
  • If you feel hungry after eating, wait 20 minutes.
  • Make sure you drink enough water.
  • Don't let yourself go hungry.
  • Share your favorite cheat meal with a friend.
  • Eat quietly and at the table. Don't eat while walking.
  • Don't let a cheat meal turn into a cheat day.
  • Don't worry and enjoy your cheat meal. Physical activity will help you quickly burn extra calories. [eleven]

Your goal is to eliminate junk food, but you still need to get enough fat, protein, and carbohydrates. They are mainly found in cheat meals. Think of your cheat meal as a time when you get your "bad" protein, carbs, and fats . However, they are still nutrients without which your body cannot function properly. [16]

Do you need a cheat meal while cutting?

Cutting is a term that refers to the process of preparing an athlete for exhibition competitions, which consists of reducing the percentage of fat and water in the body. Drying involves a strict and long-term low-calorie diet, which mostly consists of proteins. During drying, all athletes experience a whole extravaganza of various emotions, from delight to the desire to quit everything at once. It is the cheat meal that helps athletes stay afloat, avoiding nervous breakdowns. It happens that it is morally difficult for an athlete to eat a forbidden product, since a responsible event is at stake. But you shouldn’t worry about this, since in the process of further cutting back on your diet, all the extra calories will burn out very quickly.

Refeed frequency recommendations

I offer simple recommendations on the frequency of loading days.


  • <8% body fat - refeed every 5 days.
  • 9-19% fat - loading every 10 days.
  • >20% body fat - refeed every 14 days.


  • <20% fat - loading every 7 days.
  • 20-30% body fat - refeed every 10 days.
  • >30 fat - refeed every 14 days.

Warning. I don't believe in celebrating the belly with all the money. Even a cheat meal should consist of natural foods and perhaps a small dessert or a portion of fries with steak.

So, a cheat meal is not a fiction, but a necessary element of a proper diet.

Benefits of a cheat meal

Planned consumption of unhealthy refined foods affects you in the following ways:

  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Helps the endocrine glands function normally in conditions of limited supply of nutrients (especially fats);
  • Helps overcome the weight loss crisis (when weight stays the same and does not fall during physical activity);
  • Replenishes the lack of calories;
  • Positively affects the nervous system;
  • Perfectly relieves the psyche;
  • Fills you with strength and energy.


Maxim: I have been competing in the bodybuilding category for a long time. I would like to note that cheat meals have long been used by all athletes at the stage of preparation for competitions. I noticed that after I eat something harmful, the next day I look surprisingly no worse, and even better, than the day before (with a deficiency of these nutrients). It’s unrealistic to keep drying all the time; a cheat meal saves everyone.

Julia: When I came to the gym, I went on a low-carb diet. Or rather, I started it five times, and each time I broke down and ate too much. It turns out that it was a cheat meal)) Now I know what it is and practice such violations every Sunday. From Monday to Saturday I eat healthy, and on the last day of the week I eat whatever I want. I'm so looking forward to Sunday! It's productive and very interesting!

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