For what reasons does the Dukan diet not lose weight?

The Pierre Dukan diet, with all its advantages in the absence of fasting fragments, is a test for the body. This requires no less a psychological attitude and the ability to restructure habitual eating behavior. Therefore, it’s a shame that instead of joy for the lost kilograms comes disappointment and the need to find out why the weight does not come off on the Dukan diet.

The reasons for the period of weight stagnation, the connection with the individual characteristics of a person and the measures that should be taken in this situation will be discussed further.

Why weight doesn't come off on the Dukan diet

The reasons why weight does not come off on the Dukan diet may be the following.

Some types of vegetables retain fluid in the body, which contributes to weight gain. 500 g of excess water in the body - plus 500 g on the scales. Reconsider your vegetable intake. It is better to eat all types of cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage), raw beets, carrots, zucchini and zucchini.

Excessive salt intake also contributes to water retention in the body.

During the premenstrual period, the body retains water due to the release of the hormone estrogen, so you can gain up to three kilograms. During menstruation, the hormone estrogen is no longer released and excess water is eliminated from the body. During menstruation, it is recommended to reduce salt intake so that water does not retain in the body.

You are not drinking enough water. On the Dukan diet, it is important to follow not only the diet, but also the water consumption regimen. The norm is 1.5-2 liters of pure still water per day. Water is important for proper metabolism in the body and can reduce appetite. Lack of water in the body affects the metabolic rate, slowing it down and affecting liver function. If it is difficult to drink still water, you can drink green or herbal teas, herbal teas, less often black tea, sometimes cola light (which does not contain sugar) or carbonated mineral water. It is worth considering that some types of mineral water contain salt, which retains water in the body.

You eat too little. You can't fast on the Dukan diet. You need to consume 1.5 g of pure protein per 1 kg of weight per day.

You don't eat bran or you don't eat enough of it. You need to add 15 g of oat or wheat bran (3 tablespoons) to your food per day. Bran promotes proper digestion, prevents constipation and removes toxins from the body. Bran is fiber that is not absorbed by the body.

You are not active enough. It is worth remembering that you should definitely walk 20-30 minutes a day at any stage of the diet. If you have gained weight, you should increase your walking time to an hour a day - this will increase the burning of calories.

Seven reasons for weight stagnation

The occurrence of a period when kilograms should decrease, but this does not happen, is associated both with a violation of the principles of the weight loss program and with a state of health. Individual hormonal levels, medical contraindications, and susceptibility to metabolic diseases also affect the rate of weight loss.

Popular reasons for weight gain on the Dukan diet include the following:

  • Lack of water consumed
  • Excess salt intake
  • A typical female factor is the premenstrual cycle,
  • Large volumes of allowed foods eaten,
  • Malnutrition,
  • Small proportion of physical activity
  • Relapse, consumption of products prohibited by Dukan.

The causes, their consequences and measures to prevent weight stagnation are discussed in more detail in the table.

CauseConsequenceMeasures and actions
Lack of waterWithout enough fluid, appetite suppression is more difficult, and the involvement of fat deposits in metabolic processes slows down.Mark the amount of water you drink per day in your food diary. If it is less than 2 liters, be sure to increase it.
Excess saltSalt is a fluid blocker in cells; due to water accumulations, weight can not only remain, but also increase.Reduce the amount of salt to a minimum or completely avoid it.
Menstrual period65% of women losing weight on the Dukan diet complain of weight stagnation during these days. The culprit is the hormone estrogen, which helps retain fluid in the body. Leave the problem until the end of the critical days. Most likely, the weight will begin to decrease as soon as the body returns to normal.
Binge eatingAbuse leads to weight gainReduce food portions
MalnutritionLeads to metabolic imbalance. Check the amount of foods you eat with Pierre Dukan’s standards and adhere to them. Insufficient activity According to Dukan, a person losing weight using his method only needs to walk 20 minutes a day. But this is an average calculation and does not apply to everyone. Increase physical activity by swimming, running, aerobics, etc.
DisruptionLoss of incentive to lose weightWorking on your psychological attitude. Experiences “why am I not losing weight on the Dukan diet?” replace with mental images of yourself in an elegant and slender image.

Lack of water

Excess salt

Menstrual period

Binge eating



Why am I not losing weight during the Attack phase of the Dukan Diet?

Many people who are losing weight are faced with the fact that they lose weight already in the first phase of the Attack diet. The reasons why the weight does not come off on Attack may be different.

You are following your diet incorrectly. Perhaps the information on the Internet about the Dukan diet is not complete and accurate enough. It is very important to calculate your true weight to calculate your diet plan. This can be done for free on the official Dukan website. It is also advisable to still purchase Dukan's book, because... there are many nuances that are not found on the Internet. And generally, those who follow the diet according to the book have better results.

You are consuming too much salt. Try to reduce the amount of salt you eat; study the ingredients of products when purchasing in the store.

You are not drinking enough water. You need to drink at least two liters of water per day.

Diet resistance. If you've tried many diets, your body may be resistant to dieting and find it harder to shed those extra pounds.

Don't neglect bran. This is fiber that is not absorbed by the body, but removes toxins and promotes good digestion. You need 15 g of oat or wheat bran per day (3 tablespoons).

Health problems:

  • One of the most common reasons that prevent weight loss is problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Constipation. One solution to this problem could be mineral water with a high magnesium content, drunk on an empty stomach.
  • During menopause, women retain water in their bodies, their metabolism slows down, and hormonal disruption may occur, which leads to weight loss.
  • Use of medications. Some antipsychotics, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs affect weight loss.

General tips for dealing with periods of stagnation:

  • If there is water retention in the body, use diuretics.
  • Do not eat salt, or reduce its amount to a minimum. Replace salt with spices.
  • Increase your physical activity.
  • Do not eat inappropriate foods.
  • Take cold showers more often. Don't forget to suck on the ice!
  • Avoid eating vacuum-packed foods.

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What to do if your weight stays the same

As a rule, a positive result from losing weight becomes a good motivation for a long-term diet. But if you are not losing weight and your weight has stagnated during the Dukan Diet, try one of the following methods:

  1. Have three fasting days on protein foods, but give up dairy products. Thanks to such unloading, ketosis will begin to work more actively, and weight will begin to decrease.
  2. One of the most effective methods is fasting days on green tea. You need to drink hot or cold green tea for three days; you can drink it at any time of the day, but without sugar or sweetener. You can only drink green tea. Green tea has antioxidant properties that will start the body's metabolism.

And here is a video about the Plateau effect on diets:

Remember, the one who walks will master the road. Don't give up, and you will definitely achieve your intended result.

How to prevent weight stagnation

  • If your weight stays at the same number for three days or more, be sure to give yourself fasting days (at least three). During this time, drink only green tea, for example. You can drink it in any quantity and whenever you want, but only without sugar. The antioxidants that green tea is rich in help improve metabolism.
  • Avoid consuming dairy products. They are difficult to digest by the body.
  • If you initially did not have many extra pounds, then get ready for the fact that they will go away more slowly than, say, more obese people. Be patient.
  • Be sure to eat oat bran every day: it helps the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up the fat burning process.

Well, now we know why weight plateaus at a certain stage when following the Dukan diet. If you follow the recommendations described above, you will not fail in your attempt to lose extra pounds.

Natural problems

Weight stagnation is often associated with natural causes, such as premenstrual syndrome. This is explained by the accumulation of the hormone estrogen in the body, which ceases to be produced with the arrival of critical days. If a few days before this, girls begin to drink a lot, become irritable and experience an increased feeling of hunger, the result is immediately reflected in a weight gain of 2-3 kg. In the last days of your period, excess weight will quickly decrease on its own, you just need to strictly follow the diet rules.

Consequences of fatigue

Some girls just can’t understand why they don’t lose weight on the Dukan diet. All the rules are followed, the diet is balanced, physical activity is normal, and the hated kilograms simply “stick” to the body. Do not panic! The body is just a little tired or resisting. If you are persistent and wait a little, everything will work out. Those who are especially impatient can add a small amount of diuretic herbal decoction to their diet and limit salt intake.

Analyze the dynamics of the plumb line. Have you lost that little or do you just want the weight to come off even faster? It is possible that you are simply placing excessive demands on yourself. Losing weight by 1 kg per week is a wonderful result!

Little food

Why don't you lose weight on the Dukan diet yet? Weight in this case depends not only on what you eat, but also on how often you eat. It may seem strange, but in order to lose weight on this diet, you will have to eat at least 4-5 times a day. Under no circumstances should you go hungry with such a food system.

If the weight does not come off, the Dukan diet is not being followed correctly. There is a norm according to which a person losing weight should eat 1.5 g of protein daily for every kilogram of their weight. That is, if a person weighs 80 kg, then you need to eat 120 grams of protein per day. Many people think that meat is pure protein. In fact, this is completely wrong. For example, 100 g of boiled chicken breast, so popular in diets for losing weight, contains only 21 g of protein. In order to maintain the norm, you will have to eat as much as 600 grams!

One of the best allies for losing weight on the Dukan diet is bran, both wheat and oat. They are not absorbed by the body, provide an additional feeling of satiety and promote the transit of nutrients through the intestines. So you shouldn’t neglect their use.

But some vegetables contribute to the fact that weight does not go away on the Dukan diet. Weight with such a nutrition system depends, as we remember, on water, and some vegetables retain it. Some seemingly very healthy foods contain large amounts of hidden salt. Their excessive consumption can lead to swelling. These include:

  • tomatoes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • potato;
  • green beans;
  • oranges;
  • spinach;
  • celery root;
  • chicory and others.

It is also important to avoid consuming large amounts of salt. Can't eat bland food? Replace salt with spices, and introduce into your diet foods that remove excess fluid from the body. Parsley, celery stalks, lemons, eggplants, and ginger root are perfect.

Doctor's advice

What does Dukan say about his diet? Why doesn't the weight come off, and what to do about it? Here are some tips that the doctor himself gives in such cases:

  • reduce salt intake;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • return to the Attack stage (pure proteins) for 4 days;
  • try to go to bed early;
  • increase physical activity to 60 minutes;
  • Take an herbal diuretic to flush out hidden water from your body.

Following these simple recommendations and believing in your own strength will help you move your weight off the ground. Temporarily stopping weight loss is normal. The body must get used to new realities and rebuild. The main thing is not to stop there and strictly follow the diet rules.

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