How to understand whether excess weight or water is leaving the body

How does the process of fat breakdown occur?

Your body needs enough water every day to stay hydrated and cleanse itself of unwanted minerals. The fat deposits that form are very difficult to break down and eliminate, but exercise and proper nutrition can greatly help in this matter.


Fat is broken down when the body uses it to release energy. And it most often needs energy when you are actively moving. This removes triglycerides from fat cells. They are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol, and then absorbed into muscle tissue and internal organs, where they are further broken down through various chemical processes. If the products left over from these chemical processes are not used as energy sources, they are perceived by the body as waste and are eliminated from it. This is exactly what water is for.

Belly fat is often just water

Home Diets Belly fat is often just water

Some men and women who consume almost no fat are unable to lose excess weight. Typical for them is the presence of a flabby abdomen and accumulation of water in the tissues. In almost all episodes, the underlying reason for this is excessive salt consumption. These people will be able to quickly get rid of one thing - excess water in the body if they stop taking salt for a couple of days. Molecules of useful substances are absorbed from the intestinal mucosa into the blood through water-filled tubules. The intestinal walls have an uncanny ability to absorb sodium and chloride - the 2 components of table salt. A menu containing a lot of table salt, consisting of many delicacies, can cause the absorption of about a liter of liquid, filling the intercellular spaces in the tissues.

Passive fat loss:

With the help of low-calorie diets or sweat-inducing fitness exercises, extra pounds “go away” too slowly and with difficulty. A much better natural way to lose weight is water. We advise you to drink either tap water, if it is of high quality and clean, or mineral water, which, although it costs more, has significant properties. When eating fruits, salads, raw vegetables, herbs, there is no need to drink mineral water all the time. One or two bottles of mineral water should always be on hand in the kitchen so that you can drink a glass of water from time to time.

Milk, in addition to many other useful elements, supplies the body with water. Regular bread made from bran flour contains 35% water. One slice of this bread, thickly spread with fresh grained cottage cheese (water content - about 80%), topped with seasoned cucumber, and our body will receive more than one-eighth of a liter of high-quality, healthy water to nourish the cells. When cells lack water, they are able to accept only a small amount of proteins and other useful elements that are not replaceable for the development of those metabolic processes in cells that cause fat burning. The metabolic rate decreases, and less glucose and triglycerides are spent on the production of cellular energy. With the help of water, trillions of protein synthesis processes occur every day in the cells of your body, of which there are about 70 billion, and in particular in muscle cells.

External use of water:

Many people share the misconception that you can lose weight by sweating in a sauna, as well as by doing physical exercises that increase sweating. What covers the surface of the skin when sweating is not fat at all, but water containing electrolytes, enriched with various beneficial substances.

Cold shower makes your figure slim

. What's really important is not sweating in the sauna, but taking a cool shower or swimming pool with cool water. After the body has warmed up under the influence of hot air, it is exposed to a sudden impulse of cold, which causes the body to produce more heat to avoid hypothermia. At the same time, there is a stimulation of metabolic processes, thermogenesis increases: to produce energy, cells first use glucose, and then fat. Anyone who steps on the scale after this will obviously find his weight falling. The sauna visitor will only lose water through sweat, but after a few hours, or apparently days, the “energy furnaces” inside the cells use triglycerides to produce energy. The fat burning process will begin.

Prolonged exposure to cold (for example, while walking or being outdoors in dry weather) has a releasing effect on fat molecules. The body produces more energy from fat to protect itself from the penetration of cold. The same effect is the purpose of taking cold showers and douches. The greater the temperature difference, the more thermogenesis (heat production by the body) is stimulated. Contrast showers and contrast douches stimulate the fat burning process. At the same time, they have an invigorating effect, because cold water tightens the pores and activates the pulse, heart function, blood circulation and brain function. Showering or pouring fresh water over specific parts of the body, such as the torso or legs, has a more noticeable effect than a bold dousing of the entire body.

It is advisable to douse yourself with fresh water until persistent discomfort or pain appears. You can stay in the shower for half a minute or longer. The more the body is heated (for example, in the sun, in a sauna, in a bathhouse or in a bath), the lower the temperature of the shower or water stream should be and the more active the breakdown of lipids and fats will be.

Ideally, you should receive a contrast shower or contrast douse once or twice a day, alternating too hot water with the coldest possible one or more times. A healthy daily diet, including a huge amount of fruits, vegetables, salads, herbs, as well as physical activity, additionally stimulate the process of losing weight.

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The role of water

Water is the vehicle that is used to remove such waste from the body. The remaining minerals after fat is broken down are eliminated through the water you drink every day. Water carries these wastes to the bladder and they are then excreted in urine. Our body is truly amazing! It is very important to drink enough water every day to maintain normal hydration levels in the body and promote the breakdown and removal of fat cells. Many sources say you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, but this number can vary greatly depending on how often you exercise and even the temperature outside. Try to drink water consistently throughout the day and choose it over juices, sodas or sugary drinks, as these actually dehydrate the body further. Often, lack of energy during the day and even headaches are the result of mild dehydration. Therefore, it is important to make an effort and drink more water.


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Most people don't realize that drinking water can have a positive effect on weight loss and fat burning. Drinking enough water while losing weight will help you burn more calories and reach your fitness goals much faster.

The human body requires a large supply of water to function effectively, and a state of dehydration slows down the process of losing weight and burning fat.

Water and burning calories

Our bodies burn calories as fuel through a variety of processes, such as breathing, moving, and even thinking. Particularly high calorie consumption occurs during intense physical activity. As a result of burning calories, toxins are formed that must be removed from the body through water. If there is not enough water to flush out these toxins, the blood volume decreases. In turn, the lower the blood volume, the less oxygen can be transported to the muscles, which provokes general lethargy and fatigue.

Water and fat burning

Water plays an important role during weight loss and fat burning. Water helps transport fats to the liver, where fat is converted into energy, and the process of creating energy also requires a lot of water.

A lot of water is needed for the functioning of the kidneys, and in the absence of sufficient water, the liver takes over the function of the kidneys. If the liver has to do the work of the kidneys, then its ability to convert fat into energy is reduced and the process of losing weight is more difficult.

Water and exercise

Regular exercise and training are key to burning fat and losing weight. Drinking water before, during and after exercise has many benefits. Water protects you from dehydration, forms thermoregulation processes, removes toxins and sodium, ensures the transport of oxygen and nutrients, and regulates hormonal levels, both during exercise and during the recovery process. Water lubricates joints and increases muscle tone, allowing muscle fibers to contract more easily, and reduces joint and muscle pain during exercise.

Water and fiber

Dietary fiber (fiber) is considered an important element in a fat-burning diet. Foods that are rich in fiber ensure stable insulin levels in the blood and also help control appetite. Fiber has the ability to absorb water like a sponge; it swells and thereby causes a feeling of fullness and satisfies hunger.

Water retention under the skin

Too much salt (sodium) intake can cause water to be retained under the skin, giving you a bloated appearance. This is because excess sodium is stored in the subcutaneous tissues and absorbs water. Also, water retention can be caused by dehydration if the body is under threat of water shortage - it is forced to accumulate moisture in the subcutaneous tissues for later use.

How much water should you drink per day

Most experts advise drinking 6 to 10 glasses of water per day (1.5 – 2.5 liters) for normal body functioning. However, the actual amount of water needed also depends on temperature and diet. If you eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in moisture, then your need for water is reduced. On the other hand, if you drink a lot of caffeinated drinks (coffee, soda, tea), you will need to increase your water intake, as caffeine has diuretic properties and removes fluid from the body.

Water and weight loss

Water is a vital part of successful weight loss. So make sure you drink enough water per day (especially before, during and after your workout). Consume plenty of water, fiber-rich and fat-burning foods, and reduce salt intake. Water will help your body burn calories and fat more efficiently, flush out waste, improve exercise performance, and relieve joint and muscle pain.

Fat Burning Water Recipe

  • 2 liters of purified water;
  • 1 tangerine;
  • ½ chopped grapefruit;
  • 1 chopped cucumber;
  • 4 sprigs of peppermint (its leaves);
  • ice from purified water (optional).

Mix all ingredients in a jug before bed and drink throughout the next day. Use only organic products for cooking. If these are not available to you, wash foods thoroughly before adding them to the water.


Causes of edema formation

Of course, the question of how to remove water from the body for weight loss or another purpose must be decided by a doctor. The fact is that potassium and magnesium can be excreted with water, and the water-electrolyte balance is inevitably disturbed. Therefore, before taking diuretics, you need to visit a specialist who knows exactly what it is. There are several main reasons for fluid accumulation:

Fat from the body or water: which diets do not remove fat

Now on the Internet or among newfangled “weight loss gurus” there are many diets that are called effective - after all, they really help you lose pounds! However, they do this due to water loss, and at the end of such a diet there is a rapid weight gain. As a result, a person develops a certain dependence - on this diet I lose weight, but without it I only gain. As a result of such a “swing”, you definitely won’t be able to achieve a slim figure, but you can harm your health.

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