Lecithin - what is it for, benefits and harms, how to take it correctly

What is lecithin

This is a group of fats found in animal and plant organisms. In fact, lecithin is a natural source of healthy fat necessary for normal development and maintenance of human vitality. For example, this source contains a lot of phospholipids, without which regeneration of liver tissue, skin health, and cell viability are impossible.

It consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The main component is phospholipids. The leading role is given to phosphatidylcholine - it occupies up to 80 percent.

Mechanism of action

Lecithin contains fatty acids that can activate receptors that control genes (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors). Once activated, these receptors play a major role in energy balance and metabolic function ( 4).

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors exist in many types of tissues, such as the heart, liver, muscle, fat, and intestine. These tissues depend on receptor activation for the promotion of fatty acids, ketone bodies, and glucose metabolism. Ketone bodies are used by the body as a source of energy.

What is it needed for

Lecithin, containing phosphatidylcholine, is the main supplier of choline, that is, vitamin B4, which maintains the health of the body. Moreover, an organism deprived of choline is doomed.

Why does the human body need it?

Choline is needed for:

  1. Cell structures;
  2. Maintaining brain function;
  3. Maintaining muscle function;
  4. Activation or blocking of the gene process;
  5. Transportation of fats in the body;
  6. Maintaining the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Lecithin should be used if a person has the following problems:

  1. Increased cholesterol levels;
  2. Excess weight;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Stomach diseases;
  5. Liver diseases;
  6. Predisposition to heart and vascular diseases;
  7. Strong physical activity;
  8. Strong mental stress.

What to eat if you have high cholesterol

Symptoms of lecithin deficiency

What is it needed for

If the body's cells do not have enough lecithin, the nervous system is the first to fail. A person begins to forget everything, his mood resembles a crazy swing - then laughter for no reason, then a sharp change to melancholy and anger. A feeling of dissatisfaction taken to the extreme, tearfulness, depression - these are clear examples of lecithin deficiency in the body. The brain experiences fatigue constantly, it cannot concentrate, concentrate, and thought processes slow down.

Due to deficiency, the liver and kidneys, heart and blood vessels suffer. Blood pressure rises, atherosclerosis develops, and bad cholesterol increases in the body.

Thus, the lack of lecithin becomes a provocateur:

  1. Heart disease;
  2. Hypertension;
  3. Stomach diseases up to ulcers;
  4. Liver diseases up to cirrhosis;
  5. Nervous disorder up to the development of mental illness;
  6. Skin diseases such as psoriasis.

How it affects the body

Why does the body need

Since lecithin is one of the most necessary helpers for the health of all organs, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the body without these natural fats.

Beneficial features

Lecithin is an unusually healthy fat:

Regulates cholesterol levelsIt has been practically proven that patients with high cholesterol taking lecithin were able to remove bad cholesterol from the body in a couple of months
Supports normal heart functionLecithin is needed to protect the heart and blood vessels; if you take it, you can protect yourself from stroke and heart attack
Activates the “gray cells” of the brainLecithin helps improve memory, taking these healthy fats helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease
Supports the nervous systemThe beneficial components of lecithin are not only necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but also for a good mood. This has been proven by studies that involved more than fifty patients in need of medical care. Medicine with lecithin is good for stress
Cancer preventionLecithin is a powerful weapon against cancer
Used in the treatment of mental disordersPhosphatidylinositol, which is contained in lecithin, relieves panic. Medicine with lecithin is effective in treating patients with bipolar disorder, helps calm patients with mania
Supports Liver HealthCholine, a lecithin derivative, helps patients with liver problems. In particular, with inflammation of the bile ducts, liver failure
Helps boost immunityLeukocytes, the first guardians of health, become active, which guarantees resistance against bacteria and viruses from the outside.
Supports the intestinesLecithin prevents inflammatory reactions, protects the inner lining of the intestine from bacterial damage
Protects against bile saltsLecithin regulates bile salt levels, which prevents cell corrosion
Helps with the absorption of other medicationsLecithin is an indispensable assistant in the transportation of fat-soluble drugs. The body absorbs them better


You cannot self-medicate. You should definitely consult your doctor about whether you can take lecithin and what doses to use. This is a prerequisite for taking the drug to be beneficial. For example, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, a woman needs to consult a doctor about what dose she can take so as not to harm herself and the baby.

It is prohibited to take lecithin and drugs containing it if:

  1. Drug intolerance;
  2. Exacerbation of cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Sources of lecithin

Who needs

Of course, a natural product has a much gentler effect on the body than specially created medications.

If you want to eliminate lecithin deficiency in the body, you should pay attention to:

Egg yolkChicken, beef liver
Fish and caviarLegumes
Soybean oilNuts
Cottonseed oilSeeds

If the deficiency in the body is large, treatment is started with drugs containing concentrated components. These are the so-called dietary supplements. They should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.

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The best dietary supplements

It can be difficult to choose a high-quality and natural dietary supplement that has all the licenses. Let's look at a few reliable companies and their drugs:

1. Solgar Soya Lecithin Granules
Solgar is a company that produces premium quality sports nutrition. It produces soy lecithin in the form of granules: one package contains 454 grams. The composition of the drug includes fats, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

Solgar Soya Lecithin Granules 454 g

Types of Lecithin

There are several types of lecithin. The supplement necessary for the functioning of the body is obtained from plant and animal sources. In particular, there are preparations made from soy, sunflower, and egg yolk on sale.


Why does the body need soy?

This product is derived from soybean oil. It contains B vitamins, phosphates, choline, linolenic acid and other valuable substances.

Soy lecithin is a viscous, syrup-like liquid. The additive prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, removes harmful cholesterol, helps the heart function, activates metabolism, prevents atherosclerosis, diabetes, stroke, gallbladder and intestinal diseases. The soy drug also activates brain function.

However, you should take soy lecithin with caution: you may have a soy intolerance.

The daily intake rate is 7.5 mg per kg of human weight.

If you use the drug without measure, you can provoke malfunctions of the liver and kidneys, metabolic disorders, decreased brain performance, pathologies of the thyroid gland, and infertility.

From sunflower

Why does the body need sunflower?

Sunflower lecithin contains phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, esters, fatty acids, phosphatidylethanolamine, sunflower oil.

This type is obtained from sunflower oil.

Unlike soy, sunflower lecithin does not provoke an allergic reaction.

This drug is also used to treat and support the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, and nervous system. Sunflower lecithin helps skin stay young and healthy. Well, this type helps the brain function. The drug is recommended for diseases of the organs of vision, disorders of the reproductive system, constant stress, both physical and mental.

The rate of consumption of sunflower lecithin for an adult is no more than 7 grams per kg of human weight. An overdose is fraught with dizziness, stomach and intestinal upset.

Sunflower oil: benefits and harms

From egg yolk

Why does the body need yolks?

It is known that the yolk of one chicken egg contains approximately 2 grams of lecithin. The daily dose for an adult is about 7 grams. Thus, three egg yolks are quite suitable for the body to receive the required portion of nutrients and natural fats necessary to maintain all organs and cells.

However, if you eat this amount of eggs daily, you can increase your blood cholesterol levels, because each egg contains at least 350 ml of cholesterol. Therefore, when treating lecithin deficiency, medications containing egg lecithin are recommended.

The phospholipids that make up the drug, as previously described, help the body get rid of bad cholesterol and support the normal functioning of the nervous system, brain, heart, liver, and intestines. They are responsible for the health of the skin, relieve the body from fatigue and provide stress resistance.

What is the difference between soy and sunflower

If you choose between soy lecithin and those made from sunflower seeds, then you should choose the second product.

Why? There are reasons for this:

1. Soybeans may contain GMOs, sunflowers cannot.

2. Soy contains phytoestrogens . In sunflower - no.

3. Soy more often causes an allergic reaction, and individual intolerance to it is more common. Individual intolerance to sunflower and its derivatives is rare.

4. The production of lecithin from soy is a complex process using chemicals. This cannot but affect the environmental friendliness of the product. The process of obtaining from sunflower is simpler, without chemical influences, so the resulting product is cleaner.

However, sunflower lecithin is more expensive than soy lecithin.

Lecithin: increases intelligence, gives beauty, relieves health problems

The human body is a complex system, the normal functioning of which requires a regular supply of many nutrients. In pursuit of beauty and health, we place our hopes on vitamins and minerals, but, in addition to them, there are other valuable substances, the lack of which directly affects our well-being and appearance. One such substance is lecithin. Most people do not know what it is, so today we will look at the benefits and harms of lecithin, indications and instructions for its use.

How to Take Lecithin Dietary Supplement: Dosage

How much does the body need?

There are several forms of dietary supplements containing lecithin on sale. In capsules, tablets, granules, solution, and also in gel form.

Each medication must be taken according to the instructions:

  • Tablets and capsules are taken twice a day. One capsule or one tablet is a single dose.
  • Granules - twice a day, like tablets, but you need to take several at a time. The dose is recommended by the doctor, for example, 2 granules at a time.
  • A lecithin solution is usually taken in a teaspoon, adding to your drink in the morning, lunch and evening.
  • It is recommended to use the gel twice a day. A measuring syringe will help you take the right amount. Lecithin gel is convenient if children require medication. Usually take 20 grams of gel at one time.

Lecithin should be taken with food, so it is better absorbed.

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There are few contraindications, but they exist

Who is lecithin contraindicated for? The instructions for use state that the drug should not be used only if there is an individual intolerance. The problem is that allergies to lecithin are quite common. Therefore, if you are susceptible to allergic reactions, try not to miss the first signs and stop taking the drug.

In addition, it is undesirable to take lecithin during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) and breastfeeding.

Side effects in very rare cases include nausea, increased salivation, and dizziness.

Take lecithin strictly as directed. It is better if you consult a doctor and he will prescribe you a course of the drug necessary in a specific situation and for specific health problems.

What are the benefits for the human body?

It is difficult to imagine a healthy body that does not need lecithin. After all, these healthy fats help the functioning of the liver, heart and blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract. They help the skin to be healthy and not afraid of irritation. Lecithin affects the beauty of hair, making it elastic and shiny. Supports the nervous system, protecting against stress and low mood, and also giving the body stamina.

Benefits for a woman's health

Lecithin is of great importance in the treatment of so-called female diseases. It becomes a particularly indispensable assistant during menopause, during the menstrual cycle. Medicines based on it cope with diseases such as mastopathy, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. There is scientific evidence that taking the drug is a good prevention of cancer.

Benefits for a man's health

Representatives of the male half of humanity need lecithin as a remedy for atherosclerosis, to maintain potency, as well as for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, since men often have to endure physical exertion, taking this product is one of the means to improve the body’s endurance and reduce fatigue. Natural fats also activate brain cells, so dishes with lecithin should always be present in a man’s diet.

Benefits for children's health

Lecithin has a beneficial effect on the development of the nervous system, so foods with natural fats must be included in the children's menu. It improves memory and boosts immunity. A child whose diet contains foods with natural fats always resists colds more easily than his peers who are deficient in this product. For schoolchildren, taking lecithin helps them cope with their academic workload and protects them from bad mood.

However, the drug must be given within reasonable limits.

Use of dietary supplements

As a rule, most of us do not get our full daily requirement of lecithin. To eliminate the deficiency, the most effective and easiest way is to take dietary supplements. It is very important to choose high-quality supplements that contain the daily requirement of lecithin. Daily lecithin requirements vary greatly depending on diet, diet and level of daily physical activity. Most often, lecithin is recommended to take from 50 to 2000 mg. The most convenient form of dietary supplements is capsules and granules: they are convenient to use and easy to take with you. The Artlife company produces Lecithin in granules. You can purchase it in our online store.

Note that dietary supplements also have a positive effect on completely healthy people. When taking the drug, many experience a decrease in fatigue and an increase in performance. As a preventive measure, lecithin is useful for pregnant women and the elderly. This microelement is also useful for athletes, as it speeds up the recovery process after physical activity. Please note that dietary supplements are not a medicine and it is advisable to consult a doctor before use. Be healthy!


Alexandra, Tomsk

– The dietary supplement was recommended by the pediatrician. My son had just started school, he got tired quickly, and was always in a bad mood. I started giving lecithin. After some time, I saw for myself that my son was cheerful and active, he completed his homework without tears, and the teacher at school praised him for his activity in class.

Lyudmila, Orenburg

– A friend recommended lecithin when I went on a diet. Indeed, I had no stomach pains, no bad mood. I tolerated the diet easily.

Victor, St. Petersburg

– The doctor recommended lecithin because I have a predisposition to stroke, this is my genetic inheritance. Started taking it. At first I didn’t pay attention to how the drug worked, but then I noticed that at work - I’m an office worker - I manage to do much more than before, before treatment. And there is no such powerful fatigue in the evening, after work.



Ask a Question

Lecithin will support health if you use this drug in the dosage recommended by your doctor. If you rely on chance and the phrase “it helped others,” you can cause harm to the body. In the right doses, the drug will help the liver, nervous system, brain, heart and blood vessels function normally. The body will say goodbye to fatigue and stress, and also improve immunity. Health to you and your loved ones!

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