11 Ways to Make a Protein Shake Tastier

Make your appearance more aesthetically pleasing

When you see food that looks incredibly delicious, you want to try it. This is why advertisements and recipes with photos are so good at attracting attention. If you want your cocktail to be more enjoyable to drink, make it look more appetizing. Use a creatively shaped glass or colored cocktail straw and add sprinkles on top to make it feel more like dessert than protein. Maybe it’s a placebo effect, but it’s really easier to drink this way. Try this method to make cocktails more appealing to you.


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Rules for taking protein shakes

  1. It is important to remember that the protein shake should be taken immediately after preparing the drink. This way, you get the maximum benefit from the products included in the cocktail and experience the full taste and freshness of the ingredients.
  2. An excellent time to take a cocktail is between 17.00 and 18.00. Protein is not digested immediately, so the body needs time to digest the contents of the stomach before a person goes to bed.
  3. You should take the cocktail no more than once a day so as not to harm the body. Don't forget that carbohydrates are also necessary for normal brain function. If you replace breakfast and lunch with a protein shake, your weight loss process and your health will suffer.
  4. If you abuse the cocktail, a nervous breakdown may occur, your good mood will disappear, and changes will occur in the functioning of your heart. Because a lack of carbohydrates will negatively affect the psycho-emotional environment. Just one freshly prepared drink will be enough for excellent results.

Drink chilled

If you've just worked out or are planning to go to work out, you might want to think about your thirst. There's nothing more refreshing than a cold drink. Use cold water to make the cocktail for a more appetizing result, or keep the drink in the refrigerator before drinking. You can also add a few ice cubes to keep the drink cool until the end. Experiment and find the optimal temperature. However, you can try a warm cocktail if you are ready to experiment.


Protein cocktail

For the night

Despite many prejudices, experts say that taking protein shakes late (at night) is not harmful to health. Moreover, it serves as nutrition for muscles, which continue to grow and recover at night.

After training

There is no arguing about the benefits of a cocktail after effective training or physical activity. In this case, the cocktail should have ingredients that quickly replenish glycogen reserves, heal muscle microtraumas and restore strength.

Thus, the required components for such drinks are carbohydrates, amino acids, and electrolytes.

Before training

It is worth drinking a whey-based protein drink 30 minutes before. The absorption of microelements will accelerate and improve if you follow a normal drinking regime.

After waking up

During sleep, the body does not receive food and uses additional energy sources

To prevent this process from negatively affecting the body and to avoid the destruction of muscle tissue, it is important to replenish energy reserves in a timely manner.

Dilute your drink

The strong taste of protein powder seems off-putting to many people. You can add more water to make the taste less pronounced. You can also try adding a little less powder - you will also notice that the consistency is more pleasant. A less thick drink is much easier to drink. Experiment to find a proportion that tastes good to you.


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How to drink a protein shake correctly?

When and in what quantity to consume such a product is a purely individual question - a lot depends on a number of factors, for example, the time of waking up, falling asleep, the number of meals per day, and the tendency to gain extra pounds matters.

The following cocktail consumption regimen for gaining muscle mass is suitable for most athletes:

  1. Immediately after waking up. In this case, the amount of protein should be small so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. About 25 g of protein is enough.
  2. Between meals. The cocktail will quickly activate your metabolism and accelerate muscle growth. The optimal amount is 35 g of protein.
  3. After training. Such a drink will stop the ongoing catabolic processes and start recovery. The best option is 30 g of quickly digestible protein.
  4. Before bedtime. This will protect your muscles from catabolism throughout the night. You can increase the amount to 150 g.

To get rid of extra pounds, use the following scheme:

  1. Consume 20-25 g of protein immediately after waking up.
  2. Drink a shake that contains about 30 grams of protein after your workout to help you recover faster.
  3. Instead of your last meal, drink a shake that contains 150 grams of protein.

Use milk

Try making a cocktail not from water, but from milk. Milk can make the taste more pleasant and the consistency more uniform. Soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk - you can use different options, even yogurt will do. You can try anything to improve the taste. If you're not sure how you'll like it, add a little at a time to transform the recipe little by little.


What are the benefits of protein shakes?

The drink will become a catalyst for metabolic processes and weight loss itself. When using it, even if weight is lost very quickly, muscle tone does not suffer, the skin remains elastic, and the appearance does not become emaciated. The man simply shines with healthy beauty.

If you follow the recommendations for proper nutrition and physical activity, cocktails become excellent helpers. They provide the following effects:

  • Due to the duration of digestion of protein products, appetite decreases;
  • Metabolism accelerates;
  • Fat burning is activated, resulting in weight loss;
  • Cellulite decreases, muscle relief appears;
  • The person becomes cheerful and energetic;
  • Excessive fatigue is eliminated due to the increased protein content in the diet.

Benefits of drinking protein drinks:

When replacing even the main meal, the body receives enough nutrients, and most importantly, useful substances; A cocktail drunk immediately after waking up will give you a boost of energy until the evening; Cooking takes minimal time; Proteins require a lot of energy to digest, so slow weight loss is guaranteed even without physical activity, provided that you do not eat more other foods; The vitamins and minerals in the drink balance their amounts in the body, which is very important when dieting.

If you choose a store-bought powder, a composition with L-carnitine will be more useful for weight loss. It further boosts metabolism and fat burning. If you have difficulty with dietary restrictions, choose formulations with ingredients that reduce appetite.

Vegetable mixtures have a pleasant taste, and also allow you to use a protein shake diet for vegetarians to lose weight. Protein concentrate from soy is absorbed somewhat worse than animal products, but this does not reduce the effect for getting rid of extra pounds.

Make the drink sweet

If you add sugar or any other sweetener, the drink will become more appetizing. Brown sugar or honey are also good options, as is stevia. Either way, try not to use too much sweetener. If you make a very sweet drink, its benefits will be much less.


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The benefits of protein shakes

Before using it, it is better to consider all the benefits of drinking protein shakes.

  • It is especially beneficial for the body of athletes. They help you quickly acquire the necessary forms, strength and energy. The important thing is to drink drinks regularly, eat only healthy foods and not skip classes.
  • It has a pleasant taste and aroma, rich in egg, milk, and vegetable proteins. The composition also includes vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Contains little protein and carbohydrates. It is beneficial only if consumed in moderation.
  • Saturates the body with protein, which serves as an important cellular building material. For athletes or those who care about their health, it can serve as an additional source of vitamins. When using cocktails in this way, consultation with professionals is required.
  • Protein is an essential component of metabolic processes in the body, helps strengthen muscle and bone mass, and normalizes weight.
  • Positively affects blood quality and strengthens the immune system.
  • Normalizes hormonal balance and has a positive effect on brain activity.

What you know about protein shakes

Powdered protein shakes are protein concentrate. The volume of substance in the product reaches 80%, the rest is occupied by flavoring, sports additives and vitamins. Protein is presented here in an easily digestible form. Most often it includes a complete list of essential amino acids, which are difficult to obtain from one standard meal.

The compounds are used to ensure biochemical processes in the body, including fat burning, and the formation of relief. Forceful loads on the body leave micro-tears in the muscles. Protein “fills” these voids, helps the tissue recover faster and ensures gradual growth.

It’s hard to argue with the benefits of shakes, but research from the Journal of Sports Medicine has proven that protein powder is ineffective for beginners. In a group of people 18-50 years old, protein contributed to an increase in muscle mass only in experienced athletes. For beginners, the protein worked after 2-3 weeks of regular training. So if you are just starting out on the path of a regular gym goer, it is advisable to start with homemade cocktails.

Myths about protein shakes

Most people have a stereotype that protein can only build muscle and is used only by professional athletes under high loads. But it is not so. Protein is also a great weight loss aid. It contains the necessary microelements that help the body replace a regular meal, thereby not harming the figure.

It is also generally accepted that the cocktail is prepared from powder with the addition of chemicals and is sold exclusively in bodybuilding stores at high prices. This is also incorrect. A protein shake can be prepared at home from natural ingredients, at little cost.

Which protein to choose for weight loss: soy, casein, whey

Sports protein exists in several varieties, differing from each other depending on their properties:

  1. Soy: obtained from soybean meal. Characterized by a significant content of amino acids. Helps reduce bad cholesterol levels. However, it is not advisable for men to consume soy protein, as it causes hormonal imbalance.
  2. Casein: This is a complex protein. Found naturally in dairy products. Casein is recommended for people who exercise intensively in the gym. This type of protein is considered the most affordable, in terms of cost, on the sports nutrition market.
  3. Whey: is a concentrated mixture of globular proteins. It is considered the best option for people who want to lose weight by burning subcutaneous fat and build muscle mass. Characterized by a high rate of absorption. It is beneficial to take whey protein a few hours before your workout.

It is advisable for those losing weight to take whey protein, as it is well absorbed and increases the physical endurance necessary for high-quality work in the gym.

Impact on the body of women and men

Properly selected and taken protein benefits the female body. The introduction of additional protein into the menu has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails. Protein drinks accelerate the proportional increase in muscle mass in women.

Men should carefully consider the choice of protein concentrate. If a product contains phytoestrogens, it is undesirable to consume it, since these biologically active substances provoke disruption of testosterone production.

Even the highest quality protein drink will harm both men and women if taken in large doses.

Side effects associated with protein abuse:

  • weight gain;
  • allergy;
  • bloating;
  • nausea.

To avoid health problems, you must strictly follow the proportions when preparing the drink.

Attention! It is unacceptable to completely replace a nutritious meal with a protein drink. The diet supplement does not contain complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats necessary for the full functioning of the body.


Not everyone is allowed to take protein. Thus, additional protein is prohibited for people who are at risk of developing kidney failure. Protein is contraindicated for liver diseases.

Soy protein is contraindicated if you are allergic to the plant of the same name. If diarrhea, skin rash or severe abdominal pain occurs after using the supplement, the product should be immediately excluded from the diet and consult a physician.

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