How to quickly lose weight with Turboslim Alpha. Results and reviews

No matter who we ask the question “how to lose weight?”, usually in response we hear about the same thing - eat less and move more. For those who are slightly overweight and quite young, this advice almost always helps. Indeed, if you are 20-30 years old, and at the same time you need to lose several kilograms of excess weight that separates your figure from the generally accepted ideal, a low-calorie diet and exercise will definitely help you achieve your goal. But what if you are already a mature person, and you have always had problems with being overweight? There are people who have been overweight for as long as they can remember, and with age, pleasant fullness has turned into an unbearable burden for the body. These people are referred to as “naturally fat people.” By the age of forty, they usually develop problems with blood pressure, or even diabetes. Who will help such people? And why can’t they lose weight according to the principle “burp less, stomp more”?

Firstly, because they, as a rule, “burst” quite a bit. No more than other people. But at the same time, the harmful organism does not want to spend the energy received from food immediately, generously saturating the body and brain with life-giving glucose. Instead, he hides most of what he eats in fat depots, as if someone is taking something away from him. Such people often feel tired and lack of energy, and within two hours after lunch they want to eat again. Here we come to the second “but” - how can an unfortunate overweight person stomp more if he often can barely stand on his feet? First you need to lose some of the excess weight and improve your body. It turns out to be a vicious circle, the name of which is slow metabolism.

If you recognize yourself in this story and have long tried all the diets and exercises without achieving your goal, our conversation today is for you. Especially to combat slow metabolism, the Evalar company developed the drug “Turboslim Alpha - lipoic acid and L-carnitine”. The two main active components of this dietary supplement work together to restore normal metabolism even in people who have been predisposed to obesity since childhood.

Characteristics of l-carnitine

The production of its own levocarnitine occurs in the liver and kidneys with the participation of vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids. This element also enters the body with food. It accumulates in the heart, brain, skeletal muscle and sperm.

Alpha lipoic acid and l-carnitine are used to normalize body weight. These substances are involved in energy metabolism

Alpha lipoic acid and l-carnitine are used to normalize body weight. These substances are involved in energy metabolism.

The substance is not a fat burner. It only participates in the β-oxidation of fatty acids, delivering them to the mitochondria. Thanks to the action of levocarnitine, the process of lipid utilization is facilitated.

Effects of taking the substance as an active food additive:

  • increasing endurance during sports;
  • activation of lipid metabolism;
  • reducing the accumulation of fat in tissues;
  • increasing recovery abilities;
  • increased muscle growth;
  • detoxification of the body;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of cognitive functions;
  • decreased glycogen use during exercise.

The substance is also included in medications. It is used to maintain heart function, in case of spermatogenesis disorders, and during postoperative recovery.


Turboslim Alpha tablets belong to the group of dietary supplements. This drug is produced by the famous Russian brand Evalar, which specializes in the production of natural medicines intended for the general health of the body and normalization of the functioning of internal organs and systems.

The brand’s dietary supplements are famous for the fact that they are made from natural raw materials of the highest quality.

Turboslim Alpha is an innovative drug with a complex effect.

This remedy restores metabolic processes, promotes the burning of fat cells, and also removes toxins and waste from the body.

The product is available in tablet and liquid (capsule) form. Depending on the volume, one package may contain 20 or 60 tablets.


Weight loss while taking the product is achieved thanks to its competent composition. Each Turboslim Alpha tablet contains the following components:

  • alpha lipoic (thioctic) acid. The effect on the body of the substance is very similar to B vitamins. Alpha lipoic acid has a complex effect. It normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system and improves the psychological state;
  • l-carnitine . Initially, this substance is produced in the liver and muscle fibers. If there is a shortage of it, doctors often prescribe patients a synthetic analogue, which accelerates the process of fat metabolism and metabolism;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6) . Responsible for hydrocarbon and fat metabolism. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland and nervous system also depends on the content of these vitamins. With a deficiency of B vitamins, there is a possibility of a slowdown in metabolism and impaired breakdown of fat cells.

There are no chemical components in the drug, so its use is safe for the body.

How does alpha lipoic acid work?

The acid is close in its effect to B vitamins. It is an antioxidant, helps to weaken insulin resistance, participates in lipid metabolism and the process of glycolysis, inactivates toxins, and supports liver function.

Other effects of acid:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • decreased appetite;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • preventing the growth of adipose tissue;
  • improvement of skin condition.

How to lose weight correctly

L-carnitine and Alpha lipoic acid are the most popular drugs today, advertised as fat-burning agents for rapid weight loss.

Let's figure out how L-carnitine and Alpha-lipoic acid act on the process of breaking down fatty tissue in the body and whether these drugs are beneficial for losing weight.

What are L-Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid?

L-carnitine and Alpha-lipoic acid are vitamin-like substances synthesized in the quantities we need by our body itself in response to increased physical activity. L-carnitine has anabolic activity, Alpha-lipoic acid (thioctic acid) is an antioxidant, improves the absorption of glucose in muscles during training. Therefore, L-carnitine and Alpha-lipoic acid are included in a number of sports nutrition supplements.

Well, let's see if L-carnitine and Alpha lipoic acid for those who want to lose weight.


, English
, also l-carnitine, levocarnitine, vitamin BT, vitamin B11carnitine, levocarnitine, vitamin BT, vitamin B11) - an amino acid, a vitamin-like substance synthesized by the body itself, related to B vitamins.

In humans and animals, L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys, from which it is transported to other tissues and organs. The synthesis of levocarnitine requires the participation of vitamins C, B3, B6, B9, B12, iron, lysine, methionine and a number of enzymes. If there is a deficiency of at least one substance, L-carnitine deficiency may develop.

What is L-carnitine used for?

L-carnitine serves to restore the body after high-intensity exercise, transfers fatty acids to the mitochondria, where fatty acids are broken down to produce the energy necessary for the functioning of the entire body.

In sports medicine it is used to correct metabolic processes. It has anabolic, antihypoxic and antithyroid effects, activates fat metabolism, stimulates regeneration, and increases appetite.

The anabolic effect of L-carnitine is due to both an increase in the secretion and enzymatic activity of gastric and intestinal juices, which increases the digestibility of food, in particular protein, and an increase in performance during physical activity.

Why is L-carnitine recommended for weight loss?

L-carnitine has the following beneficial properties:

  • Mobilizes fat from fat depots (due to the presence of three labile methyl groups). Competitively displacing glucose, it turns on a fatty acid metabolic shunt, the activity of which is not limited by oxygen (unlike aerobic glycolysis), and therefore the drug is effective in conditions of acute hypoxia (including the brain) and other critical conditions.
  • Increases the secretion and enzymatic activity of digestive juices (gastric and intestinal), improves food absorption.
  • Reduces excess body weight and reduces fat content in skeletal muscles.
  • Increases the threshold of resistance to physical activity, reduces the degree of lactic acidosis and restores performance after prolonged physical activity. At the same time, it promotes economical consumption of glycogen and increases its reserves in the liver and muscles.
  • It has a neurotrophic effect, inhibits apoptosis, limits the affected area and restores the structure of nervous tissue.
  • Normalizes protein and fat metabolism, increased basal metabolism in thyrotoxicosis (being a partial thyroxine antagonist), restores the alkaline reserve of the blood.

Requirements and norms of consumption of levocarnitine

The recommended daily dose of L-carnitine is:

  • for adults - up to 300 mg
  • for children under 1 year - 10-15 mg
  • for children from 1 to 3 years - 30-50 mg
  • for children from 4 to 6 years old - 60-90 mg
  • for children from 7 to 18 years old - 100-300 mg

With increased mental, physical and emotional stress, many diseases, under stress, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or playing sports, the need for L-carnitine can increase several times.

L-carnitine is taken additionally:

  • When fighting excess weight or to improve immunity - 1500-3000 mg.
  • For AIDS, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, acute infections - 1000-1500 mg.
  • For serious sports – 1500-3000 mg.
  • For workers of heavy physical labor - 500-2000 mg.

In the absence of initial synthesis disorders in the body, it is recommended to use it in short courses, since with long-term use a withdrawal syndrome is observed - the production of its own levocarnitine decreases and there is a need to constantly take the exo-drug.

Where is L-carnitine found?

Sources of L-Carnitine:

The main food sources of L-Carnitine are: meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, cottage cheese. The name L-carnitine (l-carnitine, L-carnitine) comes from the Latin “carnis” (meat). However, L-Carnitine intake from food is not always sufficient to meet the need for it. For example, the daily dose (250-500 mg) of this substance is contained in 300-400 grams of raw beef. But during heat treatment of meat, a significant part of levocarnitine is lost.

Medicines containing L-carnitine:

  • Carnitene - solution for oral administration 1 g/10 ml: fl. 10; solution for intravenous administration of 1 g/5 ml: amp. 5 pieces
  • Elkar - solution for oral administration 300 mg/ml bottle 25 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml; solution for intravenous administration 500 mg/5 ml: amp. 10 pieces

Indications for the use of L-carnitine: Diseases and conditions accompanied by loss of appetite, loss of body weight and exhaustion.

Adults: psychogenic anorexia (R63.0), physical exhaustion (E46.), mental illness, neurasthenia (F48.0), chronic gastritis with decreased secretory function (K29.4, K29.5), chronic pancreatitis with exocrine insufficiency (K86 .1).

Newborn children, including premature and full-term infants: weakened feeding reflex (sluggish sucking), malnutrition, arterial hypotension, adynamia; condition after asphyxia (P21.) and birth trauma (P10.-15.), respiratory distress syndrome (P22.), nursing premature newborns on total parenteral nutrition and children undergoing hemodialysis (P07.); a syndrome complex similar to Reye's syndrome (hypoglycemia, hypoketonemia, coma), developing in children while taking valproic acid.

Primary carnitine deficiency: myopathy with lipid accumulation (G72.), hepatic encephalopathy such as Raynaud's syndrome (G93.4, K76.9) and/or dilated progressive cardiomyopathy (I42.).

Secondary carnitine deficiency: Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Beals syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, some forms of progressive muscular dystrophy, etc., carnitine deficiency during hemodialysis.

Propionic and other organic acidemias, exogenous constitutional obesity, convalescence after severe illnesses and surgical interventions (Z54.), growth retardation in children and adolescents under 16 years of age (R62.), mild forms of thyrotoxicosis (E05.9), skin diseases: psoriasis (L40.), seborrheic dermatitis (L21., L21.0), focal scleroderma (L94.0), discoid lupus erythematosus (L93.); disturbance of myocardial metabolism in ischemic cardiopathy (I25.), angina pectoris (I20.), acute myocardial infarction (I21.), hypoperfusion due to cardiogenic shock, post-infarction conditions (I25.2, R07.2), prevention of cardiotoxicity during treatment with anthracyclines; prolonged intense physical activity - to increase performance, endurance and reduce fatigue, as an anabolic and adaptogen (R53., Z73.0, Z73.2); ischemic stroke (in acute, recovery periods), transient cerebrovascular accident, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, traumatic and toxic brain damage (S06., T90.5); syndromes MERRE (myoclonus syndrome + epilepsy with ruptures of red muscle fibers), MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, stroke-like episodes and lactic aciduria), NARP (neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa), Kerps-Sayre, Swan-Pearson optic neuropathy. In combination with L-carnitine Alpha lipoic acid is usually used , which enhances the effect of levocarnitine.

Alpha lipoic acid (thioctic acid) is an antioxidant that increases the amount of glucose in muscles during training, improving the absorption of glucose by cells. Participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates cholesterol metabolism. Improves liver function, reduces the damaging effects of endogenous and exogenous toxins, including alcohol. It has hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic effects. Improves trophism of neurons.

Alpha lipoic acid is formed in the body from the oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids. As a coenzyme of mitochondrial multienzyme complexes, it participates in the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and alpha-keto acids.

Helps reduce blood glucose concentrations and increase glycogen in the liver, as well as overcome insulin resistance. The nature of the biochemical action is close to B vitamins.

However, it must be remembered that both L-carnitine and Alpha-lipoic acid as weight loss aids are only effective during intense physical activity . They help convert fat tissue into muscle fibers and build muscle mass. Otherwise, you will only “add” the body to artificial substitutes for those substances that it should synthesize on its own.

Sources: B2%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8 %D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD %D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BE%D0 %B2%D0%B0%D1%8F_ %D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0

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How to take alpha lipoic acid and l-carnitine

The dosage is selected individually, taking into account the purpose of use. You should consult your doctor before using the supplement.

For weight loss

To reduce body weight, drugs with these components are drunk 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals.

For diabetes

If you have a disease, you should not take medications with carnitine and lipoic acid without medical supervision. The dosage of drugs should be selected by a specialist.

Reviews about losing weight with Turboslim Alfa

Women who dream of getting rid of extra pounds have doubts whether Turboslim Alfa helps them lose weight. Reviews about the drug are also very contradictory. Some women claim that the product really works and not only helps reduce body fat, but also increases stamina.

Other ladies believe that the pills are useless and there is no point in taking them. As practice shows, even if this remedy helps you lose weight, after you stop taking it, the weight returns again, and the metabolic rate becomes the same.

Patient reviews of alpha lipoic acid and l-carnitine

Anna, 26 years old, Volgograd: “I used Turboslim from Evalar with lipoic acid and carnitine for weight loss. The drug also included vitamin B2 and other substances. I took 2 tablets a day 30 minutes before physical activity. I felt the effect after the first dose. I became more energetic, my endurance increased, and my body began to recover faster after the gym. I do not recommend using this product constantly. The greatest effect can be achieved if you take it in courses for 2 weeks, and then take a break for 14 days.”

Irina, 32 years old, Moscow: “I gained a lot of weight over the winter, I wanted to get rid of the extra pounds by summer. I came to the gym, and the trainer advised me to combine acetyl-levocarnitine with lipoic acid. The packaging was designed for a month of use. According to the instructions, you had to drink 4-5 capsules an hour before fitness. The supplement turned out to be effective. In a month I managed to lose 6 kg, I had energy, and training began to be easy. There were no side effects while taking the drug.”

Elena, 24 years old, Samara: “I tried to lose weight after giving birth using a product that included carnitine and lipoic acid. I took 2 tablets of the drug before breakfast. After the first dose, diarrhea began and I became very thirsty. At first I thought I was poisoned. But after taking the drug again, everything happened again. While using the supplement, I also started having problems sleeping. Due to side effects, I had to stop taking the drug.”

How to take Turboslim Alfa correctly

This weight loss drug is available in two forms - liquid and tablets. As for the second option, the package contains 20 tablets of 0.55 g each, the course of use of which is one month. Capsules must be taken twice a day before meals.

The dose rate for Turboslim Alfa is 6 tablets per day.

In order to maintain the effect, the course of application of "Turboslim Alpha" should be repeated after a short period of time.

"Turboslim Alpha" is a completely safe product and is approved for use by adolescents and women of all ages, as it enriches the human body with valuable microelements and vitamins.

But results can be achieved only if you carefully follow all the recommendations that are in the instructions for Turboslim Alpha (reviews from those losing weight will be presented at the end of the article).

It is especially important to follow the suggested dosage according to the instructions

Otherwise, it may lead to the following side effects:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • various disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Excess weightA return to previous weight levels is possible without physical activity.
It should be borne in mind that taking dietary supplements in most cases gives only a temporary effect, and at the end of the course of treatment, metabolism gradually returns to its previous state. This fact can be corrected only with the help of physical activity, which in combination with this drug will give good results.

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