How to improve your face so that cheeks appear: simple rules. How to get better only in the face.

Almost every woman dreams of a beautiful oval face, but sometimes nature does not reward it, and the girl has to work on it on her own. How to get better on your face and cheeks - for this it is not enough to choose the right nutritional algorithm. What can I do to improve my face, and quickly? To begin with, you should give up alcohol and smoking. Scientists have long proven that regular binge drinking and a love of tobacco products reduce the likelihood of weight gain. Also, due to bad habits, the oval of the face changes, the skin becomes saggy, and you can completely forget about round cheeks. Also, regular smoking negatively affects dry skin, as a result of which even the most attractive cheeks look painful. Under the influence of alcohol, blood microcirculation and water balance are disrupted, which also cannot have a positive effect on the health and shape of the face.

People who develop allergic reactions or who frequently have blisters may experience increased redness. If you have freckles, they may disappear in the treated area. In addition, we prefer not to perform treatment during the active phases of acne, as there is a high risk of infection. The same can happen in skins previously submitted to radiation therapy, burnt skins, or those that have already been peeled.

Dermabrasion is a safe technique when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. The most common risk is changes in skin pigmentation. There may be some darkening of the skin, usually caused by sun exposure in the days or months after surgery. On the other hand, in other cases the skin may become slightly pale.

Many people believe that gaining weight is very easy, because you need to eat whatever your heart desires. However, in fact, gaining weight without harming your health is a real test of willpower. A person should include more foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins in their diet, and it is better to avoid heavy fats. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits, which can be consumed in unlimited quantities. It is also important to avoid foods whose consumption leads to the destruction of fiber. These include sweets, coffee, and alcoholic drinks. The oval of the face is negatively affected by dehydration, and in order to avoid this problem, it is necessary to consume as much fluid as possible. It is advisable to drink at least two liters of water a day, while also monitoring your diet. The average calorie content of all meals consumed per day should not exceed 2500 calories, which is quite enough for weight gain.

Although infections and abnormal scarring are rare in these skin procedures, they are possible. Some people develop excessive scar tissue; These complications are usually treated by injecting steroid medications to soften the scar. It will reduce the risk by choosing a qualified plastic surgeon and following their indications.

At your first appointment, your expectations will be discussed, explaining possible consequences and factors that may affect the procedure, such as age, skin condition and previous plastic surgery. You will be given a medical history, a routine examination, and photographs of your face. They will explain the procedure in detail, taking into account the risks and benefits, recovery period and costs.

You can correct the oval of your face and make your cheeks more rounded with the help of special gymnastics. For the first exercise, you need to close your lips tightly, take a mouthful of air, while puffing out your cheeks. Next, you need to exhale the air in bursts, repeating the exercise about 15-20 times. To perform the next exercise, you need to close your lips as much as possible, while placing your hands on your cheeks. Now you need to start smiling, as widely as possible, without opening your lips. This exercise perfectly tones the facial muscles, especially if you repeat it 10-12 times. To perform another exercise, you need to take in air by inhaling through your nose. Next, you should place your fingers on the edges of your lips, exhaling in jerks through your mouth. There are a lot of such exercises, and if you do them regularly, you can correct the shape of your face, but you should not expect fabulous miracles and global changes in appearance.

You will be given specific instructions on how to prepare for treatment, including fasting patterns, and tips to avoid taking medications that may affect your blood clotting process. You will also receive special instructions for caring for your skin before surgery. If you smoke, you will be asked to quit this habit one or two weeks before treatment, as smoking reduces blood circulation to the skin and prevents healing.

It is important how you make your preparations that you ensure you have the help of a responsible adult who can lend a hand for a day or two if needed. If surgery is performed, your treatment will usually be done in the hospital and on an outpatient basis, meaning no appointment. However, if this operation is complemented by other treatments or because of its comfort, it can be left throughout the day.

One of the most reliable ways to change the shape of your face and enlarge your cheeks is through cosmetic and plastic procedures. Inserting cheek implants is considered a last resort, suitable only if all other methods fail. At home, you can rub your face with pieces of ice, which helps tone the skin. To do this, you need to wrap the ice in a small piece of cloth and start wiping it. In professional salons, you can turn to mesotherapy, the essence of which is the introduction of a special vitamin composition that tightens the skin. Vacuum lifting is also considered effective, as it helps make the skin more elastic and tightened. Usually, with the help of a set of measures used, it is possible to achieve the desired result, but only a couple of months after the start of the procedures.

Dermabrasion is usually performed under local anesthesia, combined with sedation, which will keep you awake but relaxed and your discomfort will be minimal. In very severe cases, where you may have some discomfort, general anesthesia is used. In this case, you will sleep throughout the procedure.

Dermabrasion surgery usually lasts between an hour and an hour and a half, depending on the area being treated. It is not uncommon for a procedure to be performed over more than one occasion. Especially if the scars are deep. In dermabrasion, we remove the most superficial layers of skin with a roller that carries diamond particles attached to a motorized tip. The abrasion deepens until we reach the safest skin level at which the scar fades reasonably.

Every woman dreams of having a slim figure and being attractive. In pursuit of beauty, ladies resort to various diets and physical activity.

At the same time, all these efforts are not immediately reflected in the condition of the body, but the face loses weight first of all.

Many women with a thin build would also not mind adding some roundness to their face, because pointed contours and excessive thinness give a tired, haggard look and visually add age.

To complete the procedure, a plastic dressing is usually placed, which avoids pain and scabs and lasts for four or five days. Sometimes the treatment is done openly, that is, with the help of ointments that protect the wound. In this case, a bark is formed that will gradually come off.

Immediately after the procedure, your face will be quite red and swollen, and you will have difficulty eating and speaking. You will feel some discomfort, which will be treated with medication. The inflammation will gradually decrease after a few days. If you remember the scabs that form when you drop a small one, you'll have an idea of ​​what to expect when the medicine is opened. A scab will form and allow the wound to heal. The bark will fall off, revealing pink skin underneath. Your face may get itchy as your new skin grows, and you should protect it with the ointments we tell you.

A round face with plump cheeks has always been considered a sign of youth and beauty. So how can you improve your face so that your cheeks appear and at the same time maintain a slim body?

The shape of the face oval is determined by a number of factors. Firstly, this is the anatomical structure of the skull, which is individual for each person. Secondly, this is the condition of the skin. The contours of the face depend on its firmness and elasticity.

In closed induration, no scabs form and the wound is less irritating, but requires that the face be completely bandaged to avoid contamination of the wound. In any case, you will be given instructions on how to care for your skin after surgery. For men, it is very important to avoid shaving with a blade first when using an electric razor. It is very important that you follow our instructions exactly to ensure the best possible healing.

If you notice that the treated area is starting to get worse instead of getting better. For example, if it starts to become overly red and itches a lot, this could be a sign that it is forming an abnormal scar. Tell us as soon as possible so the treatment starts earlier.

These are the most basic factors, but there are also additional ones, the main ones:

  • Smoking;
  • Stress;
  • Alcohol;
  • Exhausting diets.

Let's take a closer look at each of them below and find out: is it possible to make cheeks appear? Looking ahead, I’ll say: yes, it’s possible. And read about this below too.

Your new skin will be slightly swollen, tender and pink for a few weeks. During this time, you can gradually resume your normal activities. You can usually return to work within two to three weeks. You should avoid activities that may cause skin damage. And very active sports should be avoided for at least four to six weeks. And avoid swimming in pools with excess chlorine for at least a month. It will take at least three to four weeks before you can drink alcohol without experiencing flushing.

How does loss of facial volume manifest?

Recession of tissues and, as a result, loss of facial volume is often evidence of aging

. Very often, in the process of tissue aging, there is a recession of the cheeks, the formation of pronounced pits under the eyes, drying out and withering of the skin. All this occurs due to atrophy of muscles and subcutaneous fat.

Deformation or loss of face leads to changes in shape and volume. Gradually, a person's face becomes flat. The elasticity of the skin disappears, the texture of the skin changes. If a person previously had an oval face shape, then due to the degradation of adipose tissue

it may become closer to square.

Sometimes such symptoms are observed in a person even at a young age, while in adulthood they become significantly worse. A very thin face may be a consequence of the anatomy of the facial skeleton.

Age-related loss of facial volume leads to a person looking even older than his age. Depending on the reasons for this phenomenon, doctors prescribe different treatment methods to correct appearance.

Very thin face: what can be done

Many women, fighting for an ideal figure with the help of grueling diets, receive an unpleasant additional effect - their face also loses weight. Characteristic signs of a thinner face include sagging skin, sharpened cheekbones, an exhausted look and excess age.

A face that is too thin makes the housewife puzzled by finding ways to gain weight in her face. If your face has lost weight for no apparent reason or complex diets, you should seek medical help; such changes never occur without a reason.

In this publication we will talk about the reasons for losing facial weight and how you can hide excessive facial thinness with haircuts, makeup, hardware cosmetology and plastic surgery.

About beauty and health

A face that is too thin, as well as a face that is too full, usually indicates health problems. In many world cultures, the ideal is a female face with a beautiful oval, good skin and a slight blush.

It is no coincidence that blush, powder and foundation are considered one of the main cosmetic products. These are means of visual correction of irregular cheekbones, enlargement or reduction of cheeks. Pleasant color and healthy elasticity of the skin are a hallmark of youth, and it beautifies everyone.

Sunken cheeks and protruding cheekbones also spoil the appearance of the face, as do a triple chin and fat folds.

Overweight people always dream of losing weight, but what often happens is that fat deposits on the waist and hips remain untouched, and the face becomes thinner and loses its attractiveness. In any diet, the face, as an indicator of deficiency, immediately shows that the body has not received enough nutrients and vitamins.

When engaging in self-exhaustion in the form of various diets, you should always remember about a healthy, balanced diet. There is no diet that would allow you to lose weight in one place and maintain it in another. But there is an opportunity to correct your appearance moderately, tirelessly and skillfully working on it.

And only under this condition does the golden mean, consisting in the harmony and beauty of a healthy body, become possible.

Why does the face or the fatal ten lose weight?

There are 10 main problems of facial weight loss. All the rest are only a consequence of these, which have a detrimental effect on women’s appearance. Not all of them can be avoided, but some can be prevented or corrected:

  • Medical reasons, which account for approximately 80% of all facial oval distortions. This can be dealt with preventively by undergoing regular medical examinations, or by eliminating the disease.
  • Any addiction - drug, alcohol, gaming, nicotine. You need willpower, a desire to free yourself, and certain conditions.
  • Poor nutrition, including diets. Every person can eliminate or correct this factor, give up harmful foods, and introduce fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins into the diet.

Increased physical activity. This is also a removable reason. Sometimes you have to change your job, shift some of your responsibilities to household duties, or reduce your hours at the gym.

  • Incorrect or disrupted sleep patterns. Harmful wakefulness at night, insufficient time allotted for rest, insomnia or interrupted sleep (some at night, some during the day).
  • Stress and psychological conflicts accompanied by negative circumstances. This could be anything from troubles at work to the death of a loved one. The advice to try to avoid them is only appropriate in 50% of cases.
  • Transitional age, the consequence of which is the restructuring of the body and its changes. Many overweight and even fat children in adolescence become radically different, stretch out and lose weight.
  • Hormonal imbalances. Typically occur during menopause, but can happen at any age.
  • Old age. This can be combated, but the decrease in the production of collagen fibers and the degradation of adipose tissue, which previously provided skin turgor and beautiful contours, are, unfortunately, hardly reversible.
  • Cosmetic procedures and surgeries that aimed to slim the face, but achieved it in an exaggerated form. This category also includes congenital features of the facial structure, for example, too prominent cheekbones.

The problem of how to gain weight on your face is solved differently in each specific case. But you should always start by eliminating the cause of excessive thinness of the face. The factor that has become provocative is removed or corrected using available methods.

Hardware cosmetology and cosmetic surgery

Don't rely only on cosmetics and makeup. If you lose weight dramatically, you need to take a closer look at your skin health. Returning turgor, fullness, and natural health at the cellular level is a priority task, which modern cosmetology will help solve.

Her arsenal of products includes a variety of products, ranging from masks that you can prepare yourself or purchase ready-made, scrubs, peelings and nourishing creams, to effective methods of hardware cosmetology and cosmetic surgeries.

If surgery is undesirable for any reason, you can always resort to non-surgical methods of treatment and skin care.

Mesotherapy is rightfully among the most effective, the essence of which is the introduction of biologically active substances to a shallow depth under the skin using microinjections.

The composition of substances and vitamins is selected individually depending on the reasons that caused sagging skin, and the therapeutic effect is achieved not only from the administered cocktails, but also from the stimulation of biologically active points.

But before resorting to radical methods, you should remember that correct and competent daily skin care, carried out regularly and systematically, can work real miracles.

In no case should you give up moisturizing and nourishing masks, vitamin complexes, homemade protein shakes, cleansing and tightening procedures, baths with herbal infusions and other achievements of cosmetology.

Cosmetic surgery is also a solution to this problem. If you don’t have enough patience for constant care, the surgeon will lift sagging cheeks, remove wrinkles around the eyes, straighten the cheekbones and correct the nose. Just six months of patience, and your appearance for 8-10 years will acquire the illusion of beauty and health.

Why does loss of facial volume occur?

Volume is lost due to a number of reasons related to both natural body processes and certain diseases. First of all, this is natural aging, leading to changes in a person’s appearance. A young body produces enough collagen

, which provides sufficient elasticity and firmness of the skin. However, as we age, collagen production decreases. As a result, a change in outline occurs.

As a rule, the face becomes noticeably thinner in the process of sudden weight loss and severe dehydration. Excessive physical activity also has a noticeable effect on your appearance. In addition, the face of a person who suffers from ailments associated with endocrinological disorders

As a result of such diseases ( hypopituarism
), the skin becomes dry, acquires a grayish tint, the cheeks become sunken, and muscle tissue atrophies.
The contours may change due to the development of ptosis of
the soft tissues of the face.

The reasons for changes in volumes may also be the development of malignant neoplasms

, progression,
kidney failure

Many women are sure that if their wish “I want a thin face” comes true, then it looks beautiful. However, being painfully thin actually indicates a lack of health. In addition, this symptom may be a sign of a very serious illness.

Therefore, if a person has a very thin face, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo the examinations that he prescribes. After the diagnosis is established, comprehensive treatment of the identified disease is carried out. If a thin, elongated face is the result of anatomical features, diagnostics will confirm the absence of serious illnesses.

A too thin face in the photo and in life looks haggard and tired. In the event that a long, thin face is a result of aging, it is recommended to seek advice from a plastic surgeon, who will tell you what to do if a thin face is a serious cosmetic defect for a person. There are many methods that can improve the situation and make a person’s appearance more expressive, eliminating the effects of aging. In particular, massage is practiced for a thin face

, the introduction of various fillers under the skin, as well as surgical intervention.

In addition to instrumental procedures, restoring metabolism in the human body will help improve appearance. With the help of vacuum massage, special masks (vitamin, hot paraffin) you can improve blood circulation, which will help slow down the aging process.

If the loss of volume is slight and there are only minor defects in the skin and overall appearance, the plastic surgeon may suggest a chemical peel.

and other procedures. More serious procedures that help tighten the skin are performed only by plastic surgeons who have extensive experience in performing such manipulations.

Modern doctors practice relatively new techniques aimed at restoring contours. This is a thread lift that allows you to get a noticeable result that lasts for several years. A popular way to regain lost volumes is to inject hyaluronic acid.

. This acid is a collagen product and allows you to maintain the result throughout the year.


is an operation in which fat from the patient's body is used for filling. The introduction of adipose tissue allows not only to restore lost volumes, but also to some extent restore metabolism in epithelial tissues.

If volume has been lost due to missing teeth, dental prosthetics

. To prevent the process of premature aging and, accordingly, loss of volume, you should take a critical look at your lifestyle, adjust your daily diet, and try to get rid of bad habits. A woman can visually improve her appearance with the help of properly applied makeup and a well-chosen hairstyle.

Every woman dreams of having a slim figure and being attractive. In pursuit of beauty, ladies resort to various diets and physical activity.

At the same time, all these efforts are not immediately reflected in the condition of the body, but the face loses weight first of all.

Many women with a thin build would also not mind adding some roundness to their face, because pointed contours and excessive thinness give a tired, haggard look and visually add age.

A round face with plump cheeks has always been considered a sign of youth and beauty. So how can you improve your face so that your cheeks appear and at the same time maintain a slim body?

The shape of the face oval is determined by a number of factors. Firstly, this is the anatomical structure of the skull, which is individual for each person. Secondly, this is the condition of the skin. The contours of the face depend on its firmness and elasticity.

These are the most basic factors, but there are also additional ones, the main ones:

  • Smoking;
  • Stress;
  • Alcohol;
  • Exhausting diets.

Let's take a closer look at each of them below and find out: is it possible to make cheeks appear? Looking ahead, I’ll say: yes, it’s possible. And read about this below too.

How to improve your face so that cheeks appear?

There are several ways to restore attractiveness to your face . To do this, you will have to change your usual life, perform a massage, take care of your skin, and perhaps resort to plastic surgery.

The face may not be sunken, but it visually looks that way due to the gray color inherent in smokers. The problem can be caused by dehydration, which is prevented by drinking at least 2 liters of fluid daily.

Complete lifestyle change

Lifestyle changes mean that a woman should give up bad habits, start getting enough sleep, stop exhausting her body with diets and excessive exercise, review her diet and start eating right.

Nourishment for filled cheeks

To restore fats under the skin, first of all you need to eliminate or limit the consumption of harmful foods:

  • coffee,
  • sweets,
  • tobacco,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • alcohol.

The diet should include more vegetables and fruits; herbal teas and compotes are beneficial. Food should be protein rich in amino acids: meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs.

Healthy foods: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, peas, beans, lentils, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, rye bread. It is recommended to undergo a course of vitamin therapy, especially in the autumn and winter periods.

How to do a facial massage at home

Facial massage will help improve the condition of the skin, tighten muscles, remove a double chin, and smooth out wrinkles.

You need to prepare for the procedure:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Cleanse the skin of dirt and decorative cosmetics.
  3. Remove hair.
  4. When using nourishing creams and oils, open the pores with a steam bath or scrubs.
  5. Remove jewelry from your neck and ears.

Applying a warm towel will help warm up your face . The choice of massage product depends on the skin type; apply it from the nose to the ears.

The technique of the procedure is as follows:

  1. The fingertips go from the chin to the forehead and back.
  2. The temporal area is massaged in a circular motion.
  3. The chin is pulled forward for a few seconds, and the skin under it is fingered with the index fingers.
  4. The neck is stroked with palms from top to bottom.
  5. The cheeks are massaged with pinch movements.

Massage courses last for 10 days.

Cosmetology procedures at home

To plump your cheeks, use homemade masks and scrubs based on natural products:

  1. Sugar scrub. Prepare a substance from ghee in an amount of 250 ml, which is mixed with 200 g of sugar and left in the refrigerator. The hardened composition is rubbed in for 5 minutes in a circular motion.
  2. Apple mask. The fruit is kneaded to a mushy state. Apply the mixture with massage movements for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. Mask based on honey and papaya. Take honey (1 tsp), papaya (1 tbsp), mix. Apply the composition for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Haircuts and styling to hide a thin face

Basically, a thin face has an elongated shape; you can visually hide the defect with the help of a properly chosen hairstyle.

It is better for a girl to choose voluminous haircuts; curls and natural curls look beautiful. Thick straight bangs will add roundness to the shape.

You need to refuse:

  • short bangs,
  • straight parting,
  • long, straight hair,
  • too short haircuts
  • smooth combing.

A ladder, peaks, cascading haircut with straight bangs or with a length up to the middle of the face are suitable. A medium length is considered ideal; an elongated bob, an elongated bob, and asymmetry are suitable. It is better to give preference to highlighting and coloring.

Correction of face shape using decorative cosmetics

To visually correct the proportions of a thin face, you need to learn how to apply makeup correctly . The areas under the eyes should be masked, and the nose, chin, and cheekbones should be visually reduced.

The correction technique is performed as follows:

  1. A cream matching the skin tone is applied to the skin, dark blush is applied to the cheekbones, which is shaded towards the ears.
  2. Use light powder to smooth out the chin.
  3. A corrector is used for the nose.
  4. Using light shadows using a damp sponge, mask the area under the eyes.
  5. Light blush is applied to the protruding parts of the cheeks and powdered.

It is better not to choose bright colors; discreet shades are suitable for a thin oval: gray, golden, brown. It is allowed to apply soft lipstick on the lips.

Cosmetology, mesotherapy and cosmetic surgery

If a woman previously weighed more, and with the loss of a kilogram she saw changes in her face in the form of sagging cheeks, the condition can be corrected with mesotherapy and cosmetic surgery. The procedures are also indicated for natural aging.


Mesotherapy refers to injections injected into the middle layers of the skin. Injections are rich in vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, amino acids.

With the help of the procedure, microcirculation in the vessels increases, the elasticity and tone of the epidermis is restored.

Laser rejuvenation

The laser burns the cells, causing the tissues to form new ones. The hardware technique makes the skin elastic, smoothes wrinkles, tightens pores, eliminates pigmentation and scars. The procedure is considered highly effective, but has many contraindications.

Cheek surgery

Malarplasty is a type of plastic surgery, cheekbone plastic surgery. It allows you to eliminate defects in the cheeks, tightens the oval, restores contours, eliminates swelling under the eyes, and smoothes out wrinkles.

After the procedure, the woman’s appearance changes. The disadvantages of the operation include many contraindications and a long rehabilitation period.

If your skin is dry and dehydrated

If the skin is thin, the face will appear thin. Thus, in order to improve the appearance of your face and cheeks, you need to eliminate a number of factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Smoking. Nicotine disrupts the water balance in skin cells, which leads to dehydration. Due to this, the cheeks simply “melt” before our eyes, and the face looks thin and sickly.

Stress. All the nerves are reflected on the face. Stress disrupts many metabolic processes in the body, causing the skin to lose moisture.

Alcohol . Like nicotine, alcohol also removes fluid from the body and disrupts water balance. In addition, under the influence of this poison, microcirculation of blood and lymph is disrupted.

Exhausting diets. Even if your goal is to lose weight, you should not use too strict diets or even give preference to fasting. Facial muscles need proteins and proteins, so they must be present in the diet.

What negatively affects the roundness of the face?

An overly thin face adds age

An excessively thin face adds age and makes you look tired.

The oval of the face is influenced by:

  • anatomical structure;
  • elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • diets.

The anatomical structure of the face can be corrected by resorting to surgery; in other cases, in order to get better on the face, it is enough to eliminate harmful factors, eat right, and follow the recommendations.

Facial massage

Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the facial muscles. When performing it, it is necessary that your hands are clean, and your facial skin is dry and also pre-cleaned. It is better to carry out this complex every day.

Exercise No. 1. It is necessary to place three fingers of both hands above the eyebrows. Next, apply light pressure to the skin and smoothly raise the eyebrows. Next, you need to relax your fingers and slowly lower the skin.

Exercise No. 3. After taking a deep breath through your nose, you need to hold your breath and push with your fingertips into the corners of your mouth so that the air comes out.

Exercise No. 4. Keep your lips tightly closed and place your palms on your cheeks. Next, you need to try to smile as widely as possible, while straining your facial muscles as much as possible. In this case, the lips should not part.

Exercise No. 5. You need to take as deep a breath as possible. Next, you need to push air into the oral cavity. With each new push, the cheeks should inflate more and more. Then it is also necessary to release the air in a jerky manner.

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Exercise No. 6. Gymnastics. Particular attention should be paid to articulation, because it has a direct impact on the condition of the facial muscles. After this, you need to quickly pronounce the vowels: “a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, “u”, “s”.

Nourishment for filled cheeks

The condition of the subcutaneous fatty tissue has an important influence on the contours of the oval of the face. Because of this, she must be in good shape. To do this, you need to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. It is also worth excluding foods that cause the destruction of fiber, such as coffee, sweets, tobacco, and alcohol.

Often, even with a satisfactory condition of subcutaneous adipose tissue, a grayish tint to the skin gives a visually excessive thinness to the face.

To avoid this unpleasant factor, you should take a course of vitamins and minerals.

Skin dehydration has a negative impact on the condition of the oval face. In order to avoid this, you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water a day.

When choosing drinks, it is better to give preference to green tea and natural juices. Sweet and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet.

Cosmetology procedures at home

In order to have plump cheeks, you need to take a responsible approach to skin care. After all, the beauty of the oval of the face depends on its firmness and elasticity.

Cold compresses are a fairly effective procedure for improving skin tone. However, it is better to avoid this technique for people with fragile blood vessels.

It is necessary to wrap it in a cloth and apply it to the cheeks and chin. After this, you should massage and apply the cream, patting your cheeks and chin.

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