How to tune in to losing weight by programming your subconscious

Do you know that feeling when you look in the mirror and are not at all happy with its reflection? You don't recognize yourself. Previously, a slender, attractive girl looked at you. What has changed? Maybe the years are taking their toll or there is a lack of motivation and willpower. No, I just don’t know where to start and how to get ready to lose weight. You don't know why this is happening. You really made an effort last time, but it didn't work. And the worst part of it all: you feel downright miserable, you can't lose weight, even if you tried your best. You are not alone - this is a familiar story for millions of people around the world.

What is a weight loss mindset?

Starting the fight against excess weight is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Slender girls on the pages of glossy magazines may serve as a reason to think about losing weight, but beautiful pictures will not become a motive. You will need something more for your efforts, some kind of psychological stimulus that will give you confidence in your own abilities and achieving a positive result. The right inner attitude is a positive influence of the psyche, strength, which helps to withstand the entire difficult process.

Motivation to lose weight

Why can’t I lose weight and constantly break down is a question that sooner or later every girl asks.
Just wanting to lose weight is not enough. You need the right psychological approach - motivation to lose weight. It is also effective for people with weak character, because the right incentive is a component of successful dieting. First, you need to identify a good reason for losing weight, for example, health problems or dissatisfaction with your appearance. It is not recommended to set rapid weight loss as a goal. Diet should be a guideline for a healthy and happy life. Here are some motivational facts that will help you lose weight and achieve that coveted small waist:

  1. The ability to wear fashionable clothes one size or several sizes smaller after a diet.
  2. Put on your favorite dress or jeans again.
  3. Attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  4. Show off your gorgeous, thinner abs on the beach.
  5. Climb stairs without shortness of breath.
  6. Have excellent physical and mental health.
  7. Hang your beautiful photos around the house after losing weight.

How to set yourself up for weight loss

To start taking action, you will have to admit that you have a problem of overeating, poor diet, addiction to unhealthy foods, and a sedentary lifestyle. Next, you will have to figure out why the lack of motivation arose. Without these two initial steps, searching for an effective method to set yourself up for weight loss will be useless, as will trying to follow a diet. Therefore, you need to look for real motivation, personal reasons for losing weight, while at the same time changing your attitude towards a difficult process: losing weight is a pleasure, not torture.

Girl with an apple

How to adjust yourself psychologically

On the difficult path to achieving your desired goal, there will be many temptations that will have to be countered with persistent desire and healthy perseverance. How to psychologically tune in to losing weight in order to achieve the desired slim shape and not give up ahead of time? Self-hypnosis alone is not enough; besides, criticism about the imperfection of a figure can work in the opposite direction.

A healthy assessment is needed, but when a specific goal is set, recording positive results, sincere joy for the achieved intermediate result, praise, and reward helps to create and maintain the mood. When the fight against extra pounds is supported by positive feelings and emotions, the psyche of a person losing weight will give the brain a signal of great impact, and he will continue the process of losing weight with double effort.

Look up to slim girls

Take a look around. Are there many girls who want to get in shape? Uncountable number. But which of them actually does this? Sports and fitness are becoming an integral part of life. Through physical exercise and excessive stress, one achieves an ideal figure. Do you want the same? Then follow the latest news in the beauty industry, sign up for a gym, exercise actively, follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle.

There are many videos posted on video hosting sites that can give a boost. Subscribe to channels and listen to their opinions. The tips help because they are real. Enter into discussions, ask for advice, taking into account individuality and the desired result.

Sports and fitness

Psychologist's advice

The right motivation, well-set goals, and a positive attitude are half the success . If you manage to clearly understand why you want to lose weight, then it will be easier to overcome laziness, obstacles, and temptations. In severe cases, when there is reason to talk about obesity, you should contact a medical center, where doctors will select an integrated approach to combat excess weight. One attitude will not be enough even with any excess weight, so you should consult with a nutritionist or trainer to choose a nutrition and physical exercise program.

Psychologists advise using the following effective techniques:

  • persuasion (say phrases with a positive statement);
  • visualization (an accurate idea of ​​a slender body, what sensations arise as if it already exists, for example, imagining yourself graceful in a swimsuit on the beach);
  • a “magic” remedy for the placebo effect (something that will help you lose weight);
  • sleep (daily full rest of at least 8 hours);
  • keeping a diary (to record achieved results, analysis);
  • familiarization with useful techniques (body cleansing, meditation, breathing exercises).

Define the goal

When losing weight, you cannot avoid encountering obstacles; the psyche and body of a person losing weight, under the pressure of stress, will try to resist new habits and way of life. A clearly formulated task is designed to help reduce the influence of unwanted thoughts, which will inevitably lead to disappointment and not a slim figure. An effective way to determine the true goal of losing weight involves writing down on paper all the times when you had to feel uncomfortable about being overweight.

Woman's feet on scales

Keep a diary

Understanding the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds before setting yourself up for a diet will be the right step. In order to reinforce your efforts on a psychological level, you will have to develop a useful habit: record intermediate results daily . To do this, you need to create a personal weight loss diary, which should be filled out regularly, displaying truthful information about nutrition, calories, and physical activity. For convenience, you can choose the classic version (paper notebook, notebook) or an online diary.

Choose a comfortable diet

Delicious food, when a woman wants to pamper herself with sweets, and men load up on fatty foods, contributes to the fact that they begin to rapidly gain excess weight. There comes a time when an unhealthy hobby turns into a situation where it becomes unpleasant to approach the mirror. In an attempt to lose excess weight in order to admire your reflection again, you have to look for a suitable way to lose weight. If women and men who are losing weight begin to approach solving the problem intelligently, then they should choose a comfortable diet. The following recommendations will help you do this:

  • If you have health problems, consult a doctor;
  • learn more about contraindications;
  • select methods where the diet will not lead to feelings of hunger;
  • It is more difficult to buy fresh vegetables and fruits in winter than in summer or autumn, so it is better to choose your diet according to the season;
  • The duration of the diet for weight loss should be taken into account, because sticking to a diet for one or two weeks is easier than limiting yourself to food for a whole month.


When a clear result is still far away, and victory in the fight against extra pounds is so desired, then all means are good. Effective support that every person losing weight can provide to themselves is meditation or self-hypnosis. A particular psychological state is aimed at concentrating attention in relation to one’s own sensations and feelings. The task of practical exercises is to create harmony between the physical body and the spiritual beginning, which helps control appetite, maintain motivation, and improve mood.

Girl holds her hands on her head

Buy a dress a couple sizes smaller

A wardrobe is something to be proud of. Consumer society requires us to comply with accepted beauty standards. For modern girls or women, image is the component without which it is impossible to be successful. Yes, they are exactly “meeted by their clothes.” If you add a figure to this, then half the success is guaranteed.

Come to the store, look at the models, choose the best for yourself. The secret is in the size. It should be 1-2 sizes smaller. Hang it in your closet and try it on periodically. This is motivation to go on a diet and lose weight in a short time. The same rule applies to T-shirts, jeans, jackets and outerwear.

Buy a dress a couple sizes smaller

How to start losing weight and not lose weight

Wanting to lose excess weight without doing anything for it is not enough. You need to move, review your diet, create the right psychological attitude and show willpower. The beauty of a slim body is work based on a multifaceted approach, and in order to like yourself in the mirror, you need to set a real goal and change your lifestyle. Psychologists do not recommend resorting to strict restrictions in order to carry out a weight loss course to achieve the intended result and not fail. There will be temptations, so to stay and maintain your spirit, you can use the following tips:

  1. Create a strong incentive (motivation to lose weight should be personally meaningful).
  2. Create a menu for the week (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks).
  3. Fill your free time with useful activities (boredom often causes breakdowns).
  4. Find like-minded people or argue with your loved ones about something (this will force you to carefully monitor your weight loss).
  5. Stop weighing yourself every day.
  6. Avoid feelings of guilt if you fail to resist the temptation (it is better to brush your teeth to get rid of the taste of the treat than to reproach yourself for relapse).


If you are unable to set yourself in the right psychological mood on your own or with the help of a specialist, look for the reason for the lack of willpower and motivation. People who constantly begin to lose weight and then “break down”, as a rule, have deep psychological problems that cannot be solved without the help of a qualified doctor.

You should also remember that the desire to become slimmer should not be manic. Your task is to lose weight without harm to your health. Sometimes it is difficult for those losing weight to stop, even if they have already achieved their goals.

Don’t lose touch with reality, always try to soberly assess the situation. If you have already acquired the figure you were striving for, stop cutting back on your portions, now you just need to consolidate the result and maintain it.

Sytin's mood

The method developed by the doctor of science is a psychocorrection, when, with the help of positive attitudes and kind words, it is possible to influence a person’s emotions and will. Sytin's tunes should be listened to regularly, and you can choose a convenient time and place. Peculiar settings act on the subconscious, forcing the body to choose the right direction. The perception of positive messages has a beneficial effect, contributing to the acquisition of a slim figure, changing life for the better without threatening physical health or mental state.

Theta healing. The Palette of Life with Vasilena Zhuravina

“My weight is 115 kg. I tried a bunch of diets, pills and exercises, I'm already tired of the fact that I can't buy nice clothes, my personal life isn't working well, I can't look at myself in the mirror, I can't look at my photos. I don’t know what to do, I’m tired of everything... True, girls, I really want attention from the opposite sex, to get married in the end, and for the guy to be proud that he has a beautiful girlfriend, and not such a fat cow like me... »

After reading this letter, I remembered myself with a shudder. For seven years I struggled with extra pounds, tried all kinds of diets and fasting, grueling workouts and exercises, heaps of pills, medications, and teas for weight loss. All this either gave short-term results, and the kilograms returned twice as much, or did not give results at all. As a result, I became another 9 kg heavier, acquired bulimia and was in extreme despair. I shed a lot of tears because of the ridicule of the guys, and my shopping ended in another depression. This letter prompted me to tell you how I and many of my friends got rid of hated pounds, changed their lives, became beautiful, self-confident and happy.

One meeting changed my life. I met a girl 10 years older than me. She has a difficult life, a waitress job and three children. Night shifts, alcohol, cigarettes, and with all this she looked much younger than me. I asked how she managed to look like that, because she didn’t have the money or time for expensive salons, creams and much more. Then she told me that she works with a mirror, and it helps her get rid of wrinkles. I sighed and said: “I’m such an elephant that no mirror can help me.” To this she laughed and replied, “Silly, you are so beautiful!” Just try, because you have nothing to lose!”

At that time, I had already heard a lot about the power of thought and read a huge number of books. But somehow I didn’t take it seriously, didn’t use it, and even more so, I couldn’t think that it would help me lose weight. But it’s not for nothing that they say “Everything ingenious is simple!” Indeed, I had nothing to lose except fat, so I decided and tried this girl’s method.

In order for working with the mirror to give me the desired result, I had to do a lot of work on myself. You may be surprised, but you brought extra pounds into your life, like many other things, yourself. You can attribute your excess weight to a problem with hormones, heredity, improper metabolism, etc. But believe me, you can easily solve this problem if you want. Extra pounds are a reflection of extra, unnecessary thoughts in your head. We are what we think about ourselves.

What do you think about yourself? That you are fat and unhappy, a fat cow, that you are ugly and no one will love you? Since for our Universe any desire is a law, get it, sign it! You eat your problems and failures with delicious food at night, and then you think that the hated kilograms will add on again. Please, your wish is the law!

Have you ever wondered why this happens? Why do you eat your problems? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are starving, but your weight is growing? Why are you getting fat and can't get rid of excess fat? Now you will give me a bunch of answers, name many reasons, but few of you will say: “It’s all about me, the reason is me.”

Here's an example:

One of my friends complained that after giving birth she gained a lot of weight, and could not return to her previous weight. She said: “I thought that during pregnancy I would gain a lot of weight, and then it would take a long time to restore my previous figure. Already in the first months I felt like a cow. And now I’m fat, and I don’t have the time or money to go to a fitness club.” Please see the results. The universe fulfilled everything she thought about. So this girl sets limits and restrictions on the fulfillment of her desire to lose weight. She thinks that she can only get rid of excess weight with the help of a fitness club and does not give the Universe the right to choose. Well, here too her desire is the law!

The reason is the thoughts in your head, the blocks that come from childhood. They paralyze our intentions and do not allow our desires to come true, they do not allow us to be beautiful and happy.

Understand yourself, do you want to lose weight at all? Perhaps you don't need this? Is it fashion-inspired or do you just like being a victim? It is very difficult, almost impossible to admit this to yourself. And if you decide to lose weight and change your life, then change your thoughts. Describe your new portrait, your new desired image, appearance, your new life. Learn to see beauty, love beauty, love yourself, your new image. Take responsibility for yourself, for your thoughts. Think positively, think as if you have already received the desired figure, amazing looks, admirers, beautiful clothes. Work with the mirror, love your reflection, admire yourself. Drive your new image into your head, and then the Universe and your body will not be able to deny you getting what you want.

The mirror method is the most miraculous remedy I have ever used. Not a single expensive cream, mask or medication can compare with it, not a single diet or pill.

By working with a mirror, changing your consciousness and thoughts, you can change your eating habits, make your body work for you and rid you of extra pounds. You can change your appearance, your life for the better, become attractive and desirable. And believe me, the desired results will not take long to arrive.

I realized that my mirror was working after 3 days, when I had a meeting with a friend in a shopping center. While I was waiting for her, I received 3 offers to meet her. This has never happened to me before. What do you think was the first phrase my friend said when she saw me? “Something has changed in you, you look great!” After such results and in such a time frame, I moved towards my desired goal with even greater enthusiasm.

I still work with a mirror; if suddenly I don’t like something about myself, then I use a magic wand to fix everything. By the way, with the help of a mirror, I also grew long beautiful hair and long eyelashes in a short time, and one of my friends even said that she managed to enlarge her breasts. To be honest, I have not checked this fact.

I am against prohibitions and “don’ts,” so this method does not involve fasting, strict diets, or exhausting stress. I suggest you lose weight with pleasure, eat with pleasure, easily part with extra centimeters, paint the world with bright colors and be a queen at this celebration of your life.

Now my weight is 49 kg, I have a beautiful slim figure, wonderful skin, I have long forgotten about bulimia, complexes and depression and I look much younger than my age, sometimes they even ask for a passport, and most importantly I am happy! In 5 months I lost 25 kg, a wonderful man appeared in my life, whom I married. By the way, I also attracted love into my life with the help of the power of thought, but that’s a completely different story.

I want to immediately warn you that the work ahead is far from easy. No matter how simple it may seem, it is actually very difficult to force yourself to believe, change your thoughts and take responsibility for yourself. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about! Some people who found out my secret to losing weight said that it would not help them and continued to exhaust themselves with hunger and exercise, or simply sat and complained about being overweight, simultaneously absorbing kilograms of fatty foods and sweets, and did not make the slightest effort to solve the problem . Sorry, how can you say that it won’t help you if you don’t try. Just try, give up your laziness, doubts and start acting, because you have nothing to lose!

Many of my friends and acquaintances who believed and used this method believed in themselves, in their success, and, by doing all the exercises, have already received excellent results. And most importantly, these results remain after a long time. I sincerely believe that working with the subconscious and with the mirror will benefit you and help change your life for the better. After all, if it worked for me and many others, then it will definitely work for you! May your wishes come true, my dears! And remember, all our thoughts are material!

All our desires are law!

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How to formulate attitudes

It is difficult to limit yourself to treats if the desire to eat them exceeds the desire to lose weight. Start your path to slimness with the right attitudes, and everything will work out. How to make affirmations:

  • For self-hypnosis, write down your goals on a piece of paper and formulate your goals in accordance with them.
  • All statements must be expressed in a positive way in the present tense.
  • Be brief but specific. Affirmations for self-hypnosis do not tolerate vagueness. Try to put a separate thought into one sentence.
  • In order for an attitude to “reach out” to the subconscious, you need to believe in it.

Make the environment conducive to your weight loss process

Even if you eat only healthy foods, overeating can ruin even the most effective weight loss diet. Many women buy only healthy food, but do not lose weight, experts say. Failure to comply with portion sizes is your enemy. Often the cause of overeating is what surrounds us. Everything from the diameter of your plate to the size of your ice cream cup affects how much food you eat in a day. Small changes can help you avoid overeating.

No big spoons!

The size of the dishes also determines how much we eat. You tend to eat most of the food on your plate, if not the entire dish. If you only fit a small amount of food on your plate, you won't eat too much.

Avoid too small portions

Small chocolate bars or small glasses of soda may seem like a great solution if you are on a diet. But it turns out that when portion sizes are too small, people tend to eat several small portions that add up to more than one standard portion.

Do not exceed serving size

Regularly eating large portions can cause you to lose track of what is normal. In a recent study, scientists asked fast food diners to estimate the number of calories they consumed. People who ate large portions underestimated their caloric intake by almost half, compared with those who ate small portions (they deviated from the actual number by about 20%). How to start looking at things realistically? Try to eat at home where you can control portion sizes. Serve all dishes in a deep plate with a volume of about 300 ml and a shallow plate with a diameter of about 20 cm. Weigh or re-measure the portion whose volume you are not sure of. At a restaurant, order a half portion, eat an appetizer before your main course, or go to restaurants that do not offer “extra-large” portions. Avoid large volumes of drinks, even if it's just water, otherwise you risk drinking the same amount of high-calorie drinks later by inertia.

Don't eat in front of the TV

In another experiment, the researchers divided the participants into three groups and sat them in front of the TV, handing each a large box of chips. In the two groups, every 7th and 13th chip was marked red.

In the group where the chips were not marked with color, women ate an average of 23 chips. Participants in the other two groups ate only 10. “When they got to the red chips, it made them wonder how many they had already eaten,” the scientists commented. So you shouldn't eat from a pack, especially while watching TV, because the only thing that can stop you is an empty pack. It’s better to put the allowable amount of food on a plate in advance and hide the pack away.

Keep nothing on the kitchen or dining table

If, say, a bag of chips catches your eye, then the temptation to eat it will be greater than if you need to open the cabinet to do so. Simply take as many chips as you need and put the bag away. The same goes for dinner. If you put all your prepared food on the table, you won't have to get up for more and you'll be more likely to eat more than you should. And if you put a lot of food on the table, then let it be salads or vegetables that do not contain many calories, are filling and healthy. After finishing your meal, immediately clear the table. As you know, what you don’t see, you don’t think about.

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