4 ways to reduce arm size at home

Hello, dear girls. Are you satisfied with your figure? Probably not, since you decided to read the article. We have already discussed exercises for the abdomen, legs, and the whole body. Today we will talk about how to reduce fat arms.

For us women, having beautiful hands is a big problem. If you start “swinging” without a coach , your shoulders will be huge; if you don’t do anything, you will feel aspic. This means that you need exercises that will not increase muscle mass, but will give a slight relief.

The causes of obesity in most cases are our lifestyle. Therefore, losing weight should concern every area of ​​life. You need not only to exercise, but also to eat right , go to bed on time, drink enough water and just not be lazy. You can remove excess fat with the help of operations, however, if the causes are not eliminated, there will be no point in this - everything will come back.

Workouts for the whole body

benefits of interval running

Cardio load

This includes a treadmill, a bicycle, and a taibo. Engages every muscle in your body. The advantage of this workout is a total reduction in the volume of adipose tissue. Nothing will stand out too much, like when doing dumbbell exercises that only involve your arms.


The principle, as in running, is to remove everything unnecessary. Swimming is more effective than air training because water offers more resistance.

Push ups

You will not only get your arms into the desired shape, but also strengthen your back muscles. Your posture will become straighter, your internal organs will begin to perform their functions much better. Slouched posture and excess weight are a terrible combination, don’t let yourself be like that.

We answer the question: how to reduce the size of a girl’s arms - a set of 3 simple exercises

Full arms spoil everything: your mood, looking in a chic dress with short sleeves or without them at all, a beach suit, and, most of all, self-esteem!
Hanging ears and flabby triceps are very difficult to hide, and even harder to come to terms with. This feature is inherited and acquired by eating disorders and a sedentary lifestyle.

Most often, it is the back of the arms that sag - the triceps and flexor muscles in the armpit area. The reason is that by nature, we bend our arms more often in everyday life, and unbend them less often. Thus, the triceps muscle remains in the shadows and gradually begins to show itself in “all its glory.” How to reduce the size of your arms at home?

Since flabbiness is most often associated with excess weight , it is necessary to adjust your diet and perform a set of cardio and strength exercises. In this situation, you will be able to afford your first open dress no earlier than in a month.

Exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders

Dietary restrictions, massage, and body wraps are great for losing weight on your arms from elbows to shoulders, but the main way to solve this problem should still be special exercises. To remove fat from your forearms quickly and permanently, you need to know which exercises for losing weight on your arms above the elbow should be included in your usual workout:

  • jumping rope or imitation thereof;
  • squats with arm raises;
  • bar;
  • swing your arms;
  • push ups;
  • pull-ups;
  • exercises with dumbbells.

Full arms spoil everything: your mood, looking in a chic dress with short sleeves or without them at all, a beach suit, and, most of all, self-esteem!

Hanging ears and flabby triceps are very difficult to hide, and even harder to come to terms with. This feature is inherited and acquired by eating disorders and a sedentary lifestyle.

Most often, it is the back of the arms that sag - the triceps and flexor muscles in the armpit area. The reason is that by nature, we bend our arms more often in everyday life, and unbend them less often. Thus, the triceps muscle remains in the shadows and gradually begins to show itself in “all its glory.” How to reduce the size of your arms at home?

Since flabbiness is most often associated with excess weight , it is necessary to adjust your diet and perform a set of cardio and strength exercises. In this situation, you will be able to afford your first open dress no earlier than in a month.

A simple set of 3 exercises

How to reduce the muscles on a girl’s arms with the help of fitness? The basic rule of training for volume loss is dynamics. All activities should be supported by jumping, jogging or rhythmic performance. Static loads are not helpful here. The exception would be multi-joint ones. Only vigorous training will begin to melt your fat on the way to slender and toned arms.

Any exercise must begin with a warm-up part. Warm up your joints, stretch all your muscles, warm up your main muscle – your heart. It is thanks to its intensive work that fat will run off your body like from a frying pan.

Then include high-intensity paired exercises that will squeeze you out like a lemon. Various push-ups paired with dumbbell abductions will come in handy! To finish off hot muscles should be multi-joint statics. Affecting a large area of ​​the body at once, fat, together, begins to leave the inhabited spaces.

You should definitely finish with a cool down, stretching all the muscles involved to get rid of pain the next day.

So, let's start doing exercises to reduce arm size for women.


To thoroughly prepare for subsequent loads, perform the following movements:

  • Rotate your head in different directions. Measured, feeling the movement in every ligament and bone. Just don’t throw your head back too much, because you can get an unwanted neck injury or at least pinch a vertebra.
  • Body tilts forward/backward. 20-30 repetitions. Then move on to rotating your pelvic area.
  • It's time for the arms - rotation of the hands, elbow area, shoulders.
  • Mill – bend forward until your back is parallel to the floor, arms straight to the sides. Turn your body and your hands first in one direction or the other, carefully warming up your tailbone.

Or you can do the warm-up shown in the video:

Inhale and exhale, and you can begin the main action.

Push-ups and abductions with dumbbells

Excellent exercises that work the entire target muscle group at once, especially above the elbow, while not forgetting the abs, back and legs. It's hard to do, especially at the initial stage. Many people have weak hands from words in general. It is difficult for them to cope even with working with their own body weight, not to mention weights.

  1. Lying emphasis on feet and palms, body as one line. Dumbbells are located near the body within walking distance;
  2. Inhaling, we jerk down, doing a push-up;
  3. As we exhale we go back. Repeat the action 15 times;
  4. We take dumbbells in our hands and tilt our body. We stretch them out until the arms and shoulders form one continuous line;
  5. As you inhale, move your arms straight back with dumbbells;
  6. As you exhale, we return to the starting point. We repeat the same 15 times.

At the initial stage, it is enough to perform such a combo once. Over time, add both the number of sets and the number of repetitions.

Note! If you are a complete beginner, do not use dumbbells at first, but make movements with your arms without them. The necessary muscles will already be worked out, and you will not get unnecessary muscle pain or mental and physical overtraining.

Dynamic bar

The hellish exercise familiar to many, which does not spare any nook and cranny of the body, can be made even more productive. By using lateral movement and extra concentration to keep your whole body in coordination, the training is powerful and effective. Excellent reduces the size of girls' hands. The difficulty of the execution is high, special attention should be paid to the back - you cannot hunch it!

  1. We start with an emphasis similar to push-ups, with straight arms;
  2. As you inhale, take a step sideways with your right arm and leg;
  3. As you exhale, we return to the starting point and continue the action to the left side.

Watch the video for more details:

The whole point of the exercise is at increased speed, you can’t rest. We returned from the right side, immediately went to the left, and walked back from there. The pulse quickens, the muscles tense - the perfect moment to expel fat!

You need to take 10-15 steps in each direction, rest for 20-30 seconds and return to the starting position 2 more times.

Static bar

We worked fun and dynamically, time to rest and relax. Did you believe it? But in vain! Relaxation and planking are incompatible things. The static plank is more aimed at developing endurance and deepening muscle fibers, thereby displacing hated fat cells.

A special feature of the static plank is that it actively promotes oxygenation of the blood, more proper blood circulation and an increase in the body’s immune system. Execution is difficult, especially if you stop feeling sorry for yourself and give it your best.

  1. Emphasis on the arms and legs, the body is like a string, the gaze is directed forward;
  2. Inhaling, we straighten our arms, tuck our tailbone, tense all our muscles and freeze in this position. Breathing is allowed.
  3. Exhale thoroughly and relax.

Learn more from the video:

The initial holding time in the plank is 30 seconds, NOT less. Put aside pity, doubt, pain (unless it’s a cutting muscle pain), stand and imagine your thin arms framed by the stunning beauty of a sleeveless dress or a sexy sports top, for example. Concentrate, don’t forget about motivation even for a second, visualize your changes vividly and go for them!

Note! Increase your endurance interval by at least 5 seconds every day. Your initial goal is 3 minutes! Then 5, 7, 10 and so on. After all, there is no limit to perfection.


Having thoroughly pumped your arms, you need to stretch them properly. The muscles will become longer, more flexible and feminine.

  • Hug one bent arm around the straightened other and pull it to the side. Swap them;
  • Place both hands behind your back, lock them together, push your hands inward so that your arms are straight. Gradually raise the lock higher and higher to the norm acceptable to you;
  • Sit cross-legged. Clasp your bent arms, placing one behind your back from above and the other from below. Lean forward, with the elbow of your first hand aiming directly at the ceiling. Return to the starting point, change the position of your hands and repeat the same steps.

On topic: DIY 12-sided cube

Or repeat the cool down in the video:

After all the exercise, thoroughly shake your arms and legs, breathe deeply and go to the shower.

What else will help reduce the size of your arms?

  • A balanced diet with a calorie deficit will remove the hated volumes not only from the hands, but evenly throughout the body;
  • Self-massages promote a rush of blood to the massaged areas, thereby generating active fat burning;
  • Don't ignore water - clean drinking water improves digestion and increases metabolism, thereby actively taking energy from fat cells.

Motivation, self-goal and perseverance will help you prove and show yourself what you are capable of and what kind of body YOU deserve. Don't give up, don't stop there and strive higher for your goals and desires.


How to lose weight in your arms and shoulders, but not pump them up

First of all, it’s worth saying that you can’t lose weight in just one zone. Fat accumulates everywhere, of course, somewhere more or less, but weight loss occurs throughout the body. Therefore, special exercises will only help to give elasticity and relief to a certain area, but even in this case, only one muscle rarely works. As a rule, several muscles and areas are involved.

Nutrition expert

As for losing weight with a set of exercises in one zone, this is a real myth. To lose weight, you need to adjust your diet and lead a more active lifestyle. The arms cannot be full compared to the rest of the body, that is, by losing weight everywhere, you can reduce the volume in the area and there.

On the other hand, some women are afraid to do upper limb exercises, especially with dumbbells, because they are afraid of building muscle. But there is no need to worry about this. Firstly, it is extremely difficult due to hormonal balance. The female body has special protection, so to achieve a similar effect, you will have to work very hard and for a long time. Secondly, you need to exercise while using nutritional supplements and at the same time lifting serious weights.

To give your arms definition and reduce volume, it is enough to exercise several times a week, performing a couple of simple exercises. First of all, you need to work the triceps, that is, the muscles of the back of the shoulder.

Reverse push-up

For these purposes, the best and simplest exercise is the reverse push-up. It can be carried out with support on a chair, bench or sofa. The hands rest against the edge, and the torso moves forward, the legs are on the floor. The body goes down and rises due to the work of the triceps on the arms. To make it more difficult, your legs need to be straightened.

We recommend reading about weight loss barbells. You will learn about the benefits of exercising with a barbell, a set of exercises for women, and nutritional features after exercising with a barbell. And here is more information about dumbbells for weight loss.

Exercises to reduce the size of your arms

Beginners should start with moderate forms of cardio: running, cycling on a flat surface, or water aerobics. As soon as your muscles and body get stronger, move on to active activities: jogging and badminton, for example.

Triceps Push-Ups Using a Chair

Chair push-ups for triceps

A very effective exercise designed to develop the back and arm muscles. Sit on the edge of a hard chair. Feet together, arms resting on the edge of the chair, palms on the sides of your body. Slowly lower your body from the chair with your buttocks to the floor so that your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle. Return to the starting position and perform eight repetitions.

Push Ups on a Ball

Ball push-ups

This exercise uses your balance to stimulate your arm muscles. Start by lying stomach down on an exercise ball. Lift yourself up onto your hands and roll your body over the ball and make sure the ball is under your hips. Tighten your body muscles and perform your usual push-ups. Hold your position for three seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat five times. Once your muscles get stronger, you can try doing 15 reps per set.

Why fat is deposited on the arms

To understand how to deal with fat on the arms, you need to first talk about the reasons for fat deposition in this area. The most common reasons are:

  1. Genetic predisposition. You are an inverted triangle body type. In this type, fat deposits appear first on the back, shoulders and arms. Towards the bottom, the figure seems to narrow, and the hips look very narrow in comparison with the shoulders.
  2. Lack of physical activity. Most often found among office and retail workers. Then, as a rule, a person gains weight not only in his arms.
  3. Poor nutrition. A large amount of fatty, sweet or, on the contrary, salty foods can also provoke the appearance of fatty deposits in the arms and not only.
  4. Age. With age, the body begins to spend energy differently, and hormonal levels change. Fat can be deposited in the most unexpected places: on the knees, elbows, and shins. Including on the hands.
  5. Weak muscle tone in the arms. If the muscles of the forearm do not work enough, then most likely with age the arms will look more and more flabby. Even with a small percentage of fat, your arms will look fat.
  6. Well developed muscles. If a person is “in body” and has developed arm and forearm muscles, then most likely his arms will look plump. This happens because adipose tissue is superimposed on muscle tissue, further increasing it.

Sometimes there can be several reasons for the appearance of fat on the arms. A hidden, but serious reason is a metabolic disorder in the body.
Some diseases, such as endocrine diseases, can cause swelling and accumulation of fluid and fat in certain parts of the body. For example, on the arms or legs. If you are losing weight, but your arms remain full, we recommend that you check your hormones with an endocrinologist and gynecologist. Thus, of the seven common causes of fat deposits in the arms, only one is uncontrollable. This is age. With this “problem” you can contact a plastic surgeon or a cosmetologist. Other causes can be eliminated by consulting a doctor, a fitness trainer, or by adjusting your lifestyle.

Men can also suffer from fat deposits in the arm area.

Exercises without dumbbells at home

To lose weight, you don't have to go to the gym or group classes. It is possible to master a simple complex at home. In addition, it is more convenient to study at home, since there is no need to travel anywhere.

Certain exercises will help make your arms slimmer. During approaches, the muscles should be tense. You need to do about 10 repetitions.

  • Regular push-ups. This exercise helps improve the relief of the arms and work the muscles of the back and chest. It is better to start doing push-ups with a lighter version, namely on your knees from a sofa or bench. Depending on the width of your arms, the load will be distributed on the triceps or on the pectoral muscles. The closer the hands, the more the terrain sways. Perform at the initial stage from 5 repetitions.

Push-up with clap

  • Reverse push-ups. This is one of the best exercises for working your triceps. You can do push-ups from a sofa, chair or other surface. You should lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. The legs may be bent at first as the exercise becomes easier. They should then be straightened to make them more difficult.
  • Elevated push-ups. They are similar to the classic version, only the legs rest on a bench. This method is the most difficult, so you should start it after mastering the previous ones.

Elevated push-ups

  • Plank with push-ups. The initial position is a stand with outstretched arms, then you should lower yourself onto your forearms and rise again.
  • Swings and rotations with arms. Active movements help you lose weight and burn fat in this area. You need to rotate your hands both vertically and horizontally. The movements should be as energetic as possible; about 50 swings should be performed in total. You need to do several approaches.
  • Palm pressure. Arms are parallel to the floor, elbows bent and in front of you. The palms should press against each other, while the fingers look up. Each phase lasts 15 - 20 seconds.
  • Burpees. One of the most effective exercises. During execution, almost all muscle groups work. The upper body is heavily loaded, as well as the legs. In addition, burpees improve metabolism. Starting position – squatting with your hands on the floor. Then the legs are sharply pushed back, a push-up is done, then they also quickly return to the starting position and a jump is made. At the end, the arms rise and clap their palms.


  • Plank. It is better to complete the complex with this exercise. In static standing, all muscle groups work. Starting position – standing on your hands and toes. The head should be an extension of the back, with the gaze directed to the floor. If this option is too difficult, then you can start doing the plank from a stand on your elbows.

On topic: Do-it-yourself developing cube

Each exercise must be performed in several approaches, starting with 2 - 3 times. Each phase usually consists of 8 - 10 repetitions. But you can gradually increase the amount. While performing exercises, it is important to focus on the working muscles.

A set of the best exercises for losing weight on your arms

These exercises for losing weight in your arms at home must be performed consistently and regularly. It is recommended to repeat each of them 8-12 times, using moderately heavy weights. Although, if you are new to sports, you can start doing exercises to lose weight in your arms without dumbbells and other weights, and over time increase your load. So, what will our lesson consist of?

Biceps Curl

This exercise will work the front surface of the shoulder - the biceps. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart with your palms facing forward. Bend your arms at the knees, raise the dumbbells to chest level. Then slowly lower your arms to their original position.

When performing exercises for losing weight on your arms for women, make sure that your elbows are strictly at your sides.

Alternating hammer grip biceps curl

The biceps work again. Take a dumbbell in each hand and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be slightly bent, with your palms facing each other. Slowly lift the dumbbell in your right hand to your shoulder, then lower your hand to its original position. Repeat the same movement for your left hand. Next, the exercise is performed alternately for each hand. When performing exercises to lose weight on your arms at home, pay attention to your technique. Try not to sway . The elbows should be near the body.

Arm curls with an expander

These exercises for reducing arm volume are also aimed at the biceps. You need to step on the expander or securely fasten it below. Take the ends in both hands. It is important that the tapes are tensioned well and do not sag. Bend your elbows and pull the handles of the expander towards your shoulders. Then slowly return your arms to the starting position, lowering them. It is important to keep your elbows close to your body and return your arms to the starting position smoothly and slowly, without making sudden jerks.

Part 2: General Weight Loss Tips

1. Realistic expectations. It is important to understand that it is impossible to lose weight in a specific area of ​​the body, only in the arms, for example. In the process of losing weight, a couple of centimeters may disappear from your waist or abdomen before you notice changes in your arms. If you stick to the right diet and a well-structured training plan, then sooner or later the changes will affect your entire body.

  • It's not enough to just do arm exercises and build muscle. Of course, the muscles will regain their tone, but if they are covered with a layer of fat on top, then the appearance of the arms is unlikely to change much. Therefore, first of all, you need to remove the fat layer from above so that fabulous and elastic muscles appear.
  • It's not enough to just lose weight. As stated earlier, there is no quick and direct way to remove arm fat at home, it will take time before a healthy diet and aerobic exercise can make a difference in the size of your arms. Even if your arms become thinner, they may still be flabby and saggy because there was no developed muscle mass underneath the layer of fat.
  • That is why special exercises for arms, coupled with weight loss, will help you get rid of problem areas on your arms and tone them up. Everything should be in moderation.

2. Determine how healthy your current weight is . In most cases, people want to lose weight in the arms above the elbow for purely aesthetic reasons, but arm fat is often a sign of obesity. The steps you need to take will depend on your current health status and how many pounds you want to lose.

  • Check your body mass index. To quickly find out about your current health status, body weight also applies here, find out your BMI. Some sites have an online calculator that will calculate everything for you and display the result, including your body fat level.
  • A number range of 19 to 26 is considered a normal BMI. A BMI above 26 indicates that you need to lose weight, and above 30 indicates obesity.
  • It's up to you whether to see a doctor or not. But if your BMI is above 30, then you definitely need to do this in order to understand for yourself how to proceed. If your BMI is normal, but there are fat deposits on your arms, it will be enough to simply adjust your diet and perform special exercises to achieve the desired result.

3. Switch to low-calorie diets. There are a huge number of diets and ways to lose weight, but they all have one common rule - you need to reduce the number of calories you consume and eat healthy foods. Here are some tips on how to eat healthy to lose weight all over your body, including your arms.

  • Avoid fatty foods. Fried foods, cheese and hamburgers will become fat folds on your body.
  • You may not even have to cut down on portions much to lose weight on your arms. Just eat more lean meats, such as chicken and turkey, and fruits and vegetables. This means that if you're already eating healthy, then eating smaller portions may help even more.
  • Always have breakfast. Research shows that people who eat a filling, protein-rich breakfast lose more pounds and then have an easier time keeping them from gaining it back.
  • Drink plenty of water. 8 glasses of water are needed for normal metabolism, to reduce hunger and burn calories.
  • Don't eat sports energy bars. Yes, they charge you with energy, but at the same time they are considered fattening foods.

4. Do aerobic exercise. Exercise is one of the best ways to burn fat, not just in the arm area, but throughout your entire body. It would be a good idea if you included some aerobic exercise in your workout plan.

  • You can do as many exercises as you want to build muscle on your arms and tone your skin, but until you remove all the fat from your muscles, your arms will not get the shape you want.
  • Running, swimming, dancing or just walking are great aerobic exercises that burn fat throughout the body, including the arms.
  • For adults without health problems, 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise is recommended.

5. Lose fat. If you listened to the advice and got the first results, congratulations! But know that to get rid of fat, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This means you need to continue to eat right.

  • Lean protein, high-fiber carbohydrates, and a variety of vegetables are the best choices. Eat well three times a day, preferably without snacking.
  • Keep training. Stick to the workout plan that you choose or that a trainer has chosen specifically for you to stay healthy. Buy a gym membership or work out at home a few days a week.
  • Keep up the good work you're doing with eating right and exercising, and you'll improve your health, lose weight, increase your energy levels, and improve your mood.

How to lose weight in your arms: additional tips

As already mentioned, an integrated approach is important in losing weight in your arms. Effective exercises for losing weight in your arms, videos of which will help you understand how to perform them, should be combined with diet correction. In addition, you can use additional methods aimed at correcting this particular area, such as massage and body wraps . Massage perfectly eliminates fat and tones. Of course, ideally it should be done by a specialist, so that two hands take part in the technique. But you can try to perform massage movements yourself, with both hands alternately. Before the procedure, it is recommended to apply massage oil or cream to your hand. You need to massage from bottom to top - from the hands to the shoulders.

Apply the oil in circular motions for a couple of minutes. This will help speed up blood circulation and allow the muscles to warm up. Now you need to actively make kneading movements. Continue the procedure for 20 minutes. For the shoulders and forearms, use light pinching movements. The procedure ends with light stroking and spanking towards the shoulders. You can perform a light massage while taking a shower, actively rubbing your hands with a brush or washcloth. Then use moisturizer.

Vacuum massage also works well. In just a week, it will restore your skin tone.

Wraps also help tighten the skin and slightly reduce the volume of the arms. The composition of the products used may be the same as for the abdomen or thighs. You can use honey, seaweed, coffee grounds, clay and so on. The wrap has a sauna effect. It opens the pores through which excess fluid and various toxins are removed. Also, as a result of the procedure, blood circulation improves, which activates the processes of fat breakdown. By performing wraps once every 1-2 days for a month , you will notice that the volume of your arms has become smaller by a couple of centimeters. To improve the effect, you can alternate different compositions of masks. You can also use lifting creams, anti-cellulite products, and so on. The compositions can be applied not only to the triceps area, but also entirely from the shoulders to the hands.

Regular exercise in combination with additional methods will help tighten the skin of the hands, eliminate all excess from this area, and gain an attractive texture. The main thing is not to be lazy and do the exercises regularly, and soon you will notice obvious results.

Exercises with dumbbells

To enhance the effect, various equipment is used. Don't worry that you can build up muscles with dumbbells. They are great for reducing the volume of your arms and working out the relief. Dumbbells should be selected depending on physical fitness, starting from 0.5 kg and up to 2 kg.

To lose weight in your arms, perform the following exercises:

  • Lifting dumbbells from behind your head. The arms are raised up, joined together, the palms fall back and rise up. You can perform the exercise sitting or standing. You only need to work with the elbow joint, feeling the triceps.
  • Raising your arms up. The exercise is performed standing. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down, then raised to shoulder level, then lowered down. The brushes are turned inward. The shoulder girdle works the hardest.
  • Elbow extension. The body is tilted forward, while the back retains its natural curve. The arms are directed along the body and bent at the elbows at a right angle. You need to bend them back smoothly and slowly.
  • Bent over arms extension. The torso is at an angle of 45 degrees, the lower back is in a natural curve. Hands are lowered down, palms facing each other. They must be raised until they are parallel to the floor, then lowered.
  • Lifting dumbbells. Can be performed sitting or standing. The arms are bent at the elbows at a right angle, then extended upward parallel to each other. It is better to turn your palms inward.
  • Cascade rise. The arms are lowered along the body. Then they are raised parallel to the floor, and then up above the head with the palms facing inward.

Each exercise should be done 10 - 15 repetitions in 3 - 4 approaches. Training should be done every other day so that the muscles have time to recover. In addition, after strength training, calorie consumption continues. For the exercises to be effective, you should not eat a couple of hours before and after the exercises.

To learn how to remove fat from your arms using dumbbells, watch this video:

Work with dumbbells

Method of execution: There can be a lot of variations when working with dumbbells. Alternate between raising your arms to the sides, lifting dumbbells with your feet resting on the surface, straight lifting dumbbells, and even static exercises.

Comment: working with weights, in this case, is a great idea, which will allow you to work almost all the muscles of the arms and simulate relief. Monitor the weight of the equipment; if you have low physical fitness, start with dumbbells weighing 1 kg. Or even 0.5 kg, and then increase the weight, but without sudden transitions (for example, from 1 kg to 5 kg),

To lose weight on your thighs, do leg swings and lunges.

Technique for performing exercise No. 1:

  • Stand up straight, press your hand against the wall.
  • Make a few swings with your straightened right leg forward, a few back and a few more to the side. Switch arms and legs.
  • Repeat the exercise 15 times on each side.

On the subject: Arms and legs hurt after training

Technique for performing exercise No. 2:

  • Stand straight with your feet together.
  • Start doing lunges - step forward with one leg, bending it at the knee.
  • The entire weight of the body must be transferred to this limb.
  • Change your leg.

Workout at home if you have dumbbells


Important rules when working with dumbbells

  • Work all muscle groups (biceps, triceps, deltoids).
  • If you are right-handed, do your sets with the expectation that it will be harder to do with your left hand and will be performed fewer times. Be sure to do the same number of times on both sides. If you are left-handed, the opposite is true.


Stand up straight. Feet shoulder width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands. Fix your elbows at your waist. They should not move during the exercise. Forearms below. Smoothly lift the dumbbells up to your shoulders. Also lower down smoothly. The slower you lower your hands, the harder, but more effective. Do 10 times, 3 sets.


Starting position as in the previous exercise. Hold a dumbbell in one hand. Raise it above your head. The second one, take the first one under the elbow a couple of centimeters above the elbow. Smoothly lower the first one behind your head. You should feel the back of your shoulder stretch and tighten. Complete the required number of repetitions and move to the other side.


Take two dumbbells. Place your brushes at head level. Raise your arms up, making sure they are straight. Perform 10 times, 3 approaches.

How to reduce volume quickly in the gym

As already mentioned, you can’t lose weight in just one zone. Weight loss happens everywhere, so to reduce the size of your arms, you should burn fat deposits throughout your body. Cardio exercise is best for weight loss. They can be done in the gym. Burning fat will speed up the appearance of relief on your arms. You should exercise on the following exercise machines:

  • Treadmill. Half-hour classes help improve metabolism. Working out in the gym is often more convenient and easier than working out on the street.
  • Speppere. This simulator helps compensate for the lack of physical activity.
  • Rowing machine. If it is not possible to go rowing, then it works well on the necessary muscle groups. The rowing machine also perfectly trains the cardiovascular system and various muscles in the body. Electronic views help you set your workout parameters.
  • Ellipsoid. Due to the fact that the movements are performed not only with the legs, but also with the arms, the triceps and biceps are trained. It also helps develop joints and improve metabolism.
  • Jump rope. A simple cardio workout machine. The jump rope helps to work out all muscle groups.

In addition, in the fitness club you can practice swimming, Nordic walking, and dancing. Such workouts help improve metabolism, increase overall muscle tone and elasticity in the body. Together with strength training, they increase the effect and speed up the weight loss process.

We recommend reading about burpees for weight loss. You will learn about the benefits of the burpee exercise, the rules for doing it, and the training program. And here is more information about swimming for weight loss.

The complex for arms and shoulders will help create a beautiful shape and relief. However, you should not expect that one magic exercise can solve the problem. Losing weight is a complex exercise that includes strength and cardio training, as well as proper nutrition and drinking regimen. During classes, you need to focus on the work of the desired muscle, feel it.

What exercises to choose to lose weight on your arms

To lose weight in your arms, you should use aerobic and cardio exercises. Different sports have special programs that are designed to achieve this effect.

    . This type of physical activity is designed to strengthen all muscles during exercise. During active training, all excess fat deposits are evenly burned in all problem areas. Dance aerobics classes will help give your body good physical shape, tighten it, raise self-esteem and simply give you a good mood. In order to get rid of arm fat, dance training should be regular. The essence of the classes is the correct execution of various energetic movements with elements of dance. This sport is quite simple, so under the guidance of a good trainer or thanks to video lessons from the Internet, even beginners can lose weight.

Pool exercises

. Regular training will give your arms definition and remove excess volume. Moreover, swimming will help reduce your entire body weight, tighten your skin, and improve your health.

Push ups

. With this strength exercise you will quickly remove excess weight from your arms and get your extensor muscles - triceps - in shape. To begin with, you need to take a classic starting position: your back should be straight, your legs should be extended, your balance should be kept exclusively on your toes, your hands should be positioned at shoulder level, next to each other. Slowly bend your torso down, but do not touch the floor, then do not quickly return to the starting position. So that during the exercise all the necessary load is directed to the arm area, the elbows should not be pressed against the body. If you are just starting classes and it is still difficult for you to keep the weight on your toes, transfer the support to your knees.

  • Pull-ups
    . This is an excellent exercise for developing biceps, which will also quickly get rid of bulky arms. Hang on the bar and make a reverse grip with your hands. For high-quality performance, use only the strength of the arm muscles - pull your torso up until your chin is higher than the bar. Then slowly take the starting position, your arms should be completely straight again. To start, do two sets of five pull-ups. Then gradually increase the number of times. If it is difficult to do pull-ups on a horizontal bar overhead, you can first do the exercise on a low bar in a position at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Each of these exercises affects a specific muscle group or gives a cardio effect (aerobics, swimming). Therefore, ideally they should be combined.

    Arm weight loss: features

    To “create” ideal arms , you need to eliminate excess fat and solve the problem of muscle flaccidity. This is done in two stages:

    • First you need to eliminate excess fat so that the arms become thinner and do not shake like jelly.
    • At the same time, the arm muscles are toned. This allows you to increase muscle mass and gain a beautiful shape.

    You need to know that you cannot lose weight “locally”, that is, remove fat from only one part of the body. Exercises for losing weight on your arms are aimed at correcting their relief, that is, they will work more on muscles rather than fat. Training will be effective if the approach is comprehensive . And first of all, we need to take care of eliminating unsightly sagging, which is why we need to get rid of excess fat. It is worth adding cardio to your usual training program. It is also important to eat right, follow a diet, drink enough water and follow other rules that are relevant for general weight loss. Well, the best exercises for losing weight on your arms will help you work not only them, but also your shoulders and back, so as a bonus you will also get beautiful posture.

    Exercises to reduce arm size

    As soon as the warm-up is over, we move on to performing the exercises.

    Exercise 1

    The most effective exercise for losing arm weight is push-ups, so we will focus on it. We take the position “lying down” and do 20 regular push-ups.

    Exercise 2

    A more complex and effective type of push-up is with your feet elevated. Starting position - lying down, only your feet are not on the floor, but on the sofa. We perform 15 push-ups. At first, you may not succeed at all. Don't despair: just move forward and over time you will see progress!

    Exercise 3

    And the last type of push-ups, it is simpler and very suitable for beginners - hands on a hill. The starting position is the same position lying down, only the outstretched arms are on the sofa (an option is on the table). We perform 25 push-ups.

    Useful video

    To learn how to tighten sagging arms in the gym, watch this video:

    • A set of exercises for losing weight You can use the health disc for weight loss at home and even at work. These simple exercises will help your abdominal muscles, and if you choose the right set of exercises, your overall weight loss will be significant. Read more
    • Slimming roller: exercises with gymnastic...

    The weight loss roller is used mainly by trained people, since exercises with it from the abdomen and sides require physical training. How to do gymnastics with a press machine? How to apply under the back? Read more

    Barbell: weight loss with a set of exercises...

    If you choose a barbell, weight loss will not take long. It is believed that a set of exercises and training with it will give greater results for men and women than even running. A special program includes lunges, squats and others. Read more

    Making a wasp waist

    Technique for performing exercise No. 1:

    • Sit with your legs together, grab your legs at the ankles with your hands and slowly lift them up to a nearly vertical position.
    • As you inhale, tightening your stomach, shift the center of gravity slightly back, maintaining this position for several seconds.
    • Exhale and slowly return to the starting position.
    • Repeat 15 times.

    Technique for performing exercise No. 2:

    • Stand up, cross your legs, stretch your arms up and also cross them.
    • As you inhale, pull in your stomach and stretch as high and sideways as possible, towards your supporting leg, hold your breath for a few seconds, exhale and relax.
    • Repeat 15 times, then repeat this exercise using the other leg.


    Method of execution: stand so that the bars are perpendicular to your body, clasp the bars with your hands, rise smoothly and return to the starting position.

    Comment: it is very important to perform the exercise on parallel bars and horizontal bars smoothly, without jerking, this way you will avoid back injuries. Select the number of approaches based on your physical fitness. If you don't know how to do dips, then the best way to learn is to rise (by yourself or with someone's help) to the final position of the rise and begin to slowly lower. This way your muscles will gradually remember the characteristics of this load and prepare for the lift.

    Read also: What is cooling yoga

    Massage activities at home

    You can also reduce the volume of your hands with self-massage at home.

    First, they warm up and rub the limbs. You need to move smoothly, upward from the hands. Sometimes the procedure should be done while taking a bath with oils and sea salt.

    When the skin is slightly red, you can proceed directly to massage actions.

    To do this, lubricate the palms with special oil, massage the forearms and hands. External parties need to be given special attention.

    It is worth using special massagers to improve lymph flow.

    After a general massage, you can do acupressure. But in order to do it, we need to study which point is responsible for which processes in our body.

    At the end, light strokes, about 4 minutes.

    And, of course, proper nutrition. But since the recommendations are generally the same as those simply for those who want to become slimmer, we will not pay attention to this today. Let's just say that you need to use an integrated approach and constantly work on yourself.

    Muscle definition is what you should strive for in the fight against excess weight. After all, even if you artificially reduce the volume of your arms, for example, by doing liposuction, you will still need to maintain the result, otherwise everything will come back.

    The article was checked and approved by Yulia Igorevna Mosalova, a specialist in adaptive physical culture - see the authors of the site

    How to massage to reduce arm size

    To carry out the self-massage procedure, you will not need much time, but the results after it will be excellent. Excess weight in the arms and forearms will gradually disappear, total body weight will decrease, and metabolic processes will improve.

    Features of hand massage:

      The massage should begin with warming up and rubbing your hands. Movements should be smooth, in the direction from the hands to the shoulders. You can carry out the procedure in a bath with sea salt and aromatic oils. The skin will be cleansed and well warmed up at a deep level. When the epidermis is slightly red, you can begin the massage.

    Lubricate your palms with oil. First, massage the area of ​​your forearms well and then continue moving down to your hands. Pay attention to the outer sides of your arms and shoulders.

    To lose weight in your hands, it is recommended to use special massage brushes. With their help, the process of lymph flow will improve, and this will promote weight loss. Take the choice of a massage brush seriously: its bristles should not be too hard, as it can damage the skin.

    After the general massage is completed, proceed to acupressure. The main point, which is responsible for digestive processes in the body, is located at the base of the thumb. You need to lightly press on it and (clockwise and vice versa) massage 15 times in each direction. The second useful area is the base of the thumbnail, the third is the place on the outside of the shoulder, between its base and the elbow. It is recommended to press on such points for no more than three minutes. Nutritionists say: stimulation of these areas significantly reduces appetite, helps calm and improve metabolic processes. Such acupressures can be done several times a day, without even having a general hand massage beforehand.

  • Final stage: after pressing for about three to four minutes, lightly stroke your hands.
  • Hand massage is an effective procedure, but you will get even greater results by combining massage with physical training and proper nutrition.

    What if there are no weights at all?

    And this is also possible, since you can reduce the volume of your shoulders and arms, eliminate sagging skin, and gain relief in the shoulder area not thanks to weights, but thanks to systematicity and regularity.

    • Mahi. You need to do them forward and then backward. Make them quite deep. In this case, the stomach should be tense, the body should lean forward slightly. Do 60 swings.
    • Imitation of a jump rope. You just have to pretend that you are jumping rope. 2 sets of 30 repetitions is enough. But, if you are very zealous in your desire to reduce the shoulder area, do not forget to perfect your technique: land on your toes, and not on your entire foot or heel, so as not to damage it.


    Any physical exercise should begin with a warm-up so that there are no unpleasant consequences in the future. So that you don't have to worry about warming up, I'll give you a few exercises that will quickly warm up your muscles.

    • Exercise 1. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. We make 20 circles with brushes, first in one direction, and then the same number of circles in the other direction.
    • Exercise 2. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. We make 20 large circles with our hands, first forward, and then the same number of large circles back.
    • Exercise 3. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at chest level. On the count of 3, turn your torso to the right and at the same time spread your arms to the sides. Return to the starting position. Then, on the count of 3, turn to the left and also spread your arms to the sides. Return to the starting position again. Make 20 of these turns.

    About the reasons for volume

    Before thinking about how to reduce the volume of her arms, a girl needs to understand what causes such excessive fullness and why her arms are like that. By the way, plump hands are also called “angel wings.” Of course, it’s difficult to call such an aesthetic feature angelic, especially for those who want to wear a dress with straps or a sundress so that their arms and shoulders are completely open.

    Here are the probable reasons for this volume:

    • incorrect posture means that first of all you should think about how to correct it;
    • features of the constitution - the arms and shoulders of mother, grandmother, great-grandmother are exactly the same, there is volume, and they also could not do anything to reduce it;
    • the arms look voluminous because it is obvious that the muscles, the triceps, are undeveloped and weak.


    Causes of excess volume in the arms

    Excessive fullness of the arms or so-called “angel wings” is a problem for many modern girls. After all, because of her, they cannot afford to wear a beautiful dress or sundress that reveals their shoulders.

    Before you start getting rid of arm fat, you need to know the reasons for this deficiency. Here are the main ones:

      This type of fat deposits can appear due to poor posture.

    If you have a constitutional predisposition to this problem.

    • If the pectoral muscles and triceps are weak and undeveloped.
    • It is worth noting that extra centimeters in volume on the arms, as a rule, do not appear on their own; they are accompanied by the presence of excess body weight. Therefore, the approach to solving the problem must be comprehensive.

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