How to take Clenbuterol and Yohimbine in a course (with reviews)

Clenbuterol and Yohimbine are often taken in courses. This combination is used for weight loss, eliminating fat deposits and drying muscles. At the same time, the course also includes other drugs, for example Thyroxine, Ketotifen, which increase the effectiveness of therapy and accelerate the process of achieving positive results. How safe is the use of Yohimbine and Clenbuterol in sports? How to take medications correctly? Let's try to figure it out.

drug packaging

Natural stimulant

Yohimbine hydrochloride is a substance that is extracted from the bark of an African tree. A powerful natural stimulant energizes, increases physical endurance and improves potency in the stronger sex. In the sports field, Yohimbine is used as a fat burner.

This product accelerates metabolic processes, stimulates testosterone production, and has a targeted effect on fat cells, promoting their breakdown. Yohimbine increases performance and performance in sports, making it possible to train longer and more intensely. The product is used by bodybuilders and strength athletes for the purpose of “drying”, building muscle mass, and getting rid of fat deposits.

Representatives of the fair sex take Yohimbine in combination with diet and fitness training to gain a slim figure and get rid of extra pounds. Yohimbine has a very gentle effect on the body, its composition is natural, and therefore approved by doctors, it is considered one of the safest drugs in sports pharmacology.

Fat burner for athletes

Clenbuterol belongs to the pharmacological group of simulant drugs. When this product enters the body, it imitates the effect of adrenaline, which promotes intense fat burning. Initially, Clenbuterol was developed as a means to combat bronchial asthma, but professional athletes quickly became interested in the medicine. After all, this product promotes active fat burning and has anti-catabolic properties, preventing the destruction of muscle tissue.

Clenbuterol activates lipolysis processes, accelerating the breakdown of fatty acids by almost 30%, and prevents the deposition of subcutaneous fat even after completion of the therapeutic course. It is thanks to these unique properties that Clenbuterol is used by both athletes and people seeking to lose weight and get rid of fat deposits.

man and woman jogging

Clenbuterol helps burn fat faster.

According to statistical data and real reviews, a course of using Clenbuterol allows you to lose from 5 to 9 kg. In this case, a person must follow the recommended diet and exercise intensively. Clenbuterol activates metabolic processes by 20–25%, stimulates the secretion of thyroid hormones and adrenaline, which are powerful natural fat burners.

To achieve the most pronounced and fastest results, Clenbuterol is often combined with other fat burning drugs, especially Yohimbine.

Who should take it?

Clenbuterol in combination with Yohimbine is taken in courses by bodybuilders, bodybuilders, and weightlifters. This combination gives a triple effect:

  1. Intensive fat burning.
  2. Protection of muscles from destruction, rapid recovery.
  3. Increasing physical endurance and training performance.

This combination of drugs reduces appetite and promotes mental activation. Athletes are often recommended a course with Clenbuterol during preparation for competitions, when they have to train a lot and intensively.

Clenbuterol with Yohimbine can also be recommended to ordinary people - men or women seeking to improve their figure, lose weight, and get rid of fat deposits. This course is used in cases where regular diet and exercise are ineffective.

Clenbuterol with Yohimbine is popular among beginner athletes. These drugs help to quickly get rid of problem areas, build muscle mass, increase endurance and strength, and get in good athletic shape.

man and doctor

Medicines should be taken in consultation with a specialist.

Who is not recommended?

Clenbuterol, contrary to popular misconception, is not a steroid, therefore, it has significantly fewer contraindications than most sports pharmacology drugs. It is recommended to refrain from using this drug for patients suffering from tachycardia, arrhythmia, subaortic aortic stenosis, and people who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction. The drug is contraindicated in women expecting the birth of a baby or breastfeeding.

If there are any disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is better to consult your doctor before starting the course. Reviews from athletes who took Clenbuterol with Yohimbine indicate that this combination, provided reasonable dosages are observed, is well tolerated by the body.

In some cases, side effects such as sleep disturbances, sweating, headaches, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and seizures may occur. It is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms over the course of several days by adjusting the daily dose.

Despite the fact that undesirable reactions are possible when using Clenbuterol, they are weaker and safer than those of traditional anabolic steroids, so popular among athletes.

About ephedrine[edit | edit code]

It would seem that quite recently (many still remember these times), the issue was resolved quite simply - in sports nutrition stores on the shelves there were an abundance of fat burners containing extracts of ephedra-containing plants or synthetic ephedrine, with the help of which getting rid of fat was relatively easy and, most importantly, , successfully. After the legislative ban on ephedrine-containing supplements, a vacuum has formed in this area - fat burners that do not contain ephedrine work poorly or do not work at all. And I think the “workability” of other supplements can be attributed to the placebo effect, which arises due to the convincing greed of some (sports nutrition manufacturers) and the easy suggestibility of others (consumers - that is, you and me). What remains in the end?

I deliberately exclude growth hormone from the topic under consideration, despite its undoubted fat-burning properties - if you look at things objectively, the majority of the population in the post-Soviet space cannot afford it. And here we finally come close to the topic of this article; forgive me generously for such a long introduction and grumbling in the style of “before, the grass was greener and the sun shone brighter.”

Combined reception

The Clenbuterol + Yohimbine course is very popular. This combination makes it possible to quickly achieve the desired results and bring your figure closer to the desired standard with minimal health risks.

It becomes easier to achieve positive results when combined with Yohimbine. After all, Clenbuterol stimulates lipolysis processes in the body, and Yohimbine suppresses adrenergic receptors that promote fat accumulation.

Man and woman

To achieve the best effect, Clenbuterol is taken in combination with Yohimbine.

Together with Clenbuterol, 5-10 mg (1-2 tablets) of Yohimbine should be taken 3 times a day with meals. In this case, alpha-2-adrenergic receptors are blocked (fat does not accumulate), beta-2-adrenergic receptors are stimulated (lipolysis accelerates).

Consider the regimen for taking Clenbuterol in combination with Yohimbine:

  • It is recommended to start the course with minimal dosages: Clenbuterol 20 mg - half a tablet, Yohimbine 5 mg - 1 tablet throughout the day.
  • The next day, double the dosage: Clenbuterol 40 mg - 1 tablet, Yohimbine 10 mg - 2 tablets.
  • On the third day, take 60 mg (one and a half tablets) of Clenbuterol in combination with 15 mg (3 tablets) of Yohimbine.
  • The next day - 80 mg (2 tablets) of Clenbuterol, 20 mg of Yohimbine (4 tablets).
  • On the fifth day, increase the dosage of Clenbuterol to 100 mg, Yohimbine – still 20.
  • The next day - Clenbuterol 120 mg, Yohimbine 120 mg.

Over the next 4 days, take medications at a dosage of 20 mg Clenbuterol + 20 mg Yohimbine, and then go downward. Each subsequent day, reduce the daily dose of Yohimbine by 5 mg, and Clenbuterol by 20 mg. Finish the course where you started: 20 mg Clenbuterol + 5 mg Yohimbine throughout the day.

The recommended course duration is 2 weeks, after which you must take a two-week break. Then, if desired and there are appropriate indications, the course can be repeated from the beginning.

Some athletes take caffeine (200 mg per day) or drink coffee drinks to speed up the weight loss process and increase the effectiveness of the course. But, judging by the reviews, this combination puts additional stress on the heart, which can lead to arrhythmia, tachycardia and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to discuss the use of caffeine with your doctor or personal trainer.

coffee beans

In some cases, additional caffeine may be consumed.

Instructions for use (drying course)

The maximum course for taking clenbuterol for weight loss is two weeks. After this period, the body gets used to the action of the drug and it is necessary to take a break between courses of at least two weeks. During this period, it is necessary to take Ketotifen to quickly wean off the active substance. Without Ketotifen, the break should be longer, up to two to three months, so the body will restore sensitivity to the components of the drug only after such a long period.

The clenbuterol dosage regimen for men involves a stepwise increase in dosage. So on the first day, take half a tablet (20 mcg of the substance), on the second 40 mcg, on the third 60 mcg, and so on up to a dosage of 100-120 mcg. In the last two days, the dosage is also reduced stepwise.

The regimen for women is drawn up on a similar principle and is in the instructions for use of the drug, however, the average dosage during the drying course will be less - 80-100 mcg per day.

The most common questions that arise when taking clenbuterol:

  • How many days should I take the drug for maximum effect? As already stated above, after two weeks the body begins to get used to it and the effectiveness of clenbuterol decreases. However, there are methods of taking the drug together with Ketotifen. With this regimen, effective weight loss is possible within four weeks. Then you also need to take a break.
  • How many tablets to take for drying? You need to understand that Clenbuterol dosages are individual. Depends on the gender, weight and physical condition of the athlete. The dosage for weight loss in men is on average 100-120 mcg (or 2.5 - 3 tablets). For women 80-100 mcg (2-2.5, respectively). In case of severe side effects, taking clenbuterol should be limited or stopped altogether and consult a doctor for advice on the indication for use of the drug.
  • What is a 2 by 2 scheme? This is a pulse course in which two days of intake are followed by two days of rest. However, the effectiveness of such a program in terms of fat burning is lower than that of the standard regimen.

Interaction with other tools

The combination of Clenbuterol with Thyroxine or Yohimbine + Thyroxine is quite common, especially among people who are professionally involved in sports. Thyroxine increases the effectiveness of Clenbuterol, fat burning processes occur faster, strength indicators increase, and the time required for recovery after training is reduced.

This result is achieved due to the ability of Thyroxine to activate metabolic processes and increase the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors, which enhances the effect of Clenbuterol and Yohimbine. But, according to doctors, this combination increases the risk of developing unwanted reactions. The recommended regimen for taking these drugs is as follows:

  • From days 1 to 3: Clenbuterol – 40 mg, Thyroxine – 25 mg, Yohimbine – 5 mg.
  • From days 4 to 7, the daily dosage of drugs is increased by 5 mg.
  • From 7 to 10 days - medications are taken 2 times a day, in the morning and after lunch. Each dose corresponds to a dosage of 1-3 days.
  • 10-12 – drugs are taken according to the schedule of 4-7 days.
  • On days 13-15 - according to the 1-3 day scheme.
  • From the 16th to the 19th day of the course, the daily dosage of drugs is halved.

After completing the course, you must take a break of 3 weeks. It is recommended to take all medications in the morning, approximately half an hour before meals, with clean water. If medications are taken 2 times during the day, then the first dose must be in the morning, and the second - half an hour before sports training.

Reviews from athletes who took this course indicate that tachycardia and a feverish state may occur in the first days. In order to eliminate such painful symptoms, it is recommended to take Ketotifen 1–2 mg throughout the day. Drugs called beta blockers will help reduce your heart rate. The recommended dosage is 50 mg 2 times a day.

How Clenbuterol affects the heart

Stimulation of adrenaline production provokes:

  • increased heart rate;

    Clenbuterol for weight loss. Instructions for use for women and men. How to take pills, courses, side effects. Reviews

  • vascular spasms;
  • increase in blood pressure.

The use of the drug leads to depletion of potassium and magnesium reserves, which affects the condition of the heart muscle. Asparkam and ketotifen eliminate both problems. If, after supplementing the course with these drugs, heart problems have not been eliminated, you should stop taking them and undergo a cardiac examination.

Combination with antihistamine

Ketotifen is a drug that reduces the sensitivity of mast cell structures and beta receptors. Belongs to the group of antihistamines. In combination with Clenbuterol and Yohimbine, it improves general condition, normalizes heart rate, calms the nervous system and makes it possible to increase the course from 2 weeks to a month.

drug packaging

As an addition, you can take Ketotifen.

According to the generally accepted scheme, Yohimbine and Clenbuterol are taken in the standard dosages described above, plus Ketotifen, starting from the 5th day of the therapeutic course - 1 mg of Ketotifen (tablet), then the drug is taken at 2 mg (2 tablets) throughout the day.

However, reviews from many people indicate that the use of Ketotifen can be started from the first day of the course. It is recommended to do this if the body is highly sensitive or insufficiently prepared. If you experience tremor, tachycardia, general malaise and other unpleasant symptoms, you can add Ketotifen to the main course.

In this case, it is recommended to take the drugs at different times. Judging by the comments of medical specialists and athletes, the optimal dosage regimen is as follows: Yohimbine + Clenbuterol - in the morning, Ketotifen - in the evening, before going to bed.

In Western countries, another interesting scheme is widespread, according to which Clenbuterol is taken alone or in combination with Yohimbine for two weeks, after which they take a two-week break using Ketotifen in an amount of 2 mg throughout the day before going to bed. Then the course of Clenbuterol is resumed.

Reviews from athletes and professional trainers indicate that this combination allows one to maintain the susceptibility of adrenergic receptors to the effects of Clenbuterol, while on their own, without Ketotifen, full recovery occurs only after several months. The use of Ketotifen after Clenbuterol with Yohimbine makes it possible to quickly restore the body and prepare it for further use of sports pharmacological drugs.


To obtain maximum effect, a number of recommendations have been developed.

Chemical composition and release form

According to the mechanism of action, Clenbuterol hydrochloride is a selective β2-adrenergic stimulant. This compound is the main component of the drug Clenbuterol, which is available in tablets and syrup. Different release forms differ in the concentration of the active substance.

Active ingredient content:

  • in tablets – 0.02 mg;
  • in syrup - 0.01 mg/5 ml;
  • children's syrup 0.001 mg/5 ml.

Clenbuterol for weight loss. Instructions for use for women and men. How to take pills, courses, side effects. Reviews When taking clenbuterol for weight loss, it is important to follow the instructions and not exceed the recommended dosage.
Tablets are available in blister packs and glass bottles of 20, 50 and 100 pieces. The syrup is available in 50 ml bottles and has a limited shelf life due to its high sugar content.

Clenbuterol from various pharmaceutical companies is present in the assortment of pharmacies. The difficulty of purchasing lies in the fact that this pharmacological drug is included in the category of prescription medications. If you do not have a prescription, you can purchase the drug at any sports pharmacology store.

The cost of clenbuterol depends on the country of manufacture, the form of release and the concentration of the active substance. The average cost of the drug in dollar terms is described in the table below.

ManufacturerRelease formPrice
Sopharma AD (Bulgaria)Cardboard packaging of 50 tablets of 0.02 mg. 5 blisters of 10 tablets. 21$
Balkanpharma-Troyan ADBottle of 100 tablets of 0.04 mg.18$
Balkanpharma-Troyan ADBottle of 50 tablets of 0.04 mg.11$

Additional recommendations

In order for the course of using Clenbuterol and Yohimbine to give the most positive, quick results, and most importantly, to be safe for health, you should listen to some recommendations from specialists and experienced athletes. They are as follows:

  1. Despite the fact that these drugs act gently and much more sparingly than other sports pharmacological agents, their use is recommended to be coordinated with the trainer and the attending physician. A specialist will help eliminate possible contraindications and develop an optimal individual dosage regimen. After all, standard dosages may require adjustment depending on your goals, gender, age, health status, weight category and many other factors.
  2. If pronounced side effects occur, it is recommended to temporarily stop the course and seek advice from a specialist; dosage adjustment or even drug replacement may be required. During the course, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dose. Exceeding the dosage is unlikely to help achieve greater results, but the health risks and the likelihood of adverse reactions will increase many times over.
  3. It is recommended to take the medications in the morning or afternoon on training days. Reviews from men say that if you drink Clenbuterol with Yohimbine in the evening, problems with sleep, insomnia and other troubles begin.
  4. In order to avoid muscle spasms, convulsions, and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is imperative to maintain a drinking regime. During the course, athletes are recommended to drink about 3 liters of liquid throughout the day, giving preference to clean water.
  5. You should also pay attention to nutrition. Carbohydrates, fatty, fried foods, pasta, baked goods, and sweets are excluded from the daily menu. The basis of the diet should be protein, fortified foods - this will speed up the fat burning process.
  6. If the goal is rapid weight loss, then while taking medications you should give preference to foods rich in plant fiber and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

man and woman in the gym

It is important to combine taking medications with training.

It is naive to rely only on miracle drugs in the fight for a beautiful, slender figure and athletic success. Often it is these expectations that lead to disappointment and writing negative reviews. In fact, sports pharmacology drugs (any kind, even hormonal anabolic steroids) only facilitate and accelerate the process of achieving the goal.

In order to lose weight and form a beautiful muscle profile, a course of Clenbuterol and Yohimbine must be combined with regular sports training, diet, and daily work on yourself. Clenbuterol and Yohimbine are a well-known combination among athletes. When used wisely and competently, this combination will allow you to quickly lose weight, increase the effectiveness of sports training and achieve a “drying” effect with virtually no health risks.

Side effects

Clenbuterol without additional means is poorly tolerated even by professional athletes. It provokes a rapid pulse up to 180-200 beats per minute, an increase in blood pressure, increased body temperature, tremors of the arms and legs, and a feeling of chills. Not everyone is ready to endure such unpleasant symptoms even for the sake of losing a few kilograms.

Yohimbine eliminates most side effects, but they do not disappear completely. Particularly unpleasant manifestations are noticeable in the first days of the course. Then the body gradually gets used to the new sensations. This is why it is so important to increase the dosage gradually.

You will definitely have to adjust your diet and ensure a small daily calorie deficit. Intense sports are also required. This is the only way the released energy will be wasted.

This method of losing weight is suitable for trained athletes. If you just recently joined the gym, try to lose weight without additional drugs for now. Work on strength and endurance, gradually increasing the load so that the body does not get used to linear training. Only then, when you have already achieved a certain physical shape, can you use sports nutrition and various supplements, but you need to approach their implementation smoothly and responsibly in order to minimize negative consequences and reduce the likelihood of side effects.

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