Ab Gymnic myostimulator belt – scam | Feedback from those who bought it, real price

Ab gymnic weight loss belt - a scam or true? Can it be considered a simulator? Can he give you beautiful abs? What is its price and where can I buy this product? But most importantly, is it worth buying it at all? All this is my new story. Hello friends! It’s good for those who are wondering whether they are being scammed or whether they are telling the truth about Ab gymnic. In this matter, it is best to rely on specialists - doctors and trainers.

The first have to deal with the consequences of our gullibility, with which we are ready to buy whatever is offered, if only they promise “a beautiful figure without difficulty.” The latter know a lot about creating a beautiful, harmonious body and cannot be fooled by any advertising. So, is Ab gymnic a scam or true? If you want to know, read on!

Reviews from doctors about the Ab Gymnic belt

Svetlana, 35 years old, nutritionist.

Recently, my clients have been interested in the abgumnic belt, so I decided to test and analyze the performance of this belt. I would like to say that there is an effect, but not very much. It doesn't help you lose weight, but it makes your skin more elastic.

Mikhail, 47 years old, nutritionist.

I have heard about the abgymnic belt, but have not noticed any positive results. With prolonged use, the emitted current negatively affects internal organs, which is why there are so many contraindications. Many clients bought this belt and did not get any results even after a long period of use.

Ekaterina, 32 years old, endocrinologist.

Over the course of many years of work, patients come to me and want to lose excess weight, and most of them are very lazy to tune themselves into sports or switch to proper nutrition, so they choose various belts or diet pills. My opinion about the abgymnic belt is negative. For various chronic diseases, it is better to never use this belt, as it affects internal organs and this can negatively affect health.


The device is not medical, but is intended only to increase physical stress on the muscles. The myostimulator belt cannot be used for epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, or sclerosis. "Ab Dzhimnik" is not used if there is a built-in pacemaker, liver and kidney failure is present, as well as if there are stones in the ureter and kidneys. The procedure is not used for acute processes caused by gastrointestinal diseases. The device is contraindicated in case of viral infections, as well as in the presence of special sensitivity to current pulses.

ab dzhimnik

The device should not be used in the face and neck area, as excessive contractions in this area may cause muscle spasms and cause suffocation. In addition, the device is not used in the sternum and head area, as well as in places where the skin is damaged.

The belt is contraindicated during menstrual periods in women, during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. If you have a chronic medical condition, you should consult your doctor before using a weight loss device. To avoid side effects from the effects of the myostimulator, it should not be used for more than 30 minutes a day.

Real customer reviews of the AB Dzhimnik belt

Karina, 22 years old. For me personally, this is an excellent means for losing weight. Sometimes it gives you an electric shock if you don't wear it correctly. I change batteries often, but it's worth it. In two months I lost weight from 56 to 53 kg, while eating sweets and kebabs!

Margot, 25 years old. A very interesting invention, I don’t know if it’s useful. I bought it for 1500 in the store. You can feel your tummy being massaged and even a little ticklish. The abs, of course, did not appear, but the stomach became very elastic.

Irma, 30 years old. I decided to order this mega-popular abgymnic machine for myself. When the package arrived, I did not believe in the effectiveness of this belt and was very surprised when I turned it on - my muscles contracted and I felt a current charge. There is even a mode that really makes you sick. For me, this belt also turned out to be therapeutic - it perfectly relieves back pain. My belly became much more beautiful after giving birth. I started combining proper nutrition and using a belt, lo and behold! I lost 6 kg in 2 months.


Attention! Chinese analogues will not help you acquire the necessary forms! Buy a belt only on the website of the official manufacturer:

Effective or not?

You can find different reviews about this simulator on the Internet. AbGymnic has helped some people lose weight and strengthen muscles. Others did not notice any results. But what is the reality like? Should you believe the advertising? As an answer, here are a few conclusions based on reviews of people who bought this device and experienced its effects on themselves. So let's get started.

1. Myostimulator “AbGymnic”, reviews of which are written mainly by girls, does not give an effect even if the training time specified in the instructions is exceeded. People using it 4-8 times a day (2 or more hours) did not get any results.

2. The belt slightly warms up the muscles and promotes their contraction. But despite numerous positive reviews, AbGymnic is simply not able to give the muscles the load necessary to change their natural geometric shape. It follows from this that it makes no sense for professional athletes (especially bodybuilders) and people who want to build muscle mass.

3. With myostimulation, muscles contract only in the absence of fat. If it is not there, then the belt is not needed at all!

4. There have been situations when people used a belt to combat back pain. The myostimulator provided blood flow, warmed up the muscles and relieved pain, but then it returned again. So in this case, it would be more advisable to use special massagers or sign up for a therapeutic massage session.

5. Manufacturers promoted this belt as a remedy for a flabby, fat belly and cellulite, writing positive reviews about it on the Internet. “AbGymnic” is only suitable for warming up and warming up the muscles. For the abs and buttocks, a myostimulator is absolutely useless, since it is not able to pump up muscles and burn fat!

myostimulator abgymnic reviews

Customer Reviews

Natalya, 27 Glet, Donetsk

All my life, as far as I can remember, I have always suffered from excess weight, but I tolerate hunger on diets extremely poorly, and I have neither the time nor the money to work out in the gym. Nevertheless, I want to lose weight and have always wanted to. After watching an advertisement on TV, I became obsessed with the idea of ​​purchasing a miracle weight loss belt. I ordered it online and a week later I received the long-awaited package in the mail. I put on the belt at home and waited for the result. It feels like a slight tingling in places of contact with the skin, nothing more. Added intensity - the tingling became more noticeable. In general, I wore the belt for a couple of weeks, but the result was zero. Money thrown away, probably without making an effort, you can’t lose weight at all without a diet.

Margarita, 22 years old, Kaluga

I have never suffered from extra pounds, but after giving birth I gained as much as 30 extra pounds! I had no idea how to get rid of them, it was a real disaster, people I knew on the street stopped recognizing me. Of course, after all, from an elegant girl I turned into a well-fed woman. Everyone said that the kilograms would go away on their own, but six months later I lost only 2 kg and it upset me incredibly, I simply didn’t have time to play sports, breastfeeding excludes diets and the use of pharmaceuticals for weight loss. Therefore, as an alternative, I decided to buy, on the advice of a friend, an ab gymnic belt for weight loss, especially since I really wanted to reduce my belly and sagging skin after childbirth. However, the purchase did not live up to my hopes; I wore the belt almost around the clock for two and a half weeks, but I did not lose an ounce of weight, except that I sweated more.

Nadezhda, 23 years old, Kostroma

Previously, I was not overweight, but after forty years the kilograms began to grow on their own, although I ate and moved the same as before. A friend advised me to wear a special weight loss belt. The method of losing weight without much effort really inspired me, especially since my waist hasn’t pleased me with its thinness and grace for a long time. So I ordered an ab gymnic belt by mail, and 10 days later I received my purchase. She unpleasantly surprised me with the low quality of the material of the belt, the threads stuck out from all sides, moreover, the Velcro that secures the belt flatly refused to fasten well. I don't think this could have been made in Germany. When I finally managed to put it on myself, I didn’t feel anything other than a slight tingling sensation, and there was nothing to say about muscle tone and function. In short, diet, diet and more diet is the only possible way to lose weight.

Valentina, 37 years old, Moscow

I have long wanted to lose weight, I especially didn’t like my plump waist. This is not surprising after the birth of two children. But no matter how much I did abdominal exercises, I couldn’t lose weight, so I decided to try a weight loss belt that I borrowed from a friend. At first I didn’t like the discomfort while wearing it, but then I got used to it and continued to wear it. After some time, I felt that I had really lost weight in my stomach and waist, my assumption was confirmed when I tried on a skirt that had been too small for me for a long time. Soon I myself purchased an ab gymnic belt and am very pleased with it. By the way, my husband wears it with great pleasure, but not to lose weight, but to heal his back, because the belt massages perfectly.

Attention! Chinese analogues will not help you acquire the necessary forms! Buy a belt only on the website of the official manufacturer:

Reviews from experts about the weight loss belt

Marina, 35 years old, Moscow, nutritionist

I have been working as a nutritionist for several years now. Most people who come to see me want to lose weight. Of course, few people want to go on exhausting diets and spend half their lives in fitness clubs, so people are looking for an easy way to lose weight. This is taken advantage of by charlatans who sell dubious weight loss supplements and all sorts of devices. This includes the ab gymnic belt, from my point of view. Most of my medical colleagues agree with me. In most cases, this belt is simply useless, but it is also true that you cannot cause any particular harm to your health with its help. But is it worth spending money on a completely useless thing? There is no other way to lose weight other than diet and physical activity.

Galina, 32 years old, Krasnodar, nutritionist-endocrinologist

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For many years now I have been working as a nutritionist-endocrinologist, most of my patients want to lose weight. And it’s not just about the notorious fashion for thinness, it’s just that the “side” complications of long-term obesity are hypertension, diabetes and other dangerous diseases. Therefore, often a person needs to lose weight not at all for aesthetic reasons, but in the name of health. However, I always warn my patients against purchasing any kind of miracle cures for obesity; most of them have a large list of side effects and contraindications. The myostimulator belt for abdominal weight loss ab gymnic is very popular, reviews about it are very diverse, it is not the most harmful invention of mankind for weight loss, it is simply useless. Although in fairness it must be said that the impact of electrical impulses on internal organs, which occurs while wearing a belt, can negatively affect their functioning. This is especially true in the case of people who suffer from any chronic diseases.

Ekaterina, 35 years old, nutritionist

Over many years of working as a nutritionist, I have become convinced from my own experience that you should not refuse the help of all kinds of alternative methods of losing weight, be it acupuncture or wearing weight loss belts. Everything is individual. Of course, with high degrees of obesity, wearing a belt exclusively, even the most effective one, will not help. But in combination with physical exercise and diet, it can and will give an effect, at least it will not harm. I would not recommend wearing ab gymnic to people whose bulk of fat deposits are concentrated in the abdomen, since the impact of electrical impulses through a thick layer of adipose tissue on the muscles will be minimal. Otherwise, if patients do not have any special contraindications to wearing this device, I have nothing against it.


How does the Abzhimnik belly slimming belt work?

For those who are not yet very familiar with the invention itself, I will explain what kind of device it is and how it works. This is a kind of passive exercise machine or myostimulator for muscles. When you put a belt around your waist, for example, and turn on the mode, the muscles receive signals and contract. The result is the same work as during abdominal exercises: alternating tension and relaxation. Consequently, the results from wearing a belt are the same as from regular training for specific muscle groups.

  • Of course, I’m not a coach, but I wasn’t too lazy to read the instructions for the Ab Gymnic belt in Russian, and I can draw conclusions based on my own feelings.
  • In addition to the obvious tone in the muscles, both the skin and the back respond very well to such training.
  • The simulator operates silently, and small tingling sensations are felt in the area where the process is taking place.
  • I can’t say that it’s very pleasant, but it’s not particularly uncomfortable either.
  • For a more effective effect, the manufacturer also suggests using a special skin gel - I also recommend it, especially since it was sent to me simply as a gift.


How safe is the Ab Gymnic belt: reviews from doctors and athletes

Since the simulator does not operate from the mains, but from batteries, it is not capable of giving an electric shock or causing any other troubles in this regard. The CR 2032 battery is already included in the kit, so there is no need to purchase anything additional. The fabric base on which the device itself is attached can be treated with a damp cloth, but it is prohibited to wash it in a washing machine. It is also important to apply a special gel or simple moisturizer to the skin before using the simulator for better conduction of impulses. For its safety and ease of use, the Ab Gymnic belt has received favorable reviews from doctors as a means of weight loss, and athletes recommend it as additional muscle stimulation and the formation of beautiful relief. By the way, he can also cope with cellulite with daily exercise. The kit includes special straps for attaching the device to the hips, arms and legs. The principle of action will be the same: successive contractions and relaxations of muscles.

reviews from athletes
Six pack abs in 10 minutes: where is the Ab gymnic belt hype and where is the truth?

Of course, the most attractive thing about this type of exercise equipment is that with them you can lose weight without going to the gym or any physical activity at all, just lying on the couch. But there are several nuances here. Firstly, the Abzhimnik belly slimming belt will not be able to cope with too much body weight quickly. It only sends impulses to the muscles, strengthening them, but does not make you sweat. Metabolism will certainly improve, as will blood microcirculation, but for emergency weight loss you will still have to exercise and be more active. Also, if you want to have an athletic figure with perfect abs, homemade myostimulation alone is not enough.

  • The abs, of course, will become more pronounced, the tummy will tighten, but additional training will still be needed.
  • All the information about how you can get six-pack in 10 minutes just by putting on an Ab gymnic belt is a hoax, or rather an advertisement.
  • It is, as a rule, marked with an asterisk and is accompanied by an explanation that these 10 minutes should be devoted to exercising with the belt every day for a long time, then the result will be the same as in the picture.
  • Miracles still don’t happen, there are only perseverance and consistency.

Attaching the Abzhimnik belt: how to use it

how to use a crimper
In the box with the device there are detailed instructions in Russian, where it is written what the Abdzhimnik belt is and how to use it. There are few modes, so it’s easy to figure out. For safety and convenience, the belt turns off automatically after 0 minutes of operation, so for the lazy you can even take a nap. Although, of course, lazy weight loss is not exactly what the manufacturer himself advises and approves. According to the instructions, in order for the belt to have a certain use, as in the picture, several conditions must be met:

  • - use the simulator daily;
  • - introduce a diet or proper nutrition into your life;
  • - alternate passive training with physical activity.

This, of course, is an ideal plan; I have not yet fully implemented it. Or rather, I wear a belt every day and can already fit into my favorite jeans without taking a deep breath, but diet and sports are still only plans. In any case, my purchase has already justified itself, because I managed to lose weight, my skin tightened, and my muscles were toned.

Attention! Chinese analogues will not help you acquire the necessary forms! Buy a belt only on the website of the official manufacturer:

Where can you buy an Ab gymnic belt cheaply and with a quality guarantee?

Prices for myostimulators fluctuate depending on the prices of sellers, so I thoroughly checked both the sites and reviews before purchasing. I found the optimal conditions here. These are official, so you can buy an Ab gymnic belt from them cheaply, but with all guarantees and adequate service. They deliver to all cities - convenient. I recommend it for those who want to lose weight, but are lazy, and for those who value beautiful relief. The thing, whatever you say, is effective.


Instructions and equipment

Without electrically conductive gel or moisturizer applied to the skin, the belt will not work. The electronic part of “AbGymnic”, instructions in Russian, reviews and other useful information about which are posted on the official website, is fastened with two rivets to the central part of the belt. To clean the belt, you need to unfasten the electronic part and wipe it with a cloth soaked in warm water. Then return the electronic part to its place. Polarity doesn't matter.

The kit includes:

— 2 elastic belts;

— electrically conductive gel;

— a belt with an electronic part attached to it;

— 2 batteries;

- instructions.

Ab Gymnic negative reviews

Indeed, the effect obtained from using the belt is amazing and hard to believe. However, this development is effective, and it has already earned incredible popularity in the USA and European countries. Such devices were also presented in the CIS at one time, but at that time their effectiveness and safety left much to be desired. Now, before entering the market again, the belt has undergone thorough checks and received the appropriate certificates of recognition, which can be found on the official website.

Numerous positive reviews from users and doctors indicate that the belt really works, and a beautiful, perfect body, which was sung by the great Greek creators, no longer seems an unattainable goal.

Read also: Vita la vita (Vita la vita) - complex for weight loss, instructions and reviews from nutritionists

Ab Gymnic belt negative reviews

The effectiveness of the presented device is proven by numerous quality recognition certificates. Movie stars, models and even athletes use the belt to quickly achieve an ideal body to appear in public.

It should also be noted that there are many low-quality fakes on the market that really do not bring any effect. Moreover, such products pose a high health risk. Only an OFFICIAL representative can guarantee 100% effectiveness and safety of use. When purchasing a product at too low a price and of dubious quality, it is important to remember that health is the only true wealth that a person has, and every effort should be made not to lose it.


Benefits of ABGymnic

The ab gymnic belt has the following positive aspects:

  • It is easy to buy online, and the prices are quite reasonable. The real cost of one belt is about 1,500 rubles;
  • Due to electrical impulses, blood circulation improves;
  • With improved blood circulation comes good skin condition: it becomes firmer, smoother and more elastic;
  • It is a good massager;
  • Can be used for different parts of the body.

Disadvantages of the ab gymnic belt

Also, the ab gymnic belt also has negative sides:

  • May cause discomfort and discomfort;
  • Doesn't help you lose weight;
  • Ineffective for acquiring pumped up abs;
  • If you are extremely overweight, then the current pulses will act only on the fat layer, without reaching the muscles;
  • Batteries run out quickly, which is why you often have to change them and spend money on it;
  • There are a number of contraindications;
  • Reviews from doctors are not always positive; some believe that exposure to current has a negative effect on internal organs.

Attention! Chinese analogues will not help you acquire the necessary forms! Buy a belt only on the website of the official manufacturer:

disadvantages of abjimix
Contraindications to the use of the ab gymnic belt

The use of the ab gymnic belt should be postponed in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Flu or viral diseases;
  • Period of menstruation;
  • Skin diseases, inflammation, open wounds;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Early postpartum period;
  • Phlebeurysm.

How to use the ab gymnic belt?

If you still decide to believe in a miracle and use the ab gymnic belt for weight loss, or simply want to purchase it as a massager to improve your skin, then you should read the step-by-step instructions for its use. It is easy to use and you can get used to the operating scheme on your own.

pumps up muscles

  1. Before putting on the belt, lubricate the desired area of ​​the body with the special gel that comes with the device.
  2. Secure the belt to the training area using a belt.
  3. Turn on the device and select the load option that suits you. All the necessary buttons are on the belt itself. If you recently purchased this device, then it is better to stick to the weakest mode. Over time, it will be possible to increase the pulse charge.
  4. Leave the belt on your body for 15-20 minutes.

Real reviews about the ab gymnic belt

The best way to find out about the effectiveness of this miracle exercise machine is to hear reviews from those who have already purchased it.

“I can say right away that the myostimulator has zero effect. I lost half a kilogram a week, and I’m also losing weight now. It seems to me that this is a useless thing, although initially there was a feeling that the muscles were working all the time"

“I use the belt on days when I don’t train. As a person who plays sports, it is difficult for me to say whether the effect is achieved by training or by the belt. But I think that abgymnic won’t add muscle after all. But I can’t help but feel like I’m taking care of my body. And I like that."

“It works one hundred percent, but up to one point, the abs appear only after physical activity. But in order to achieve results faster, the belt fits exactly - tested from personal experience.”

“Weight loss is facilitated by proper nutrition and physical activity; it is impossible to lose weight with the help of a muscle stimulator!!! Using the device gives me a bad feeling (right, who likes electric shocks?!) and my skin becomes irritated. Electric current can be harmful to health! But I still found a use for it. If you work out in the gym, then you know that after training there is an unpleasant sore condition in the muscles. And after using it for 10 minutes on the aching area, the pain went away almost completely. I am neither for nor against this device, but it seems to me that for its intended purpose it is ineffective.”

“A priori he cannot help in any way. It doesn’t cause muscles to contract, as shown in advertising, it just tingles slightly, somewhat reminiscent of electrophoresis.”

As you may have already realized, the ab gymnic weight loss belt is completely ineffective in the fight against excess weight. In addition, it has a weak effect on the abs, which is why you won’t be able to achieve the desired abs this way.


How to get beautiful abs?

Due to the fact that such a seemingly magical device turned out to be just a ploy by marketers, do not despair. You can still get a flat, pumped-up tummy for yourself, but there are other methods for this. The step-by-step instructions below will help you with this.

  • Limit the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, especially simple ones. It is better to avoid sweets and starchy foods altogether, and it is better to consume all healthy cereals and fruits mainly in the first half of the day.
  • Limit your fat intake. Just don’t exclude them from the menu completely! Just give up trans fats, which are found in store-bought sweets and baked goods, as well as in fast food and mayonnaise. You also need to eat a little less animal fat. Give priority to vegetable fats: nuts, oils.
  • Eat often, but in small portions.
  • Do cardio exercises: running, energetic dancing, jumping rope, aerobics... All this contributes to overall fat burning and calorie consumption, which cannot but affect the tummy as well.
  • Do strength exercises for your abs. All kinds of twists, leg lifts, and torso lifts will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, making it sculpted and toned, which is what everyone is counting on.
  • Do static exercises. Static tasks include all tasks where you need to freeze at a point of extreme tension for a certain amount of time. Just choose some strength exercise and stop when you feel the greatest burning. At this moment, fat burning occurs especially effectively.

“Don’t believe in miracles, create miracles yourself!” (c) Don't rely on magic remedies like the abgymnic belt, but work on yourself through proper nutrition and exercise. With desire and effort, you will soon succeed. Go ahead for the perfect body! Good luck! https://womanmirror.ru/poxudenie/ab-gymnic.html

What's the catch? How do they deceive?

Video about how they cheat with Russian Post parcels.
The scheme for cheating with cash on delivery parcels is quite simple. Scammers take a popular or in-demand product on the market and create a marketing website for it, where everything is described in such a way that it’s hard to resist placing an order.

Ab Gymnic is advertised on social networks: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, as well as in the Yandex partner network: Avito, Yandex mail, mail.ru mail, on news portals, blogs, etc.

What you should pay attention to?

Please note that the scam website does not have a phone number for the online store. You can only order using the feedback form, indicating your name and phone number. In this case, the scammers themselves call the customer using substitute numbers, which they then cannot reach.

Scammers offer to buy goods at an unrealistically low price. On different sites, scammers indicate different amounts - these are usually magic numbers, such as 99, 199, 1190, 1290, 1990, 2450, 2990 or 3990 rubles. Some products offer free ordering!

The whole point of the deception lies in the delivery of the goods. Please note that delivery is carried out only by cash on delivery by Russian Post (without an inventory of the contents). Such parcels cannot be opened until 100% payment has been made at the post office. Russian Post does not have the right to refund your money for such a parcel under any circumstances. It's like you're buying a pig in a poke. We wrote about this earlier in the article “Pitfalls of Russian Post”.

Parcels paid for cash on delivery are non-refundable!
Parcels paid for cash on delivery are non-refundable!


The Abzhimnik belt is intended for those who have excess fat on the waist, hips, buttocks, and arms. Women use it to get rid of cellulite and stretch marks. Men train their abs and back muscles.

The benefits of myostimulation for the body are not only in weight loss, but also in the following:

  • The simulator puts absolutely all muscles into work, which cannot be achieved with exercises in the fitness room;
  • The musculoskeletal system does not receive stress during training, cases of injury are excluded;
  • Myostimulation restores atrophied muscles;
  • Blood supply to tissues improves, which supports the body during rehabilitation.

Application area

The Ab Gymnic exercise machine is effective in several directions at once:

  • figure correction, especially good results are shown in the lower abdomen, on the outer and inner surfaces of the thighs, buttocks;
  • getting rid of cellulite and sagging skin that appeared during weight loss;
  • increasing muscle mass and pumping up the muscle profile;
  • strengthening and restoration of muscles after injuries, increasing tone;
  • assistance in preparing for a visit to the gym, which is especially important for completely untrained muscles;
  • acceleration of results from sports training.

The reviews left about Ab Gymnic confirm that the simulator effectively performs all the tasks assigned to it.

Information for athletes

When playing sports, it is good because it reduces the time for working out the abdominal muscles by almost 2 times. At the same time, there is absolutely no load on the musculoskeletal system - and this is the best prevention against degenerative disorders in articular cartilage and intervertebral hernias. In addition, the muscles become less tired and sore. During regular training, the main emphasis is on the strongest muscles, and the weak ones are left unused. The EMS device treats all fibers evenly. An equally significant advantage is the duration of the result. The achieved result after stopping EMS training lasts up to 3-4 months.

Information for losing weight

Regular use of Ab Gymnic can achieve good results when losing weight, namely losing from 2 to 15 cm in the volume of the waist and hips. Muscles, contracting and relaxing, increase metabolic processes and trigger the metabolic process of fat breakdown.

Important: if there is a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, the effectiveness of the device becomes evident no earlier than after 30 sessions. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for impulses to reach the muscles through fat deposits. To lose weight, the exercise machine is set to maximum power, at which you do not feel any discomfort.

According to user reviews, using Ab Gymnic you can achieve the following indicators:

  • reduction in fat mass – from 4 to 10 kg;
  • reduction in hip circumference – up to 8 cm;
  • reduction in waist size – on average up to 10 cm, the maximum result achieved – 15 cm.

Features of the simulator

restores figure
The Ab Gymnic belly slimming belt acts locally on those areas that are difficult to correct with diet alone:

  1. Waist area;
  2. Back muscles;
  3. Muscles and skin of the upper arms;
  4. Areas of the thighs and buttocks.

The simulator is used mainly at home. Due to its compact size, the belt does not interfere with household chores. It is practically invisible under clothes. Very low frequency electrical impulses cause strong muscle contraction, which creates the effect of a fitness workout without overloading the body. The belt can be used by those whom doctors have prohibited from going to the gym due to health problems. Using the exercise machine, lying on the couch or sitting in a chair, weight loss and improved body shape are guaranteed.

Why myostimulation?

This procedure:

— causing muscle contractions, improves muscle tone;

— improves skin condition;

- causes the muscle to contract by 100% (voluntary muscle contractility is 30%);

— improves blood circulation and accelerates the removal of waste products from the body;

- gives a beautiful shape to the waist, hips and buttocks;

— effectively fights scoliosis and osteochondrosis;

— reduces and eliminates cellulite manifestations;

- used for massage;

- Helps with rehabilitation after injuries.


15 minute workout
Unlike numerous analogues, Ab Gymnic has a number of advantages, these are:

  1. Rapid fat burning in problem areas;
  2. Time saving;
  3. Energy saving;
  4. Refusal of expensive drugs for weight loss;
  5. Building muscle in the right places and giving the body definition;
  6. Relieving pain in the lumbar region;
  7. Improved blood circulation;
  8. Easy to use;
  9. Low price of the device;
  10. Possibility to purchase a belt via the Internet.

Read also: Monastic tea for weight loss, customer reviews and results of use

The exercise machine has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, removes toxins and excess water from the skin, eliminates cellulite and postpartum stretch marks. Helps tone sagging skin. If used daily, the first results will be seen within a month.


The AB Gymnic myostimulator is not difficult to use. On the body of the device there are three control buttons and a timer that turns off the device after 10 minutes from the start of operation.

  • “ON/Hi” – Turns on the device. Pressing again increases the operating intensity of the device (up to 10 levels). As the level increases, the electric currents contract the muscles more strongly;
  • “OFF/Low” – Turns off the belt. Pressing again reduces the intensity of operation and finally turns off the device;
  • “MODE” – helps you select any of six operating modes.

To get started, you need to insert a battery, it is included in the kit.

  1. Into the battery cell and insert one battery with the plus (+) side up, close the cell;
  2. Lubricate the silver parts of the belt with the conductive gel included in the kit or with another aqueous gel without fat in the composition;
  3. Place the belt in the problem area, adjusting the size in advance. Electrodes lubricated with gel must be in contact with the body;
  4. Turn on the device with the “ON/Hi” button and select the operating mode you need;
  5. Using the “ON/Hi” button, select the intensity of the current pulses. Muscle contractions should not cause pain;
  6. To turn off the device, press “OFF/LOW” until the indicators go off.

When choosing intensive programs, the contraction should be felt quite strongly, but not cause pain. The weight loss machine cannot run dry. If there is strong tingling, the amount of gel needs to be increased. It is necessary to increase the load gradually. It is advisable to use the Ab Gymnic belt every day; 15 minutes is enough.

There is no need to prepare the body for bridge stimulation. But to achieve the best effect before the procedure, it is recommended to use a skin exfoliator. This can be a store-bought one or a homemade body scrub. To intensively get rid of cellulite, before installing the Abzhimnik device, lubricate the skin with an anti-cellulite agent.

Variety of modes

  1. "Karate Kick" This mode is the most intense belt. 5 pulses per second cause strong muscle contractions.
  2. “Pulse (cotton) massage.” Creates a pulse once per second.
  3. "Working out." Produces the feeling of an in-depth massage.
  4. "Strike training" Ab Gymnic has a mode that changes fast strikes to slow ones and vice versa.
  5. "Iron Man". Prof. a regimen consisting of a variety of quick exercises.
  6. "Fat Burner". In this mode, the pulse frequency is low.

Device capabilities

AB Gumnik is a multifunctional simulator thanks to 6 built-in programs:

  • “Fat burning” – impulses act deeply in a stable rhythm. Used for weight loss and combating cellulite.
  • “Iron Man” - used to achieve quick results from training and, if you want, to pump up your abs faster.
  • “Active training” – the impact of two groups of impulses (fast and slow) for better muscle development. Chosen by athletes to improve their performance and increase endurance.
  • “Working out” - an active, deep massage is performed that improves blood supply and lymph flow.
  • “Massage” – suitable for training muscles and as a way to increase skin elasticity.
  • “Karate kick” is often used before training to warm up the muscles.

The session time depends on the desired goal. If the myostimulator is used as an individual simulator, then the procedure can be continued for up to half an hour. If the device is used as an additional assistant for an athlete, then the training time can be limited to 10-15 minutes.


The results of the Ab Gymnic weight loss belt depend on the characteristics of the body, diet and correct use of the device.

  • Stomach. After a ten-day procedure, waist size decreases by 4-6 cm;
  • Muscles of the body. The layer of fat becomes thinner. Muscle tone increases. After a long period of immobilization, the muscles acquire the ability to bear loads;
  • Hips and buttocks. The myostimulator removes excess fat deposits in the form of cellulite and tubercles.

Special instructions for safe use

When using the Ab Jimnik device, you do not need to peel off the large sticker located on the back of the belt, since it acts as an insulator. If for some reason it accidentally comes off, then this area should be secured with tape.

Ab Gymnic Belt Gel must be applied each time the device is used as it conducts electrical impulses. Without its use, a slight tingling sensation will be felt on the body, and redness on the skin may occur. The same negative phenomena can occur if the myostimulator does not adhere tightly to the skin.

Before using the device, you should make sure that the belt contacts are completely covered with gel, otherwise the skin in these places may turn red. The device must be moistened throughout its use. If the belt has not been properly cared for and a large amount of fat has accumulated on it, this can cause irritation of the dermis. Therefore, this device should be maintained and promptly washed with water. The belt is not machine washable and fabric softener should not be used when cleaning it.

Before each procedure, the device must be tested for functionality. If there are any deviations from the norm, then such a device cannot be used.

Precautionary measures

The Ab Gymnic is not a medical device, so there are a number of precautions when using it:

  1. Do not use the device in the neck and face area to avoid muscle spasms;
  2. Do not install the exercise machine on the chest, so as not to disrupt the integrity of breathing;
  3. Do not use more than 30 minutes per day;
  4. Do not tear off the sticker (insulator) from the inside of the device;
  5. Do not use the belt without moisturizing gel;
  6. Do not wash the device in a washing machine (it is enough to rinse with warm water without using cleaning agents).

As for the reviews about the Ab Gymnic muscle stimulator, they are generally positive: in 10 sessions the fat layer is reduced by several centimeters, the stomach is tightened. Some cases show the device to be ineffective, but in these cases the person often leads a healthy lifestyle by exercising and practicing proper nutrition. Myostimulation will also be less effective in case of obesity. We can say that the device works well where there are problems, but they are not significant.


Ab Gymnic slimming belt

If you are overweight and don’t have enough time and energy to play sports, it’s time to turn to the help of modern dietetics, which offers several new products at once. One of them is the Ab Gymnic myostimulator, which affects the fat layer, weakened muscles and tissues with low-frequency electric current pulses. In this progressive way, they are voluntarily reduced, increased activity, and maintained in good shape.

Before you buy such an innovative belt in an online store, you need to find out in detail all the pros and cons of such a purchase. This modern device really helps productive weight loss; moreover, it has a healing effect on the body of women and men. Among the main advantages, the following points should be highlighted:

  • The abzhimnik is inexpensive, the cost is no more than 1,500 rubles in the catalog on the official website;
  • The Ab Gymnic belt stimulates systemic circulation and prevents blood stagnation;
  • The abzhimnik has unique technical characteristics and high quality indicators;
  • this unique Ab Gymnic belt can be safely used to pump up different parts of the body;
  • Abgymnic is easy to use on a daily basis;

Abzhimnik improves the condition of the skin, improves its appearance. However, the Ab Gymnic weight loss belt also has its significant drawbacks. They stop the buyer from purchasing a complete set and force them to choose another method of losing excess weight. The use of an electronic device for the purpose of losing weight has its own medical indications, and the belt does not work for all categories of buyers. If we talk about the disadvantages of such an acquisition, they are detailed below:

  • the occurrence of unpleasant sensations during the session;
  • the need to periodically change batteries in this electric belt;
  • lack of the effect of professionally pumped abs;
  • effect on subcutaneous fat, no effect on muscle fibers; The price is not affordable for everyone, there are medical contraindications.

Opinion of doctors and specialists

In addition to the standard mailing to doctors, I sent letters to familiar fitness instructors. There is logic in this: nutritionists correct weight by changing the diet, instructors - by training.

Alexandra Mironova, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, nutritionist, work experience – 15 years:

Most of my patients are women. Before coming to me, they already have experience in losing weight, and most often negative. They try to lose weight with the help of all kinds of pills, teas, diets, and belts like these. It's not always as safe as it seems. Any remedy has contraindications, so they should be treated with caution.

The Ab Gymnic muscle stimulator cannot pump up muscles in any way, much less help with weight loss. This requires work: work in the gym, a properly structured diet, and the absence of diseases such as diabetes. Therefore, my advice to you: at least sign up for a gym, a fitness trainer will give you excellent nutrition, use your willpower and train. If there is no effect, then the matter may be a serious illness; this is not something to joke about.

Be healthy and beautiful! Alexandra Mironov.

Oleg Semeryanov , fitness instructor, work experience – 7 years.

The Ab Gymnic belt is complete crap. Thank God I don’t often meet individuals who claim that you can lose weight this way. How rightly these are real lazy people who don’t want to do anything for their body, but at the same time they want everything at once. It doesn't happen that way. Mountains of muscle are years of training.

Although you can build up quite quickly if you work out with a fitness trainer, because... he will supply the equipment, arrange meals, and cheer you up when needed, and you won’t be able to shirk. With a good trainer, you can get into good shape in six months.

But, of course, such Ab Gymnic users are a clinical case, and they usually don’t make it to the gym.

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