I lost weight by dieting, but gained weight again. Grandmother advised me to tie a red thread with knots around my waist.

Excess weight is a real scourge of modern people. Lifestyle, work, the combination of constantly sitting in a chair with a lot of stress, the availability of a variety of food and the lack of time even for walking, not to mention visiting the gym - all this leads to a quick gain of extra pounds.

Of course, you can lose them by following a diet. But self-restraint is also stress. Therefore, it is not surprising that after dieting, people gain weight again, often more than they had before losing weight.

Meanwhile, you can cope with the problem using household magic. Simple but effective amulets that prevent obesity are not at all difficult to make yourself, with your own hands.


The amulet, used by shamans for centuries, of course, will not become a panacea and will not act as a magic wand, instantly transforming a shapeless, jelly-like body into a slender, fit and athletic one. However, this thing will help reduce appetite, rid the body of everything unnecessary, waste and toxins. The amulet will set its owner in a positive mood, encourage activity, and give spiritual harmony and peace.

“Uskirey” is an oval made of wood with a rune carved, drawn or burned on one of the planes. The rune is shown in the illustration.

The amulet is made independently from the type of wood that energetically corresponds to the person. For example, if you are not moved by the sight of birch trees, but enjoy walking along linden alleys, you need to use linden. For the amulet, it is enough to cut a small tree knot, so getting the material will not be difficult. Of course, you cannot varnish the item; this will isolate the amulet and will not allow the item to help its owner.

How a rope around your waist will help you lose weight

If you have seen beautiful waist jewelry for women in the form of a chain or rope, you probably haven’t thought about the fact that this device helps them maintain a wasp waist.

British physiotherapist Sammy Margot has come up with her own technique for making your stomach flat. The doctor advises tying a thread or rope around your waist. First, take a deep breath and exhale halfway. At this moment, secure the rope or thread around your waist.

Red thread

There is probably no person who does not know about the amulet made of red woolen thread, which protects its owner from the evil eye, damage and other bad influences.

Meanwhile, the red thread can protect not only from bad energy, but also from obesity. Why do you think in the old days people girded themselves with red sashes? Because such a belt allowed the body to remain physically strong and healthy. True, in former times such magical tricks were used mainly by men, because the well-being of the home directly depended on their physical condition. Can you imagine a fat man working tirelessly in the field or going hunting? Women simply tied a red thread on their bodies, under their clothes.

But times have changed and today being slim is not at all a guarantee of well-being. However, why not use the ancient custom and wear a red woolen thread around your waist? It needs to be tied the same way as in the old days - on the body, under clothes.

History of the issue: who wore a lace and why

To understand the issue, you will have to look deep into the past.

Pagan traditions

This custom came from pagan tribes, for whom the abdominal area was associated with life.

Reference! Among the Slavs in those days, “belly” literally meant “life.”

That is why belts were a very important and sought-after element of clothing. It was they who protected the vital area from evil spirits and evil spirits . A tied belt became a symbol of a ring, which was considered a strong talisman.

It is not without reason that in the pictures illustrating those times, you can see a man in an ordinary shirt, over which he wears a belt.

Reference! It was believed that the belt separated the pure and intelligent upper part of the body from the lower, more carnal, less intelligent. The belt was equal in its strength and importance to a pectoral cross. Both items were not removed even at night.

Embroidered amulet

The girls perceived this issue even more acutely. Therefore, this element of clothing was almost key for them. If there was an opportunity to decorate a belt with an embroidered pattern, a beautiful ornament, or some additional decorations, no one neglected this opportunity.

The pattern for the belt was chosen with meaning. It should enhance the protective capabilities of the lace amulet .


A thread with knots is perhaps the most famous and popular amulet that helps people cope with excess weight.

There are quite a few options for making such an amulet, but perhaps the simplest and most effective is to tie knots on a thread in an amount corresponding to the desired weight. That is, if you weigh 100 kg and want to weigh 50, you need to tie 50 knots. The thread should be worn on the body, not necessarily on the waist. You can put it on your wrist or ankle, the main thing is that the amulet is in contact with the skin.

There is another, no less popular way to use an amulet with knots. You need to tie a thread around your waist and determine the pitch of the knots, for example, 1 kg. As soon as your weight drops by 1 kilogram, you need to tie a knot. When the weight reaches the desired level, the amulet must be removed and hidden, for example, buried. An important point is that the step of the knots should be realistically achievable in a short time; you should not set yourself the goal of tying them every 10 kg.

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Conspiracies and prayers for weight loss

Of course, for girls with extraordinary thinking and a craving for everything supernatural, ordinary weight loss with diets and exercise will be a real bore. But you have to lose weight somehow! This is what conspiracies and prayers for weight loss, rituals, sacraments are intended for... You won’t get bored here and, willy-nilly, you will start living according to the lunar calendar!


Conspiracies are a prayer to higher powers or an order to the spirits. The main thing for the success of a conspiracy is faith in what you say, as well as faith in the result. If you read a conspiracy to quickly lose weight, you must believe and see yourself already thin, imagine in all details how it will be.

Reading rules

There are several rules for reading conspiracies and spells for weight loss. Firstly, you cannot tell anyone about this conspiracy if you have lost weight. Secondly, you need to read the conspiracy seriously with faith in what you are reading. Never laugh while reading, and also perform this ritual on an empty stomach. Conspiracies are read during the waning moon, looking to the east if you read in the morning at dawn, and looking to the west if you read at night.

Friday and Monday are considered the most favorable for reading conspiracies. Remember, your conspiracy should not be harmful to anyone, otherwise you will be punished.

Little nuances

There are also little tricks that you need to use to effectively lose weight on a daily basis. For example, when you wash your hands with soap, you should read the following: “Fat, fat comes out of my body.” Read this plot in a whisper and after the last word, wash your hands with water.

You can also read the following prayer before each meal:

“Lord, how can I not stuff Heaven into my mouth, the servant of God (your name), so as not to eat me a big piece. Amen".


Sometimes it seems that white magic conspiracies for weight loss do not carry any semantic meaning, so believing and seriously pronouncing them is quite problematic. But these conspiracies have another power. You need to read them monotonously, repeating them several times. As a result, you are immersed in a trance, and the power of sounds affects your body. All the words of the spells are composed in such a way that together they create an analogue of a mantra, and their imperceptible sound vibrations create an environment favorable for weight loss.

Red thread

Among the many options, one of the most popular is a conspiracy to lose weight on a red thread. To do this, take a piece of paper and write the following on it:




13 26 79


Fold the sheet of paper in four and on any Thursday at sunset go to the room with windows facing east. Repeat clearly 9 times: “It’s the pig who gets fat, not me.”

. Tie the leaf with red woolen thread and bury it in the ground or in a flower pot. You will begin to lose weight when the thread begins to rot. And this usually happens on the ninth day.

Another variation with red thread. Tie a red thread in three knots on the middle finger of your right hand. After a month, tie the thread on your left hand in the same way. After another month, remove both threads and bury them in the ground. When they rot, you will begin to lose weight. This should be done on the waning moon and only once in a lifetime.

Blue thread

After the 17th lunar day at midnight, we read the plot, looking at a glass of water and a blue woolen thread. When we have read the plot 14 times, we tie a thread around the ring and middle fingers on the left hand in the form of a figure eight. We remove the thread on the 27th lunar day and burn it. We drink 3 sips of water from a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening before bed.

Conspiracy text:

“The round moon walked across the sky, came to a turn, from the turn the moon began to decline, from that day on the moon melted and began to decline, it would take away my fullness. Amen".

No matter how much you want to lose weight quickly, remember, conspiracies are not the fastest thing in this matter. This requires time and patience. Why don't you, while waiting for the spell to take effect, resort to simpler earthly methods - exercise and a balanced diet?

How I easily got rid of my belly fat. A method for lazy people

For many people, their figure begins to deteriorate with age and a belly appears.
And it appeared for me too. Over the years, the waistline began to blur. I tried to do exercises and even go to the gym, but I often didn’t have enough time, and sometimes I was just lazy.
Searching through a bunch of information, I came across one interesting way - you can get rid of your belly with the help of one single thread. It's fantastically simple. I remember thinking - why didn’t I think of this myself? It's so obvious!

To do this, you need to take a thicker thread or thin rope. So that it doesn't break. The abdominal muscles need to be fully retracted. Then relax them halfway and in this state tie a thread around the waist. You can simply tie the thread as you exhale. The thread will put some pressure on the stomach and this reminds you to tighten your abdominal muscles. At first it seems a little strange, not very pleasant, but the very next day you will tighten your stomach automatically and after a few days you will get used to it.

Waist Thread: A Simple Trick for a Flat Stomach

Every woman dreams of having a beautiful and flat stomach, as well as an elegant waist that will emphasize her femininity and fragility.

There are a huge number of different ways to combat extra pounds: diets, all kinds of physical exercises, hardware procedures, surgeries, massage and much more.

But relatively recently, physiotherapists have invented a new technique that allows you to maintain a flat stomach and a beautiful waist.

The technique is quite simple. Its key element is a regular thread that is tied around the waist. No matter how strange it may sound, it really helps you get the belly of your dreams without any tedious exercise in the gym.

Many experts believe that it serves as a reminder for the need to constantly contract the muscle group in the abdomen.

If the thread breaks

Like any other protective amulet, the red thread takes on all negative energy influences. Of course, such an “attack” will affect the state of the amulet. If the amulet looks shabby, and you made it relatively recently, this means that there are ill-wishers or energy vampires in your immediate environment. Often a friend or work colleague plays the role of a “vampire”.

A broken red thread is not a reason for frustration. This means that the amulet has completed its program and saved you from big trouble. Take the torn thread and light it with a church candle. Then make a new amulet for yourself.

How is it carried out?

This weight loss method will require a thread, but it must have a strong and dense structure. You can also use tape. The main thing is that the product does not slip on the body and does not stretch.

The thread or tape is fixed at the waist halfway through the exhalation. This is necessary so that after exhalation a person feels its presence. Due to discomfort and inconvenience, there is a clear desire to strongly draw in and tense the stomach.

You don't need to tie the thread very tightly; your fingers should fit between the thread and the belly. This is required for comfortable breathing, and also leaves additional space for food, because after eating it, the stomach increases slightly, and strong tension on the thread will cause discomfort.

The thread should be tied in the morning and left on all day. But in the evening it is better to remove it. Before tying the thread, it is recommended to perform a special exercise called “Vacuum”.

Scheme of its implementation:

  • The first step is to lie with your back on a hard surface;
  • The legs are bent at the knees and the feet are placed on the floor;
  • Then we begin to actively exhale air through the mouth;
  • During this action, the stomach is pulled under the ribs;
  • You should stay in this position for 10-15 seconds;
  • The stomach relaxes and the previous breathing rhythm is restored.

The exercise is repeated 5-7 times. The first time will be difficult, because the stomach, out of habit, will not retract completely. But over time, you will get used to the correct breathing, which should be observed when wearing a thread on your stomach.

Features of the technique

The method, during which a thread is tied around the abdomen, was invented by the famous British doctor working in the field of physiotherapy, Sammy Margot. In her opinion, this technique helps a woman realize much faster that it’s time for her to lose weight and improve her figure; it programs her on a psychological level, setting her up for decisive action.

Among the positive features of the technique are:

  • Easy and simple to carry out. During it, you don’t need to limit yourself in anything, and certainly don’t need to starve, especially since this can negatively affect weight loss and health;
  • The use of thread allows you to get rid of excess weight in a short time without psychological problems;
  • A thread tied around the abdomen will force the muscles to constantly tense, they will be tense around the clock. Over time, the abs will strengthen, the muscles will become elastic, smooth, folds and signs of cellulite will disappear;
  • Tense muscle groups will have an impact on the fat layer, they will cause it to be burned;
  • Using this technique will allow you to forget about constant crunches and strict low-calorie diets.

What is a thread for weight loss and what does the method provide?

A pumped up, flat, elastic belly is the dream of every woman and girl who wants to become slim and beautiful. Fatness, no matter how much it is praised and promoted to the masses, spoils one’s appearance and has a negative impact on health. A sagging belly with folds, fat deposits, and cellulite is the main drawback that can cause severe depression and apathy.

Currently, many weight loss methods have been developed that have different effects. Some of them help you quickly lose weight, while others, on the contrary, have no effect. When considering the methods, you should pay attention to the thread for the waist. It is tied around the stomach and prevents excess weight gain. This technique may seem stupid and useless to some, but it really works, it helps you get a flat and firm stomach.

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