How to pump up six-pack abs: exercises, timing and results

How many days can you pump up your abs to become the owner of sculpted abs?
10/14/2017 Training

If you want to become the owner of beautiful sculpted abs and have no idea how much time you need to spend on it (or are afraid to find out), then you definitely need to read this article. Each person has certain characteristics, such as gender, weight, amount of subcutaneous fat, muscle development and much more, which imposes restrictions on how quickly relief appears on the abdomen.

What are these abs?

Why are many people crazy about a beautiful toned torso?

How to be both healthy and sexy at the same time?

We will leave all these questions for philosophical reflection, and answer this:

In how many days can you pump up your abs?

Here we mean a real six pack, not some barely visible lines that are almost invisible.

Dense, trained muscles are not so difficult to pump up; the main thing in this matter is an unshakable will and an irresistible desire.

Let me demonstrate something:

How long does it take to pump up your abs to get those abs?

You will find out at the end of this article.

So, if you've been training for several months and are disappointed by the lack of results, or if you've just started and already want to know when you'll finally be able to see the long-awaited six-pack in the mirror, then you're on the right track.

Let's figure it out and answer all the questions.

What does it take to build beautiful abs?

Rhythm and intensity play a major role in the process of pumping up the abs and creating sculpted abs. Masters advise practicing at this pace - you need to do 15 lifts in half a minute, take a half-minute break and repeat the exercise again. For beginners, 20 minutes a day will be enough to get six-packs on your stomach; you need to increase the training time to 40 minutes.

To pump up your abs to six-pack you need to:

  • great desire;
  • exercise regularly;
  • perform exercises efficiently;
  • stick to rhythm and intensity;
  • combine physical activity with proper nutrition.

For the most effective results, you need to use some sports equipment in the training system, namely: weights, expander, dumbbells or a gymnastic roller.

Useful tips

For those who are just starting to do abdominal exercises, 9 approaches per week will be enough, with a gradual increase to 18. There is one more feature. When the press has not yet been pumped up and is weak, it should be pumped no more than 20 times. After this amount, the untrained muscles simply turn off and exclusively the torso flexors work.

After 2-3 months of regular training, when the abs have already gotten used to physical activity and become stronger, it is recommended to pump it to failure. This means that you should not count the number of repetitions. It is worth choosing the optimal load yourself. During times of certain stress on the muscles, they become more intensively strengthened and grow.

When performing a set of abdominal exercises, you should adhere to the correct technique. The most common mistake many beginners make is incorrect breathing. When an athlete holds his breath, the muscles are not able to fully contract because the oxygen-filled lungs will not allow them to do so. Improper execution of the exercise results in poor pumping of the abdominal muscles. The correct technique is when the athlete exhales strongly and sharply at the end of the movement.

So, how long will it take to pump up your abs?

It all depends on regular training; those who work hard every day will be able to see the desired result in just 1 month. If you pump your abs 10-15 times a month, the maximum effect will occur only after 3 months. It’s difficult to answer the question of how long it takes to pump up your abs:

  1. It makes no sense for very overweight people to take it until they lose weight. This may take 1 year or more.
  2. Light overweight is removed faster with specially developed diets and physical activity. Therefore, the first results can be seen after 1.5-2 months.
  3. Slim people do better, they can pump up their abs in just 2 weeks, and by 3 weeks they should have their first six-pack. To do this, you need to pump your abs 2 times a day for 20 minutes.

The most important thing is the load. With systematic loads in the gym or at home, pumping up the abs at half strength and slowly, the result may turn out to be weak.

Abs in a month - reality or myth?

By performing these basic exercises you can achieve the desired result in just 1 month. So, your daily workout will only take 30 minutes, let’s start:

  1. Lying on the floor, you need to bend your legs at an angle of about 60 degrees, put your hands on the back of your head and raise your body so that you can touch your forehead to your knees. At the exit you need to fix the position for 3 seconds. We do 3 sets of 18 times.
  2. Take a lying position, bend your knees, and place your hands at your temples. Slowly rise, turning the body so that the left hand reaches the knees, and then the right. You need to do 15-20 exercises in each direction.
  3. You need to lie on the floor and stretch your arms along your body. Slowly and simultaneously raise your torso and legs until your forehead touches your knees. We freeze in this position for 2 seconds. We do 2-3 sets of 20 exercises.

It is worth remembering that each workout should be combined with 6 meals a day. Otherwise, the body will not have enough nutrients to build muscle tissue.

What abdominal muscles need to be pumped up for beautiful abs - you can find out here! A set of exercises for the abs can be found in this article. Read about training for the core muscles here.

Your goal and features of abdominal training

Before you start training, you should familiarize yourself a little with anatomy. The press consists of a muscle group that is divided into four muscles:

  • internal oblique;
  • external oblique;
  • transverse;
  • straight.

Each muscle is responsible for its own system of movements, and they should be pumped up using various exercises. The rectus muscle should contain the cubes themselves; it is responsible for the work of the pelvis and back (lower back). The transverse muscle is located across the entire surface of the abdomen, with which you can achieve a flat effect. It needs to be pumped up using exercises in which you need to raise your legs high.

The external oblique muscle is pumped up using exercises such as various types of twisting, twisting and leg lifts. The internal oblique muscle can be pumped up using circular movements of the pelvis, bending and turning the body.

How long does it take to pump up a girl’s abs?

Everyone’s body constitution is different, so to create ideal abs, some will need only 2 weeks, while others will need as much as 2 months. If a girl is not overweight, eats right and leads a sports lifestyle, then the task can be solved quickly.

By using a standard system of exercises and exercising regularly, you can pump up beautiful abs to six-pack abs in just a month. Training should be carried out 6 times a week, preferably twice a day.

You don’t have to go to the gym, you can do the exercises at home, you need to pump up your abs for 20-25 minutes in the morning and evening. This way you can save time and money.

Pumping up your abs to get rid of your belly

People who suffer from extra pounds will not be helped by pumping up their abs. Belly fat will not be removed. However, exercise will help keep your muscles toned so that your stomach does not protrude. To do this you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Lying on the mat, hands behind your head, bend your knees and spread them slightly to the sides. Raise your torso and reach with your right elbow towards your left knee. And then vice versa, we press the left elbow to the right knee. We repeat the exercise 15 times in 3 approaches.
  2. We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Now, tensing our abdominal muscles with strength, we lift our body off the floor and stretch our arms forward as far as possible. We do 3 sets of 15 times.
  3. You need to lie down on the mat and put your hands behind your head. Slowly raise the pelvis, while the lower back should be in its original place, and return to its normal position. Now we change the course of the exercise: we leave the pelvis in place and raise the lower back, trying to strain the abdominal muscles as much as possible.

By performing the above exercises, you can remove an unwanted external flaw (your stomach will stop sticking out), tighten your abdominal muscles and pump up your abs.

How long does it take to pump up your arms? How to quickly pump up your arms with dumbbells

Dumbbells allow you to vary different exercises, and you can train with them either alternately or with two at the same time. First of all, you should think about safety. After all, even when training with light dumbbells, muscle rupture is possible. Therefore, it is worth reading the article How to properly pump up your arm muscles.

Training your arms with dumbbells has some disadvantages: dumbbells do not allow you to give a concentrated load to the external or internal biceps separately.

Therefore, it is very important to create a competent training schedule, where the emphasis will be on pumping up the weakest parts of the arms.

Exercises for biceps

  1. Curling arms with a barbell. To perform the exercise you need to use a narrow grip. You can load both heads of the biceps and brachialis.
  2. Alternating dumbbell bicep curls. This is an effective exercise for gaining muscle mass.
  3. Concentrated biceps curl with dumbbells. Exercise for pumping up the middle and lower biceps.

Triceps Exercises

  1. Extension of arms on a block. Use a neutral grip. All 3 triceps bundles are loaded. This requires a special simulator with an upper block.
  2. Overhead extension with dumbbells. When performing, use a neutral grip. The triceps are stretched at the bottom, making the exercise more effective.
  3. Bent-over arm extension with dumbbells. This is an effective exercise that will help further strengthen your triceps.

Building weekly training plans

Let's look at the three most effective training options:

  1. Biceps can be pumped with the back, and triceps with the pectoral muscles. During back training, a good load is provided for the biceps. The same applies to the pectoral muscles and triceps.
  2. Triceps can be pumped with the back, and biceps with the pectoral muscles. This will help to vary the load on the biceps. This allows you to lift heavier weights.
  3. Conduct arm training on a certain day. Biceps and triceps can be trained in one session.

Optimal diet

To quickly pump up your arm muscles, you should both train well and eat right:

You need to consume about 15% more calories than you burn. This is explained by the expenditure of energy on muscle synthesis. It should be noted that the male body synthesizes a maximum of 3 kg of muscle mass per month. The optimal rate of weight gain is 3-4 kg per month. Eating plenty of protein. Protein is one of the key “building materials” for the human body. In order to ensure muscle growth, you should consume 1.5-2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. Eat food immediately after training. The sooner you eat after training, the better. Frequent meals. It is recommended to eat 4 times a day. The less often a person eats, the more fat will accumulate in the body. Same amount of calories daily

Compliance with this rule is very important. You need to eat the same way both on days without training and on days with training, because the body needs proteins, carbohydrates and even fats

Features of recovery after training

Recovery after training takes quite a long time. If the training was intense, then the muscles are in a state of subcompensation, i.e. their size decreases in comparison with what it was before classes. The body needs to overcompensate for muscles - to make them larger than before training.

Depending on the depth of muscle subcompensation, recovery may last

How long does it take to pump up your abdominal muscles? Everyone has abs, but how long does it take to get abs 03
few weeks. The most optimal is short but intense training. You should work to the maximum of your capabilities.

Such training is very important, as it provides an adaptive response in the muscle. In order for muscle growth to continue, the intensity of the load must be constantly increased.

How to pump up your abs to six-pack

Today, there are several basic and fundamental exercises, developed by experienced trainers and professional athletes, with which you can achieve beautiful relief on your stomach. These training methods are best done in the gym.

exercises for the abs

Straight crunches

You need to lie on the mat, bend your knees and press your feet firmly to the floor. Hands behind your head, now smoothly lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, we begin to pump up your abs. 20 exercises, 2 sets.

Reverse crunches

We work out the abs (lower), lie down on the floor, arms along the body, and legs at the knees. At an angle of 90 degrees, we raise our legs up and slowly pull our knees into the chest area, while the abdominal muscles should be tense. Now you should raise your pelvis, pressing your bent knees even more tightly to your chest. We do 3 sets of 15 times.

Oblique crunches

We work the upper part of the press. You need to lie down on the mat, strongly tense your abdominal muscles, and lift your body, turning your body to the left. When repeating the exercise, turn the torso to the right and so on, alternating both sides. We do 4 sets of 12 times. By systematically performing these effective exercises, you can pump up your abs to beautiful abs in a month.

How long can it take to pump up your abs at home?

How much does it cost to pump up abs?

As warmer days approach, many people think about a beautiful belly with the coveted sculpted abs, asking the question: How much can it cost to pump up abs? This kind of trouble faces not only boys, but also girls, but we must take into account that men’s and women’s goals differ significantly from each other.

On the subject: How to pump up huge shoulders

For women, the perfect result will be a flat tummy without a hint of excess fat, but for guys, training loses all its essence if it does not result in pumped up abs.

Basic rules for success

The effect of the exercises will become noticeable after 2 to 8 weeks, if the exercises are carried out consistently and without delay. Along with this, it is fundamentally important not to forget that pumping the press does not help burn existing fat. Fat deposits either go away all over the body, or they don’t go away at all.

The appearance of muscle tissue is promoted by hormones, the production of which is improved by complex physical exercise. Be prepared for the fact that a banal body lift will be a completely unnecessary exercise.

To burn fat, you need daily jogging, squats, pull-ups and push-ups. A much greater effect is achieved if additional weight is slowly added to the exercises. At first, it is better to do one exercise, but with the use of additional weights and properly.

Loads should be combined with a special diet. A non-specialized meal is divided into 6 equal portions eaten throughout the day. Breakfast focuses on carbohydrates, and in the evening preference is given to protein products. You should not overload your stomach and body with food at night.

It is prohibited to eat immediately before training or during exercise. Meals are only possible two hours after the end of classes. Everything fatty and fried is completely excluded from the diet, and sweets are kept to a minimum.

Work towards the end

To succeed, it is not enough to determine how much it will take to pump up your abs; you also need to do it correctly. Movements in exercises should not have a large amplitude.

In one lesson, it is enough to complete 8 approaches of 40 times each. A short rest (approximately 15 seconds) can be allowed at the end of every second approach.


Exercises should vary: leg raises, crunches, cross raises. Along with this, all approaches have a rule: during their execution you are not allowed to put your feet on the floor, lie down, or relax even for a minute.

As for the types of exercises, the most effective are crunches, leg raises and exercises on an incline bench. This is enough to strengthen your abs and define your six-pack in just a few weeks.

Home or gym

The choice of place for classes is selected personally, because there is no possibility of universal advice. Some people are so disciplined that they are able to establish a workout regimen at home. And some people can’t do without an extra kick from the instructor.

The advantages of the gym include control by a trainer, who will help you choose a suitable training program and load. Along with this, the set goal will be achieved with minimal injury. It’s easy to count the number of visits and find out the result.

It is possible to pump up great abs at home in the same period as in a sports club, if you establish a strict training regimen. And to compare the results before and after the end, just take a photo of yourself before starting all training.

It is fundamentally important to take into account that young men will need to be given a large load in a short period of time in order to quickly pump up their abdominal muscles. And girls can do simpler exercises for an hour to get a flat tummy and save excess weight.

How often do you pump your abs?

With maximum effort, you can get “iron abs” in 4 weeks. The speed of obtaining results will depend on intensive training. You need to pump your abs often. The more often and longer the classes last, the faster the goal you have set for yourself will be achieved. During the first 2 weeks, the abdominal muscles will tighten, and after 3 weeks you will be able to boast of ideal relief.

Training frequency by week:

  • 1 week – 10 minutes twice a day;
  • Week 2 – 20 minutes twice a day;
  • Week 3 – 30 minutes twice a day;
  • Week 4 – 40 minutes twice a day.

Anyone who has the desire, motivation and strength can pump up their abdominal muscles. The main thing is to choose the right exercises!

See an effective set of exercises for the abdominal muscles:

We pump up the press at home

Despite the fact that working out in the gym is much more comfortable, many people prefer to work out their abs at home. By performing the simplest exercises you can get amazing results.

"Lifting legs up to 45 degrees"

You need to lie on the floor, put your arms along your body and lift your legs up. The main condition is that the legs must be straight. First, we perform the exercise 10 times in 2 approaches. Then it will be necessary to increase the approaches to 3 times 30 lifts.


We lie down on the floor, put our hands behind our heads, now maintaining balance in the buttocks, and as we exhale, raise our legs and body at the same time. As you inhale, your fingers should touch your toes. We do 3 sets of 20 times.


We lie on our backs and slowly raise our legs up. Tightening your abdominal muscles, you need to make strong swings of your legs - back and forth (crossing them). We do the exercise 40-50 times, 4 approaches. To create beautiful abs, it is also useful to run, jump rope and add aerobic exercise to your workouts.

Ab exercises

There are several of the most effective and common exercises for pumping up abs:

  1. Plank. The exercise should be performed on a flat surface, resting your toes and hands. The back should be straight and the body tense. The position should be held for up to 90 seconds.

  2. Vacuum. Works both the internal and external abdominal muscles. You need to slowly take a deep breath, then as you exhale, you need to pull your stomach inward as much as possible. After holding your breath for a few seconds, you need to repeat the exercise, drawing in your stomach even more.
  3. Twisting. Raising the body up from a lying position with bent legs. The exercise is performed smoothly, and the body twists alternately in both directions.
  4. Leg raises. From a lying position, you should alternately lift one and the other leg.

If physical fitness is absent or very weak, then you need to start with 10-20 repetitions of the exercise. Over time, you should increase the load to 50-60 repetitions. The amount may vary depending on the goal of the student.

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