Velvet fasting according to the Ziganshin method: how to lose weight on apricots, seaweed and oranges

Alfred Abdulbarovich Ziganshin (born in 1944) - Honored Doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan, psychotherapist, holder of the Order of the ICF "Patrons of the Century". While still only a first-year medical student, he received a serious sports injury and underwent rehabilitation. He came up with the idea of ​​therapeutic fasting, which could speed up recovery. It was then, back in 1961, that the first edition of the technique was created, which he successfully tested on himself, and later refined and began to actively use in practice for the treatment and weight loss of patients.

For several decades now, people have been going to the remote settlement of Shemordan (100 km from the capital of Tatarstan), to a health resort, to experience the velvet fasting of Ziganshin and to be cured of a variety of diseases.

What is the velvet fasting technique?

Velvet fasting rules

Many doctors and patients treat the fasting method with distrust, since they are sure that this method of cleansing is quite harsh, but Professor Ziganshin believes that local treatment of a particular disease is an ineffective method and the body must be restored completely, and not fragmentarily, touching individual parts organs _ And the main “weapon” in such treatment is a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, that is, a thoughtful diet, reducing animal protein with an emphasis on a vegetable menu.

The doctor was helped to choose this direction by observing patients in a hospital in the Tatar outback, where, after receiving a diploma from a medical institute, he worked as the head physician. The medical staff didn’t stay there much, and the professor, in order to really help people, began to delve more seriously into the nature of various diseases.

Thus, observing patients, the doctor saw that a certain category of people were helped by refusing to eat. The professor experienced this effect himself when he was a 1st year student and was recovering from a severe injury.

The essence of the technique

Such a beautiful name of the technique reflects its main essence: fasting is soft, like velvet. This means that it is short-term, involves drinking water and minor indulgences (certain foods and drinks are allowed on certain days). In addition, the program does not include such aggressive and unpleasant procedures as, for example, enemas or gastric lavage.

Alfred Ziganshin developed this system with the goal of healing the body, so fasting definitely belongs to the category of medicinal ones. People who have tested his method on themselves note a significant improvement in their well-being and weight loss, so it can also be used for weight loss. Not to say that the results are stunning, but in 2 weeks, judging by the reviews, you can lose 4-5 kg.

Unlike many other authors of therapeutic fasting methods, Ziganshin does not have books in which he outlines the essence of his system. He has neither his own blog, nor an official website, nor a YouTube channel. He does not travel around countries giving lectures and does not advertise the health center where he works. A person without any PR companies helps people recover from various diseases and lose weight.

Interesting fact. Many famous people of Tatarstan (officials, deputies, businessmen, stars) regularly visit the center where Dr. Ziganshin receives treatment. Nikolai Drozdov (the famous zoologist presenter) also likes to visit him. Until recently, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, a famous healer and representative of alternative medicine, constantly went to him for treatment.

Features of this method

Authorized Products

The doctor's first sketches appeared in the 60s of the last century, when Ziganshin began his studies at the medical institute. The period of rehabilitation after a fracture gave impetus to the development of this system. The development of the methodology was completed when the professor was already working as the head physician in the remote village of Shemordana.

The main difference between the velvet fasting method and the classical one is that you do not need to completely give up food and rinse your stomach.

The menu of the modern average person is filled with not entirely healthy products, namely:

  • Harmful fats;
  • Flavoring additives;
  • Processed food;
  • Preservatives;
  • Confectionery products;
  • GMO fruit and vegetable products.

All this settles in the digestive system and disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To normalize brain and muscle activity, as well as immunity, it is recommended to regularly cleanse ourselves of toxins that we consume through unhealthy foods.

The most effective, and, most importantly, harmless way to restore vitality and rejuvenate cells is therapeutic fasting.

A. Ziganshin’s method was originally developed for older people, but it is suitable for everyone. The main goal of the technique is to reduce the load when the acid-base balance shifts towards increasing acidity through the systematic use of additives and reducing the consequences of such an imbalance. This makes it possible to count on a healing result without giving up endogenous nutrition.

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Contrary to established rules, the professor managed to identify the most acceptable balance between useful supplements and fasting itself.

The technique helps to influence the human body as a whole. It is not something very complicated and difficult to bear, since fasting is quite gentle and lives up to its name. Velvet fasting helps to establish the following processes:

  • Increasing the activity of internal organs, in particular the kidneys, cardiovascular system and lungs;
  • Removal of harmful toxins, feces;
  • Improving liver function.

The presence of chronic diseases is not a contraindication for this technique.

According to Alfred Abdulbarovich Ziganshin, all human health problems arise due to poor nutrition and consumption of harmful foods in large quantities.

Indications and contraindications


  • prevention of various diseases;
  • atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, rehabilitation after ischemia, obliterating endarteritis;
  • neuroses, prolonged depression, panic attacks;
  • osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, arthritis;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • diseases of the reproductive system (both men and women);
  • cataract.


  • severe, advanced cases of any disease;
  • mental pathologies, epilepsy;
  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • extensive inflammation of a chronic nature: sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, polynephritis, prostatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • kidney and gall bladder stones;
  • diabetes;
  • post-stroke period;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe forms of skin diseases;
  • oncology;
  • unspecified diagnosis;
  • autoimmune systemic diseases.

You need to understand that both lists are relative. For example, not all problems associated with the reproductive system (even though they are indicated in the indications) are successfully solved by velvet fasting. There are also opposite cases. For example, there is a very touching story in the guest book. An elderly couple from abroad wrote that they were treated in the best clinics in Israel, but only here they were able to get rid of terrible dermatitis (however, skin diseases are listed as contraindications).

Therapeutic effect

Velvet fasting reveals so-called superpowers in the body, because, as a rule, most of our vital energy is spent on processing the food we consume. And during fasting, it is aimed exclusively at cleansing cells, removing toxins that accumulate in it due to an unhealthy diet. Many will ask the question: what does the body use to maintain this very energy? The answer is simple: to maintain vitality, the body alternately uses weakened, diseased and fat cells.

Due to such processes, the regeneration of cells and tissues of the human body is accelerated, vitality is restored, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs is improved, the immune system is strengthened, and as a result, endurance and strength increase.

Important: on an empty stomach, growth hormone is synthesized in larger quantities than usual, as a result of which your mood improves.

Velvet fasting according to Ziganshin at home

You can use this method yourself. This does not require the conditions of a hospital or sanatorium. The main thing is to strictly follow the developed instructions, avoiding deviations or omissions.

The velvet fasting technique includes three main stages, which will be described in detail below.

Preparation stage

Proper preparation of the body for the fasting process is a key point of the technique. The process begins a week before the main stage. During this period, it is necessary to give up alcohol, canned food, high-calorie foods and fast food.

You need to switch to a well-thought-out diet, and ideally a vegetarian one. This approach will prepare the liver and other internal organs for new conditions without stress for the whole body.

The main stage is direct fasting

The main stage of this diet is divided into 2 weeks. You should eat in moderate doses, according to the following scheme:

  • 1 day. In 2 liters of boiling water you need to brew 6 types of different dried fruits, 3 pieces each. everyone. This drink must be infused and drunk throughout the day. The dinner menu includes dried fruits cooked for the drink. Finely ground kelp will provide the body with trace elements (consume no more than 1 teaspoon per day), and a garlic clove (divided into small pieces) will help the body defeat parasites, bacteria and inflammation.
  • Day 2. The professor allows you to add 1 small orange to the above menu. Eating citrus should be one slice at an interval of 60 minutes.
  • On days 3 and 4, it is prescribed to drink only clean water, at least 4 liters.
  • 5 – 14 days. During this period, the above nutritional pattern is repeated several times in the same sequence.

It is also important to maintain a drinking regime throughout the diet. Clean, non-carbonated, preferably boiled water should be consumed daily (up to 2 - 3 liters).

Quitting the diet

The last, fourth week of the course is aimed at a soft and painless exit from the diet for the body.

New products are added to the diet daily:

  • For the first 4 days, you can additionally eat one orange (according to the same scheme) and a few pieces of dried apricots;
  • From the fifth day it is allowed to include liquid porridge and vegetable puree in the menu.

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The person returns to the patient’s usual diet gradually, over several days, constantly adding new products to the menu. Meat and proteins are added last.

To maintain the achieved results, it is advisable to avoid the following products:

  • Bakery;
  • Sweets;
  • Salt;
  • Meat;
  • Animal fats;
  • Alcohol.

A healthy person's diet should include a large amount of fruits and vegetables.


Selection of methodology

If you choose one of the methods for the first time, you should not immediately rush to long-term ones, even if they are represented by real gurus in their field, whose names are almost world famous. Start with short, gentle systems - such as Dr. Ziganshina. A good result, scientific justification, permission from official medicine, minimal risk of failure - these are the only advantages.

A much more difficult question is what is better: velvet fasting or intermittent fasting. They are similar: short-term, useful, fairly easily tolerated, the process of autophagy (utilization of sick, obsolete organelles and cell regeneration) manages to start in both cases. The only difference is the timing. Ziganshin creates more favorable conditions for total cleansing: a change in the acid-base balance + enough time for the body to remove as many harmful substances as possible.


Therapeutic fasting according to the Ziganshin method will be more effective if you prepare for it in advance. This will reduce stress for the body and adjust the gastrointestinal tract with the liver to a new nutritional system. To this end, within a week (maybe 2) you need to eliminate from your diet all those foods that become a source of toxins (the list was given above). A vegetarian diet is encouraged.

Do not forget! When deciding on velvet fasting, it would be a good idea to undergo an examination and obtain a doctor’s permission to do so. Ziganshin’s technique is one of the few that does not contradict the principles of official medicine. Therefore, usually specialized specialists (therapists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, nutritionists) even recommend that their patients undergo a course of treatment in.


The way out of velvet fasting should also be soft. The next day, you can eat the same apricots, but in a normal, not soaked state, and oranges (2-3 pieces), drink green tea with honey and herbal decoctions. Then you gradually need to include liquid porridges with water and vegetable purees in your diet. We return to solid food in a week. The last items on the menu include meat and proteins.

As at the entrance, at the exit Ziganshin advises sticking to a vegetarian diet, which will consolidate the results of the treatment. It guarantees the “non-return” of past diseases and extra pounds.

Despite the lack of bright and enticing advertising, people from all over the world (including famous ones) come to Dr. Ziganshin for help on old mattresses and creaky beds in multi-bed wards. Moreover, some return there again and again, preferring velvet fasting to all other similar methods. For many, this fact is the best proof of effectiveness.

We recommend: Autophagy and fasting


Binge eating

Professor Ziganshin believes that the cause of all ailments is excessive food consumption. Gluttony and overeating can cause a person to become seriously ill, and even death is possible. Excess weight indicates that the body is too polluted. The vessels become clogged with accumulations of harmful cholesterol, lose their elasticity and cease to cope with basic tasks. As a result, by the age of 60 a person becomes a frail, useless old man, and often does not live to reach this age at all.

Alfred Abdulbarovich himself suffered from excess weight, but realizing the importance and responsibility, he brought himself into his usual shape using his own methods and led others with him.

The key point in Ziganshin’s method is to cleanse the body of toxins and other toxins, which takes three weeks. Giving up animal protein and replacing it in the diet with viscous cereals, unsweetened fruits and vegetables will help speed up the process. It is better to give preference to foods rich in vitamin C (lemon, strawberries, etc.), as well as apricots (no more than 5 pieces per day).

Therapeutic fasting can last for any period of time: some can endure the entire course, while others can last a couple of days. In this technique, everything is individual and depends on the person’s readiness for food restrictions.

Breaking out of fasting is a process no less important than fasting itself. An important principle is a person's ability to control his desires and appetite. Many find it psychologically difficult to give up their usual delicious food and switch to a balanced menu and a healthy lifestyle.

Can diet harm your health?

The professor’s practice, which lasted for decades, confirmed its reliability, safety for human health and the effectiveness of the method. The method helps everyone who decided to use it and followed all the doctor’s instructions.

Maximum success is mostly experienced by people suffering from the following diseases:

  • Polyarthritis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Arthritis;
  • Cataract;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Atherosclerosis.

Professor Ziganshin’s technique is absolutely harmless, but an important condition is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, without retreating or deviating from the method that has been developed over the years and is based on scientific research.

Therapeutic fasting helps absolutely everyone and is a preventive procedure against diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • Musculoskeletal system;
  • Heart and blood vessels;
  • Vision;
  • Thyroid gland;
  • Dermatological profile;
  • Liver and kidneys.

If you use the method from a young age, in old age a person will be much healthier and live longer. Treatment at home allows you to cleanse the body of unnecessary toxic substances and toxins. In sanatorium conditions, this effect is enhanced by acupuncture, massage, reflexology, walks and herbal medicine.


Hunger is a kind of rest for a person. When vital forces are wasted on processing food, the body becomes clogged with waste and toxins. Velvet fasting according to Ziganshin helps the body direct its forces in the right direction - to cleanse, rejuvenate, heal and normalize the functioning of all organs and systems.

Great mood

The constant practice of velvet fasting gives a person complex results:

  • Improves mood;
  • Excess fats are burned;
  • There are no exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • Metabolism improves;
  • Defenses are strengthened;
  • Vital activity increases;
  • Facilitates the treatment of pathologies at the chronic stage;
  • General well-being improves.

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Important: Do not get your hopes up and expect quick results when taking the course. It does not appear immediately, but over time, since rehabilitation processes in the body take their course and cannot be accelerated.

The first 2–4 days are especially difficult to bear: the feeling of emptiness in the stomach does not stop. But gradually the appetite decreases and, in the end, completely disappears due to the cleansing of the body from toxic substances through the oral cavity. After the first 3 days after starting the diet, the body switches to an autonomous type of nutrition. At these moments, the pH decreases and a deterioration in well-being is often observed. There is no need to be afraid of such a state: this is simply how the body works to cleanse itself of toxic substances. On the fourth day you may also feel unwell, but by the fifth day the body will have completely switched to internal replenishment mode.

Don't be afraid of hunger. Thoughts about food that is familiar to a person most often haunt patients throughout the entire period of fasting, although there is no appetite. Everyone without exception is able to withstand the entire course of velvet fasting, even those people who are underweight.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the safety of gentle abstinence from food and a balanced supply of microelements, any fasting has relative and absolute contraindications.

The list of absolute prohibitions includes the following diseases and conditions:

  • appendicitis in the acute phase;
  • condition after a heart attack;
  • adaptation period after transplantation of tissues and internal organs;
  • oncological diseases at stages 3, 4;
  • unspecified diagnosis;
  • systemic diseases, leukemia;
  • liver or kidney failure in the acute phase;
  • parasites and infectious diseases;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases.

Each described contraindication involves treatment with fasting, but in the absence of a therapeutic effect from traditional treatment and under strict medical supervision. The doctor's feedback is decisive.

It is not recommended to use therapeutic fasting in the following cases:

  • anorexia nervosa;
  • childhood and late senility;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • stones in the genitourinary system;
  • acute intoxication;
  • feverish condition;
  • IHD with manifestations of heart failure and disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • diabetes mellitus in an insulin-dependent form;
  • immobilized state;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum, stomach;
  • hypotension developing with pronounced and vivid symptoms.

Velvet fasting has many benefits over traditional food abstinence regimens. Its beneficial effect on the body has been proven over many years of practical use and healing of patients. You should not carry out a cleansing course without the consent of your doctor; this threatens to worsen chronic diseases and hidden pathologies. If there are contraindications to any fasting, but there is a need for it, contact the author of the method. The course will be carried out under the strict supervision of specialists and regular assessment of the body’s condition using medical research. You can find many positive reviews and photos of recovered patients who thank Alfred Ziganshin for his healing technique. But you shouldn’t blindly believe the promises; approach fasting consciously with appropriate preparation.

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