Minus 4 kg per week: chia seeds for weight loss (how to take them correctly)

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Chia lovers mix the neutral-tasting seeds into muesli, smoothies, custard or jam. They eat the seeds in crackers, pancakes and bread. The seeds are especially in demand among vegetarians. Mixed with water, soy, rice or almond milk, they create a gel that replaces gelatin or eggs in baked goods, just as flax seeds have the same effect.

Chia seeds

Good day, dear readers!

As an impressionable person, I am easily “led” by advertising, especially of those products that help improve my health: add to me indescribable beauty, heroic strength and spiritual wealth.

Advertisements for chia seeds flooded social networks so rapidly that I simply could not help but buy these miracle seeds. Just look at the photos of beautiful cocktails with dark marble dots - it’s really hard to resist.

My physical form, of course, is far from perfect: after pregnancy I would like to lose a little weight, especially around the waist. I don’t argue that going to the gym would help more effectively, but after night feedings there is little strength left... And why - if there are miracle seeds: just buy them, take them, wash them down with water and lose weight... Oh, what a human being by nature his own, lazy and gullible when it comes to choosing an alternative to sports)))

Here's what the sellers tell us:

Product benefits

Chia seeds are rich in protein, oils, fiber, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals - calcium, potassium, iron, antioxidants. In this regard, the substance leaves far behind such record holders for the amount of vitamins and minerals as milk, bananas and citrus fruits, broccoli, blueberries, blueberries, etc.

Seeds contribute to:

slowing down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar, which is important for diabetics and people on a diet; improving metabolism; increasing immunity; stabilizing digestion; removing toxins; improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart attack; weight loss; healthy skin; normalizing cholesterol levels; improving blood clotting, etc.

So here it is, a panacea of ​​all times and peoples! Now alchemists can definitely calm down and change their profession)))

Those. Every inhabitant of planet Earth fits this list of health problems.

Here's what Wikipedia tells us:

Chia seeds contain 20% protein, 34% fat, 25% dietary fiber, and significant amounts of antioxidants. Particularly rich in linolenic and other Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

Flour from roasted seeds is used to prepare nutritious drinks. Oatmeal made from them, mixed with water and pepper, lasts a long time, is highly nutritious and satisfies hunger well. The oil from the seeds dries quickly and is used to make paints.

Recently, chia seeds have gained popularity among US vegetarians as an excellent source of plant-based calcium: 100 g of seeds contain 631 mg of calcium, that is, twice as much as a glass of milk[1]. The seeds are rich in other microelements. In 2005, the European Union, where this plant is much less known, recognized chia as a promising food[2].

As you can see for yourself, the list is much more modest and realistic. So, Wikipedia mentions very real information about the content of Omega-3 in the seeds (note that Omega-6 is not mentioned, as the sellers claim) and calcium.

Here's how))

I would like to add that chia seeds have an excellent laxative effect, and you will go to the toilet regularly and with lightning speed, just like taking any other natural laxative. You can find a similar effect in a serving of oatmeal in the morning, in a serving of blueberries or brewed flax seeds on an empty stomach and before bed. But...for a SIGNIFICANTLY LOWEST PRICE. For comparison: a 225 gram jar of chia costs $6. A bag of flax seeds costs $1.

This is probably why it is unprofitable to advertise, for example, flax. Because with the same properties it costs a penny and is available. The sellers of the panacea cannot make money from it.

Regarding brands and suppliers of chia seeds: there are so many of them! And, of course, I also wanted to go through everything, everything, everything in the hope of finding the most delicious and healthy seeds))

But...after a couple of months of “recovery” it was impossible not to notice that the seeds were the same...Only in different boxes and for different prices. Judge for yourself! For example, seeds from two popular sellers are poured into the lid. I didn’t put any more photos because they are absolutely identical... Although... my credit card noticed the difference)))

Chia seeds Chia seeds

Summing up, I recall the well-known expression: “There is no need to deceive me, I am happy to be deceived myself.”

Of course, if you lack calcium, want to boost your immunity, or just regularly visit the toilet and spend not half an hour there, but a minute - chia will help you with this.

And if you want to get rid of diabetes, arthritis, extra 20 kg. and all possible human diseases, then, alas. By buying chia seeds, you will only save them from the sorrows and illnesses of their sellers, who, while vacationing in the Bahamas for your money, will say “thank you,” but you are unlikely to hear them.

Did I lose weight after a few months of taking chia seeds? I’ll be brief: if you sit on the toilet from morning to night, then God himself ordered you to weigh less. But, directly, fat and cellulite decided to remain.

Thank you for your attention!

Don't believe the advertising. Remember - advertising is the engine of trade. Have a successful and useful shopping!

Ingredients: antioxidants, minerals and fiber

Are chia seeds a superfood? In fact, the seeds contain a number of beneficial ingredients, such as being five times richer in calcium than milk. The iron content in chia seeds is higher than that in spinach. In addition, they include many antioxidants such as phenolic acids. These active ingredients scavenge free radicals.

A third of the weight is dietary fiber, which guarantees long-term satiety. Since the seeds bind water well, you should drink plenty of fluids when consuming them, unless there are medical contraindications. But there's still a lack of scientific evidence that small grains are the secret weapon for weight loss. And of course, this all largely depends on what you eat other than chia seeds.

Beneficial properties of chia

Among the properties it is important to note the following:

  • seeds contain substances similar to natural antibiotics, they remove inflammation in the body, destroy bacteria without negatively affecting the human liver and intestines;
  • with long-term use, immunity increases, you don’t have to be afraid of contracting ARVI or influenza;
  • chia restores intestinal microflora, reducing the likelihood of problems with digestion and stool;
  • lowers cholesterol levels, which in turn prevents the development of atherosclerosis and various heart ailments;
  • occasionally the medicine is used in complex therapy against depression, sclerosis, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease;
  • seeds reduce blood sugar, which is useful for people with diabetes;
  • prevent the occurrence of changes in blood pressure;
  • relieve allergic reactions;
  • antioxidants prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors, rejuvenate, and stop the aging process;
  • give a feeling of fullness, that is, with their help you can fight chronic overeating;
  • the seeds have found application in the fight against hormonal imbalances and anemia;
  • restores the functioning of the nervous system, improves memory and performance;
  • activates the reproductive system and muscles due to the presence of zinc;
  • calcium has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, especially useful for people involved in sports and serious physical activity;
  • is the prevention of osteoporosis in women during menopause;
  • thanks to the presence of vitamins, it normalizes metabolism;
  • stimulates the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • the ability to absorb up to 10 times their weight in liquid helps maintain hydration levels in the body, especially during physical activity;
  • regular use, according to doctors, helps reduce the risk of sudden death from a heart attack;
  • seeds help to recover faster after childbirth, injuries, and sprains.

High quality protein and fatty acids

With a protein content of about 16 grams for every 100 grams, chia seeds are superior to grains such as wheat. Despite this, consuming the seeds does not have any side effects such as food allergies.

The seeds contain up to 30% fat: primarily polyunsaturated fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid and a certain amount of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which are found only in fish. It should also be noted that small grains are considered high in calories due to their high fat content.

Local products as a substitute for chia seeds

A similar fat composition can be found in more affordable flax seeds, canola oil or nuts. Regional products are much cheaper - one kilogram of chia seeds costs more than 40 euros, while flax seeds packaged in bags, which are very inexpensive, are on supermarket shelves.

chia seeds for weight loss, how to take

So, chia seeds actually contain quite a few healthy ingredients, are very filling, and are very versatile. However, they contain too many calories, are quite expensive, and these types of ingredients can be found in local food products. Therefore, whether such a superfood should complement your menu is an individual matter.

Chia seeds for weight loss, how to take them. Is it possible to lose weight and what diet should I use?

Of course, you can lose weight on a diet with chia seeds, but you need to understand that you can also lose weight with wheat sprouts, mung beans, dried unsweetened fruits or berries, flax seeds, oatmeal, and so on. The whole point of chia seeds is that they fill you up a little longer than sunflower seeds, for example. If on a chia diet you still eat more calories than you burn, and also exercise little, then no magical weight gain will happen. Let's just call the new-fangled seeds a pleasant addition to the diet that obviously do not harm health, but are definitely not a “magic pill” for weight loss.

How to properly consume chia seeds to lose weight?

Chia seeds beneficial properties and contraindications reviews

Even a small amount of chia seeds can saturate the body for a long time, due to its composition. Nutritionists may recommend seeds even as a snack.

The best weight loss effect is achieved by consuming chia seeds with enough water immediately 20 minutes before meals for 6 weeks. The recommended dosage is 50 grams per day.

You should know that 1 tablespoon contains 25 grams of seeds, and a teaspoon contains 8 grams.

Since chia seeds have a neutral taste, they can be used in any dish: in porridge, as a topping for baked goods, as a separate product or as an additive for mixing with yogurt.

However, in order to consume chia for the purpose of losing weight, you need to take into account some rules:

To make the most of the cleansing powers of the seeds, they must be eaten on an empty stomach in combination with dairy products. A cocktail or smoothie taken in the morning with the addition of seeds will block the feeling of hunger for a long time and help clear the intestines of toxins, which helps improve the digestion process.

If you season your salad with gel made from chia seeds in the evening, you won’t have to worry about feeling hungry at night.

The seeds are eaten 20-30 minutes before meals in an amount of 5 grams and washed down with plenty of water.

Before use, the seeds must be washed. If they are soaked, they should be consumed within 24 hours, otherwise the product will be spoiled.

There are many methods for introducing chia seeds into your diet:

whole seeds. They are added to dishes or used in food along with liquids;

ground powder. In this state, they are combined with syrups, honey or mixed into various recipes;

in ground form, after soaking;

in a boiled state. This means preparing porridges and jelly;

flour products. Ground seeds can be one of the ingredients in cakes and pancakes.

But it should be remembered that after eating food with seeds, you need to drink a lot of water, otherwise the seeds will absorb water directly from the body, in particular from the intestines, which will invariably lead to constipation.

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