Healthy and healthy milk oolong for weight loss


Everyone has already realized that I am a fan of healthy weight loss, right?)) Don’t feed me bread (it’s better not to feed me;)), let me speculate on the topic of diets and techniques.

I’m also a lazy fan, and I want something that’s effective, but doesn’t require time or money.

And most importantly, safe!!!

Among these magical remedies, various herbal teas with antioxidant, cleansing, tonic and healing properties stand out.

I was especially interested in oolong milk tea for weight loss.

Beneficial properties of tea

The unusual drink got its name due to the use of milk extract. It is used to treat the soil on which tea bushes grow, or it is used before fermenting the leaves themselves. As a result of such manipulations, the tea leaves obtain and retain a light aroma of milk with notes of caramel. Due to its unusual color, the product is sometimes called “jade”.

But this type of oolong is valued not only for its taste. During the fermentation process, the leaves are almost not subjected to heat treatment. They dry naturally, so all the beneficial components remain practically untouched. And after proper brewing, they turn into finished tea.

We recommend reading about milk tea for weight loss. You will learn about the benefits and possible harms of tea with milk, rules for preparing the drink, recipes for black and green tea with milk. And here is more information about Monastic tea for weight loss.


tea leaves storage
All types of oolongs are able to absorb foreign odors

Therefore, improper storage of such teas can greatly affect their taste. In addition, the benefits that oolong teas provide may be reduced. In order to preserve the beneficial properties of the “dark dragon”, you need to know how to store such tea.

Oolong must be stored in a tightly closed container. The most optimal materials for such a container are porcelain or glass.

IMPORTANT: Do not store oolong tea in a container that has previously been used to store other tea. Use a specially designated container to store the “dark dragon”. In order for all the beneficial properties of oolong to be preserved, the jar of tea leaves must be stored in the refrigerator.

Composition of the drink

The chemical components of milk oolong are varied. The most concentrated content in dry tea leaves is:

  • vitamins (A, B, C, E and P);
  • minerals (especially potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus);
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • tea "caffeine" - theine;
  • polyphenols.

All these compounds turn drinking the drink into a healing procedure. With regular tea drinking, the following occurs:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • slowing down the intensity of aging;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • general toning;
  • increasing immunity;
  • prevention of seasonal allergies and cancer.

In addition, replacing other hot drinks with milk oolong will improve the condition of teeth and bone tissue, and also relieve swelling. This process will also have a beneficial effect on your appearance - the skin will get rid of rashes and an “earthy” tint, and your nails will stop peeling.

Watch this video about the benefits of oolong milk tea:

What qualities does black oolong tea have? Features of the tea variety

True black oolong has a rich honey hue and is not at all similar to other varieties of this tea. It contains many shades that convey the taste of fruits, berries, chocolate and even chestnut.

Black oolong can have many positive properties on a person:

  • calming and even calming effect
  • tones and invigorates
  • improves mood and lifts spirit
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • improves all metabolic processes in the body
  • removes accumulated toxins
  • cleanses the intestines of toxins
  • has a beneficial effect on the pancreas

Oolong black
oolong black

  • Black oolong tea is unique among all Chinese varieties because it is made only from specially collected leaves.
  • Black oolong can be brewed several times in a row, the ideal amount is -5 times
  • Each subsequent brew of tea can give a new, previously incomprehensible aroma and taste.
  • Black oolong differs from all varieties in its rich taste, reminiscent of wood.
  • Exposure of the tea leaf to several temperatures allows it to acquire a darker color, but maintain a subtle and delicate taste.

It is not uncommon for black oolong to be called “Puer La Dame” for its mild taste and aroma.

Contraindications for use

However, you shouldn’t get too carried away with this drink. It is recommended to drink only three cups of milk oolong per day.

This type of tea is absolutely not suitable for people suffering from high blood pressure. It has a stimulating property, which leads to a worsening of the condition. For the same reason, everyone else will have to give up a cup of milk oolong at night. Instead of pleasant relaxation, the drink will cause insomnia. Hypotonic patients and those with kidney problems should also not exceed the recommended doses of tea due to its diuretic effect.

You should avoid the product during an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with peptic ulcers and colitis. A highly fermented drink will irritate the mucous membranes and make the situation worse. Unlike other types of green tea, jade oolong tea should not be consumed if you have diarrhea or other bowel disorders. It is better to postpone taking it until complete recovery. And then start drinking with small portions.


Miroslava: “I drink oolong simply because I love it. This is a great drink with such a rich history. I love it simple, without additives, even without lemon. I can’t say whether it’s effective for losing weight, since I don’t suffer from this problem, but the fact that I feel light in my intestines is important to me.”

Olga: “When dieting, I prefer green tea rather than coffee. It is more effective, safer and does not hurt your stomach as much. In my opinion, the Chinese are so slim precisely because they drink so much of this wonderful drink. Of course, finding good oolong is not so easy, but if you look in specialized stores, you can find it in loose form, buy 50 g and try it. If you like the taste, buy more and store in an airtight jar.”

Christina: “For almost a whole month I was on a diet of fish, chicken, legumes and vegetables. I drank 4 cups of oolong, replacing it with a snack between main meals. I lost almost 8 kg. I noticed that if you drink a cup on an empty stomach, you don’t feel like eating at all until 11 o’clock, but I didn’t abuse it this way.”

Tatyana: “A peculiar drink. It’s not like anything I’ve ever drunk, pleasant, gentle, without astringency. I like it. I hope it will also help me lose at least 3-4 kg. I will also include more fish, rice and beans in my diet, and from liquids I will switch to water, tea and vegetable juices.”

How does oolong tea affect weight loss?

Recent studies have confirmed that regularly including jade tea in your diet reduces body mass index by reducing body fat. Oolong owes this effect to its catechins. Polyphenolic compounds are strong antioxidants. They rid the body of toxins and other “unhealthy” components that contribute to the formation of cellulite.

The milky type of green tea also makes it easier to tolerate the abandonment of your usual diet during diets and the transition to proper nutrition. It normalizes blood glucose levels, dulling the feeling of “unreasonable” hunger. This reduces the number of snacks and helps to significantly reduce the calorie content of the menu, due to which the extra centimeters go away and do not return again.

Another valuable quality of milk oolong for combating excess weight is the normalization of water-salt balance. If you do not exceed the recommended dosages, healing tea will get rid of excess puffiness and salt, which make your figure look fuller. At the same time, it will enrich the body with vitamins and beneficial macro- and microelements necessary to maintain its functions.

However, all these benefits will “work” only in combination with other methods that promote weight loss. Excess weight while drinking jade tea will not decrease if you drink cakes with it while lying on the sofa. Therefore, diet correction and physical activity are prerequisites for obtaining noticeable results.

Brewing rules

Another factor influencing the weight loss process is preparing a drink based on oolong leaves. It is no coincidence that in Eastern countries special attention is paid to brewing tea. The correctness of the procedure determines whether the product will be healing or turn into simple colored water.

Even brewing different varieties of the same type of tea may require individual approaches. Therefore, preparing milk oolong for weight loss will differ from “standard” tea drinking.

In order not to reduce the usefulness of the finished drink, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Before use, tea leaves should be rinsed under warm running water. This will rid the finished drink of grains of dust.
  • It is recommended to pour out the first portion of jade tea immediately. Since the leaves are not processed during drying, they require additional cleaning.
  • Infuse oolong only in a glass or porcelain teapot. It is allowed to use a special iron kettle, which is coated inside with a layer of ceramics to prevent oxidation and destruction of useful components.
  • Do not use boiling water. The water temperature for preparing tea should not exceed 80 degrees.

  • The procedure with one serving of milk oolong leaves can be performed up to five times in one tea party. The taste of the drink will change, but the usefulness will not decrease. “Wet” leaves cannot be stored.
  • Have a tea party between meals. The benefits of tea will be absorbed better without slowing down digestion.
  • Brew only natural product. Milk oolong leaves of good quality are green, shiny, “wrinkled” in the form of neat lumps, without damage. They have a pleasant milky smell without “chemical” impurities. They are not packaged in sachets or tea bags!

Otherwise, the procedure for turning “jade” leaves into a miraculous tea that gets rid of extra pounds looks like this:

  1. Warm up a suitable teapot by rinsing it with boiling water or another suitable method.
  2. Add one teaspoon of prepared milk oolong leaves.
  3. Pour hot water in and drain it after a minute.
  4. Pour 200 ml of hot water over the leaves a second time and let it brew under a closed lid for three to five minutes.
  5. Pour the finished tea into a cup and drink in small sips.
  6. If necessary, pour hot water over the leaves again.

You need to drink this tea for weight loss without sugar, its substitutes, honey, spices or other ingredients.

We recommend reading about pu-erh tea for weight loss. You will learn about the beneficial properties of pu-erh tea, contraindications for use, brewing rules, and effectiveness for weight loss. And here is more information about black tea for weight loss.

If you include milk oolong in your diet, you can achieve not only weight loss, but also overall health improvement. This healthy drink will warm you up in the cold season and perfectly quench your thirst in the summer. Its delicate taste and unique aroma will appeal to all green tea connoisseurs. Coffee lovers will be pleasantly surprised by its invigorating effect.

Useful video

To learn how to brew oolong tea correctly, watch this video:

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