Diet - what is it? Therapeutic diets, diets for weight loss

History of diets

Generally speaking, a diet is a set of specific nutritional rules that regulates the quantity, chemical composition and physical properties of foods consumed, as well as the frequency of their consumption. Translated from Greek, “diet” is nothing more than “way of life.” It turns out that initially this concept had no connection with weight loss.

Humanity has long paid great attention to the issue of nutrition. Hippocrates back in the 5th century BC. argued that well-chosen food can be a medicine, and Avicenna also promoted a similar idea. There was no question of losing weight at that time. This direction emerged much later.

The first popular book on losing weight was published in the 19th century. In this publication, a certain entrepreneur from England, William Banting, shared the story of his path to slimness. He managed to get rid of a couple of tens of kilograms by limiting carbohydrates in his diet.

The 20th century was marked by the emergence of many currently popular trends. At the beginning of the century, the concept of calorie counting for weight control emerged, and in the 30s, the principles of separate nutrition were already put forward.

In the modern world, there is a cult of a slender, fit body, which is why diets are so in demand, their number is enormous and constantly updated with new options. To make it easier to navigate all this diversity and understand which diet is suitable in each specific case, it is first worth considering their general classification: diets can be divided into therapeutic, health-improving and for weight loss.

diet is

Why is our belly growing?

Now let’s take a closer look at why women’s stomachs become rounded and it is very difficult to get rid of fat mass in this particular part of the body. The question especially begins to worry around the age of 26 and beyond. Moreover, the problem occurs not only among those who already have the good fortune of being a mother, but also among those who have not given birth. The whole point lies in our direct, natural destiny - motherhood.

  1. To prevent the embryo from suffering from injuries, nature creates a protective barrier. And even if a woman is not pregnant, the period of motherhood laid down in the genes begins, which means that the body works according to a natural schedule and accumulates a layer of protective fat in this place.
  2. The second reason is that when carrying a child, the muscles become stretched and they cease to be firm and elastic. And, despite the fact that approximately six months after delivery they seem to “get involved,” the predisposition still remains. With the slightest weight gain and loss of appetite control, the stomach will begin to round. Probably many of us were surprised by this phenomenon - a thin lady, with chiseled legs, seemingly skin and bones. But no, the tummy still sticks out. All these are consequences of childbirth and the natural position of a woman’s reproductive body.

Therapeutic diets

The purpose of therapeutic diets is to influence the course of the disease by changing nutrition and thereby affecting the metabolism in the human body. The essence of such systems is to make certain changes in the diet, according to problems with one or more organs. The basis of therapeutic dietary nutrition is the principle of sparing: mechanical (foods are crushed or pureed), chemical (certain nutrients are excluded), thermal (too hot and very cold foods are avoided).

Our country has adopted a numbered system of therapeutic diets. For example, diets No. 1 and No. 2 are prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, No. 7 for kidney diseases, No. 8 for obesity, No. 10 for problems with the heart and blood vessels. Diet No. 15 is used in medical and sanatorium institutions for diseases that do not require any special nutrition, as well as during the recovery period.

In therapeutic dietary nutrition, the regimen is very important. The frequency of meals is increased to 5-6 times a day, avoiding long breaks.

Advice from nutritionists

Some nutrition experts are of the opinion that any restriction can be called a diet, since it is a change in the normal diet. And a diet can only be beneficial if it is aimed at preventing or treating any disease.

Most nutritionists recommend fasting days instead of full-fledged diets in order to lose weight. This will help speed up metabolism and cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

According to nutritionists, diets often only lead to the opposite effect; lost weight returns very quickly in even greater quantities. This is explained by the body's reaction to the creation of stressful conditions.

It would be much more correct to take tests to determine the lack of any elements in the body, create an individual balanced diet with a predominance of healthy foods, exercise regularly, and drink enough water. This is the only way to achieve an ideal figure and improve your health.

Healthy diets

These diets are not as strict in their indications as therapeutic ones. Their main task is to restore strength after stress or heavy physical activity, increase tone, and cleanse the body. As a rule, healthy nutrition is used in combination with other strengthening and cleansing procedures. A healthy diet is the use of natural products, the exclusion of food additives, canned food, and fast food.

what diet

Diets for weight loss

It is these nutritional systems that are currently associated with the concept of “diet”. Their main task is to help reduce body weight and give the body harmonious shape. This area offers the largest number of diets and diets. Indeed, this is a very fertile area for experimentation.

A diet is always a restriction: either certain foods or calorie intake. In principle, the only condition for reducing body weight is the following rule: the body must expend more calories than it receives from food. Only with a calorie deficit will the body begin to use its own reserves, and for this it is necessary to either spend more of them or consume less. Sport is a topic for a separate discussion, but what kind of diet will allow you not to experience physical and mental (which is important) discomfort is a complex and individual question. But there is plenty to choose from.


  • S. N. Udintsev, Yu. Yu. Gichev
    “The legendary Atkins diet: truth and fiction”, Novosibirsk, 2009
  • Jane Kirby
    Diet for Dummies - 2006. ISBN 0-7645-4149-8
Vegetarian and semi-vegetarian meals Veganism • Macrobiotics • Pescetarianism • Pollotarianism • Flexitarianism • Fruitarianism
Other power systems Fast food / Slow food • Separate nutrition • Sports nutrition • Raw food diet • Soylent
Diet Gluten-free diet • Atkins • Buckwheat • Diet therapy for diabetes mellitus • Kremlin • Protasova • Mediterranean
Religious food Aital (Rastafarianism) • Food in Taoism • Forbidden food • Shojin ryori (Buddhism) • Halal food (Islam) • Kosher food (Judaism)

Low calorie diets

As the name suggests, such diets involve limiting the daily calorie intake. Different products can be used. Low-calorie diets can work effectively, but when you return to your normal diet, the weight returns, often with the bonus of a couple of extra pounds. This happens because the body perceives a sharp decrease in nutritional value as a “martial situation”, and tries, in case the situation repeats, to stock up for future use. In addition, after a fairly quick start, further weight loss may slow down, as the body goes into saving mode and slows down the metabolism. There is also a possibility that he will begin to consume not fat deposits, but muscle mass.

What prevents you from looking slim?

A lady who, for various reasons, becomes overweight, has a very difficult situation. Let's remember what is shown on TV, what flyers and posters decorate the facades of buildings, railway stations, subways, and airports everywhere. Most often we see shots of cooked food. Just remember the last way home from work or school. What we often smell, in addition to the smell of exhaust gases, is the aroma of baked goods, fried meat, baked chicken, sausages, sausages. We are literally surrounded by stalls where they prepare delicious shawarma, cook dumplings, fry shish kebab, etc. Television has become especially dangerous in this regard. No matter what channel we turn on, we most often end up on a culinary talk show in which fried meat, salads, seafood, baked goods, etc. are prepared. Well, who can stay here? Is it possible to resist such a temptation? After all, nerves are not iron!

So the position of modern ladies is not an enviable one. Having encroached on tasty, but high-calorie food and having spent the whole day at a sedentary job, in any case we have to be horrified by the indicators on the scales. This means you need to go on a diet. And what is it? Someone will laugh and say that everything is clear. But let's still understand this term and find out what types of diets are really effective and enjoyable.


A diet in which one food product is consumed: kefir, apples, buckwheat, cottage cheese, cucumbers - the option is quite strict and by no means balanced, so you cannot stick to it for a long time. Such a diet will help you lose 2 kg in a week, but most likely these kilograms will quickly return if you do not continue to strictly control yourself in the future.

homemade diet

Restrictive diets

In a diet based on such diets, there is a bias in favor of some organic substances. Examples of such diets are the now very common protein, or low-carbohydrate, low-fat, and even fat diets. Perhaps the healthiest among them are low-fat diets. Indeed, fat calories are more easily converted into excess weight than those obtained from other sources. When creating such a diet, it is necessary to remember that the deficiency, first of all, should apply to fats, and only then to carbohydrates. A homemade diet may well be based on this principle, since it is inexpensive and uncomplicated.

The most popular diets

Among the currently popular protein diets, we can mention the nutritional system of Pierre Dukan. The same principle - reduced carbohydrate intake - underlies the diet of Dr. Robert Atkins. The Kremlin diet is also low-carb. This rule - preferential consumption of proteins - gives quick results, but there is evidence that if it is followed for a long time, problems with the kidneys are possible.

diet menu for every day

The so-called zone diet is known: the menu for every day involves maintaining a certain balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The principle of calorie counting is very common: those who have tried it claim that you can quickly learn to do without a calculator and determine the calorie content of dishes literally by eye.

An interesting diet is the “6 petals”, which involves alternating fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese and fruit days. Her followers are advised to hang a paper daisy with the petals labeled accordingly on the refrigerator so that the goal is before their eyes.

Diets that are more likely to be long-term nutritional systems attract attention. For example, the “Minus 60” system is built on the principles of healthy eating: don’t skip breakfast, eat the most high-calorie foods before noon, give up milk chocolate and sweets in favor of bitters, don’t combine potatoes with meat, and don’t eat after six.

There is a point in the postulates of separate nutrition. In any case, they definitely can’t do any harm. The Mediterranean diet is recognized as one of the healthiest. Its principles allow you to eat vegetables, seafood and fatty fish, fruits and herbs, olive oil, poultry, nuts, yoghurts and soft cheeses. Pasta and a small amount of red wine are allowed. What’s not a great diet for every day?

diet for every day

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