List of products for blood group 4 with positive and negative Rh factor and nutritional rules

People with the fourth blood group are a phenomenon, since it appeared as a result of the mixing of Mongoloids with Indo-Europeans. The first three blood groups were formed in a different way: during the adaptation of people to changes in their living conditions. That’s why nutrition according to blood group 4 requires a special approach!

Interestingly, there are only 5–7% of people with blood type IV on the entire planet. For comparison, about 40–50% have the first blood group, 30–40% have the second, and 10–20% have the third. These figures may vary slightly in one direction or another in individual countries.

nutrition according to blood group 4

What kind of nutritional method is this?

The weight correction method, based on dividing people by blood type, was developed in the 20th century by American naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo.

occurs differently in people with different blood types . Peter D'Adamo linked the emergence of blood types to eras of human development.

In each historical period, people's diets contained a set of certain foods, and they remained the most favorable for representatives of different groups.

When consuming certain foods, a person with a certain blood type feels great both mentally and physically. Due to the frequent use of others, he becomes irritated, quickly gets tired and feels dissatisfied with life.

For each blood type, Peter D'Adamo divided foods into 3 classes:

  1. Useful. These are those from which all the necessary vitamins and minerals are maximally absorbed. At the same time, the overall health of the body occurs, the immune system is strengthened, mood and brain activity improves, metabolism is normalized, and extra pounds disappear.
  2. Harmful , in other words, “heavy”. For a certain blood group, they are harmful due to their toxicity, poor digestibility, difficulty of digestion, and the ability to provoke fat accumulation and weight gain.
  3. Neutral. There is no tangible benefit or great harm from these products. They simply allow you to diversify your diet.

The blood diet has gained immense popularity due to its effectiveness and simplicity. In addition, this diet does not imply counting calories and grams, or restrictions on the amount of food. The main thing is to choose products that are healthy for yourself.

The fourth blood group (AB) is very rare, and is found in only 2.5-8% of the world's population.

Dish recipes

You can prepare the following dishes:

  • Eggplant puree: prick the vegetable (1 kg) with a skewer, bake at 180 degrees (20 minutes). Cool, remove skin. Grind using a blender to a paste. Add grated onion to the mushy mass, add salt and pepper, and season with olive oil. Serve cold;
  • Roast rabbit meat: wash the meat, remove excess moisture with a paper towel, cut into portions. Fry until golden brown, place in a baking container. Chop onions and carrots (2 pieces each), fry in a frying pan. Combine the rabbit with the fried vegetables, add water, add salt and pepper. Simmer at 180 degrees in the oven (45 minutes).

Distinctive features of people with group 4

The fourth blood group in the history of development is the youngest. And if the first group is a group of hunters with their love of meat, the second is cultivators who prefer greens, the third is nomads, then the fourth presumably arose during the times of intersection of races and mixing of populations, during the active development of navigation. It is this type of blood that determines the main characteristics of carriers.

As a rule, they are sociable, inquisitive, friendly, positive and emotional, have innovative thinking, have developed intuition, and try to avoid conflicts.

The organism of representatives of the most mysterious group is characterized by inconsistency of metabolic processes and the need for dietary restrictions.

They took on both the strengths and weaknesses of other groups: good immunity, easy adaptation to a new diet, but also an unstable nervous system, an increased tendency to cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The weak point of group 4 is the digestive system, therefore the diet for this type is the most complex, and the list of healthy foods is the smallest.

No matter how small the group with blood type AB may be, nutritionists have selected a diet for it that allows them to properly absorb foods and increase the efficiency of metabolism, to be vigorous and healthy; identified the most healthy and unhealthy foods. Of course, you will have to be patient, but the desired body proportions and weight are achieved quite quickly.

Diet goal

Thanks to nutritional principles based on blood groups, many people have not only lost weight, but also gotten rid of a number of health problems, in particular psoriasis. Tara Nayak, an employee of diet author Peter D'Adam, recommends this regimen to her clients not as a "cure" but as a basis for developing healthier eating habits. Weight loss is not the end goal.

“I found that in most cases, the diet had a positive effect on people suffering from autoimmune disease,” says T. Nayak.

P. D'Adamo is working to create the concept of nutrition based on blood groups, not as a one-time way to lose weight, but as a method that involves a complete change in lifestyle and eating habits.

Table of healthy and harmful foods

To get started, check out the healthy, unhealthy and neutral foods in a small table. And then we'll talk in more detail about all the types of products.


The blood type diet takes into account the inherited characteristics of the body. And he recommends that representatives of type AB be sure to include the following permitted foods in their diet to maintain health and a slim figure:

  1. Green vegetables (white cabbage, cucumbers, herbs). They are rich in fiber, which is important for a weak digestive system: it improves metabolism, enhances peristalsis, and fights intoxication in the body.
  2. Fruits (cherries, grapes, plums, kiwi). An excellent choice is pineapples. Needed to stimulate the activity of the digestive system.
  3. Low-fat dairy products . It is recommended to diversify the diet with homemade cheese and low-fat yogurt. They help the pancreas produce insulin, improve pancreatic secretion, and stimulate metabolic processes.
  4. Some types of meat are lamb, turkey, mutton.
  5. Some seafood and fish as an alternative to meat foods. Mackerel, sturgeon, sea bass, tuna, trout, and sardines are especially useful. They are rich in amino acids and minerals.
  6. To enrich the body, you can eat olive oil, walnuts, and rice cakes.
  7. Beverages. Green and chamomile teas, carrot cocktails, infusions of ginseng, echinacea, burdock, and grape juice strengthen the immune system. They are especially useful in winter. High quality coffee allowed.

People with the fourth blood type can cleanse the body of mucus accumulated during sleep, and also easily empty the intestines by drinking warm water with lemon every morning on an empty stomach (the juice of half a lemon per glass of water). A stale lemon will not work.


Harmful foods are, first of all, those that unnecessarily increase body weight, are poorly digestible, and do not satisfy hunger and thirst. The predominance of such food in the daily diet leads to depression and the development of various diseases. The list of prohibited products includes:

  1. Red meat. This product, useful for carriers of group 1, behaves differently with representatives of group 4: it can provoke the deposition of fatty tissue.
  2. Legumes , especially beans and corn. A decrease in blood glucose levels due to consumption of beans slows down metabolic processes and causes hypoglycemia.
  3. Wheat . If you do not want to get diabetes, it is better to avoid products made from it, since wheat reduces the effect of insulin. Among baked goods, you should give preference to rye bread. Suitable grain crops include millet, oats, millet, and oatmeal.
  4. Salty and spicy foods, some seafood, and dairy products are also dangerous Don’t get carried away with sunflower oil, seeds, or persimmons. Instead of the expected positive effect, drinks such as black tea, infusions of linden and coltsfoot, as well as orange juice will have a negative effect on the body.

For mystery people (carriers of the fourth group), foods that are preferred by hunter people with the first blood type are contraindicated. These antipodean hunters should not eat red meat, artichokes, or figs. But vegetarianism is welcome.


In almost any area of ​​life, swinging from one extreme to another is condemned. Nutrition is the area where moderation is most important. In order for a representative of the rarest blood group to feel comfortable, he must eat not only greens and low-fat milk.

He can “extract” the missing vitamins and minerals from neutral foods – those that complement and diversify the diet if consumed occasionally or in small quantities.

Among these foods, people in group 4 should sometimes eat:

  1. Pheasant meat, liver, cod liver oil.
  2. Fish : sole, carp, croaker, shark and some others.
  3. Oil : peanut, rapeseed, flaxseed.
  4. Nuts : pine, pistachios, cashews, almonds.
  5. Vegetables: zucchini, red and Chinese cabbage, pumpkin, turnips, daikon, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, green onions.
  6. Fruits and berries: apples, pears, apricots, peaches, nectarines, watermelons, melons, dates, papayas, tangerines, limes, elderberries, lingonberries, prunes, blueberries, blueberries, black and red currants, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries.
  7. Drinks: apple cider, white and red wine, water with lemon juice, decoctions and infusions of yarrow, elderberry, sage, white birch buds, curly sorrel, mint, dandelion, verbena, thyme, valerian, raspberry leaves, white oak bark, St. John's wort.


A diet for negative blood group 4 will help you quickly remove extra pounds and get your figure in order. But for the weight loss effect to last longer, it is important to change your diet in the future.

It is necessary to completely stop eating harmful foods. They not only have a negative effect on the body, but also contribute to the deposition of fat in problem areas. To be slim and attractive, it is important to lead an active lifestyle, strengthening the muscular system with physical activity. All this will help you always be in shape and evoke admiring glances from others.

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What does the Rh factor affect?

Numerous studies in the field of nutrition indicate that the digestibility of food does not depend on the Rh factor.

This is true for almost everyone, excluding people with type AB. For them, food choices, menus and nutritional recommendations will vary slightly depending on whether they are Rh positive or negative.


For AB carriers, there are also both healthy and harmful foods, but in general, the recommendations of nutritionists differ little from those they give for people with the AB group.

  1. Limit meat. Due to the low acidity of gastric juice, the digestive system of representatives of group 4 does not cope well with digesting meat, so you cannot overeat it.
  2. Exclude buckwheat and wheat. They instantly affect body weight.
  3. There are more fish. It will replenish iron deficiency, relieve anemia and constant weakness of the body.
  4. Avoid bananas due to stomach discomfort.
  5. Include fermented milk products with low fat content . The pancreas will begin to work correctly.
  6. There is seaweed , which improves metabolism.
  7. Make infusions and herbal drinks . Hawthorn and valerian are especially useful. The body will get rid of waste and toxins.


There are slight differences in nutrition for those whose Rh factor is positive. The following products will help improve your well-being:

  1. Fresh (not canned, not dried) vegetables. The exception is sour, spicy, unripe vegetables, as well as vegetables with various nitrates and other additives. The same goes for fruits.
  2. Dairy products . Needed to saturate the body with fatty amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Cheeses increase metabolism.
  3. Peanuts and walnuts should be included in the diet in moderation.

The diet based on blood type must be adjusted depending on the condition and reaction of the body.

Advice from nutritionists

To achieve the most effective result, you should follow the recommendations of nutritionists:

  1. If you wish, you can drink a glass of kefir a day - this will improve digestion.
  2. You are allowed to consume up to 100 g of cheese per day.
  3. Fish can be replaced with cod liver.
  4. Red meat, ham and bacon should be completely excluded from the diet.
  5. Those with high stomach acidity are advised to eat more vegetables.
  6. During the diet you need to drink up to 2 liters of water.
  7. It is recommended to avoid oranges.

Sample menu for 3 days

Classifying foods into healthy and unhealthy is half the battle. It is necessary to create a menu of healthy foods so that the body receives the maximum of necessary and beneficial substances. A deficiency of any vitamin or mineral immediately affects the body and manifests itself in the form of poor health, emotionally depressed state, illness, etc.

Therefore, there are many sample menus for a day, three days, a week or more. You can make adjustments to them, using them as the basis for your own menu. This is what the optimal menu for three days looks like.

The first day

  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal (millet, barley) porridge with pieces of fruit (cherries, plums), coffee.
  2. Dinner. Vegetable cream soup, salad with cheese, eggs and sardines, olive oil is used for dressing. Fruit juice.
  3. Dinner. Boiled (stewed with vegetables) lamb, eggplant, pepper. Green tea.
  4. Snacks. Some fruits, vegetables or nuts.

Second day

  1. Breakfast. Rice porrige. Fruit or vegetable juice.
  2. Dinner. Cream soup of vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts), fruit salad. Herbal decoction.
  3. Dinner. Sea fish julienne, green tea.
  4. Snacks. Some rye bread, dried apricots or prunes.

Day three

  1. Breakfast. Yogurt, pear, sea buckthorn juice.
  2. Dinner. Vegetable soup, salad with cheese, turkey, Chinese cabbage and tomatoes, low-fat sour cream is used for dressing. Herbal decoction or infusion.
  3. Dinner. Baked fish, rice. Fresh juice.
  4. Snacks. Some fruits, nuts or kefir.

Intestinal peristalsis for those with blood group 4 is improved by foods rich in fiber, so a large amount of vegetables and fruits is encouraged in the diet.

How to cook

When choosing the best quality ingredients, you must remember that the method of heat treatment and the benefits of the product are interconnected. Food should be prepared using gentle methods. The best solution would be to steam or stew dishes. A good alternative to frying is oven baking. Such cooking methods allow you to preserve nutrients and vitamin composition in products.

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