How to remove visceral fat with a simple diet

How to reduce visceral belly fat: diet features, sample menu for the week

Adipose (adipose) tissue in the human body is represented by two types of fat - subcutaneous and visceral.
Subcutaneous fat consists of white cells and is usually located on the hips, waist and abdomen.

Visceral fat mainly contains brown cells and is deposited in the peritoneum on the surface of the internal organs. It serves as a shock absorber, protecting organs from shock and vibration, and also serves as an energy reserve.

Normally, the amount of visceral fat should be up to 15% of the total amount of adipose tissue.

Its excess is not only a voluminous tummy and lack of a waist, but also the risk of developing many dangerous ailments, including varicose veins, thrombosis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even oncology.

The main factor in the formation of intra-abdominal fat depots is a sedentary lifestyle and a diet that is too high in calories.

Since it is impossible to surgically remove fat from the surface of internal organs, the only way to eliminate it is a combination of physical activity and proper eating behavior.

Folk remedies for losing belly fat based on natural ingredients and herbs

A huge part of the methods for changing volumes are based on plant components. Healthy and easy-to-prepare teas and tinctures are highly effective and help quickly achieve results. The main advantage is that home methods cannot cause harm to the body and promote healthy weight loss.

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The best recipes on how to remove fat in accessible ways:

No. 1 The power of the seven herbs.

Ingredients: coriander 3 tbsp; hay leaf 4 tbsp; peppermint, trifoliate violet and bearberry leaves, 2 tbsp each; buckthorn bark 3 tbsp.

Place all components in a thermos and pour boiling water. Leave overnight. Strain the resulting liquid through cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Use during the day. Efficiency is achieved with course use - drink for 1 month.

No. 2 Dandelion tea - a delicious folk remedy for the stomach and sides

Ingredients: dried dandelion leaves in the amount of 2 tbsp. and the same amount of fresh raw materials

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herb. and wrap the container with a towel. Place in a warm place for at least 6-7 hours, it is better to leave overnight. Take small portions throughout the day.

No. 3 Watermelon and lemon – cleanser for changing body volumes

Ingredients: 2 tbsp berry peels, chopped zest of one citrus

These components must be poured with a glass of hot water, wrapped and left to infuse for 2 hours. Strain the cooled elixir and take 10 minutes after the meal. The number of receptions per day is 4 times. The volume of one serving is 3 tbsp. or 50 ml.

#4 Ginger tea burns fat in a week

Ingredients: honey 5-6 tbsp; ginger tuber, grated in the amount of 3 tbsp.

Place all the ingredients of the drink in a container and pour 1.2 liters of boiling water. Place in a warm place and leave for an hour, strain. Add 5 tbsp to the prepared solution. lemon juice and a pinch of ground black pepper. Use any time from morning until nightfall.


Features of the diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides

The daily menu of someone who wants to get rid of visceral fat should be designed in such a way that calorie consumption exceeds their intake from food.

Then the body will be forced to use fat reserves deposited on the surface of the internal organs as “fuel”.

At the same time, the diet must contain sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Each of these substances is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.


Consisting of chains of alpha amino acids, proteins serve as the main building material in the body: they are part of the structure of DNA and RNA, enzymes, hormones and antibodies. Animal proteins that contain a full set of 8 types of essential amino acids are called complete.


These low-molecular organic substances in the body perform energetic, plastic, and protective functions; they are necessary for the construction of cells and are part of hormones and prostaglandins. The biological value of lipids depends on their composition.

Vegetable oils contain many essential fatty acids and are therefore considered the healthiest.

Fats of animal origin, as well as modified (transgenic) fats provoke the development of obesity and reduce metabolic rate.


This group of bioorganic compounds includes monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.

The first two groups - simple carbohydrates - are very high in calories and serve as a source of energy for the body; these are glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose and other sugars.

Polysaccharides (cellulose, starch) are part of plant cell walls, take part in the synthesis of nucleic acids and the production of heparin, but their energy value is practically zero.

Therefore, it is recommended to include foods containing complex carbohydrates in weight loss diets.


It would be better if a trainer in the gym prescribes a set of exercises and the correct way to perform them. But if you don’t have the time or financial ability to do this, you can make them at home.

There are many programs and videos on the Internet with which you can perform various workouts:

  • cardio;
  • aerobics;
  • Gillians, etc.

The Plank exercise keeps the whole body tense and promotes weight loss.

Most likely, you will devote maximum to full-fledged training a couple of times a week, but for daily exercises or warm-ups you will need:

  • tilts (lateral and back/forward);
  • squats;
  • lifting the body from an inclined surface;
  • “mill” with feet;
  • swing your legs;
  • stretching.

Morning exercises will not only help you lose weight, but also give your body a boost for the whole day. But the main workouts in the gym are best done at lunchtime or after work.

Nutrition principles for burning visceral fat

To eliminate visceral fat, the following principles should be followed:

  • The energy value of the diet should not exceed 1700 – 2000 kcal.
  • The daily diet should be varied and balanced according to BJU.
  • It is recommended to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions, since 4-5 hours after eating the metabolic rate decreases, which creates conditions for the formation of “fat depots”,
  • Never eat at night. Since food digestion processes are slow at night, late dinner provokes the deposition of fatty tissue.
  • Introduce more protein foods into your diet. This includes lean meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. The daily diet should include a total of 160-180 g of protein.
  • Of the total carbohydrates (100-150 g per day), 80% should be complex. They are contained in cereals, legumes, bran and whole grain bread, vegetables, and fruits. It is useful to include foods containing a lot of fiber in your menu. It provides a long-term feeling of satiety and perfectly “cleanses” the intestines. Sweets should be completely excluded from the diet.
  • It is recommended to consume no more than 30-50 g of fat per day, and this should be mainly vegetable oils.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, it has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and is needed to maintain water and electrolyte balance.

Meals also need to be prepared correctly. Vegetables, fruits and berries should be consumed raw whenever possible, in which case they retain the maximum amount of nutrients.

The following methods of heat treatment of products are recommended:

  • steaming,
  • cooking,
  • stewing under a lid in its own juice or with a small amount of water,
  • baking in the oven without using fat.

It is better to avoid fried foods altogether and, if necessary, fry them in vegetable oil.

Modern nutritionists also do not recommend grilling meat, fish and vegetables. It is believed that foods prepared in this way are poorly digested and therefore easily stored in the form of visceral fat reserves.

The amount of salt during the diet should be extremely reduced.

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How to remove retroperitoneal fat with exercise

To combat unwanted deposits, cardio is best because it involves the entire body. Retroperitoneal fat can be removed with abdominal exercises. The most effective are crunches, double crunches, and scissors. It is recommended to run at least 2.5 km daily.

Can improve your waistline and hoop spin. During its execution, the muscles of the abdominal part of the body tense, and the hula hoop breaks down fat deposits. To achieve the best result, twisting should be done daily for 30-40 minutes.

An exercise called Plank is also important. It uses all human muscles. Doing the plank every day will help tone your body, but you should do it correctly: you need to lie on the floor on your stomach, curl your toes and stand on your forearms (the body should be straight), tighten your abdominal muscles.

Note! At first you can start with 20-30 seconds, over time you can increase the time.

What foods help burn belly fat?

When following a diet designed to eliminate visceral fat, it is recommended to include in the menu:

  • types of meat - lean beef, veal, turkey, chicken and rabbit meat;
  • of fish varieties - herring, mackerel, salmon, bream, pollock, cod, hake;
  • from dairy products - kefir, yogurt, yogurt, low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese, hard cheese;
  • eggs;
  • from vegetables - all types of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, radishes, legumes;
  • from fruits - unsweetened apples and pears, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi;
  • from berries - cranberries, currants, blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries;
  • from cereals - oats, buckwheat, barley, millet, brown rice.
  • from varieties of bread - rye, whole grain, bran.

How to prevent the appearance?

If you know that you have hormonal imbalances, then this is often provoked by either existing fat or precursors of its development.

In order to prevent its level from increasing in your body, you need to:

  • weigh yourself more often to have an idea of ​​excess body weight gain;
  • maintain a weighing schedule for visual control;
  • keep a food diary, which will help identify which product and in what volume provokes weight gain;
  • exercise is required in the morning;
  • exercise in the gym at least 2 times a week;
  • walk more often;
  • eat the right foods.

Get regular medical examinations and tests. And adhere to the principle “Your health is in your hands.”

At first glance, everything seems very scary and sad, and completely impossible. This is absolutely not true. The main thing is to believe in yourself and be unbreakable in your decision. Slowly and surely, but you will achieve your goal - your weight and visceral fat will return to normal, and your body will become healthy and attractive to the opposite sex.

The best diet for losing weight on your belly and thighs

A nutrition system that, on the one hand, provides all the body’s needs, and on the other hand, stimulates the processes of burning fat reserves, is the basis of many dietary methods for losing weight.

The most effective diets for removing visceral fat are:

  1. Atkins. A classic low-calorie diet based on the consumption of proteins and fats with limited carbohydrates.
  2. Kovalkova. One of the methods of separate nutrition, proteins prevail in the diet menu, foods with a glycemic index above 60 are prohibited.
  3. Kremlevskaya. One of the most popular dietary methods for getting rid of visceral fat, the Russian analogue of the Dukan diet. Requires strict monitoring of the amount of carbohydrates consumed.
  4. English. A low-calorie three-week diet based on alternating protein and vegetable days.
  5. Cosmonauts. A protein diet with a monotonous 20-day menu and a calorie limit of up to 700 kcal/day is difficult to implement and has many contraindications.
  6. Therapeutic diet “Table No. 8” . An effective and harmless to the body therapeutic nutritional method, which is used to treat obesity in many clinics. Involves maximum limitation of carbohydrates, animal fats, salt and appetite-stimulating spicy seasonings. The menu is dominated by foods containing a large amount of fiber.

Advice from nutritionists and fitness trainers

Fitness trainers and nutritionists agree on one thing - the regime is also important for human health, not only mental, but also physical. It is required not only to go to bed early, but also to get up in the first half of the day. The body works like a clock, and therefore it is less active at night, which has a bad effect on fat burning.

Note! Carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day, leaving proteins and fats for dinner. It is recommended to go to bed with a slight feeling of hunger, and therefore the last meal should be taken 3-4 hours before bedtime. To get rid of internal fat, you need to sleep 6-8 hours.

Abdominal fat in excess amounts carries many dangers to the body. Bringing it to a normal level is very difficult. An integrated approach is needed here. You will need to establish the correct sleep and rest regime, nutrition and physical activity.

What diets will help you get rid of internal fat (visceral obesity)

Visceral (internal) fat is a type of deposit that is located around the internal organs. This type of deposits is the most dangerous to health. But in small amounts, visceral fat is necessary for the body to function normally. It serves for shock absorption and also nutrition of internal organs.

There are several types of fat in the human body:

  1. Retroperitoneal.
  2. Subcutaneous abdominal.
  3. Internal visceral.

All these types are different from each other. The difference between them is not only the place of formation, but also their significance for the body. For example, subcutaneous fat does not negatively affect the human body.

But an excess of visceral fat can cause harm to the body such as:

  • shortness of breath;
  • heart attack;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • diabetes;
  • heart and vascular disease;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

And this is not the entire list of the negative effects of excess fat deposits on health.

Norm and index of visceral fat in men and women

It is important to detect excess visceral fat in yourself in time, since your health directly depends on it. According to scientific data, its minimum amount that should be in the body is 8-12%. Such values ​​are observed among bodybuilding athletes.

The forms do not affect the content of internal fat. In an outwardly thin girl, its level can be several times higher, which is the paradox. According to medical indications, for a woman under 30 years of age the rate should not exceed 24%, and for women over this age - 27%. For men, the norm is 5% higher.

Body mass index will also help determine whether all parameters are in order. To do this, you need to make calculations using the formula: divide your weight (kilograms) by your height (meters) squared. The norm for women is up to 24, for men – 25.

However, you should not blindly trust these values; a person’s constitution can tell a lot. It is also recommended to check the girth of the wrist: if it is 13 cm, then the optimal result will be a value of up to 20, if 15 cm, then up to 23. If the wrist reaches 18 cm, then the norm for BMI is a figure of up to 25.

Note! Such calculations are not intended to determine the amount of internal fat for teenagers and pregnant women.

How to understand that there is excess deep fat

To find out whether the amount of internal fat is within normal limits, you will not need any additional equipment other than a centimeter tape: you just need to measure your waist circumference. For women, the circumference should not be more than 80 cm, for men – 90 cm. Violation of these proportions indicates excess visceral fat.

At the moment, there are special devices that will help more accurately determine its content. One of the tools is a medical caliper. It is used in fitness centers, medical offices, and dispensaries. The device is quite expensive because it is technically complex and is capable of measuring every fold of fat.

Note! There are also cheaper analogues of calipers that can be purchased for home use and measure the increase or loss of visceral fat with fairly high accuracy.

Portable health devices called “fat meters” are also available. They are easy to use - just enter the basic indicators (height, weight, gender and age) and squeeze the special electrodes with your hands to calculate the percentage and kilograms of deposits.

Causes of visceral fat

In most cases, deposits of this type are due to an incorrect and sedentary lifestyle. High calorie intake and lack of physical activity affect the growth of adipose tissue. Hormonal levels, depression, sedentary work, and genetic predisposition also play a role.

Women during menopause are more likely to gain fat. This occurs due to a decrease in the hormone estrogen.

Men are less likely to be obese. But this only applies to men with normal levels of the hormone testosterone.

The main reasons for the problem in women

With a normal physique, the mass of visceral fat does not exceed 3 kg. In the presence of obesity, this figure can reach 20-30 kg. There are several reasons for the development of the problem:

  • abdominal body type, when fat reserves are predominantly localized in the upper part of the body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • unhealthy diet: presence in the diet of large amounts of fatty foods, sugar, consumption of alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks.

The danger of visceral deposits is that they gradually compress the blood and lymphatic vessels that ensure the normal functioning of internal organs. The intestines, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and gonads are especially affected.

Methods to combat visceral fat

Although this type of deposits is the most dangerous for the body, it is the easiest to deal with. Unlike other types.

It is very important to adjust your diet. And it won’t do without physical activity.

But this does not mean that you need to go on a strict diet. The best option would be to gradually review your diet. This applies to people with large body weight. Because a sharp restriction in food can harm the body.

To organize a diet to get rid of visceral fat, you must first:

  • exclude fatty, fried foods, as well as smoked foods;
  • eat 5 times a day in small portions;
  • reduce the consumption of fats and carbohydrates;
  • drink 2 liters of water per day;
  • exclude sweets and flour;
  • It is prohibited to drink carbonated drinks.

How to get rid of visceral fat at home

You can remove visceral fat with moderate nutrition. Going on strict diets is not recommended. Any strict diet leads to breakdowns and even greater weight gain, especially if there is no stamina and willpower in reserve.

You need to approach healthy weight loss from the other side: first, study your diet, writing down everything you eat for two weeks, including snacks, analyze the information, and gradually remove harmful foods from your diet, replacing them with healthy ones. This may last a month or a month and a half. There is no need to rush; in this matter, it is not the speed of weight loss that is important, but getting used to a healthy lifestyle. Doctors also advise drinking more water.

You cannot remove fat from organs with a single diet. For the sake of health, you will have to engage in regular physical activity. They will not only help keep the body in good shape, their purpose is to help burn more energy from fat reserves.

It will be easier and faster to get rid of visceral fat if you add exercise :

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  • Cardio - running, jumping rope, cycling, etc.;
  • Aerobics, dancing;
  • Power loads;
  • Yoga. It contains special exercises for the abdomen.

It is important not to choose one thing from the above, but to alternate.

Simple effective exercises

You can get rid of visceral belly fat at home using a set of exercises for all muscle groups. You shouldn’t work on your abs alone, you need to expend as much energy as possible, and for this you need to work with your whole body.

How to get rid of visceral fat with exercises at home?

First of all, do not forget to always do a warm-up - running in place; jumping with or without a rope; warming up the joints: circular movements with the knees, then hips, circular movements with the arms.

The main part of the session to combat visceral deposits will consist of alternating cardio exercises, abdominal exercises and simple strength movements. It is better to create a system of three circles, each of which will include 3 minutes of cardio, 2 minutes of abdominal exercises, 4 minutes of strength training.

Cardio for burning visceral fat : X-jumps; jumping rope; kicks from kickboxing; running in place with shin overlapping.

Abdominal exercises to combat visceral deposits: straight, oblique, upper and lower abdominal crunches, Bicycle exercise, leg swings while lying on your back.

Strength exercises: lunges forward while lifting weights overhead; push-ups from knees; squats with weights lifted in front of you; Press weights in front of you from a lying position.

Cool down or stretch: Stretching exercises for the legs, arms, back and abdominal muscles can be borrowed from yoga practice.

You can add new exercises to each circle, or alternate them all at once in one circle. The minimum number of repetitions of one exercise is 10 times.

For strength exercises, you may need two small dumbbells; if necessary, you can replace them with two 1.5-liter bottles of water or sand.

As an additional blow to visceral deposits, you can do the Vacuum exercise . It tones and strengthens the anterior abdominal wall, directly affecting visceral fat deposits.

To do this, in the morning, before your first meal and first glass of water, you need to lie on the floor, your hands can be placed on your stomach or along your body. Bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, lie with your head and back on the floor. You should take a deep breath and exhale several times. For the sixth time, you need to inhale and exhale all the air until you feel empty in your stomach , pull your stomach as if under your ribs and press it into the spine with your muscles. You need to hold your breath. As you retract, your shoulders and back will lift slightly from the floor—this is normal. Stay in this position for as long as possible, exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat Vacuum 5-7 times.

Methods for women

How to remove visceral belly fat in women? It is possible to get rid of visceral fat at home if you develop a program correctly and be patient.

You need to understand right away that you can remove visceral fat from your belly with food restrictions, but not with hunger strike! You just need to limit your consumption of fatty foods. For its functioning, the body will begin to take the necessary elements from its reserves, and this, as you know, is the most natural way to lose weight.

The next step for women who want to get rid of excess visceral fat is to find the most suitable physical activity.

Active physical activity will help you remove visceral belly fat:

  • Aerobics and cardio help kick-start your metabolism and heart function. They influence the improvement of the general condition of the body, which, with proper metabolism, will help process accumulations faster. With a lot of weight (more than 80 kg), running and jumping rope are dangerous - for the veins in the legs and the heart, which is already overloaded. You need to fight excess visceral fat by adjusting your diet, and then include sports. The Vacuum exercise, which is described above, also needs to be performed;
  • Strength loads - abdominal exercises help with local removal of deposits. It must be remembered that the goal is to first remove the first subcutaneous layer of fat. That’s why it’s so important to combine two types of loads.

Tips for men

How to remove visceral fat from the abdomen in men? The good news is that men start losing weight faster than women. This is because training their muscles requires more energy, which is why complex effects are so important. Men build a program to combat internal fat deposits according to the principle:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sports activities - cardio, aerobics, strength exercises, vacuum.

In order to remove visceral fat, it is better to do mixed workouts and alternate cardio loads with strength training. If we talk about home conditions, and not classes in the gym, then you can:

  1. run 1-4 laps around the stadium;
  2. do a series of pull-ups, two sets;
  3. a series of jumps without a rope;
  4. a series of push-ups, two sets;
  5. a series of X-jumps;
  6. a series of lateral and straight abdominal crunches while hanging on a bar;
  7. run one lap around the stadium.

This is a fairly complex exercise program for overweight men, so you can start with a small number of repetitions, for example 8-10. When the body gets used to the loads, it is imperative to increase them, otherwise the weight loss process will stop.

It's important to remember that if you go back to your old lifestyle, you'll end up right back where you started. A healthy lifestyle should be the norm, especially for those who are predisposed to the accumulation of visceral fat.

The essence of the problem

There are primary alimentary-exogenous obesity, which is formed as a result of the intake of excess fats and carbohydrates into the body, and secondary, which occurs due to diseases of the central nervous system or endocrine system.

Primary obesity occurs in 75% of overweight people. It develops due to the fact that the body receives more energy than it expends, the diet is disrupted (the bulk of calories are consumed at night) or meals are rare but plentiful.

Obesity does not always occur in people due to excessive food consumption; sometimes the reason is insufficient physical activity. The genetic factor in the development of obesity has not been proven; the fact that the whole family suffers from the disease is explained by common habits and lifestyle.

Exogenous-constitutional obesity is divided into gynoid (gluteofemoral) and abdominal, when adipose tissue accumulates in the abdominal cavity. When fat is located around the organs and not under the skin, we speak of visceral obesity.

The risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system is associated not with the volume of fat in the body, but with the nature of its distribution. Thus, a person with upper obesity (abdominal, central, android) is more likely to get heart disease than a person with lower type of obesity (gluteofemoral, gynoid, peripheral).

There are three layers of adipose tissue: subcutaneous, visceral, and located under muscle tissue. Visceral fat differs from subcutaneous fat in the type of adipocytes, lipolytic activity, sensitivity to insulin and other hormones. All adipose tissue is 80% subcutaneous fat.

The volume of visceral adipose tissue reaches 20% in men and 5–8% in women. With age, this indicator increases in representatives of both sexes.

Obesity in women begins with an increase in the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue, since estrogen prevents the deposition of visceral fat. But still, with increasing body weight, the volume of visceral adipose tissue increases.

Visceral adipose tissue surrounds the abdominal organs (most of all it accumulates around the intestines), stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs. Epicardial fat is a special form of visceral fat found around the heart. It produces substances that affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

A person without problems with excess weight has about 3 kg of visceral fat. If there is obesity, then this figure can increase 10 times. Fat cells surround the internal organs and, if necessary, provide them with energy. But if a lot of fat accumulates in lipocytes, then they compress organs and affect blood supply and lymph movement.

In a patient with visceral obesity, complications from the pancreas and cardiovascular system are much more common than in people with gluteofemoral obesity.


Factors provoking the development of obesity:

  • hormonal disorders that occur during pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • diseases of the central nervous system (stress, psychosis, panic attacks);
  • excessive consumption of beer (testosterone is converted into female sex hormones and ceases to participate in the breakdown of fats);
  • reduced physical activity (sedentary work, inactive rest);
  • The hypothalamus does not work properly;
  • poor nutrition (the menu is dominated by fats or carbohydrates, a hearty dinner before bedtime);
  • binge eating;
  • against the background of drug therapy (taking hormonal drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants);
  • disruption of the endocrine system (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism);
  • lack of serotonin (the hormone is responsible for a good mood and a feeling of satiety).

Waist circumference may also be considered a marker of excess visceral fat


The volume of visceral fat can increase not only in obese people. British scientists have found that 45% of the fair sex and 60% of men with a body mass index of 20–25 units have an increased amount of visceral tissue. They explained this by saying that people maintained their weight by going on a diet; as a result, the cells accumulate fat “for a rainy day.”

Those studied who had normal levels of visceral fat led an active lifestyle and did not go on hunger strikes.

To diagnose abdominal obesity, it is enough to measure the circumference of the waist and hips. If the WC/TB ratio is greater than one in men and above 0.85 in women, then this indicates the deposition of adipose tissue between the internal organs.

What is the danger and harm

Human health depends on the visceral fat index. If it is elevated, then it is urgent to find ways to burn it, since it carries a danger: it accumulates on organs, as a result of which the flow of blood and lymph to them can be blocked. This may cause lung problems. Due to lack of oxygen, shortness of breath, fatigue, and apnea appear.

Deposits of this type are directly related to metabolism and hormones, due to an imbalance of which new complications may appear: diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. This often leads to hypertension, diabetes and cancer.

However, its lack is also not a reason for joy: even a minor cut can pose a danger, since it will heal for a long time and any infection can get into it.

The fat layer protects a person from the cold. Thanks to the deposits, a person’s endurance increases during prolonged physical activity. Hair and skin also look healthy.

Note! Internal fat allows the female body to produce sex hormones and also helps with breastfeeding.

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