Semolina porridge: ideal for breakfast or harmful to health?

We would also like to discuss semolina and its effect on a body that is overweight. We have already talked about this product. And you can read it on the website. However, we did not talk there about how semolina affects the body if you are overweight.

We mentioned semolina in the context of the need for weight gain in children and much more. But how does it affect if we are already overweight? Will it be useful in this case?

You definitely won’t confuse the delicate taste. But this porridge is not a favorite among children; many people try to avoid it by all means. We talked about it, so we will try to briefly describe what this product is without repeating the information.

Semolina is not rich in fiber, but it has other advantages:

  • presence of vegetable protein;
  • sufficient amount of carbohydrates;
  • a number of vitamins (group of vitamins B, or rather B1, B2, B6, PP and folic acid);
  • useful elements, including potassium and magnesium.

Cooking semolina porridge for weight loss

Semolina is a tasty, healthy, airy and extremely valuable porridge that children and adults love. With the help of semolina, you can quickly and effectively lose weight if you follow some rules and recommendations. What are the benefits of semolina in the fight against excess weight? Semolina is a rich, generous storehouse of proteins that are of plant origin. In addition, it contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, which are responsible for quick saturation. Despite the meager presence of trace elements, minerals and vitamins, thanks to short processing they are all preserved and not damaged. As for mineral elements, these are mainly iron and potassium, as well as vitamins PP and B. If your goal is to lose weight, then you should familiarize yourself with the corresponding recipe for semolina porridge, as well as its beneficial and unique properties during the diet.

The essence

To form your own opinion about cereals and answer the question - is it possible to eat it on a diet, it is important to know the composition of the product. Semolina is:

  • Slow carbohydrates. They make up as much as 85%, but are represented exclusively by starch. Since it takes a long time to break down the polysaccharide in the digestive tract, the process takes up a fair amount of energy. Glucose, which is the final product, enters the blood gradually, resulting in saturation and decreased appetite.
  • Amino acids. Being a product of wheat processing, semolina contains 12% protein, which is indispensable for the body. It is optimal for weight loss, as it is ready to provide the required amount of protein. Amino acids are important for the body losing weight due to its effect on metabolism, control of blood sugar levels and strengthening of muscles during moderate physical activity. In addition to influencing weight, they improve liver function, enhance immunity, stimulate the functioning of the endocrine glands and neurons of the brain.
  • Vitamins and minerals. It’s easier to identify those that are not included in the product. No wonder it is recommended for baby food. Simply put, cereal easily provides the human body with everything it needs.

As for the harm that nutritionists love to talk about, it lies in the content of gluten (gluten), which often provokes allergic reactions, and phytin, which disrupts the flow of calcium into cells.

Contrary to stereotypes, the nutritious product is not high in calories at all. If you refuse to cook it with milk and do not add sugar and butter, the energy value will not exceed 80 kcal per 100 grams (calorie content if cooked with milk - 96 kcal). By the way, this is less than in buckwheat. Loud words about calorie content apply only to the dry product - 328 kcal per 100 grams - but no one will consume it in this form.

So, the beneficial properties of cereals for weight loss are obvious:

  • quick satiety and appetite control;
  • enriching the body with the necessary set of vitamins and minerals;
  • source of valuable proteins;
  • mild effect on the digestive tract (a small amount of fiber allows the body to completely process the product);
  • high energy value with low calorie content.

Unlike other nutritional plans that involve severe dietary restrictions, the system based on “children’s” cereals does not harm the digestive system. There is no need for a special exit either. But you need to understand that the program will reduce the intake of nutritious fat and protein into the body, since there are practically no such components in semolina.

Cooking features

Do you want to get rid of excess weight? Then write down the recipe and prepare semolina porridge according to it, which will become a faithful companion and assistant during diet therapy. The effect and stunning results can be observed within a week. The cooking method is extremely simple. To enhance the aroma and brightness of the taste, add a little lemon jam if desired; its sourness will add originality to the dietary dish. The citrus tint makes the semolina rich, tasty and incredibly aromatic.

How to choose

Cereals are made from wheat using coarse grinding. Depending on the variety, there are three types:

  • Soft varieties - marked “M” on the packaging.
  • Durum varieties - letter "T".
  • Combined - at least 20% of hard varieties are added to soft varieties.

For weight loss, cereals with the letter “T” are better suited. It takes longer to digest and contains more useful substances, including vegetable protein. But it also contains more gluten. In appearance - smaller, cream-colored.


1. Prepare ingredients according to recipe. First you need to mix milk with water.

2. Please note that the recipe does not use sugar or salt. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Add semolina in a thin stream, stirring constantly, this will prevent the formation of lumps. Mix everything thoroughly.

3. Cooking time is about five minutes. After which it will become a little thicker, but will still remain liquid. Pour the porridge into a plate.

4. You can add a little natural butter. It is prohibited to use spreads and various analogues, as they interfere with the fight against excess weight.

Pros and cons of the semolina diet

This method of losing weight has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be carefully studied. Among the advantages:

  • getting rid of excess fat without discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • not contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • contains a significant amount of micro- and macroelements that are well absorbed by the body;
  • in addition to burning excess calories, cleansing of waste and toxins occurs;
  • no feeling of hunger, minimal duration.

Disadvantages of the semolina porridge diet:

  • contains an allergen (gluten);
  • the diet is not suitable for diabetics;
  • phosphorus is present, which interferes with the absorption of calcium;
  • The diet can be repeated no earlier than after 2-3 months, since metabolic processes slow down, which can provoke the opposite effect.

If you follow all the rules and recommendations, the negative aspects of the method can be circumvented, extracting maximum moral and physical satisfaction.


An unusual recipe for preparing such an ordinary dish as semolina porridge . The piquancy of maple syrup, the tart taste of nuts and the pleasant sourness of dried fruits is an amazing combination that will turn an ordinary morning porridge into a delicious dish.

If desired, you can add fresh berries and fruits to the dish, for example: blueberries, grapes, bananas.


The semolina diet has two varieties.

Option I

All sweet fruits are prohibited. The porridge should be prepared according to a specific recipe: bring 2 glasses of milk (fat content less than 2.5%) to a boil, then add 2 tablespoons of semolina. You can add a small amount of salt (on the tip of a knife), remove from the gas stove and let stand for 15 minutes. The porridge is ready to eat.

An approximate daily menu will be described in the corresponding section.

Option II

There are slight differences in this variation. Semolina porridge should also be consumed three times a day, but dried fruits and fruits should be replaced with regular jam. Jam can be added to porridge for taste, or eaten separately. The rest of the diet is the same as the first option.



  • semolina about 3 tbsp
  • drinking water 0.5 cups
  • milk 0.5 cups
  • nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc.) to taste
  • maple syrup 1 tbsp
  • dried fruits (dates, prunes, dried apricots, figs, etc.) to taste
  1. Pour milk and water into a saucepan, put on fire until the milk and water boil.
  2. When the contents of the pan have boiled, carefully add the semolina, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. Cook for 2-3 minutes (after boiling) without stopping stirring gently. The semolina porridge should be thick (add a little more semolina if necessary).
  3. As soon as the porridge is ready, turn off the heat and cover the saucepan with a lid to let the porridge steep.
  4. Meanwhile, rinse the dried fruits and dry them with a paper towel. Cut into strips/cubes. Chop the nuts.
  5. Place the porridge on a plate, pour maple syrup on top, add some dried fruits and nuts, and pour a little syrup again.

Semolina porridge with honey, prepared with apple decoction

Semolina porridge with honey

Ingredients that should be in our kitchen to prepare it:

  • Semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • apple decoction - 10 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.
  • butter (butter) - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • honey - 1 tsp.

Cut the apples into small portions, add hot water and cook for no more than 5 minutes, strain the broth. Add sugar to it and stir, add the specified amount of semolina, cook until tender and at the end add a piece of butter and a spoonful of honey.

Semolina porridge for weight loss

Semolina porridge is a popular dish on the children's menu. Some people really love semolina porridge, while others literally hate it. The so-called “hatred” for this dish is usually due to the fact that it is semolina porridge that is force-fed to children in childhood.

In this article we will try to put aside all prejudices and phobias and give a clear and not lengthy answer to the question: “Is it possible to eat semolina while losing weight?” .

From early childhood we were assured that semolina porridge is a great storehouse of everything useful in the world. Mothers, fathers and grandmothers unanimously said: “Eating semolina porridge every day means being healthy and strong!”

In fact, semolina is not such a useful, healthy and harmless food product (especially when losing weight).

Diet options

There are different options for the semolina diet. However, there are some general rules.

The duration of the diet is 7 days. At this time you should forget about using:

  • Butter and vegetable oils
  • Sahara
  • Canned foods
  • Bread and semi-finished industrial products
  • Alcohol and sweet soda

It is imperative that a large amount of fluid enter the body: this increases the speed of metabolic processes and also ensures intensive cleansing of toxins.

Increased physical activity is not necessary. Moderate loads are enough. You just need to keep yourself in good shape. And, of course, do not overeat at night: the last meal is no later than 19.00.

1 option of semolina diet

For breakfast: 200-250 g of semolina porridge and 100 g of fresh fruit (apple, banana, kiwi, orange, etc.).

For lunch: 200-250 g of semolina porridge and 4-5 dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).

For dinner: 200-250 g of semolina porridge and one teaspoon of flower honey.

Option 2 of the semolina diet

It is less diverse. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, exclusively semolina porridge is served. You can sweeten your life only with two small handfuls of nuts.

If digestive problems arise during the diet, you are allowed to add one serving of salad to your daily diet.

The benefits of semolina porridge.

Semolina is small grains of processed wheat. The average size of such a grain of wheat is very small. Its diameter is only ¼ of a millimeter. The nutritional value of semolina porridge directly depends on the basis on which it is cooked. On water or milk. Semolina porridge is rich in vitamins E and B. The mineral composition of semolina is also quite rich. These are iron, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. However, we must not forget that some of the beneficial substances lose their valuable properties after heat treatment.

Initially, semolina porridge is a dietary product. The lion's share of pediatricians recommend introducing this dish as the first complementary food for 6-month-old children. Semolina porridge contains starch in large quantities and, at the same time, fiber is almost completely absent. This fact has an extremely negative connotation when losing weight , but at the same time it is very important for people weakened after a serious illness or any surgical intervention, suffering from gastritis and ulcers. With reasonable, systematic use, semolina has a significant stimulating effect on the human body and is beneficial for teeth, bones and muscles. Semolina porridge gives vigor and energy.

Composition and beneficial properties of semolina

Composition of 100 g semolina (g):

  • water - 12.6,
  • fat - 1.03,
  • proteins - 12.7,
  • carbohydrates - 69,
  • ash - 0.75,
  • fiber - 3.7.

It is a source of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium.

Cereals contain:

  1. Slow carbohydrates (mostly starch). The breakdown of this polysaccharide occurs in the digestive organs and requires additional energy costs. Glucose, which is the final product, gradually enters the blood, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  2. Essential amino acids. The product is obtained by processing wheat, which contains more protein than other grains. Often, when following a diet, the body does not receive enough proteins. When losing weight, amino acids speed up metabolic processes, reduce appetite, strengthen muscles (with regular exercise), reduce blood sugar, and accelerate fat burning.
  3. The vitamins and microelements contained in this cereal can fully meet the body's needs.

Useful composition of semolina porridge

In addition to useful substances, the composition contains gluten (gluten). Some people have an intolerance to this substance.

Phytin prevents the entry of calcium into cells, so semolina porridge is not recommended for children under 3 years of age and people suffering from osteoporosis.

Semolina: benefits and harms

Porridge from this product will be the best way to restore health when other products are prohibited for consumption. Other cereals, due to their high fiber content, can irritate the patient’s gastrointestinal tract, but semolina is easily digestible and will have a gentle effect on the gastric mucosa. That is why the product is an essential component of diets for diseases of the biliary tract, liver, stomach, and intestines.

Semolina is perfect for older people, because it contains phytin, a source of natural phosphorus. Phytin can prevent the development of intestinal cancer, as it slows down oxidation reactions and the release of carcinogens. But the harm of the product for children also lies in the presence of phytin: it does not allow calcium to be fully absorbed, and the latter is urgently needed by a growing body. Therefore, children's consumption of semolina should be moderate .

In menopausal women, calcium may be washed out of the bones, and therefore abuse of semolina is also unacceptable. The porridge made from this cereal contains a lot of gluten, which is harmful not only for celiac disease (a disease of the small intestine), but also often causes allergic reactions in children under 3 years of age. Also, semolina porridge leads to rapid weight gain, and this is bad for children and adults. There is only one conclusion: tasty porridge is good in moderation!

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