About low-fat kefir, its properties and benefits

The low-fat milk drink is popular among those who care about the attractiveness of their own figure or are aimed at maintaining the health of the digestive system. Low-fat kefir is a product that contains vitamins and minerals and is low in calories. With systematic use of the product, there is an improvement in metabolism and the process of hematopoiesis is normalized. The product also helps remove harmful products and toxic accumulations from the body. Is the product useful for everyone or are there some contraindications?

Calorie content

Most people losing weight consume exclusively low-fat kefir, being firmly convinced that, for example, 1% contains much more calories. In fact, their calorie content does not differ that significantly. It all depends on the additives and the basic chemical composition of the product. In low-fat kefir, the number of calories can range from 28 to 32. While the calorie content of kefir with maximum fat content (3.2%) does not exceed 57 kcal. The difference is quite small.

100 grams of 1% kefir contains about 35 - 40 calories, of which 90% is water. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats account for 4%, 3% and 1% respectively. The remaining 2% is occupied by minerals.

The nutritional value


  • Choline 43 mg
  • PP Vitamin PP (NE) 0.9 mg
  • H Vitamin H 3.5 mcg
  • C Vitamin C 0.7 mg
  • B12 Vitamin B12 0.4 mcg
  • B9 Vitamin B9 7.8 mcg
  • B6 Vitamin B6 0.06 mg
  • B5 Vitamin B5 0.3 mg
  • B2 Vitamin B2 0.17 mg
  • B1 Vitamin B1 0.04 mg
  • PP Vitamin PP 0.1 mg


  • Co Cobalt 1 mcg
  • Mo Molybdenum 5 µg
  • F Fluorine 20 mcg
  • Cr Chromium 2 µg
  • Se Selenium 2 mcg
  • Mn Manganese 0.006 mg
  • Cu Copper 10 mg
  • I Iodine 9 mcg
  • Zn Zinc 0.4 mg
  • Fe Iron 0.1 mg

Beneficial features

Kefir can be called a fairly universal dairy product with a high content of potassium and calcium, which is suitable for almost everyone. The composition of bacteria and fungi in it significantly distinguishes kefir from any other fermented milk product. This allows it to be used both as a medicine and as a cosmetic. Everyone knows about its benefits, but not many people know that kefir can improve vision and have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin. In addition, it has a whole range of useful properties:

  • supports microflora in the intestines and prevents the development of pathogenic flora in it;
  • is an immunostimulant;
  • fights against many pathogens of various intestinal and gastric diseases, as well as tuberculosis;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • normalizes the speed of food digestion and metabolism, thereby helping in the fight against excess weight;
  • used in complex treatment of liver problems;
  • depending on its duration, treats diarrhea or constipation;
  • is a source of protein and protein;
  • helps reduce blood pressure as it has a slight diuretic effect;
  • reduces sugar levels;
  • can be used to prevent bone diseases;
  • has a beneficial effect on the general condition of women during pregnancy.

In this regard, when consuming kefir, the body is cleansed and restored, the negative effects of the environment on it are reduced, excess weight is lost and the immune system is strengthened.

Benefits of consuming low-fat kefir

Strengthening the immune system

Drinking sour drinks is important; the benefits of low-fat kefir are as follows:

  • systematic use allows you to suppress the growth of pathogenic organisms and restore the number of beneficial microorganisms;
  • thanks to the drink, it is possible to strengthen the immune system and reduce the frequency of colds;
  • the product helps improve sleep;
  • easily absorbed by the body, it is recommended as a light product for the elderly and children, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions;
  • in case of kidney disease, it helps to cope with excessive accumulation of fluids in the body;
  • helps the body cope with colds, as it supports the body as effectively as possible;
  • for excessive irritability, fatigue and nervousness, the product helps calm the nervous system;
  • in cosmetology, the product serves as a component for making a mask for any skin type and hair.

Negative sides of kefir

Quite often you can find information that kefir contains alcohol. Its amount can vary between 0.2 - 0.6%. This provoked the emergence of the opinion that kefir develops alcoholism in children. However, such a belief is erroneous. This product has virtually no negative effects, but there are still certain contraindications to its use:

  • epilepsy;
  • It is not recommended to give kefir to children under the age of 1 year, since their stomach microflora is not yet sufficiently formed;
  • regular occurrence of heartburn;
  • It is forbidden to drink it if you have an individual intolerance;
  • a high level of acidity of the juice produced in the stomach is also an indication for refusing to drink this drink;
  • You can drink kefir, but only in small quantities and quite rarely if you have an ulcer or gastritis.

If there is any doubt about whether its use will benefit the body or cause harm, you should consult a specialist or avoid regularly eating kefir.

Harm from consuming low-fat kefir

Despite all the variety of beneficial properties, consuming kefir is not recommended for everyone. There are a number of conditions in which drinking fermented milk drink is contraindicated.


Here are a number of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended for young children and patients with epilepsy to introduce kefir drink into their daily diet;
  • if you are individually immune to milk protein, drinking the drink is not advisable;
  • with increased acidity of the stomach, it can cause illness;
  • if you have a gastrointestinal disorder, drinking an acidic drink is undesirable;
  • may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, it is not recommended to drink it before important events;
  • an aged three-day product is contraindicated for peptic ulcers of the digestive system.

How to use kefir?

In order to get the maximum benefit from this drink, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

– when purchasing a product, you should pay attention not to the expiration date, but to the date it was produced. The fresher the kefir, the more useful substances it contains, and an expired drink can easily cause poisoning;

– to acquire a sculpted figure and elastic buttocks, it is recommended to drink at least half a liter of this drink every day after sports or training. It is best to do this half an hour after the end of class. In this case, kefir will enrich the body with protein;

– daily consumption of a glass of kefir on an empty stomach early in the morning will help to charge the body with energy and vigor in the morning, as well as lift your mood. In addition, this method of consuming it will help you lose unnecessary pounds, but subject to all the rules of proper nutrition;

– recommends drinking purchased kefir immediately after purchase. Over time, it loses most of its beneficial properties. As a last resort, it must be stored in the refrigerator and preferably no more than 1 - 2 days;

– you should not use it together with juices – they will destroy the necessary lactobacilli entering the body.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you can become much healthier and also prolong your youth. And when using kefir in the form of a cosmetic product to soften the skin and stimulate hair growth, external beauty will be preserved for many years.

Making low-fat kefir

To prepare a sour drink with zero fat content, skim milk is used. The drink can be made from an animal or plant-based dairy product. Making kefir at home is not easy, as it requires milk separation, which is not easy to do at home. The drink is prepared using a starter or, as it is also called, kefir grains. The grains contain casein and a community of microorganisms: fungi and bacteria. No other milk product is capable of creating such grains. The composition of the starters varies in different areas, thus explaining the different taste of the sour drink in different countries.

Kefir grains are added to skim milk, this starts the fermentation stage, which lasts about a day. Lactose bacteria transform lactose into lactic acid, and the grains are removed from the product and then reused. The drink becomes a product rich in beneficial components contained in milk, as well as amino acids. To ensure that the final result is low-fat, the milk is skimmed.

Dishes with kefir

In addition to the fact that kefir is an independent drink, you can use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes: first, second, various salads and of course a huge amount of baked goods:

  • – kefir soup – very tasty and healthy, it will help you keep your figure in great shape. Suitable for both lunch and dinner;
  • – Kholodnik with cereals is a wonderful dish in hot summer weather. Refreshes and quenches appetite and thirst;
  • – okroshka – a well-known hearty dish with unsurpassed taste and fairly quick to prepare;
  • – kefir pizza – very quick and easy to prepare. Suitable for a light breakfast;
  • – kystyby – delicious flatbreads that can be eaten for breakfast or taken with you outdoors;
  • – peremyachi is a common Tatar dish that can become a signature dish in any housewife’s recipe book;
  • – kefir cheesecakes – a simple and light breakfast, as well as all kinds of pies, pancakes, pancakes, muffins and more.

The history of kefir

The creation of the drink is attributed to Caucasian shepherds who discovered that storing milk after a while produced a sharp, invigorating drink.

The name comes from a Turkish word meaning “to feel good.” According to legend, the Prophet Muhammad recommended drinking fermented milk drink in order to avoid alcohol abuse. For a long time, the recipe for making a fermented milk drink remained a secret, and it was an expensive, refined drink. Currently, kefir is a favorite drink of residents of many countries and is used to quench hunger or thirst.

Reviews about kefir diets

  1. I sat on this diet for about a month: for breakfast I ate whatever I wanted, but before eating I drank a glass of water; lunch consisted of kefir, vegetables and cottage cheese; dinner - kefir in any quantity. I also ate a lot of different fruits. The last meal is 4 hours before bedtime. A month later, from size 46, I lost weight to 44. I think this is a wonderful result. At the end of the diet, the weight returned, but only a little. Several months have already passed, but the weight remains practically unchanged after such a diet - I do not gain more than 1 kg. I recommend these kefir diets to anyone who wants to lose weight.
  2. I can’t call my diet a diet, for me it’s more of a way of life. I eat exclusively light meals, fruits and vegetables. In the evening I allow myself a piece of fish or chicken with some porridge and always drink kefir. As a result, I began to feel much better, the heaviness in my stomach disappeared, and the general condition of my skin improved. I have been eating this way for several months and losing 3-4 kg every month. This is despite the fact that I don’t do sports at all. Well, if I allow myself to be pampered with a cake, then I definitely arrange a fasting day, during which I eat only kefir and green apples. The diet is very simple, not hungry, but very effective and, I would even say, healthy.
  3. My sister lost weight using a kefir diet. For 4 days she drank only kefir, then for 3 days she ate fruits and vegetables and a small piece of boiled meat every day. In 2 weeks she lost weight radically - she lost 13 kg. Quite serious problems just appeared: she became irritable, and her stomach began to hurt constantly. After going to the hospital and being examined, the doctors said that she had an ulcer and that her gallbladder was also inflamed. As a result, an operation was scheduled - the bubble was removed. As the doctor later reported, the problems appeared precisely because of this kefir diet.
  4. I initially advised my sister to go to the gym and eat right, but she was chasing quick weight loss and this is the result. Therefore, I do not recommend anyone to resort to this kind of diet.
  5. My kefir diet was like this:
    • in the morning, any porridge and kefir (the combination of buckwheat and kefir is very helpful, here you can read about the calorie content of buckwheat);
    • in the afternoon boiled meat, vegetable salad and kefir;

  6. in the evening fish with vegetables and kefir.
  7. You can also drink kefir in any quantity throughout the day. The diet is completely safe, since the body receives proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. In addition, I did not feel hungry. But I managed to lose weight quite quickly and significantly. I recommend it to all those who want to lose a few extra pounds as quickly as possible and without negative consequences.

  8. Knowing that kefir is great for weight loss, I decided to go on a diet in which I can’t eat anything other than kefir for a week. But I still allowed myself to drink tea that was not too sweet. The first two days went well, but on the third I began to experience discomfort. The fifth day began with nervousness and irritability, but the sixth was marked by endless visits to the toilet due to the urge to vomit. As a result, I then had to go to the doctors and have my stomach treated. The kilograms that I lost during the diet came back very quickly. The result disappointed me very much - the weight remained, now I can’t stand kefir, and I also have a lot of problems with my stomach. I’d rather go to the gym and exhaust myself with physical exercise, but I definitely won’t go back to the kefir diet.
  9. The kefir diet became a real miracle for me - the result was noticeable already on the second day. I urgently needed to lose weight, so I mustered all my will and drank 2 liters of kefir, water and ate prunes for three days. I lost as much as 5 kg during this time. The only downside is that it was very difficult not to break down. After a diet, you can’t immediately pounce on food. Returning to a normal diet should be gradual. But the diet itself simply delighted me. Now I know for sure that if excess weight appears, getting rid of it will not be a problem.

Losing weight with kefir from celebrities

One of the options for kefir diets has become extremely popular thanks to the famous singer Larisa Dolina. It is no secret that for a long time she suffered from excess weight, but one day she appeared before the audience quite thin (-20 kg), which caused a real sensation. The reason for such rapid weight loss was kefir. The singer said that she drank it every day for a week, while also allowing herself to eat vegetable salads, lean boiled meat and various cereals. The amount of water consumed should be kept to a minimum, and before each meal you should drink a little herbal tincture. There should be at least 6 meals, but you should not eat after six o’clock in the evening. It is recommended, if you have the time and energy, to go to the gym or do active evening walking.

Quitting a diet is quite difficult. Larisa Dolina said that for the first week after the diet she ate little, since if you suddenly jump on food, you can instantly regain all the lost weight.

Well, the number of kilograms that can be lost depends solely on individual metabolism, the presence of physical activity and willpower.

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