Preparing for a diet. How to do it correctly, what menu, what to pay attention to

If you decide to go on a diet, then this article is simply created for you. It doesn’t matter what kind of diet you are going to go on or have chosen a proper nutrition system, the most important thing is that you have finally decided.

But before you put your body to the test, you need to think through everything thoroughly and prepare for the diet.

General information

For almost every person, the process of switching to proper nutrition, or when he tries to “network” on a diet, is quite difficult both psychologically and physiologically.
If a person sets out to go on a diet, his goal is to lose weight, get healthier, and switch to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. To achieve your goal without breaking down, you need to start this process correctly. In this case, you will need the will, the right motivation, and perseverance. After all, often a woman or man cannot stand it and at some point breaks down, starting to consume high-calorie foods that are not included in the diet. To avoid disappointment and maintain your desire to be slim, it is important to know how to diet correctly and take all measures to maintain an optimal diet and feel comfortable at the same time.
Therefore, those for whom the question is relevant - “I want to go on a diet - where to start?” should read the tips given below.

What happens when there is a sudden change in diet?

Since during the diet you are allowed to consume only certain dishes and products, a ban on the food that a person loves most can provoke significant psychological discomfort. As a result, those losing weight feel irritability and even attacks of aggression. In such a situation, it is very difficult to get rid of thoughts about food and the desire to snack on something nourishing and tasty.

General well-being also changes. A person may experience a painful feeling of hunger that makes it difficult to concentrate on anything else. These sensations can lead to poor performance and even sleep disturbances. There may also be discomfort associated with indigestion, which often occurs with a sudden change in diet.

However, unpleasant physiological sensations, as a rule, disappear after a few days, when the body adapts to the new nutritional system. For many, it is much more difficult to overcome psychological discomfort. After all, even relatively easy diets for beginners to lose weight change a lot in their usual life.

When you lose control of yourself

The third rule of preparation is closely related to the first two. We have identified WHERE and HOW, all that remains is to answer the question WHEN?

At what time of day do you feel the greatest desire to eat? I'm almost sure that most of you will say - in the evening, after leaving work. Perhaps this is due to a real feeling of hunger, but let's look at this problem a little more broadly.

The evening period during which you are most likely to give in to temptation is very important.

It’s even more important than the place and conditions, because at this time, a person is most vulnerable and is at risk of “confusing” the true with the false.

Preparing for weight loss as a guarantee of results

Analyze what time do you most often go into the kitchen in the evening? Most often from 21.00 to 23.00, maybe later, because you watch TV shows. Ask yourself the question, why am I doing this, what makes me “dive” into the refrigerator? Am I hungry?

The explanation is:

  1. The main reason is that, being very tired, the brain becomes easy prey for any fleeting impulses, including false hunger.
  2. In an attempt to drive away sleep, I want to occupy myself with something.
  3. Eating another portion of sweets increases your blood sugar levels, which is a kind of energy boost for staying awake.

Ask yourself: why do I need all this? What's the point of staying up late just to watch news you've already heard?

Everyone will have their own situation, the main thing is to understand your reasons.

There is only one way out, you need to radically change your evening routine. Anything will do: a walk, talking with family, and ultimately just going to bed. Why don't you want to go to bed? The reasons are different. If you get up early, you simply won’t have the strength to sit all the way. As always, everything is verified by personal experience, this is me talking about myself.

One of the conditions for effective weight loss is adequate sleep. A well-rested, well-slept person is less drawn to high-calorie, sweet foods. Because he has enough energy. Proven fact.

So, here's another rule of preparation before you start the weight loss process - normalize your sleep/wake cycles. Get enough sleep!

How to start losing weight correctly?

Initially, you need to make a firm decision to lose weight or switch to proper nutrition for a longer time. It doesn’t matter at all what exactly a person’s goals are. The main thing is a conscious decision. Psychologists advise writing down your goals on paper, defining them as clearly and clearly as possible.

To motivate yourself and have a “material” reminder of your goals before your eyes, you can choose a beautiful photo of yourself. It’s better if it’s a photo where you really like the person. However, psychologists do not advise imitating singers or actors, since they, as a rule, use the services of plastic surgeons.

Psychologists do not advise starting the process of losing weight in a state of anger or despair. It is important to recognize the need to look better and slimmer. At the same time, you should go on a diet for your own sake, and not with the desire to prove something to someone.

In order to set yourself up for a long process and approach it with full responsibility, it is important to think through everything carefully, right down to certain rewards for each kilogram lost. Realizing that something pleasant awaits him over time, a person will be more persistent in the process.

You need to consciously promise yourself certain rewards. In particular, periodic “days off”. They should not be practiced more than once every 10-15 days. In addition, these days there is no need to organize a “glutton holiday.” But allowing yourself something tasty is quite acceptable.

Which days are fasting?

If you decide to follow the Athonite diet, you will have to fast three days a week. The easiest option is to make Monday, Wednesday and Friday fast days. It is according to this system that the Athonite monks eat. However, the proposed diet is quite flexible, and you can assign yourself fast days (just try to fast every other day, and not three days in a row). Experience has shown that it is easier to stick to a consistent schedule of fasting days. Look at the calendar, mark the planned holidays and determine when you will fast and when you will feast.

Preparing for the diet

For your plan to be successful, you need to properly prepare for the diet. Modern nutritionists strongly recommend not to limit your diet sharply and in one day. Such stress will negatively affect the body’s condition and can force a person to suddenly change his plans regarding changes in diet.

A few days before starting the diet, you need to begin a kind of “rehearsal” that involves limiting the amount of food consumed, as well as excluding at least some foods that will be prohibited by the diet.

Even earlier, you should adjust other habits, weaning yourself from eating “on the go” and constantly snacking. Although different diets require different meal plans, the optimal diet includes three full meals and two snacks. This scheme will help to avoid critical attacks of hunger, and, therefore, reduce the risk of breakdown. Having become accustomed to just such a nutritional system, a person will be able to adapt much more easily to the requirements of the diet and begin losing weight.

Nutritionists warn people against another very common mistake: getting full “for future use” by feasting on desserts and other favorite dishes before starting a diet. Of course, such actions will not lead to anything other than stretching the walls of the stomach. And then it will be much more difficult to limit yourself in food.

Fasting days

A kind of cleansing of the body will help make the diet more effective and make it easier to start. We are talking about fasting days , which are very positively perceived by the body. After all, such unloading allows you to rid the body of everything unnecessary and thereby activate weight loss.

However, it is important to know how to properly cleanse the body before dieting. After all, a fasting day does not involve fasting, but only a reduction in daily caloric intake to about 800 calories. Cleansing the body before a diet can be done by practicing a fasting day on juices, kefir, vegetables and other foods. This cleaning is carried out no longer than 1-2 days.

However, it is important to choose an option for a fasting day that a person can endure without much difficulty. After all, if you force yourself to eat food you don’t like, which, moreover, does not satisfy your hunger at all, then you can break even before starting the diet.

Colon cleansing

Some experts advise cleaning the intestines of toxins and waste before starting a diet. You can cleanse your colon at home using several methods. The most popular of them are listed below.

First method

You can prepare the following remedy: mix 300 g of raisins, dried apricots and prunes, previously ground in a meat grinder, with 1 bottle. rosehip syrup and 1 pack. senna herbs. Take this remedy mixed with fresh lemon juice in the morning. You can take a teaspoon of the product and wash it down with one glass of water with lemon juice. However, it must be taken into account that after taking this remedy on an empty stomach, the effect occurs quite quickly. Therefore, it is better to stay at home on colon cleanse days. It is important to note that you should not practice it for more than two days. After all, during cleansing, not only toxins are removed, but also substances beneficial to the body.

Second method

This cleansing method is based on the use of activated carbon . To cleanse, take tablets at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight on an empty stomach. Nutritionists recommend taking no more than 4 tablets for the first time and at the same time monitoring how the body perceives such cleansing.

You can also divide 10 tablets into three doses - 3 or 4 one hour before a meal. The course lasts 10 days. You cannot practice this method for longer, because activated carbon impairs the intestinal absorption of nutrients.

Other preparation methods

There are a number of other psychological techniques that allow you to set a person up for the changes that are necessary for him.

Food diary

For those who are interested in how to force themselves to go on a diet at home, experts advise starting a food diary before starting changes. This is very easy to do at home - you just need to write down all the foods that were eaten throughout the day. You need to write down everything - from a detailed list of dishes of the main meal to small snacks. There are also special mobile applications that allow you to keep such a diary. After a few days, you need to re-read what you wrote down. This will allow you to evaluate the amount you eat and realize the need for change.

“Visualization” of excess weight

Initially, using special formulas, you need to assess the condition of your body and calculate exactly how many extra pounds you need to remove. Next, you should prepare water bottles, bricks or bags of cereal of the same weight. All this fits into a backpack, which a person must carry for about 20 minutes. Awareness of what kind of load you have to “carry” on yourself every day will help you go on a diet and not break.

By the way, there will also be so-called visualization of desires. To do this, those intending to lose weight should choose a photo where they are in good shape and leave it in a visible place, for example, hanging it on the refrigerator. However, the motivation may be the opposite - an “unvarnished” photo taken before starting the diet will help you get in the mood for a diet. Looking at it, a person will understand what “amount of work” he has ahead of him, and that he cannot abandon the process.

Search for like-minded people

It is much easier to adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition if there are like-minded people nearby. The ideal option is to go on a diet with one of your family members. But if it is possible to find a companion among your friends, that’s also not bad. Mutual support and the awareness that weight loss occurs “in pairs” will make it easier to start a diet and the process itself. If there is no one to support someone losing weight, you can register on special websites or forums. Virtual communication with those who also adhere to a diet becomes essential moral support at critical moments.


Organizational preparation for the diet will reduce the risk of failure to a minimum. This stage will not allow you to find an excuse for yourself to finish your favorite cookies or not go to the gym.

Refrigerator inspection

Ruthlessly get rid of all the harmful things in the house. Down with chocolate bars, store-bought cookies and yeast bread. Just don’t try to eat all your reserves “last” before a complex diet. This will significantly complicate matters.

Determine your future dietary menu in advance and purchase products. Instead of sausage, make a homemade delicacy, such as baked chicken. Put some whole grain bars on the shelf for snacking.

Throw away store-bought mayonnaise, soda, and similar “food waste.” Neither you nor your family members will benefit from such food.

Spend time looking for healthy recipes using sour cream and yogurt. Give preference to stewed and baked foods. Start changing your eating habits!

Sports question

Physical activity is mandatory for losing weight. Decide in advance what kind of training is needed. You can consult with a fitness instructor, who will indicate the frequency and intensity of classes. It will help you decide on the type of physical activity: cardio training is necessary for weight loss, and strength training is necessary for building muscle relief.

Prepare in advance for sports activities: buy a uniform and shoes, buy a gym membership, find a picturesque jogging path in the park. This will help you not to look for excuses for not training.

Upload your favorite music to the player, take a “Before” photo and start the super transformation!

At work

Learn to organize yourself a nutritious lunch and healthy snacks every day. If there is no canteen at work, think about the issue of food. Purchase food containers in advance to take food with you. Just in case, make inquiries about healthy food delivery services. Today this service is extremely popular.

Start of the diet

Thus, the most important principle of starting a diet is to switch to it gradually, after careful preparation. At the stage of gradual transition, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Initially, it is important to limit sweets by replacing unhealthy desserts with marmalade, marshmallows and dried fruits.
  • Avoid fried, smoked, fatty foods; exclude mayonnaise from the menu.
  • Drink herbal teas and plenty of water.
  • Limit your coffee intake and avoid alcohol, as they stimulate your appetite .
  • Do not eat while watching TV or at the computer.
  • Lead an active life - exercise, walk a lot.

What else do you need to consider?

It is important to understand that the slow loss of excess volume and kilograms is a normal process. Physiologically optimal is to lose no more than 2.5 kg of weight per month. Therefore, there is no need to be upset if the process of losing weight does not move by leaps and bounds. On the contrary, at this rate the skin tightens normally and the person feels good.

You should not choose too strict diets that promise a loss of up to 5 kg per week. This is, of course, possible, but at such a rate the body will rapidly lose fluid, not fat. Therefore, such rosy results will soon result in a return to their original positions.

Avoid monotony

If the diet includes a number of permitted foods, this does not mean that they should always be prepared in the same way. You need to try different recipes, alternate dishes, writing out the menu for several days in advance. Then starting and maintaining a diet will be much easier.

By the way, the sense of smell also plays an important role. So the more flavorful the “allowed” dish, the more satisfaction a person will feel from the meal. It is also recommended to add a variety of spices to dishes, which change the taste of dishes, while effectively activating metabolic processes.

Chew food thoroughly

Even before starting the diet, you should try to accustom yourself to chew food very carefully. The longer a person chews food, the less food he will need to feel full. To “deceive” hunger, nutritionists advise eating as slowly as possible. This advice echoes the recommendations to consume food under normal conditions, and not “on the go.”

Dishes and household appliances

What utensils are needed to prepare healthy dishes with a minimum of oil? First of all, this is a medium-sized frying pan with a non-stick coating and a tight-fitting lid. You will need it for frying vegetables (such as onions, tomatoes and zucchini), mixed vegetables and other low-fat foods.

Another indispensable item in the kitchen is an immersion blender . Ordinary hand blenders make it easier to prepare homemade soups (as well as sauces, vegetable and fruit smoothies, and much more).

Inspect your tableware. If you are used to using large plates, get yourself a couple of smaller plates . They will help you avoid going overboard with your portion sizes.

Diet selection

It is very important to choose the nutrition system that will make you feel as optimal as possible. Extremes are inappropriate in this case. That is, if a person does not like dairy, he should not choose a kefir diet . It is better to choose a dietary nutrition system with a menu that includes foods that you like the taste of.

The diet should be selected so that the daily intake includes the optimal amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The nutritional system should be such that it can be practiced for a long time without harm to the body.

During the transition to dietary nutrition, it is advisable to take multivitamin complexes . After all, a strong craving for unhealthy foods often indicates that the body lacks certain vitamins or other important substances.

Choosing the time to start a diet

There is an opinion that for successful weight loss you need to choose favorable days to start a diet. As a rule, everyone plans a new life from Monday. But in fact, it is better to switch to a different nutrition system on weekends, when it is easier for a person to control nutrition and he is in a comfortable home environment. But immediately after the holidays, it is not recommended to suddenly change anything in your diet. During this period, the stomach will be stretched after feasts, and it will be very difficult to tame your appetite. It is better to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed and only then switch to a diet.

Moon calendar

Many are guided by the lunar calendar, starting a diet during the waning moon. But on the days of the waxing moon, it is recommended to monitor your appetite, since at this time it can increase significantly.

Menstrual cycle

It is better for women to begin the process of losing weight immediately after menstruation . During this period, she is in high spirits and has a decreased appetite. In addition, you can practice physical activity without restrictions.

But immediately before menstruation, it is better not to change the diet, since at this time the woman feels psychological discomfort and increased appetite. Therefore, drastic restrictions can only worsen her condition.

Out of sight, out of mind

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you couldn’t resist and ate a piece just because it caught your eye and was within your reach? Such a tasty, aromatic, tempting piece that you simply cannot pass by. I'm sure it happened.

Preparing for weight loss as a guarantee of results

Isn't it better to put it out of sight and thereby cut off unnecessary temptations? Remove everything, even fruit! There is no doubt, fruit is good, healthy food, that’s not important. Another thing is important: no food at all should attract your attention and cause a feeling of false hunger.

At least for the first time, until the habit of keeping your food emotions under control is formed. After all, if you really want to eat, you can easily find the necessary products.

Okay, you say, but what about the children or husband? I do not encourage you to deprive your family of sweets. Try to explain to them what these new rules are for and ask for support. I think that they will treat your requests with understanding and, on the contrary, will create the necessary conditions for you.

First steps

In the very first days of the diet, you can try to “deceive” the body by drinking water if you want to eat something. To do this, you need to put glasses or bottles of water in the refrigerator. And every time your hand reaches for it, don’t snack on something, but just drink water. After all, the body very often confuses thirst and hunger.

If you have an indomitable desire to eat, you can allow yourself to snack on something. This could be lettuce, spinach or arugula, carrots, apple or orange. The main thing is not to force your body, so as not to give up the diet later.

Those who have already had a bad experience of switching to a diet need to take into account all the mistakes of the past. The state of human health is also important. If he has chronic diseases, problems with the digestive system, or allergic manifestations occur, he should definitely consult a doctor before starting a diet.

Where do you eat

Ever wondered under what circumstances you get the urge to eat something? Think now, where do you often eat, besides the dining table?

We asked this question to the participants of our seminars, and here are the answers we received:

“I have a snack on the couch in front of the TV or computer.” 90% of answers.

“And I eat standing right next to the refrigerator.”

"In the kitchen, when I'm preparing dinner."

“In bed, lying down, browsing social media. network or reading a book.”

“I eat while driving when I get home from work.”

“I stop, buy fast food and eat in the car.”

A large number of psychological impulses that make us want to eat something arise precisely in the intervals between main meals, in places NOT INTENDED for eating.

Preparing for weight loss as a guarantee of results


So that later a woman or man does not ask about the diet: “I can’t sit down - what should I do in this case?”, you should definitely follow the advice given above and approach the transition to dietary nutrition as consciously as possible.

It is very important to properly motivate your desires. The motivation for losing weight can be falling in love, a public profession, or the desire to wear things that a person could not afford before.

The most important thing is to prepare psychologically and physically for the process and remember that positive changes in nutrition will not only help you gain weight, but also significantly improve your health.

Eat during meals

This is the second rule of preparation. Now that you have decided for yourself the question of where to eat, let's consider the question of HOW to eat? I have this habit of doing something else while eating.

I assume you know your own situations. Often many of our habits come from childhood. For example, watch a cartoon and eat, but now it’s a TV series for women or football for men. Just don't turn on the TV if it's in the kitchen.

Undoubtedly, many of us use food as a backdrop to our main activity.

Let's agree that if you are busy with something and want a snack, have a snack! But just give up for a while what you were doing. Take a break, no one will run away, sit calmly at the table and eat. Nothing but food should occupy your attention.

If you are really hungry, you will do exactly this; if not, you are unlikely to do so.

Preparing for weight loss as a guarantee of results

As for all gadgets, this is a special conversation. The Internet has so absorbed our attention that all the time either someone writes to us or we write. You have to distract yourself from eating, thereby taking your conscious attention away from food to other areas.

The more aware you are of WHAT and HOW MUCH you eat, the better. The same food will seem tastier, more aromatic and more enjoyable if you pay more attention to it, you will better see what you are devouring.

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