Hydromassage - reviews. Hydromassage for cellulite and weight loss. How effective is hydromassage?

I feel like I rarely start writing new articles - it turns out that I don’t often find reasons. If you do the procedure, you can live in peace for at least a year. Or you do the procedure and wait for the effect to appear - you can’t write right away, you want to tell it objectively (“alopecia treatment and hair transplant surgery are ripening”). So, I decided to delve into the archives and see what I did to myself before. Today I remembered about hydromassage - the review of the procedure will not be very recent, but it will replenish the piggy bank... And I decided to classify it not under the heading “Health”, but under “Rejuvenating procedures” - this is the feeling I had about it.

Benefit assessment

The next assessment of the benefits of hydromassage occurred in the middle of the last century. Hot Italians named Jacuzzi cooled down the hot muscles, but not the ardor. And they showed the world a bathing vessel that brings benefit, health, joy, and to the inventors - profit and glory for centuries. The son of the corporation's founder was struck down by arthritis, and the resourceful parent installed a pump in the bathtub that created air bubbles in the water. They created a massage effect that alleviated joint pain. The first purpose of hot tubs was aimed at people with musculoskeletal problems.

How it all began

The hydromassage procedure itself was invented in Germany at the beginning of the last century and was intended to treat injuries. First, water massage was prescribed to a control group of patients as an additional treatment method.

The experiment was justified: in the control group, the recovery process was faster, injuries healed in a short time, swelling went away, skin condition improved, and sleep returned to normal faster.

After this, hydromassage was officially included in the list of medical procedures. But the matter did not end there - over time, an interesting “side effect” was discovered: regular bathing with elastic water pressure has a beneficial effect on the figure, restoring skin tone and promoting weight loss.

The key word is regular! This is how hydromassage began to be used for weight loss. Now this is a popular procedure that is offered in many clinics and beauty salons. Let's find out in detail how water massage works on your figure.

Stress management

With the increase in the number of consumers, positive reviews appeared, hydromassage more and more confidently occupied the position of an excellent therapeutic agent. Bathtubs began to be improved, and soon the Jacuzzi acquired one of the highest statuses not only among medical devices, but also in household plumbing. In the “age of stress and passion,” everyone wanted to have a means of personal relaxation for their personal use.

Doctors recommend and prescribe therapeutic hydromassage to reduce pain. The vibration effect of water at a certain temperature increases blood circulation, which allows the body to more actively restore organs and tissues susceptible to disease or damage. The condition of the muscles improves and the flexibility of the joints increases.

Underwater hydromassage is an excellent stress reliever. It is enough to immerse yourself in the water, and directed vibrating jets will pass through all the muscles, causing them to become toned. Even if after such a massage you feel tired, like after a good physical exercise, excellent sleep will be guaranteed. Home hot tubs are popular among consumers precisely because of their stress-relieving capabilities.

Hydromassage can be general, that is, when the whole body is involved in the process. This is just an option for immersion in a bath or pool. Local is aimed at specific areas of the body. The showers of Alekseev and Charcot are most often mentioned and used.

Positive Opportunities

Water procedures are an excellent prevention of various diseases. But they are also capable of providing a healing effect for certain diseases and promoting a speedy recovery. The effectiveness of these techniques has been proven in relieving muscle spasms, strengthening the vascular wall, and improving bone condition. Hydromassage is also used in the treatment of joints and recovery from fractures.

The targeted effect of water-air jets, which are supplied through nozzles, helps to normalize metabolic processes, stimulate blood circulation, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Water is an excellent remedy against fatigue, and hydromassage copes with it 100%. This procedure allows you to relax tense muscles, clear your head of bad thoughts, distract yourself from negativity, and enjoy moments of bodily pleasure. The body becomes softer under the influence of water, the joints gain flexibility and freedom of movement. But at the same time, hydromassage, although it provides a certain stimulation, does not create problems with sleep. After this procedure, you will sleep soundly and sweetly.

A course of hydromassage allows you to effectively restore motor activity, improves the condition of the spine and other parts of the body. The influence of water is also reflected well on the condition of scars and burn marks; they become less rough and noticeable. In addition, jets of water strengthen blood vessels and speed up the process of removing various harmful substances from the body.

The complex effect on the skin improves its appearance. Thanks to hydromassage, she becomes more receptive to other medical and cosmetic procedures. As a result, the skin acquires a healthy color and smoothness.

Losing excess weight

Nutritionists and beauty consultants are increasingly recommending hydromassage for weight loss. Pressure jets break up subcutaneous fat deposits, reducing their volume and removing excess fluid. This helps reduce the layer of fat in problem areas. True, it is advisable to combine such procedures with dietary nutrition, manual massage and body wraps. The effect of the set of measures will be more visible and faster.

Water jets are also effective in combating the scourge of modern beauties - cellulite. If you read reviews on numerous websites of beauty salons and medical institutions, hydromassage comes first as an ideal remedy. By the way, German scientists announced this in the first half of the last century. Under the pressure of water, metabolism improves, fat is burned, and as a result of these effects, this unaesthetic “orange peel” gradually disappears from the skin. Most women have already appreciated how effective hydromassage is for cellulite - reviews indicate that there is intense weight loss, improvement in skin color and structure.

These are not all indications for the use of these water procedures. And today they can be done at home. When purchasing a hot tub, you should pay attention to the depth; it should be greater than that of standard analogues. Due to the complete immersion of the torso in the water, the main part of the body muscles is exposed to the influence of the jets. The bath is equipped with special nozzles that direct the flow under pressure. They are located at different levels. In addition, movable mechanisms allow them to be adjusted manually, and more advanced options are equipped with an automatic system with different modes. The pressure, which characterizes the force of the jet pressure, can also be changed by the user independently.

Types of hydromassage for weight loss

Today, spa salons and health centers offer three types of hydromassage:

  • rising shower;
  • Charcot's shower;
  • underwater shower massage

Each of these procedures is effective in its own way, but differs from each other in the strength of its impact and methods of implementation.

A rising shower is considered the most acceptable option for those who have already dealt with water procedures. It applies moderate pressure on the body without causing pain, and by regulating the temperature of the water in conjunction with the massage movements of the jets, it creates optimal conditions for achieving good results.

Charcot's shower is usually used after a course of ascending shower, and even then only on the recommendation of a doctor. Since the force of influence of this procedure is quite large, we are talking about a powerful jet that is directed at the patient and causes significant pain.

By the way: Hand massage for weight loss

The most favorable, gentle and painless is, as reviews say, an underwater shower massage for weight loss . This procedure will not harm even those who have hypersensitive skin.

Its essence lies in the fact that the patient is placed in a bath with mineral water, and the massage therapist treats the body using a hose into which water flows under moderate pressure. Due to the fact that all manipulations take place under water, the jet affects the body very gently and painlessly. Due to the drainage effect that this procedure has on the skin, you can lose several centimeters in volume over the course of one clothing size.

We suggest watching a video of an underwater massage to get an idea of ​​how such a session goes.


Like any procedure, despite the laudatory reviews, it is better to use hydromassage after consultation with a doctor. There are a number of contraindications in which vibration effects of water flows can have the opposite effect. These are heart attack, severe forms of coronary artery disease and hypertension, urolithiasis, skin and acute infections, inflammation of the veins and blood clots, as well as oncology. In the acute stage of any ailment, hydromassage is also harmful to health.

And, on the contrary, the doctor will recommend water procedures if you have:

  • insomnia;
  • low stress resistance;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • rehabilitation period after injuries and operations;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • joint diseases;
  • intestinal problems;
  • obesity;
  • low skin and muscle tone;
  • metabolic disease;
  • cellulite.

Underwater massage for weight loss - contraindications

But no matter how beneficial and amazing this procedure may feel, it also has some limitations.

Underwater massage for weight loss is contraindicated for pregnant women, people suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease and those who have had a myocardial infarction. Any chronic diseases in the acute stage, thrombosis, varicose veins, tuberculosis, cancer and urolithiasis, skin inflammation and infections are also contraindications for this procedure.

It's no secret that underwater massage for weight loss is only an additional tool in the fight against excess weight. By itself, it will not provide an opportunity to achieve ideal forms, since such an effect is possible only with an integrated approach, which is based on proper nutrition and physical activity.

By the way: Which massage is the most effective for weight loss?

But one thing is certain - to firmly consolidate the results of a diet, such as this, and exercise, underwater massage is an ideal remedy.

Baths for excess weight

The choice of equipment for hydromassage is extensive: these are showers, baths, special boxes, and the procedure is also carried out in swimming pools equipped with the necessary functions.

In most beauty salons, the hydromassage procedure is carried out in a bathtub, in which special nozzles are installed under a certain combination.

So, you can simply immerse yourself in the bath, turning towards the nozzles as you like, and there is no need for a massage therapist. And there are manipulations where the presence of a specialist is necessary - they involve the use of a hose, from which water comes out under a certain pressure.

The massage therapist directs the jets to areas that require special treatment, this provides a more pronounced effect. In some ways it is similar to Charcot’s shower, about which I already wrote an article on the blog.

Hydromassage in a jacuzzi is also popular. For the first 10-15 minutes, the body relaxes in warm (38 degrees Celsius) water with bubbles, then comes the turn of the massage itself - first a softer underwater one, then a harder one - 10-15 cm above the surface of the water.

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