Diet of Olga Kartunkova - basic principles of nutrition and recipes for the week

Many KVN fans remember the girl Olga Kartunkova, captain of the City of Pyatigorsk team. She not only captivated with her optimism, but also attracted the attention of viewers with rather non-standard parameters: with a relatively short stature, her weight was 151 kilograms. But the girl found strength in herself and decided to lose weight. Nutritionists helped her with this, creating an individual program for Olga to combat excess weight.

How Olga Kartunkova lost weight: diet

The former KVN student gained a lot of weight after the birth of two children. With a height of 164 cm, she weighed 134 kg. Olga found it difficult to climb the stairs. And even with normal walking she began to experience shortness of breath. The actress of the sitcom “Once Upon a Time in Russia” did not deny herself anything in terms of food. She enjoyed eating dumplings, hamburgers, and pizza. And all this in large portions. Then the woman thought about the pleasure of taste, and not about her stomach.

How did Olga Kartunkova lose weight? Perhaps our heroine would not have decided to fight excess weight. But circumstances forced her to do it. The fact is that Olya broke her leg. While on sick leave, she watched TV and ate a lot. If she hadn’t received a call from the editorial office of StarHit magazine, the woman would have gained even more weight. And the wheelchair in which she moved simply could not withstand such weight. Olya was offered to take part in a project about losing weight. Our heroine took a day to think. In the end, she agreed.

How did Olga Kartunkova lose weight? The diet for her was prepared by a specialist. Let's look at this in more detail.

Miracle pills

Apparently, the actress did not do anything supernatural. But numerous scammers on the Internet cannot ignore the fact of such an inspiring weight loss and seek to profit from this by offering to buy various kinds of “magic remedies” for weight loss.

Especially for such people, Kartunkova published an angry post on her Instagram, in which she stated that she had nothing to do with such products, threatened that she would act harshly against such scammers and bring the law to her side, and added:

«My subscribers, if I find out who bought this crap, I’ll kill it. How I lost weight - I write in the book, wait if you want, act if you want and don’t waste time


With this, I believe, we can end our conversation today and let’s summarize.

The process of losing weight

The nutritionist prescribed Olya to consume no more than 120 g of carbohydrates, 30 g of fat and 70 g of protein per day. She had to give up processed foods, smoked foods, flour and sweets. It was also necessary to minimize the amount of salt. The fluid norm is 2-2.5 liters (of which 80% is pure water, the rest is green tea and herbal infusions).

The first days of the diet were extremely difficult for the actress to endure. After all, her usual portions have decreased several times. In addition, she had to eat at a certain time.

What's the point?

The first rule was the restructuring of the diet. Eat food every three hours and in small portions. The second recommendation is to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. Including drinks, the figure was 2 liters of liquid. If you are overweight, drinking plenty of fluids has a positive effect on cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid. You also need to drink water according to the rules. No later than 20 minutes before meals. Now we’ll find out in more detail how Olga Kartunkova lost weight.

In order not to exceed the number of permissible calories, she abandoned fats of vegetable and animal origin. The diet was based on foods enriched with proteins and complex carbohydrates. The latter include:

  • vegetables and mushrooms;
  • porridge (except semolina);
  • legumes;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • berries and fruits (excluding bananas and grapes).

Slow carbohydrates consist of monosaccharides: starch, glycogen, fiber and insulin. These substances satiate, maintain blood glucose levels and restore energy. As for protein foods, the menu included dishes from lean meat and fish, cottage cheese and fermented milk drinks.

Kartunkova lost weight thanks to a complete rejection of spices and salt, fatty foods, sauces, and confectionery. The list of prohibited products also included packaged juices, instant coffee, and alcoholic beverages. Properly balanced nutrition helped maintain energy during the diet and consolidate the results.

Nutritionists explain that strict methods that provide instant weight loss are useless for her. Diet restrictions will cause stress and lack of sleep. After completing the course, the exhausted body will require saturation, a breakdown will occur and the weight will increase. The system by which Olga Kartunkova lost weight affects the acceleration of metabolism and cleansing of waste and toxins. The extra pounds went away slowly, but forever.

Diet of Olga Kartunkova

Sample Kartunkova menu for one day


She was making a light fruit salad. It is best to use orange, pear, green apples. But grapes and bananas are not suitable for dietary nutrition. They are high in calories and contain sugar.


The best product for a person losing weight is chicken breast (fillet) without skin. Boil it. You can add a little salt. We eat the breast without any side dish.

Afternoon snack

Usually Olya ate an apple or a handful of nuts.


A serving (150 g) of cottage cheese with minimal fat content.

Of course, our heroine ate not only these foods. She changed her diet daily.

Olga Kartunkova lost weight before and after

Principles of nutrition

There is nothing complicated about Kartunkova’s diet. She did not count every calorie, did not starve herself, and did not collapse from fatigue from playing sports. On the contrary, she approached her weight loss carefully in order to get rid of excess weight once and for all, so her diet was based on only five simple rules:

  1. You need to drink about one and a half to two liters of clean water per day. Moreover, tea or coffee is not suitable here, it should just be ordinary water.
  2. You should eat right, not eating foods that are unhealthy, like any fast food, and you will never be able to eat them again.
  3. You need to eat only at strictly defined times, trying to take breaks between each meal of 3-4 hours.
  4. In no case should you neglect breakfast, which is often the sin of those losing weight. And ideally, you should start your morning with a glass of kefir, granulated bran and a few pine nuts.
  5. You cannot lead a constantly sedentary lifestyle; on the contrary, you need to try to move more and do feasible physical activity, for example, taking walks, going to the pool or doing exercises at home.

Further work on yourself

The actress continued to lose weight at home. The woman set a goal for herself - to see a double-digit number on the scales.

How did Olga Kartunkova lose weight? The actress of the sitcom “Once Upon a Time in Russia” followed the recommendations that the nutritionist gave her during the project. She ate 4-5 times a day, in small portions (150-200 g). Olya never lost her temper – she didn’t attack any prohibited foods. And all because during her participation in the StarHit special project, her taste preferences changed.

Below are dietary recipes from Olga Kartunkova. These are very tasty and healthy dishes for the body.

Fruit salad

Take a small apple, orange and pear. We wash them in running water. Remove the peel from each fruit except the apple. Cut the pulp into cubes. Mix it all up. Drizzle with yoghurt (low fat).

Diet soup

Pour water into the pan. We put it on fire. We are waiting for the boiling point. Now put grated carrots, potato cubes, shredded cabbage and chopped herbs into the pan. You can add a little salt. Cook until done. You can eat this soup 2 times a day.

How Olga Kartunkova diet lost weight

Chicken breasts with basil and tomatoes

First, let's start processing the meat. Rinse chicken breasts with tap water. We make a cut in the middle of each piece. Place tomato cubes and chopped basil inside. We seal the edges with toothpicks. Place the chicken breasts with the filling in a preheated frying pan. Fry using olive oil.

How much weight has Olga Kartunkova lost? Before and after the diet, these are two different people. Weighing 116 kg, our heroine was still a “woman in the body.” And now we see a fresh, rejuvenated and fit Olya. She managed to lose weight to 96 kg on her own. And this is not the limit.

Olga Kartunkova lost 38 kg

List of recommended products

Kartunkova admitted that for the first time it was difficult for him to tolerate the diet, but the delayed body adapted and did not experience discomfort or limited calories. According to the actress, the list of permitted products includes many items from which you can prepare savory and necessary dishes. The emotion of impotence caused by reducing your usual dose of glucose will pass when you get used to the new diet.

The following products are suitable for consumption, but their quantity must be within the permissible calorie content:

  • vegetables (except potatoes);
  • fruits (except bananas, dates, figs);
  • berries (forbidden grapes);
  • mushrooms;
  • lean types of fish;
  • cereals (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal);
  • dairy products (kefir, natural yogurt);
  • legumes;
  • poultry meat;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • dried apricots;
  • olive oil;
  • honey

A little sport

In total, Olga Kartunkova lost 38 kg. Proper nutrition is only half the success. She would hardly have been able to get her figure in order without moderate physical activity.

After our heroine decided to lose weight, she signed up for the gym closest to her home. At first it was difficult for her to run even 500 m on a treadmill. But Olya overcame her own laziness. From lesson to lesson, the woman increased her mileage and speed. Soon other simulators were added. Olga began to perceive physical activity not as a test, but as something useful.

Now that the scales are in double digits, Kartunkova can put on a tight tracksuit and go for a morning run. Sometimes her beloved husband keeps her company. And the actress also visits the pool 2 times a week.

Let them talk about how Olga Kartunkova lost weight

Recipes for the week

The diet for the week is simple, quite monotonous. The types of goods should be varied. In addition to the usual fresh fruits and vegetables, consumption of grains, vegetables and nuts is encouraged. From time to time you can eat light hard cheese.


  • 1 breakfast: fruit salad;
  • 2nd breakfast: kefir (1%);
  • Lunch: boiled chicken;
  • Snack: diluted orange juice;
  • Dinner: cottage cheese (low fat).


  • new carrots (puree);
  • snow white tea with dried apricots (3 pcs.);
  • boiled pollock;
  • 100 g of tomato nectar;
  • We drank tea with dates.


  • a portion of oatmeal;
  • avocado or apple;
  • chicken breast (steam);
  • tea drink with prunes;
  • cabbage salad.


  • fruit salad with tangerines;
  • fermented boiled milk;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • Yogurt; Carrot salad.


  • Cucumber salad;
  • 1-2 pears;
  • dietary soup (tomatoes, onions, carrots);
  • pomegranate juice;
  • boiled cod


  • a plate of oatmeal, snow white tea;
  • dried fruits;
  • chicken fillet;
  • pumpkin juice;
  • kefir.


  • a plate of buckwheat porridge;
  • coffee with dried apricots;
  • dietary cabbage soup (cabbage, onions, carrots, basil, spices);
  • kefir;
  • compote with crackers.

Additional procedures

As the actress says in her interviews, she makes small stones - a necessary function that removes excess toxins and waste from the body, helps get rid of excess water reserves and, as a result, swelling.

The actress says she fits once a week and loses up to 2 kilograms with a similar appearance. For one day, eat 0.5 kg of dried apricots (2 kg of vegetables - cucumbers and tomatoes) and drink green tea.

Sports instructions

Physical activity has taken a significant place in the period of eliminating unnecessary fat in the body. Sports exercises promote calorie consumption and keep the body in good shape.

  1. Because I do exercises regularly:
  2. Exchange processes are being clarified.
  3. The functioning of internal organs improves.
  4. Tissue cells are saturated with oxygen.
  5. The skin remains elastic and smooth.
  6. Organ cells are regenerated.

Olga Kartunkova specializes in exercise equipment and goes to the pool. Exercises with a professional trainer helped her get into great shape in a short time.

Photos of the charming Kartunkova, who has lost weight, evoke a wave of positive emotions and admiration among Internet users.

“Let Them Talk” program: how Olga Kartunkova lost weight

Recently, the Internet has been flooded with advertising banners depicting our heroine. Also included were articles in which Olga talked about her weight loss. She denied the fact that she was on a diet. Allegedly, the actress lost her excess weight thanks to miracle pills, patches and other things.

To dispel rumors and protect gullible citizens from scammers, Olya went on the program “Let Them Talk.” The actress told everyone the main secret of her transformation - a balanced diet and exercise. She did not use any pills, patches or miracle drinks. And he doesn't recommend it to others.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Marina, 23

I weighed as much as Kartunkova - 100 kg with a height of 160 cm. It was most disgusting: everyone around me was so slender and beautiful, and I, like a barge, climbed to the fifth floor and suffocated. That young people don’t pay attention is already clear...

When I learned about Olga’s miraculous transformation, I was amazed! If she could do it, then so could I, I decided.

In a month on Olga Kartunkova’s diet, I managed to lose 20 kg! I'm so happy and I'm not going to stop there. Now I’ll rest a little – and then go back to battle! Fortunately, I have an incentive: I changed my wardrobe, I’m less tired, and I look much better.

Olga's favorite recipes

The gastronomic preferences of the thinner and refreshed actress are now associated with vegetables and fruits. A dish that today’s Kartunkova never gets tired of is a salad of green apples, yellow pears and oranges. The actress cuts them into beautiful slices and tops them with zero-fat yogurt. Olga did not stop loving meat dishes, but simply mastered new dietary recipes. Here's one of my favorites:

Chicken envelopes with tomatoes and basil

Remove the skin from the chicken breasts and rinse with cool water. Cut each one in half. You will get 2 envelope blanks from one breast. Make horizontal cuts on the pieces and put a mixture of chopped tomatoes and basil into them. Secure with skewers and bake in the oven.

The first courses in Olga Kartunkova’s weight loss diet are given an important place - a balanced lunch is unthinkable without them. The actress prefers to combine vegetables with healthy cereals in soups.

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Millet-vegetable soup


  • 2 potatoes;
  • ¼ small head of shredded cabbage;
  • A handful of carrots into strips;
  • Chopped green onions and dill;
  • Millet cereal (3 dessert spoons).

Boil a liter of water, add vegetables. After boiling, add washed millet. Cook, add greens at the end.

Benefits of the nutrition system

Olga Kartunkova diet and weight loss

If you strictly follow all the principles of the Kartunkova diet, then a positive result will be noticeable within a couple of weeks. During this time, your weight will begin to slowly decrease, and your metabolism will accelerate significantly. Further, the plumb lines will only increase, but this is not the only advantage of the weight loss system from Olga Kartukova. Thanks to it, our body is cleansed of toxins and waste and the stomach is unloaded, and protein foods in large quantities give energy and strength. The diet also has a good effect on posture, which is getting better every day, so that back pain goes away, and she no longer hunches over. And even after losing weight using a similar system, shortness of breath goes away and pain in the joints that occurs due to excess weight disappears.

What does it look like now

The star's height was 168 cm, weight - 134 kg.
The parameters are far from ideal, but Olga felt comfortable in her own body. One day she had a bad fall during rehearsals and broke her leg. Olga Kartunkova, who lost weight, remained a woman with beautiful forms - she did not bring herself to a model-asthenic state, preferring a weight of 83.5 kg (as was said on stage in the spring of 2021). With a height of 168 cm, this is already very close to the weight recommended for her by nutritionists (it is 61 kg).

  • Before losing weight – 145/130/131 cm.
  • After losing weight – 120/110/115 cm.

Effect on the body

This technique is not designed for quick weight loss : in order for unnecessary kilograms to go away forever, you need to be patient.

Fasting is not suitable to speed up the process. This is harmful and ineffective, because the lost weight will definitely return after stopping it.

This way of losing weight is slow, but quite easy, without stress and disruption.

Although the first days of adaptation are difficult, after a week you will notice:

  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Smooth weight loss.
  • Increased mood, activity and performance.
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