Water diet for weight loss: basic rules and principles

The fight against excess weight can be carried out with the help of water. The recommendations of any nutritionist and a component of any diet is an expansion of the drinking regime. If during a normal diet you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day - the total volume includes liquid from soup and all foods, then during a specific low-calorie diet you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of free liquid.

Water dissolves salts accumulated in the body, and bound water, which forms swelling and is part of fat deposits, leaves.

Water liquefies feces, removes waste and toxins, accelerates blood flow, and metabolic processes become more intense.

It is recommended to drink pure water or green tea when dieting - it has a laxative and diuretic effect, expressed quite mildly - but for those losing weight it is “boring”. To speed up the weight loss process, they experiment with different types of drinks. Some methods not only do not cause weight loss, but also have a negative effect on the body.


  1. Drinking the optimal amount of water will not only have a positive effect on your figure, but will also improve the color and structure of your facial skin, as well as improve your well-being.
  2. Unlike most diets, water diets do not lead to a loss of strength and, accordingly, mood. On the contrary, a feeling of vigor will appear and an increase in activity will begin to appear.
  3. Not having to dramatically change or cut down your diet is another undeniable plus. This same factor is the reason that when following this diet, an acute feeling of hunger does not occur.
  4. There is no need to create a complex menu using expensive products and dishes that take a long time to prepare. For this reason, the water diet is considered a diet for the lazy: it requires minimal time and effort, since it is quite acceptable to continue eating at a common table without changing basic eating habits.

Sample menu

In order for the diet to shed enough kilograms and get your figure in order, choose the desired option, a sample menu - and fast for your health!

For 3 days

For 7 days

If you can’t decide which nutrition system to choose, take a closer look at the water diet. Its simplicity, cost-effectiveness and at the same time guaranteed effectiveness and safety for health distinguish it favorably from other methods.

As a result, you can not only say goodbye to extra pounds, but also improve your well-being. Cleansing the body will give you lightness, and compliments from others will give you a good mood.

Consider also a drinking diet.


  1. If before applying the water diet the rate of water intake was significantly lower, a period of adaptation of the urinary system will pass, during which the kidneys will begin to work more intensively. During these few days, visits to the toilet will increase significantly.
  2. The processes of removing fluid from the body are accompanied by the leaching of not only harmful substances, but also useful ones. Moderation is important in everything, so overestimating water consumption standards should not be allowed. Multivitamin complexes will help restore the balance of essential minerals and other important substances.
  3. There is no need to sharply increase the volume of incoming water, as this will become a stressful load on the body. It is better to do this gradually, over several days.

Donat Mg water is a new popular weight loss product

Donat Mg mineral water is extracted from springs located in one of the oldest resorts in Europe - in Slovenia, in Rogaska Slatina. The composition of the water is unique - it has a high magnesium content - 1000 mg/l.

Magnesium itself does not have any pronounced effect on the human body, but without it the life process stops.

In combination with other compounds, Mg “works” as follows:

  • with calcium – ensures the strength and stability of bone tissue;
  • with vitamin C and folic acid – restores cells of the nervous system, stabilizes its condition, relieves negative consequences after neuroses and stress, prevents miscarriages in women and stabilizes the lactation process;
  • with selenium normalizes heart rhythm, prevents thrombus formation and the development of coronary disease;
  • with zinc and chromium reduces the risk of developing pancreatitis and diabetes.

With a lack of magnesium, intestinal metabolism and the functioning of the urinary system slow down, kidney stones form, and toxins accumulate.

It is impossible to prepare water with magnesium equivalent to that obtained from a healing spring. The healing liquid not only helps get rid of many organic problems, but also has a pleasant taste. Unfortunately, if you follow the recommendations on how to drink Donat water correctly for weight loss, you will not be able to evaluate the taste - you often have to force yourself to swallow the warm mineral liquid, mobilizing your willpower.

Basic Rules

To figure out how to go on a water diet, you need to familiarize yourself with its rules in detail.

  1. After waking up, you need to drink a glass of clean water at room temperature. This will turn on metabolic processes and force the body to tune in to activity.
  2. Be sure to drink water 30 minutes before each meal. Thus, digestion processes will occur more intensely, while the total volume of food will decrease, which will be the first step towards losing weight.
  3. But you don’t need to drink food during meals and for an hour and a half after it, as this will lower the concentration of gastric juice, significantly complicate digestion and slow down the absorption of nutrients.
  4. To avoid causing swelling, you need to reduce your salt intake. It is also not recommended to exclude it from the diet completely, so as not to disturb the water-salt balance, but it is definitely worth reconsidering the portions of salty foods.
  5. A person does not always correctly determine the signals sent by the central nervous system. Often, feelings of thirst are perceived in the same way as hunger signals. Therefore, if you have an appetite, you can first drink water: if hunger does not disappear within 30 minutes, then you should have a snack, without fear of an erroneous interpretation of your body’s requirements.
  6. Excessively cold water significantly slows down metabolism, so before drinking it is better to warm it to 30–38°C or at least to room temperature.
  7. The main volume of liquid consumed by a modern person comes from drinks: tea, coffee, juices, cocktails, etc. The right solution is to replace the bulk of them with ordinary water. With any influx of a mixture of water with other nutrients, digestion processes are activated, and the levers of water-salt metabolism, which turn on in response to the influx of water, must be activated. To calculate individual fluid norms, there is a universal formula: about 40 ml of purified water should be supplied per 1 kg of weight per day. During a diet with a reduction in kilograms, you must not forget to periodically re-calculate to correct this norm.
  8. During hot seasons, the need for fluid increases due to intense sweating, so the total volume of drinks should also increase proportionally.
  9. In order for the results of the diet to begin to appear as early as possible, before starting it you need to arrange a fasting day on any suitable product that is preferable in the diet and is not considered junk food.
  10. It is important to drink high quality water: purified drinking water, with average mineralization levels. Unboiled water from the tap may contain pathogenic bacteria, chlorides and contaminants from the inner surface of the pipes, so it is better to avoid its use.
  11. You need to drink slowly, taking small sips. You should not drink more than one glass at a time, as this stretches the stomach and inevitably increases food portions.

Summing up

Useful habits associated with drinking water in the morning and before meals, the ability to wash down hunger with water instead of snacks, are worth keeping in your life forever. If the goal has already been achieved and the optimal weight has been achieved, even if there is no longer a need to follow the water weight loss regimen, such habits will always allow you to remain in ideal shape and have ideal health.

You can only find positive reviews about the water effective diet online. The possibility of gentle weight loss and the absence of any financial costs is simply irresistible. The diet has a minimal number of contraindications, and compliance with the established rules will ensure effective and lasting results. A pleasant bonus will be the cleansing of the body and its rejuvenation.

Which water is suitable for weight loss

Soda is not recommended for diet food, as it irritates the gastric mucosa and causes an increase in appetite. Drinks such as coffee, tea, soda, wine or beer are diuretic and therefore worsen dehydration.

The ideal option for losing weight is melt water, melted at room temperature no more than 7 hours ago. There are no impurities of hard salts in it, which has a great effect on its properties.

Table water is universal, it suits everyone without exception, but even it should not be drunk 4–5 liters per day. The volume should not exceed the amount prescribed by the instructions, as this can provoke convulsions, leaching of minerals and an increase in intracranial pressure.

Advantages and disadvantages

The water diet is an easy way to lose weight!


  • Water cleanses the body of harmful substances, toxins, waste, and subcutaneous fat.
  • Low cost. There is clean water in every apartment, so there is no need to spend additional money on any other means of losing weight.
  • Good result. In about 10 days you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.
  • Improved appearance. During this diet, the skin will improve, the body will acquire beautiful external shapes, the muscles will become firm, elastic and toned.


  • Lack of vitamins. Although water has many beneficial properties, it contains very few vitamins that are necessary for the functioning of the body. Therefore, during this diet you need to consume additional vitamins and biological food supplements.
  • There are contraindications. It is not recommended for those who have diseases of the kidneys, liver or genitourinary system.

How to get out of a diet correctly

Typically, the transition to a standard diet occurs without digestive problems. After losing weight, for the first 4 days you need to gradually reduce the amount of liquid you drink. You can gradually replace it with green tea or freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable clarified juices.

At this stage, it is good to eat foods that contain a high percentage of moisture: fermented milk products, various soups, compotes, jelly, fruits and watery vegetables.

Gradually, the fluid rate should drop to 1.5–2 liters per day, which is recommended by doctors.

After losing weight, an excellent solution would be to maintain the habit of drinking a glass of water at room temperature half an hour before meals: this will allow the digestive system to prepare for the upcoming meal and absorb the maximum amount of minerals and vitamins.


This healthy drink is named after the American nutritionist Cynthia Sass and is water to which foods that have a fat-burning effect have been added. In addition, Sassi water removes toxins from the body. Ingredients for making this wonderful drink:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • ginger;
  • mint leaves.

It's quite simple to prepare:

  1. Grate the ginger root. Cut the lemon into slices and the cucumber into circles.
  2. Place the ingredients, including mint, in a carafe and fill everything with cool filtered water.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.

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This type of weight loss combines a balanced intake of food and fluid, so the diet has very few contraindications. People with pathologies in the functioning of the kidneys or urinary system must first obtain the approval of the attending physician before use.

For those who often experience swelling or are at risk of hypertension, it is also better to choose a different type of weight loss.

During the lactation period, a large intake of water can reduce the nutritional value of mother's milk.

When it is necessary?

There are several situations when this is necessary:

  • in case of food poisoning, when the body fights toxins;
  • for the purpose of general health and strengthening the immune system;
  • to renew dopamine to enjoy life more after leaving the cleansing mode.

Diet options


It is actively recommended not only for those who simply want to become slimmer, but also for those who “gained” excess weight during pregnancy. During the first trimester, drinking plenty of water allows you to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, and in the third trimester it eliminates swelling in the legs.

The main requirement of the diet, along with increasing the volume of fluid you drink, is to reduce salt intake to a minimum. A set of these measures prevents fluid retention in body cells and helps reduce volume in problem areas, especially in the waist and abdomen.

It is important to consider that table salt is found not only in home-cooked dishes, but also in many products purchased in stores.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all marinades and pickled vegetables, sauces, mayonnaise, canned food, fish, cabbage and smoked meats.

This type of weight loss can be used for no longer than one week, and in case of pregnancy, only under the supervision of a local gynecologist. You can lose 2–3 kg in a week.

Repeated use is allowed no earlier than after 1.5 months.

Water bread-kefir

Despite the fact that bread is not a dietary product, it is present in the diet of this diet.

Losing weight is conditioned by following the basic rules:

  • Certain types of bread are allowed, namely: rye with bran or prepared without the use of yeast;
  • baked goods and white bread are strictly prohibited;
  • per day you need to drink 1.5 cups of low-fat kefir;
  • The drinking regime is based on drinking 10 glasses of water daily;
  • in moderation, you can eat cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat, avocados (no more than ½ at a time), lean meats, vegetables and fruits low in starch and sugar.

The maximum duration of the course is 14 days. In 2 weeks you can burn up to 5 kg of body fat. If necessary, you can return to the course after 2 months.

Water without milk

The essence of the diet is to eat a variety of low-calorie foods that will saturate the body with everything it needs to function. In this case, dairy products are completely excluded, even low-fat ones.

In a week of this diet you can lose 10 kg. It should not be continued for longer than 7 days, since abuse of such nutrition may not have the best effect on your health.

Daily nutrition consists of 5 meals, including, in addition to main meals, snacks - second breakfast and afternoon snack. In the first half of the day you can indulge in porridge without salt and butter, in the afternoon you can eat vegetable soup or chicken broth, and for dinner you can have boiled chicken or beef. Every meal should be filled with fruits and vegetables; they will be especially appropriate during snacks, as well as dried fruits.

The basic principle remains the same: drink 200 ml of water half an hour before meals and an hour and a half after. The total volume should be close to 2.5-3 liters.

This diet can be reapplied after 1.5 months.


The diet is based on drinking green tea five times a day. In this case, the tea should be high-quality, large-leaved, prepared with purified water. The rest of the liquid should be obtained in the form of plain water without additives.

The diet is supplemented with vegetables and fruits, and during the day, during the largest meal, you need to eat protein foods: eggs, cottage cheese, milk, meat, etc.

For those who suffer from peptic ulcers, colitis, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refrain from using this technique.

The duration of weight loss with tea is from 1 to 2 weeks. During this time you can lose 8-10 kg. Repeated use - no earlier than after 2 months.

Read more: Green tea diet

Japanese tea room

The diet is based on the antioxidant and cleansing properties of green tea. Japanese tea does an excellent job of breaking down fat cells, which ensures gradual weight loss. For the maximum period of continuation of such a course (a month), it is possible to become 9-11 kg slimmer.

The volume of drink consumed should be about 1.5 liters per day. The remaining liquid can be obtained in the form of pure water and herbal infusions without sweeteners.

When compiling a menu, key items should be given to low-fat fermented milk products, lean meat, chicken egg whites, and fish. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries and cereals should be systematically present on the plate. But it is better to exclude sugar, alcoholic beverages, flour, fatty foods and semi-finished products.

Repeated use is recommended no more than once every six months.


The two main components of this type of diet are apples and water. This is a very tough type of weight loss and quite difficult to maintain.

The course involves not only getting rid of 2-5 kg ​​of fat deposits, but also miraculously cleanses the intestines due to the increased fiber content in apples.

The diet is designed for 3 days. The first two you need to drink 2.5 liters of clean water and eat 2 kg of apples, and for breakfast on the third day you need to eat a couple of boiled spoons of oatmeal, the volumes of water and apples remain the same.

Since sour apples have an increased concentration of fruit acids, they intensely irritate the gastric mucosa and initiate the production of digestive enzymes, which increases the feeling of hunger. Therefore, such apples should be eaten only in the morning, so that hunger attacks do not interfere with falling asleep and night sleep.

If unpleasant or painful sensations appear in the stomach area, this type of nutrition should be stopped.

You need to return to such weight loss no earlier than after 3 months.


Despite the fact that this type of nutrition significantly limits calorie intake, it is easy to tolerate. With such a diet, increased physical activity is successfully tolerated, so it is organically combined with training and various sports.

The main principle is to drink 2.5 liters of water: 1-2 glasses after waking up, half an hour before each meal, 1.5 hours after meals and immediately before bed.

Main meals consist mainly of protein-containing foods. These can be: eggs, meat, milk and dairy products, cheese, fish, game, wheat, buckwheat, rice, etc. In the morning and lunchtime you need to add vegetables in different combinations, and make snacks from fruits.

The total daily caloric intake should not exceed 1100 kcal. The course lasts 5 days. During this time, weight loss ranges from 4 to 5 kg. It is not recommended to use it more than once every 1.5 months.


This water provokes the secretion of juice in the stomach, which promotes accelerated digestion of food. The benefits of water with lemon for weight loss also lie in its destructive effect on fats and cleansing the body. This is a good way to satisfy hunger for a long time and improve metabolism. Losing weight with lemon water involves avoiding fatty and sweet foods, baked goods and alcoholic beverages. And the recipe for its preparation also does not require much effort:

  • take 100-150 grams of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • add it to 250 ml of filtered water;
  • You can add chopped lemon zest to the drink.

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With soda

Losing weight with water and soda is quite dangerous and can have negative consequences for the body. Soda increases the secretion of gastric juice, as a result of which ulcers appear on the walls of the digestive organ and bleeding occurs. All this provokes acute pain, which has been observed in many people who want to lose weight with the help of this drink.

It is much healthier to take soda baths. They also help speed up metabolism and remove harmful substances.

You can do it as follows:

  1. Mix 250-300 grams of baking soda in a glass of water.
  2. First, fill the bath with water (about 37ºС), add soda to it.
  3. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to pour 250 grams of sea salt into the bath and add a few drops of essential oil to your taste, or use a combination of oils.
  4. You need to take a bath for 15-20 minutes, then rinse in the shower.
  5. It has relaxing properties, so it is advisable to take a bath at night.

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For 3 days

This diet option takes less time and is a more strict water diet. The rules for taking fluids do not change. In addition, the day should be completed with a glass of heated water with the addition of ½ tsp. honey A sample menu might look like this:

  • 1st day. Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, whole grain bread and cheese sandwich. Lunch: cucumber salad with tomatoes and sliced ​​soft cheese + a small piece of lean boiled meat + a slice of bread. Dinner: natural unsweetened cottage cheese with berries + 1 glass of unsweetened yogurt.
  • 2nd day. Breakfast: Low-fat cottage cheese + whole grain bread + herbal decoction. Lunch: salad of fresh carrots and white cabbage + lean steamed fish. Dinner: 1 boiled egg + fresh cabbage with herbs + cheese sandwich.
  • 3rd day. Breakfast: porridge cooked in water (oatmeal or buckwheat) + a slice of bread + unsweetened tea. Lunch: cabbage soup without meat + a small piece of boiled beef. Dinner: vegetable stew + fish meatballs.

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