Cleansing the body for weight loss at home

1. Causes of excess weight

2. How does colon cleansing affect weight loss?

3. Colon cleansing with an enema. Advantages and disadvantages

4. Our recommendations for safe colon cleansing

This article is usually read by women who have tried a lot of weight loss diets. I myself went through this painful path of searching for a nutrition system that suits me in order to get long-term results. Not to lose weight for a holiday, for summer, for a wedding... But once and for all to gain a slim and healthy body.

That is, find an approach that will save the result.

It turned out that it was not enough to have information and receive special education. You still need to find the “key” to your brain.

It is the brain that controls our body, and not the other way around.

Therefore, it is impossible to adhere to strict dietary restrictions for a long time.

Restrictions will be followed by disruption.

The next important point is that different methods are needed to achieve different goals. Cutting for competitions is a tough regime with calorie counting. I decided to lose 10 kg in 2 months - it is possible, but it also requires a high level of self-control and discipline.

But to become simply slim and healthy, forget about diets forever - this is a completely different path. A way to cleanse the body, remove excess fluid from tissues (edema), change eating habits.

If you, like me, know 1001 ways to lose weight, after which the weight comes back again, then it’s time to approach the issue systematically. Understand the causes of excess weight and eliminate them all consistently.

We invite you to conduct a safe colon cleansing with us, in a closed group. No enemas - a competent physiological detox.

We use only natural ingredients that will help remove excess fluid from tissues, toxins, and parasites. We will restore digestion and the balance of intestinal microflora.

Read more about the Kolo Vada Plus program and join our Health Reboot Marathon. Participation in it will be free for you.


Before approaching the main question of this article - “How does bowel cleansing affect weight loss and how to carry it out correctly”, you need to understand the causes of excess weight.

1. The most common reason for the accumulation of excess body weight is food addiction.

Among experts, it is common to call this an eating disorder (ED).

Most people know the extreme stages of eating disorder - anorexia, bulimia, psychogenic overeating, psychogenic vomiting, etc. This is a deep psychological problem, the reasons for which lie in dissatisfaction with one’s appearance.

I want to draw your attention to the symptoms that are the “first bells”:

► loss of a sense of control while eating, when at the festive table you cannot stop, because everything is so delicious

► feeling of guilt, shame because of your “wrong” eating habits

► thoughts of using vomiting or laxatives to get rid of calories

► rewarding your success with food: “I’m great, I can have a pie” or “I’m tired, maybe I can have a couple of glasses of wine”

► inability to refuse dessert, although you are already full, and you understand that this piece of cake will clearly be superfluous

► you can’t calmly pass by a bakery, you’re definitely tempted to buy at least a small tasty treat

► eating stress, boredom, resentment, any negative emotions

Think about how often your thoughts return to food? Do you have obsessive thoughts about your own fatness? Do you feel like it's holding you back from advancing in your career? Or maybe you are ashamed of your body and this affects your relationships with the opposite sex?

The first step to solving a problem is recognizing it.

2. Metabolic disorders

Modern food is less and less natural and more and more synthetic and canned. Our body cannot absorb any UNnatural substances. Preservatives, dyes, trans fats, and flavor enhancers seriously affect metabolism, disrupting the normal course of biochemical processes.

Unnatural food is a key reason for slowing down your metabolic rate.

The second reason follows from the first - intestinal pollution.

The fact is that all nutritional components, as well as water, are absorbed in the intestine through its walls. When it is contaminated, the absorption of the substances we need is disrupted, the body does not receive enough vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Water is absorbed along with some of the toxicants. The result is headaches, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue. All this lasts for years and irreversibly leads to a deterioration in general health and excess weight gain.

Metabolic disorders can be caused by eating disorders. It can also be caused by disordered eating. This is when you didn’t have time to have breakfast in the morning, you don’t have time to eat at work, and late in the evening you’re hungry, like a pack of dogs. Instantly I swept away the floor of the refrigerator, came to my senses when nothing could fit into my mouth, my stomach was bursting and I once again promised myself not to do this again.

Well, among other things, metabolism tends to slow down with age. Especially with a low level of physical activity and lack of diet.

3. Fluid retention in the body

In approximately 50% of cases, when women come to us with the problem of excess weight, their key problem is puffiness. What does it mean?

The toxic load on modern humans has increased many times over. Polluted air, poor-quality drinking water, semi-synthetic food with preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc. This is something that comes from outside. Plus metabolic toxins produced naturally during digestion.

Yes, the body is capable of self-cleaning. But people drink little water, and it is extremely necessary for regular cleansing. And while the toxins cannot be removed, the body distributes them away from vital organs. And in order to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the tissues, additional amounts of water are sent here.

Once you understand the topic of removing toxins, you will get rid of the problem of puffiness.

Here you can read more about the stages of toxin accumulation and the symptoms that accompany this process. And most importantly, you will understand how to solve this problem.

4. Low activity at the household level

This may come as a revelation to you, but it is not at all necessary to go to the gym 3-4 times a week to lose weight and be in good shape.

During training, a negligible amount of calories is burned. This is why many people’s favorite “I ate a cake, I’ll work in training” does NOT work. Training helps make the body more functional, flexible, and strengthens the muscle corset. But for weight loss, your nutrition is MUCH more important.

But general activity during the day is very important and necessary!

“Fats burn” when you move, do cleaning, do laundry, bend over to your child a hundred times a day, etc.

This is what you need to pay attention to: walking, taking the stairs rather than taking the elevator, and deliberately increasing household activity by any means.

5. Poor sleep, stress

Yes, they talk about this a lot. And you probably understand that stressed women often tend to binge on food or drink alcohol (you need to give pleasure to your loved one). And we have no time to sleep at all - home, family, work.

The quality of sleep is affected by insufficient rest during the week, month, or year. Too much responsibility at work, when thoughts are all about her and about her.

But it can also be triggered by general intoxication and contamination of the body, or the presence of parasites. And again we return to the need to cleanse the body for weight loss and health.

What is body cleansing and why do it?

Throughout our lives, our body cannot help but be exposed to negative influences from the outside. Because of this, various toxins and waste accumulate, metabolic processes deteriorate, and other health problems are observed. This can also be the reason that a person cannot lose weight, no matter how hard he tries.

That is why, before losing weight, the body is cleansed, that is, those wastes, toxins, and excess fluid are removed.

This cleaning brings great benefits:

  1. You will notice a general improvement in your condition - you will have fewer headaches, you will become more active, and you will enjoy life more.
  2. The condition of the skin will improve, the number of pimples and blackheads will be significantly reduced.
  3. Digestion is normalized.
  4. You will be able to lose weight more easily, get rid of the toxins accumulated over many years, and there can be a lot of them, in some cases - up to ten or even twenty kilograms.
  5. The body is immediately rejuvenated, and the aging process of cells slows down.

Before going on a diet, such cleansing is mandatory. It’s not just about getting rid of the “dirt” of toxins that has accumulated in the body in the form of extra pounds.

There are other reasons:

  1. Fat is also a defense against toxins . As long as there is a risk of their penetration, the layer of fat will not go away. But once this risk is reduced, the body begins to cleanse itself.
  2. Fluid retention is another problem that needs to be dealt with . In some cases, this occurs due to heart disease, kidney disease, and hormonal disorders. In other cases, the cause of fluid accumulation is a violation of the water-salt balance when a person drinks too little water.

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If you do not take into account all these features of the body and do not cleanse before losing weight, then even the most thoughtful diet is unlikely to help.

Expert comment:

“Cleansing the body is one of the main conditions for healthy weight loss.
This is largely due to food containing many harmful substances, which the body cannot cleanse on its own. First of all, the intestines must undergo cleansing. The condition of the intestines is reflected in the skin; after cleansing it, many skin problems disappear or decrease (such as acne, various irritations and redness, excessively oily or dry skin), complexion improves, and the skin becomes clearer. Well-being improves, vigor and lightness appear. The absorption of nutrients from food improves, as a result of which appetite decreases and body weight begins to decrease.

Such seemingly unrelated intestinal problems as migraines, difficulty breathing, and some heart diseases often go away or decrease. All this contributes to healthy well-being, and, accordingly, healthy weight loss. After all, mood and self-love are one of the important indicators when losing weight.”

Knyazeva Elena, certified nutritionist, Poltava

Excess weight and toxins in the intestines

Slag deposits on the intestinal walls appear, most often, due to overeating and eating unhealthy foods. Various synthetic additives contained in food and the wrong combination of products create such a load on the stomach and intestines that they cease to cope with their main functions: breakdown, absorption, excretion. Due to the accumulation of this gastronomic garbage, all systems of the body suffer, and excess weight is formed. The benefits of colon cleansing are obvious:

  • High immunity
  • Clear functioning of the digestive organs
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • Healthy hair
  • Clean skin
  • Lack of excess weight.

cleansing and weight loss

According to medical data, waste can weigh 0.5 to 10 kilograms. By cleansing the intestines, a person becomes not only healthier, but also slimmer.

How to properly cleanse the body - preparation for cleansing

Cleansing the body is a serious procedure that must be carried out carefully and with understanding of your actions. Otherwise, you may not only not get the desired result, but also harm yourself.

Carefully study these cleaning rules, they will help you achieve your goal:

  1. It is necessary to drink more liquid, since with the help of water it is already possible to cleanse the body for weight loss at home, because it dissolves harmful substances well.
  2. Your diet should be complete.
  3. Cleaning should be approached positively.
  4. Plan your cleansing in advance.
  5. You need to start cleansing from the intestines.

Important! Cleansing can only begin after visiting your doctor. It would not be superfluous to consult a nutritionist, and when cleaning the kidneys, a nephrologist.

Although the procedure has a positive effect, it is not suitable for all people:

  1. Thus, cleansing is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as for chronic heart disease, oncology, kidney or liver failure, stomach ulcers, exacerbation of chronic diseases and a number of other diseases.
  2. If your body is severely weakened , then it is also not recommended to undermine its condition by cleaning.
  3. And also you cannot start cleansing without appropriate preparation . First of all, this concerns diet. It is necessary to remove from it everything that leads to the accumulation of toxins. Otherwise, you will not achieve anything, and after cleansing, the body will become “contaminated” again. Products that should be excluded from your diet for a while: meat, fish, flour, sweets, dairy products.

Another important step on the path to cleansing will be warming and softening procedures. To warm up in this way, you need to take a hot bath for a week, but its duration should be a maximum of twenty to thirty minutes. If it is not possible to lie in the bath, take a shower or go to the bathhouse. After your bath, rinse with cold water.

Massage and physical activity, for example, gymnastics or dancing, will also help greatly.

Getting rid of excess liquid

A set of cleansing procedures should begin with the removal of excess liquid. This can be done with the help of diuretics.

Herbs can be used individually or in collections, composing them in such a way as to maximize their effectiveness.

Vegetables, berries and fruits will help a lot, especially:

  • Tomatoes.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Beet.
  • Cranberry.
  • Grape.
  • Watermelon.
  • Melon.

fresh juices and green tea are also great .

There are recipes for ginger drinks to cleanse the body for weight loss at home, for example, this one:

  1. Grate the ginger root, then add 1 liter of water and boil.
  2. Leave for several hours.
  3. Squeeze two lemons and add their juice.
  4. Drink 200 ml of this drink before each meal.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this cleaning has a number of contraindications.

Attention! Cleansing using diuretics is contraindicated in case of chronic kidney disease, as well as intolerance to herbs or products used for cleansing.

And also you cannot cleanse the body for more than ten days, and even if you were not able to achieve the desired result, then take a break before repeating the course. To be on the safe side, it is better to consult your doctor first to find out exactly how best to clean.

Recipes for cleansing the body for weight loss

We restore order in the liver, kidneys and blood vessels

The main goal of cleansing the liver is to remove sand and stones from it. For this purpose, first of all, they remove from the diet what causes toxins to form. This includes smoked, salted foods, everything fried and fatty .

Porridges such as rice and buckwheat cleanse the liver well. Rice has a beneficial effect not only on the liver, but also on the entire body and flushes the kidneys. You stop suffering from edema, your metabolism normalizes.

with buckwheat will be even more effective .

Important! Cleansing the liver with buckwheat can only be done if you do not have large stones there.

Buckwheat cleansing should be carried out for ten days as follows:

  1. In the evening, brew 30 g. buckwheat, for this use a quarter liter of water or kefir.
  2. Before use in the morning, add one teaspoon of honey, stir and eat the resulting mixture.
  3. Then drink green tea.
  4. Next time you can eat in two hours.

A good remedy would be rosehip decoction , unless you have individual intolerance. For one liter of water, take three to four tablespoons of fruit, let the broth sit overnight, then drink as you would regular tea.

In order to improve the functioning of the kidneys and blood vessels, a proper diet is also important. Try to reduce the amount of salt, do not eat flour, fried and fatty foods, and completely eliminate alcohol. Eat meat only two to three times a week.

For three weeks, drink herbal teas made from the following ingredients:

  1. Knotweed.
  2. St. John's wort.
  3. Oregano.
  4. Melissa.
  5. Sage.

a drop of fir oil to such decoctions .

Advice: when adding fir oil to decoctions, drink them through a straw, otherwise tooth enamel may be damaged.

One of the gentlest and most effective ways to cleanse blood vessels is cleansing with walnuts . All consequences of clogged blood vessels are removed, blood pressure is normalized, and headaches go away.

To do this, dry 1.5 kg of nuts in the oven at a temperature of 50–70 degrees, then chop. Store in an airtight container. You can add 1 glass of honey or the juice of 1 lemon, but then you need to keep the mixture in the refrigerator. The course lasts two months. Eat one tablespoon half an hour before breakfast and dinner.

Colon cleansing - raw pumpkin, rice, medicinal herbs

The colon can be cleansed in a variety of ways, such as raw pumpkin, rice, or herbs.

Pumpkin contains a huge amount of useful elements, so this product helps improve metabolism and prevents fat accumulation. In addition, raw pumpkin is a low-calorie product, which means it is perfect for dietary nutrition.

You can cook a variety of dishes with pumpkin, but the best are salads with raw pulp or just snacking on fresh slices.

Another option is pumpkin juice , and it cleanses very gently, and you can drink it even if you have stones. To do this, you need to drink 200 ml of this drink for three weeks.

Pumpkin seeds will also be beneficial , especially in the presence of helminths.

Important! Pumpkin seeds have more calories than pumpkin pulp, so you need to eat them little by little.

The following herbs gently cleanse the intestines: flax, dandelion, nettle, elderberry, plantain, rhubarb, sedative herbs .

Cleaning rice is a rather long but effective method that has no contraindications.

You will need soaked or cooked rice, preferably long grain:

  1. To prepare, cover twenty tablespoons of rice with water, then rinse the grains, then add water again and leave to soak in the refrigerator or other cold place.
  2. Every day, wash the rice again and change the water, and so on for five days.
  3. Then cook the rice, but without salt and other additives, divide it into five servings.
  4. On the sixth day, eat the first serving in the morning on an empty stomach. Remember that you can’t eat anything for four hours afterwards.

On the same day, pour in the next twenty spoons of rice, so that after five days of taking it, you will already have soaked rice ready when the previous one ends, because the entire course of intake should be forty days.

Important! Clean with rice no more than twice a year.

Proven folk methods of cleansing the body

Activated carbon is perfect for cleansing the body of everything unnecessary . Among all drugs, it is the safest.

Attention! Despite the fact that activated carbon is the safest remedy, you cannot overdo it with it, otherwise, in addition to harmful substances, it will also remove useful ones.

To cleanse the body at home, drink activated charcoal twice a day for two weeks. You need to take it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Remember to drink plenty of water (at least two liters a day) .

You can use oat decoction , it will be especially useful for smokers, as it removes nicotine.

Prepare this oatmeal jelly:

  1. Take 200 g of thoroughly washed grains and add 600–700 ml of water.
  2. Boil and keep on low heat for 40 minutes.
  3. Filter and drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course should last one and a half weeks.

Another cleaning method is using salt , any kind. A tablespoon of salt should be dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. This volume must be drunk within an hour, and after each glass of salty liquid, you must bend over and turn around so that the water moves through the esophagus. Then you need to drink a glass of plain water and repeat all these steps.

How to quickly cleanse your colon with three juices

Apple, lemon and ginger juice for colon cleansing

You will need:

  • Cup;
  • Spoon;
  • 100 ml of clean warm water;
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt;
  • 100% natural apple juice – 100 ml;
  • Ginger juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons.

To begin, place 100 ml of purified water in a saucepan and heat it. As soon as the water becomes warm, pour it into a glass. Then add 1/2 teaspoon sea salt and stir. Sea salt will help release toxins and improve digestion.

Now add apple juice, ginger juice and fresh lemon juice until the glass is completely filled and stir everything together. FYI, research shows that people who ate one apple every day had significantly fewer doctor visits and took fewer medications (18).

Ginger is a wonderful remedy because it reduces bloating by stimulating colon emptying and clearing away harmful waste and toxins.

Lemon juice helps with digestion, detoxification, and is high in vitamin C, making it an excellent antioxidant.

Cleansing procedure

Drink this remedy first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Then drink this mixture again before a light lunch, preferably steamed vegetables and baked salmon, and again in the middle of the day.

Drink 6-8 glasses of room temperature water throughout the day. It's best to slow down your fluid intake after 5 pm so you don't have to wake up during the night to go to the bathroom.


Doing this type of colon cleanse shouldn't present any problems; however, it is always a good idea to consult with your doctor before beginning the procedure if you are pregnant, have a medical condition, have allergies, or are taking any medications.

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